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Volunteers needed for the
Open Water Conference 

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Next weekend Friday through Sunday 18-20 March, Pacific Masters along with United States Masters Swimming are hosting the most important safety conference for open water swimming that has been held in years - Protecting the Athletes: Open Water Safety Conference.


Discussions will be held on many safety topics that affect the open water swimmer whether he swims in the ocean, bay, river or lake.


We need a few volunteers to help at the meet. A couple of volunteers are needed on Friday and Saturday to help with registration; We will also need a couple of volunteers to take notes during each the different sessions and case studies.


 If you are able to help us out at the conference it would be greatly appreciated and a great help to the open water sport as we make more safe the venue for the swimmers. Please contact me at chairman@mwmoore.org if you are able to help.


Thank you for your consideration.


Kind regards,


Michael Moore, chairman
Pacific Masters Swimming