Elite Escrow Exclusive
July/August 2015
In This Issue
Different Ways To Hold Title
The way you own your home or your rental property is the way you hold title to that property.   How you choose to hold title is very important because it has many tax and legal consequences during your life time and when the property is transferred to your heirs.  

The comparison below is provided for information only.  It should not be used to determine how to hold title.  We strongly recommend that you seek professional counsel from an attorney and/or CPA to determine the legal and tax consequences of how title is vested.

Feeling Threatened?  
How to Use Your Smartphone as a Weapon 

Real estate can be a dangerous profession, as recent incidents in the news attest, but that smartphone you carry everywhere with you can become one of your greatest weapons in protecting you against danger.

A range of mobile apps are available - some even designed specifically for real estate professionals - that can do everything from instantly alerting others when you're feeling threatened to even automatically accessing your GPS coordinates to request help when you need it most. The apps offer discreet ways to call for help when faced in uncomfortable situations, whether encountering squatters in vacant residences, meeting with strangers in empty homes, or even open houses where you never know who will walk through that door next.

The Art of Emptying Your Bank Account

Cyber thieves are individuals who steal from others using a computer.

Meet Dmitry Naskovets, the con man from Minsk as he explains the art of emptying your bank account.

Nightfall in Minsk means Dmitry Naskovets begins working the phone. At 24, Naskovets is tall and skinny, and still looks like the college kid he recently was. He's in his apartment's kitchen, in a respectable neighborhood off the second ring road in the capital of Belarus. He starts around 6 p.m. and usually doesn't quit until three the next morning.

On this particular winter night in 2009, Naskovets checks the online orders that have come in and sees a routine assignment. A client has tried to buy a MacBook Pro online with a stolen credit card, but American Express blocked the purchase. Now it's Naskovets's job to work it out with Amex.

Read the Full Story Here

Getting To Know Your Escrow Officer:  Liz Carvalho
1.  Where were you born?
Answer:  San Diego (I know boring but I am first generation.  My sisters and parents were all born in Pico, Azores - Portugal)

2.  Any children?  Boys or Girls.  How many?
Answer:  None - 1 dog named Sophie, does that count?  Fur baby!

3. Coke or Pepsi?
Answer: Coke

4.  What's on your ipod/ipad/iphone playlist?
Answer: I listen to all types of music, all types of rock, top 40, country, hip hop, Christian, alternative, 80's


Team Highlight

The Chana Roberts Team

Chana has been a member of the Elite Escrow team since its inception.  Her career began over 30 years ago as a temporary escrow receptionist.  That "temporary" position has grown into a full time, hands-on dedicated profession.

Click HERE to read all about Chana and her amazing team.


Can You Guess the Movies from Seeing The Houses?

Meet the Sales Team

Carol Miller
Becky Ahring
Shanon Leder Jensen
Carol Miller
Becky Ahring
Shanon Leder Jensen
Sydney Phillips
Click HERE to meet your Escrow Team!

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