National Coalition of Girls' Schools Newsletter
Miss Hall's Hosting Philanthropic Round Table
Harpeth Hall's Center for STEM Education for Girls Offering 3D Spatial Skills Workshops
NCGS Student Delegates Report on 2016 Student Leadership Conference in Australia
Research Reports About Gender Gap & Stereotypes


The National Coalition of Girls' Schools (NCGS) is a leading advocate for girls' education with a distinct commitment to the transformative power of all-girls schools. The Coalition acts at the forefront of educational thought, collaborating and connecting globally with individuals, schools, and organizations dedicated to empowering girls to be influential contributors to the world.
Center for the Advancement of Girls at The Agnes Irwin School and Bryn Mawr College


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February 5, 2016

Dear NCGS Community,

This weekend NCGS will convene 950 educators, researchers, and advocates from 24 countries for the first-ever Global Forum on Girls' Education, Creating a World of Possibilities!
Can't be with us in New York? We invite you to connect to all the action. Follow the Global Forum conversations and captured moments on Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr. The primary hashtag is #GlobalGirlsEd. A team of NCGS social media "correspondents" will keep you posted on the keynote speakers, conference sessions, and inspiring conversations.
After the close of the conference, a selection of Global Forum presentation materials will be made available on We are sure you will find informative and helpful ideas you can implement on your own campuses among the diverse array of handouts.
For those of you who will be with us in person, we look forward to seeing you in New York City!
Best wishes,
Megan Murphy 
Executive Director

Miss Hall's Hosting Philanthropic Round Table

Miss Hall's School is holding its 20th Annual Philanthropic Round Table on Women and Philanthropy on April 7, 2016, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m at The Cornell Club in New York. This year's theme, Vision 20/20 celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Philanthropic Round Table (PRT) with perspectives on women's philanthropy - past, present, and future.
The PRT was established in 1997 to raise the level of discourse on women and philanthropy. Held annually in New York, PRT convenes men and women who have deep and broad personal experience in philanthropy for a conversation to share their expertise and insights.
Click here for more information including a list of panelists and to register.

Harpeth Hall's Center for STEM Education for Girls Offering 3D Spatial Skills Workshops

The Center for STEM Education for Girls at Harpeth Hall is continuing to partner with Dr. Sheryl Sorby to provide a series of 3D Spatial Skills Workshops. Dr. Sorby is a professor in the Engineering Education and Innovation Center at The Ohio State University and a Professor Emerita of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics at Michigan Technological University.
The workshops include two main elements:
  • A review of the relevant research findings regarding the impact of spatial skills training for improved STEM outcomes.
  • Hands-on instruction with the curriculum developed by Dr. Sorby that is designed to help students develop their 3D spatial skills.
Participants will learn key strategies for helping their students develop their 3D spatial skills. These strategies can be readily implemented in K12 and university classrooms to help students, especially females, improve their 3D spatial skills.
Three sessions are scheduled for spring 2016: 
  • April 28-29: Western Washington University. The registration deadline is April 21. Click here for details.

NCGS Student Delegates Report on 2016 Student Leadership Conference in Australia

Dayla Williams and Marine Yamada, juniors at the Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women and the Archer School for Girls, respectively, recently participated in the 2016 Student Leadership Conference hosted by the Alliance of Girls' Schools Australasia.
Dayla and Marine were joined by 160 high school girls from around the world. "We listened to founders of non-profit organizations, political and social activists, voice actors, self-help gurus, and more. Each one of our speakers gave me valuable information on how to maintain a balance between taking care of yourself and others, how to pursue your dreams when those around you are unsupportive, and how to pick yourself up after failing countless times," said Marine.

Making new friends and practicing valuable leadership skills were some of the many takeaways the girls received from this experience. Dayla described the enormous support she felt at the conference: "Everyone was so accepting of who I was, and it was refreshing to be in a place where I wasn't just known by my ethnicity or my height; for once, I was seen as Dayla."
Both Dayla and Marine said the conference will have a lasting impact on their growth as leaders. "This conference made me more determined than ever before to make positive change in my school and in the greater community," Marine said.  Dayla agreed: "I am not going to forget the strong and talented girls I had the pleasure to meet. I'm never going to forget my conversations with my squad members, who are some of the brightest people I have ever met. And I'm definitely not going to forget the positive energy I was met with everyday while I was at the conference, and I hope that I can bring that same energy to my school."
NCGS strategic partner the Alliance of Girls' Schools Australasia graciously waived the registration fees and NCGS provided Dayla and Marine with $1,000 scholarships to offset a portion of the travel costs.

Research Reports About Gender Gap & Stereotypes

How does our work in girls' schools help close the gender gap? What's the impact of gender stereotypes on career aspirations? 
Hi-res NCGS Logo
How are girls impacted by conflicting career messages and gender inequality in the media?
Find answers to these questions and more on the NCGS website in our new Research Reports section, an online archive of studies related to girls' schools, education, and healthy development from the past 15 years. Reports are grouped by 14 different topic areas, including over ten reports related to how girls are effected by the Gender Gap & Stereotypes.

Click here to take advantage of this free resource.