PCCU Newsletter
 Holiday Closings


  Memorial Day  

We will be closed

Monday, May 27

in honor of Memorial Day. 




Staff Become Stars

PCCU recently recorded four commercials to run on local cable to further spread the word out about our Money Makeover Challenge. 
Our staff have truly become stars in the community as they get stopped while grocery shopping, at the post office and even at school when volunteering for JA.  
We know not everyone takes local cable so we thought we'd share the videos here for you all to enjoy. 
A BIG thank you to the staff for their willingness to participate.
Click on the images below to watch the commercials.


  Marta Tv


Staff TV 1  

Melissa TV 




 Staff TV 2




College Plans?


college- triplets  


What are your plans to pay for their college? 
Well in case things happened that took the plan off course, no worries!  PCCU offers Sallie Mae loans with the added convenience of walking into your local PCCU branch.  Let us help you!

May 2013 Newsletter


PCCU's 81st Annual Meeting

Over 200 members came out to enjoy a relaxing evening with friends, family and neighbors. The meal was delicious, the entertainment was amusing and there were cheers from kids and adults alike for the door prizes. 


Brandi Hoffenbacher, recently promoted to Loan Officer at our Richmond branch, put her culinary talents to work.  Brandi and her husband Billy catered a full course meal with pulled pork sandwiches, amazing pasta salad, 7 varieties of fruit, vege trays, cookies, brownies and more.  


Sam Bartlett of Stuntology amazed us with stunts from every day items.  He even got the crowd involved with tricks to aggravate...err sharpen the mind.


Several staff were recognized as well. 


5 years     Claudia of Hagerstown, Teller

5 years     JJ of Richmond, Senior Teller

10 years   Tom, VP Member Service

20 years   Amy, Hagerstown Branch Manager  


Marcie Pope was also recognized for over 20 years of service on the PCCU Board of Directors.  Marcie is a true leader of the cooperative spirit and has made a valuable impact towards the credit union movement. A quilt was presented to Marcie as a token of our appreciation for her many years of service. (Quilt made by PCCU member Cindy Swardenski of Modoc.) 
We'll miss you Marcie!


The following candidates were elected to serve as volunteers to PCCU:


Board of Directors

Term expiring 2014 - Josie Seybold

Term expiring 2014 - Kevin Hilbert

Term expiring 2015 - Clint Hardin

Term expiring 2016 - Mary Russell

Term expiring 2016 - Tony Foster II


Supervisory Committee

Term expiring 2016 - Karen Ferriell

Term expiring 2014 - Michele Curry


The evening finished with the following door prizes being awarded:


Snow cone maker set, three $10 itunes gift cards, outdoor 5-game set
kite,  $20 Chuck e Cheese gift card, Life of Pi dvd, slip-n-slide, lava lamp, three kites, $25 AMC Theatre gift card, Wreck it Ralph dvd,
$25 Toys R Us gift card, soccer ball, bean bag chair, and a $10 Steak N Shake gift card



4 piece Corning Ware dish set, 6 hanging flower baskets, $25 Applebee's gift card, ultimate outdoor game set, family tent, $25 Kohl's gift card, Keurig maker, $25 Amazon gift card, 10 piece non-stick cookware set, $25 itunes gift card, cooler on wheels, $25 TJ Maxx gift card, bird feeder and seed, $15 Starbucks gift card, couples lawn chairs, $20 Home Improvement Store gift card, portable crockpot, $25 Chilis gift card, Kitchen-Aid mixer, and a Gas Grill with side burner  


Thank you to all of our members as well as our staff and their families for attending our 81st Annual Meeting of the Membership.






Money Makeover Logo  
Members are continuing to seek out lower loan rates, payments and overall interest paid on a loan. PCCU is also seeing strong membership growth from the community hearing about our Money Makeover Challenge.  Thank you to all of our members who are sharing the good news with friends and family. We continue to hear amazing stories of how these savings are impacting lives. 


How can we help you or someone you know? 


If you're paying more than 3% on your auto loan, personal loan or mortgage then we should talk!  And don't forget those credit cards. The savings you'll see by consolidating those into one low-rate credit card can be pretty substantial!


Refinance Personal Loan


Refinance Auto Loan


Refinance Credit Card


Refinance Mortgage - Call one of our Mortgage Specialists

 amy        josh        Melissa

  Amy                                  Josh                              Melissa   

  Hagerstown                      New Castle                   Richmond

  489-4571                          521-2215                      965-7400



Hagerstown (main office)            Richmond                   New Castle                    Online
631 E Main Street                       77 S. 37th Street        2306 S. Memorial Dr.      www.pccu.com
765.489.4571                             765.965.7400             765.521.2215
*This institution is not federally insured.

Friends don't let friends bank anywhere but PCCU. 
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