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The Thomist
4 March 2016
Laetare Sunday
In This Week's Issue
Last Week's Sermon

The Third Sunday of Lent
The Third Sunday of Lent

To see more sermons and services, go to our YouTube page!
This Sunday at the Parish

Joshua 5:9-12
Psalm 32
I Corinthians 10:1-13
St. Luke 13:1-9

Canon Ian Elliott Davies

Dea. Walter S. Johnson

Mr. Jeffrey Parola

Improvisation on 'Gopsal'
by Jeffrey Parola
(b. 1979)

'Behold the Lamb of God' from Messiah
by G.F. Handel (1685-1759)

There are no organ postludes in Lent, which is symbolic of the abstinence of the Season. At the end of the High Mass Liturgy, you are invited to meditate in silence, in prayer and contemplation. 

"Rejoice, the Lord is King"

"Oft in danger, oft in woe"

"Jesu, meek and lowly"

"The King of love my shepherd is"
Today in
Christian History

On this day in 1583 Bernard Gilpin, the English clergyman whose ministry in neglected sections of Northumberland and Yorkshire earned him the title "Apostle of the North" died at the age of 66.
Ongoing Ministries Calendar

12 March - 7:30am
Homeless Breakfast & Outreach

16 March - 7:30pm
Vestry Meeting

19 March - 10:30am
Newcomer Orientation

26 March - 7:30am
Homeless Breakfast & Outreach

23 April - 5:00pm
LASchola accompanies the Latin Vigil Mass
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We all suffer for each other, and gain by each others' suffering; for man never stands alone here, though he will stand alone hereafter; but here he is a social being, and goes forward to his long home as one of a large company.

Bl. John Cardinal Henry Newman

Welcome to The Thomist, St. Thomas the Apostle, Hollywood's award-winning eNewsletter. 
Easter Flowers

Easter Lily
If you would like to contribute toward the cost of the Easter flowers and decorations, please either (1) fill out the form inserted in Sunday's Order of Service and return it with your donation to the offering plate or Parish Office or (2) click on the "donate" button below by Sunday, 20 March. If you choose to donate online, please email the Parish office with your dedication ("in memory of..." or "in thanksgiving for...")
Lenten Study Course

The Lenten Study Course continues on Sundays at 9:10am following the Low Mass.We are using the popular book I Pray in Poems: Meditations on Poetry and Faith by Dave Worster. 
Stations of the Cross 

Fridays during Lent following the 7pm Mass, join us for Stations of the Cross. All are welcome to this seasonally penitential service. 

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross

"Could ye not watch with me one hour?"

The sign-up sheet for the all-night vigil of prayer before the Altar of Repose on Maundy Thursday, 24 March, is available at the back of the church. The Vigil will take place in the St. Damien Chapel from the end of the Maundy Thursday liturgy to Friday at 7:30am with a meditation on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary and Office of the Triduum. Various books and icons will be available for Watchers. All Parishioners are strongly encouraged to participate.
Holy Week & Easter Schedule

Holy Week Guest Preachers
Monday - The Rev. Fr. Nate Katz
Tuesday - The Rev. Fr. Vincent Schwann
Wednesday - Ms. Brit Bjurstrom

20 March - Palm Sunday
7:30am Morning Prayer
8:00am Low Mass with Blessing of Palms
9:30am Holy Rosary
10:30am High Mass with Procession & Blessing of Palms
4:00pm Evening Prayer

21-23 March - Monday through Wednesday of Holy Week
7:30am Morning Prayer
6:00pm Confessions
6:30pm Evening Prayer
7:00pm Low Mass with Sermon followed by a light soup supper
in the Rectory

24 March - Maundy Thursday
7:30am Morning Prayer
6:30pm Office of the Triduum
7:30pm Mass of the Institution of the Lord's Supper, Mandatum,
Stripping of the Altar, and All-Night Vigil Before the Blessed Sacrament in the St. Damien Chapel

25 March - Good Friday
7:30am Meditation on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy
Rosary followed by the Office of the Triduum
12:00pm Stations of the Cross followed by Holy Rosary
6:30pm Office of the Triduum
7:30pm Mass of the Pre-Sanctified & Veneration of the C

26 March - Holy Saturday

7:30pm Pontifical High Mass of the Vigil of the Most Holy Feastof the Resurrection with Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce

27 March - Easter Day
7:30am Morning Prayer
8:00am High Mass of the Most Holy Feast of the Resurrection
9:45am Holy Rosary
10:30am High Mass of the Most Holy Feast of the Resurrection
4:30pm Evening Prayer
The Episcopal News Weekly

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St. Thomas the Apostle, Hollywood is an Episcopal Parish in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. 

Come to St. Thomas just as you are: A child of God and an inheritor of God's grace!