2 May 2014


St. Thomas the Apostle is an Episcopal Parish in the Anglo-Catholic tradition.  We are called by God to be a holy place where love is found, where all are named and where hearts are freed to change the world.


St. Thomas has a great respect for both the rich liturgical heritage of the church and for living the message of social justice proclaimed by Jesus Christ. Whether you are young or old, gay or straight, single, married or in a relationship, female or male, poor or wealthy, you are welcome at St. Thomas just as you are...a child of God and an inheritor of God's grace.



The Second Sunday of Easter
The Second Sunday of Easter


To view more sermons, go to our 

St. Thomas YouTube page!!!

Capital Campaign
We're More Than Half-Way There!
This week the Capital Campaign surpassed the half-way mark toward our challenging goal of $730,000. Our fellow parishioners have submitted 54 pledges totaling $365,800! That is inspiring generosity.

The campaign, "Claiming Our Heritage-Building Our Future" will be funding important capital projects around the church. Those projects include restoring and completing our memorial organ; stabilizing our beautiful stained glass windows; replacing the heating in the church with units that will provide more efficient heating and include air conditioning; upgrading our campus security including architectural gating; and upgrading our kitchen that plays such an important role in our outreach and community building.

If you've not already pledged, your commitment is important. Please contact the church office and we'll arrange for a capital campaign volunteer to contact you. All of us need to pledge generously from the resources God has given us.
CLICK HERE to download 
a Capital Campaign pledge card. 


Watch the Capital Campaign Address, which was delivered by Leslie Kaplan.
Capital Campaign Address
Capital Campaign Address
Watch a special video outlining the history of St. Thomas complete with historical photographs.
St  Thomas 100 Years in Hollywood
St Thomas 100 Years in Hollywood
Watch the Capital Campaign Address, which was delivered by John Schleif.
Capital Campaign Address
Capital Campaign Address
Watch the video below for more information presented by Robert Patrick and featuring Fr. Ian Elliott Davies and Michael Ensign! 
St. Thomas Capital Campaign - Claiming Our Heritage, Building Our Future
St. Thomas Capital Campaign
Claiming Our Heritage, Building Our Future

Tickets Now Available for Julian Sands Performing Pinter


CLICK HERE for tickets! On Saturday, 31 May at 7:30pm Julian Sands will perform "A Celebration of Harold Pinter" as a benefit for the St. Thomas Capital Campaign. Originally a memorial to Pinter presented by Julian at St. Thomas shortly after Pinter's death, it went on to become a highly acclaimed theatre piece, directed by John Malkovich, and performed at the Edinburgh Festival and later in New York City. A limited number of $250 VIP tickets, which include best seating and pre-show Q&A with Julian Sands in the Rectory Garden, are available. $100 premium seating & $50 general admission tickets are also available ($25 for seniors and students). All tickets include post-show reception and valet parking. All proceeds will go to the Capital Campaign. Please help make this event a success. We send our many thanks to Julian. 

The Guibord Center - Religion Inside Out invites you to attend Islamic Sacred Texts - Sacred Texts in Sacred Spaces  
You are invited to experience Islam's sacred space and scripture. The event will take place in the prayer hall of the Islamic Center of Southern California on May 4th from 2 to 4 pm.

Prepare to be enchanted by an echoing call to prayer and melodic recitations from the Quran followed by a discussion of the major themes of Islam's sacred text.

Please do dress modestly as there will also be an opportunity to join in rank in Muslim prayer for those who feel so inspired.

More About Islamic Sacred Texts - Sacred Texts in Sacred Spaces
All events presented by The Guibord Center are free, and all are invited to attend. Donations are gratefully accepted and help to continue this important work. Your RSVP assists us in planning hospitality for the event. If you are bringing guests, please include their names in the comments section of the RSVP form found HERE

This event will be held at:
The Islamic Center of Southern California
434 S Vermont Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90020 
In This Issue
Capital Campaign
Julian Sands Performing Pinter
The Guibord Center
Mass Cancellations
Coming Soon...
Quick Links
The Third Sunday of Easter



Acts 2:14a, 36-41
Psalm 116:1-7
I St. Peter 1:17-23
St. Luke 24:13-35

Celebrant & Preacher

Fr. Ian Elliott Davies



Dea. Walter S. Johnson

Choir Master
Mr. Jim Keltner



Mr. Jeffrey Parola
Sunday's Music



Christ lag in Todesbanden
by Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow

Offertory Anthem

"O sacrum convivium"
by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi


Prelude in C Major, BWV 553
by J.S. Bach
Upcoming Mass Cancellations


There will be no 7pm Evening Mass on Tuesday & Friday, 6 & 9 May.

On This Day in 
Christian History 


On this day in 373 Church Father St. Athanasius, "the father of Orthodoxy," died. He attended the Council of Nicea, and after becoming bishop of Alexandria, he fought Arianism and won. He was also the first to list the New Testament canonical books as we know them today.

Coming Soon...


Please join us for many Parish activities.  Here's a sampling of upcoming events - a full list is available online 


10 May @ 7:30am

Homeless Feeding & Outreach


17 May @ 10:30am 

Newcomer Orientation Series


21 May @ 7:30pm
Vestry Meeting  
24 May @ 7:30am

Homeless Feeding & Outreach


24 May @ 5:00pm
LASchola sings Latin Vigil Mass


26 May 

Parish Office closed   

23 June @ 10:00am 

County-USC AIDS Clinic Feeding Program 

Parking at St. Thomas


Regardless of what the signs read, parking on Gardner Street is now allowed on Sundays unrestricted between 7am and 1pm. There is no two-hour time limit! If you receive a ticket, please turn it in to the Parish Office.


Please make sure to remit your citation to the Parish Office promptly. The City may not dismiss citations that are more than two weeks late.


Prayer is at the center of our worship and binds us together as a community of faith.  This week we commenced our electronic prayer chain email.  A list of persons on the prayer list is sent weekly.
The prayer chain email is an opt-in list only - it will not be sent unless you sign up for it.  If you'd like to be on this distribution list, please update your profile (please use link at the bottom of the email, customized with your email) or contact the office.
Quick Links

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