Covenant Presbyterian Church

Weekend Update

from Bob Henderson        

Friday, Nov. 7, 2014  

Dear friends:


Albert Schweitzer was arguably one of the more brilliant people of the 20th century. An accomplished musician, medical missionary to Africa, and biblical scholar, his work on the historical Jesus continues to contribute even to this day.  


But what was most impressive about Schweitzer was his authenticity, his humility, the uncompromised coherence between his inner convictions and outward expression of faith. In 1953, Schweitzer traveled by train to Chicago to receive the Nobel Prize. He stepped off the train out onto the platform and was immediately recognizable with his bushy hair and big mustache. The cameras were all flashing, and officials were there to greet him with hands outstretched. He thanked them but then asked to be excused for a minute. He ducked through the crowd to the side of an elderly African American woman struggling with two large suitcases. He picked them up, smiled, and escorted her to the bus, helped her get on, and wished her a safe journey. Then Albert Schweitzer turned to the crowd and apologized for keeping them waiting. One member of the reception committee later told a reporter, "That's the first time I ever saw a sermon walking."


This weekend the city of Charlotte will have 500 chances to see a "sermon walking." It will begin with one worship service at 10:30 in the sanctuary. The music will be an outstanding mixture of all of our services, and we'll have a chance to commit ourselves --  our time, talent, and financial resources -- to God's work at Covenant. From there, we'll spread out across Charlotte to 42 projects and become a "sermon walking."


If you've not yet signed up, please come anyway. If you can only come for part of the day, please come anyway. Wear whatever you'd like to the service, including your "sermon walking" clothes. Bring children. Bring friends. Bring the best of yourselves.


I'll be preaching on a topic in which everyone has interest. Some passages for the sermon include Luke 6:32, 2 Corinthians 9:6-11, Proverbs 11:24-25.


If you'd like to sign up electronically, take a moment right now and click here.


Can't wait to see you!



Bob Henderson's Signature