2010 PacMasters Logo
Pacific Masters Swimming
Coaches Bulletin
November 24, 2011

Pacific Masters Swimming is very interested in developing more and different open water swims. Currently, US Masters Swimming has five championship open water swims.  In Pacific Masters, we now have swims that cover three of those championship distances.  We'd like to develop and offer two more, a 10K and a Cable swim.

The 10K swim will probably take some time to figure out and it may not be one we would want to run every year. Location plays a big part in this swim. As many swimmers don't want to do the same loop more than two times, we need lots of water! Think Lake Berryessa or Whiskeytown Lake.

The cable swim actually has swimmers racing along a cable in the water.  Existing "crew" courses could be used for this.

With the addition of these two swims, Pacific Masters can put in a bid for any/all of the current USMS championship distances. 

This past open water season, we had our first 5K swim. We would like to develop an additional 5K swim. 

We are looking for clubs or teams that may be interested in hosting or helping develop these additions to our open water offerings. We are always happy to talk to any club that would like to put on an open water swim for any distance from 500 yards on up!  If you or your club is interested in hosting or developing an open water event, please contact me at ggcarroll@sbcglobal.net.

Glenda Carroll
Open Water Chair

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Sent by:
Cokie Lepinski
Coaches Chair - Pacific Masters
email: coaches@pacificmasters.org