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Messages by Fran Asaro


Hello !


appleI often work with clients on time management skills. Me, the one who is often if not always late and who tries to fit a 10 pound sack of potatoes into a 5 pound bag. I'm the one teaching time management. I know HOW to manage my time mind you, but I don't always practice what I preach. And you know what? It's OK! 


I like to say that time management is something you want to know. Then practice it when you can, want or need to. Being able to say to yourself in a crunch, 'wait, I know what to do' is a great feeling. That's when I soar at time management. When I find it important to do so.


So, one of the most important things to learn about managing yourself in a day would be NOT to bite off more than you can chew. How many of us make a list a mile long each day and are disappointed when we don't get it done? Then we have to rewrite our list for the next day and we spend more time with our list than we need to.  


I have a suggestion Try biting off LESS than you can chew. Sounds strange I know. Take time the night before to make your to do list. This way you are not emotionally involved in a chaotic day and can create from a priority standpoint. When you make your list, put no more than 3-5 things on it. Yes I am serious. You see, we really need to set ourselves up to WIN. Winning feels good. We need to feel good. When we don't finish up our list, somewhere in our head we feel we've failed. With this new way, when you have completed your tasks you have WON and you can either call it day or you can add more to your list to set yourself up for even more WINS. Your choice.


Time management isn't supposed to hurt . It's supposed to make life easier. So why do so many people resist it? Because we feel under the gun to perform and lack of freedom when it gets too rigid. Consider biting off less than you can chew and creating a time management plan that works in your favor, and doesn't feel like a punishment.


Here's to smaller bites  




Do you need help taking smaller bites ? 
Call me I can help
For more information about
Fran Asaro and Thrive Any Way

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