
The PULSE of Perspectives

Perspectives Counseling Centers Newsletter

December 2012

In This Issue
Our Groups & Workshops
The Gift of Presence
Groups & Workshops





Social Skills
Hands on learning as they practice valuable social skills needed to function in society. 

Focuses on ways to decrease anger outbursts and manage emotions effectively.  


Teach important skills to help children cope with their anxiety.  





For teens who struggle with depression, anxiety and self-destructive behaviors.


Cutting EDGE

Helping teens overcome the urge for self-injurious behavior.



Focusing on increasing all aspects of self-esteem for girls presented in a fun "girl empowerment" workshop.



Teen anger management program to learn about anger styles, ways to decrease anger outbursts and manage  emotions effectively.





The Young Women's EDGE

For young adult females who struggle with self-destructive behaviors. 


Breaking Free from


Learn to assertively communicate wants, needs, thoughts & feelings; skillfully manage conflict.


The HEART of Marriage

Have a stronger, healthier, more satisfying & fulfilling marriage.


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Greetings! Perspectives Counseling Centers


Happy December!!  


As we get ready to wind down 2012, remember that many of our most popular groups & workshops are beginning again in January 2013. 


The Cutting EDGE, Social Skills for Children, Young Women's EDGE, Anger EDGE and Self-Esteem EDGE for Girls groups are all getting ready to run.  If you or anyone you know could benefit from our groups, make sure to call us to reserve a spot!


The HEART of Marriage still has openings for the February 8-9, 2013 workshop.  Breaking Free from Co-dependency workshop will run on schedule in March.  Call us with your questions to aid in your referrals!


Maria Elena Dionisio, LMSW has written a timely article on Presence... not presents.  How often we forget to just be present in the moments that count. 


 Perspectives Counseling Centers

The Gift of Presence,  by Maria Elena Dionisio, LMSW
Amid the hustle and bustle of the season, it helps to inject some quiet moments into our daily routine.  
It is easy to get overwhelmed with our unending personal and professional to-do lists.  But how can we experience peace in the midst of the business and busyness of our daily lives?  One way is through practicing "presence".

We can access presence at any moment, while preparing a meal, reading a book to a child or strolling down the street.  Begin by simply paying attention to what you are doing and executing it with purpose.

When we are not present, we are not fully showing up for the individuals and events that matter most to us. Our thoughts may be stuck in the past, holding on to regrets or consumed with worry about the future.  If we are not happy with our present circumstances, it does not serve us to dwell on the mistakes of the past.  The point of power to change anything for the better is in the present moment.

When you find yourself anxious about the future or repeatedly reviewing the past, it is time to come back to the present.  Being here now enhances our contentment. I know that when I am present, I am more appreciative of who and what I have around me.

Here are three simple ways to practice presence--not only during this holiday season, but all year long:

~  Go for a walk and take notice of what you hear, see and smell.

~ Observe children at play; they are true masters of presence.

Take three deep breaths with eyes closed, drawing your breath deep into your belly and prolonging each exhale.

Wishing you and yours the gift of the present moment.

If you would like assistance with living in the present, 
letting go of the past and allowing your brightest future,
please contact us at

You Need Not Walk Alone


Thank you for your continued trust and confidence!


 Perspectives Counseling Centers