Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2016
Christmas Eve worship schedule
Saturday in the Sanctuary
Covenant will hold three unique worship services on Christmas Eve.
  • 11 a.m. Children's Worship and Nativity Animals
  • 3 p.m. Music of Appalachia Candlelight Worship
  • 5 p.m. Candlelight Traditional Worship
  • Click here for descriptions of each service.
Our offering will support children at Highland Renaissance Academy in Charlotte; Crossnore Elementary School in western NC; and Tomorrow's Youth Organization, working for peace in the Middle East.

Christmas and New Year's Day worship schedule
One service on each Sunday
  • Christmas Day: single traditional worship service, 10 a.m., Sanctuary
  • New Year's Day: single contemporary worship service, 10 a.m., Sanctuary
Stewardship campaign awaits your support
Thanks to all who have made pledges
As of Tuesday night, pledges for 2017 total $2,414,286, or 86 percent of our goal. If you have not yet pledged, please click here or return a pledge card in worship. 

Update on year-end giving
One week left for your gift to count toward 2016
Did you know that Covenant receives 16 percent of annual contributions in December each year? With a week left, we are in need of $244,200 to meet our giving budget. Please consider a tax-deductible contribution.

* Visit any time to give through debit, credit or online check. Contributions must be complete prior to midnight Dec. 31.

Note on stock gifts: In order to get timely proper credit, please let us know what stock we'll be receiving from you. Brokers send stock electronically to our brokerage accounts without donor identification. If your broker has already made a transfer, please call Virginia Rumbley at 704-804-7576 to confirm.

Text to give: A new way to do your giving
Get started with a few simple steps
Simply text the word "Funds" to 704-312-7616, Covenant's text giving phone number. You will receive a message with a list of available fund names.

You can designate your gift to a specific fund by texting the amount + fund name (example: $50 Christmas Eve Offering).

First time donors are prompted to visit a secure URL to register and provide credit/debit card information. Once completed, you'll receive a confirmation text. The current app is for donations only (not payments for meals, programs, etc.). For questions, contact Virginia Rumbley in the church office.

Rev. Will Willimon to preach at Covenant 
Sunday, Jan. 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

Rev. Willimon, one of America's best known preachers, served as dean of Duke Chapel and professor at Duke for 20 years.

In his new book, Dr. Willimon describes the God who comes to us through so-called outsiders, immigrants and those without status. Christians must become "other" to the world, shaking off the dominant culture's identity and privilege through listening and understanding.

He will speak at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall and also preach in the 11 a.m. sanctuary service..

After-school care provider
Hourly position at Epiphany School
The Epiphany School of Charlotte is hiring for a dedicated after school care provider Mondays to Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m. We offer a relaxed environment where the students are free to socialize, play games or share in their common interests. No tutoring required. This position is hourly, based on student attendance. Average is 2 to 5 students, daily. Experience with Autism/Asperger's special needs desired. Pay is $15 per hour. Contact Erin Morris for details.

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