Fresh Ink: New from the Artist's Pen 
In This Issue
An Albany Landmark
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Dear ,


A new year! What will it bring? 2014 was full of surprises and adventure. We are happy to have you with us as we begin 2015. We have some exciting ideas and plans in mind.


For starters, we have made a new connection in Corvallis, OR, where you can find some of my prints if you need a gift for someone special without having to contact me or wait for a festival. Check out Willamette Valley Christian Supply and the article below for more about that.


We are also planning to begin work on a new calendar for next year. I'll have enough local drawings to finally make a 2016 Willamette Valley calendar. My newest drawing, Spires in the Valley, is one of them. I hope you enjoy it.


Applications have been arriving. I'll be getting those filled out and we'll be back on our festival and art show circuit again this summer. Watch your inbox for information about where we will be.


I noticed our daffodils poking their heads out of the ground this weekend. Drawing flowers has always been my passion, but I haven't drawn one for awhile. Maybe it's time to do that. It sounds like a busy year ahead. Enjoy it!


                                Wayne (signature)


An Albany Landmark

Click image to enlarge


How Lovely is your dwelling place,

O Lord Almighty.  

 ~Psalm 84:1    (NLT)



When we first decided to move to Albany, I thought this would be an interesting church to draw someday. It sits on the corner of 5th and Washington and soon became a landmark for us as we came into town from the KOA where we were staying while house-hunting.


The church, with its 85' high tower, was built in 1891 as the United Presbyterian Church and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places by that name. In 1957, however, the name was officially changed to Whitespires. In 1967, the congregation merged with another Presbyterian congregation and Whitespires was sold. Now, it is privately owned and used for worship and other events... and someday we are going to take a peek inside! (If you are interested in such things, here is an interesting article about the history of the church and also some national level trivia about it and its congregation.)


In 2014, I decided to draw Whitespires for our Christmas card. I also had a photo of an old delivery truck tucked away in my 'someday' file. I just felt like the old church and truck belonged together. As we prepare to release this drawing, the truck is parked at Hometown Furniture Center in Lebanon, OR. If you are in that area and are interested in old vehicles of any kind, be sure to stop by. The parking lot is just an appetizer for what is inside! It is amazing! It's not just a furniture store; it's a museum.

Does this picture look familiar?


If you were on our mailing list at Christmas time, you will recognize this drawing. I drew the picture as a dual-purpose project. When the picture was almost finished, I copied it and used the copy to create our Christmas card (which will be available for purchase this fall). Then I finished the drawing of Whitespires and the old truck so it can be enjoyed throughout the year without its seasonal decor.




Spires in the Valley is drawn in pen & ink with a watercolor wash. It took 24 hours to complete.
Click on the picture to see a larger image. This 10" x 8" original drawing will sell for $960. If you'd like to see this drawing in person, please let me know!    
undefined $960* - Spires in the Valley - Original
*Note: Price includes our basic black wood frame and black double mat at no extra charge. Price does NOT include shipping which will be calculated after framing has been decided


Find Find us at Willamette Valley Christian Supply
Click image to enlarge
We are very excited to announce that you can now find Acrewood Art in Corvallis!! Willamette Valley Christian Supply now has a selection of fine art prints available for you to choose from. If you need one for a gift, you no longer have to contact us or wait for a festival. We have already been invited to participate in two of their events in the last few months and have had a fantastic time and met a lot of wonderful people.
Both events included several authors who were available to sign their books, tasty refreshments, discount prices, plus... prize drawings every hour. Ol' Blue was one of the prizes.  We love the way these two old trucks look together!
Welcome to those of you who signed up at one of those events to receive this newsletter. We are happy to have you on our team "...drawing hope for God's kids!" All our profit goes to outreach programs for children.
If you are in the Corvallis area, be sure to stop by and say 'hi' to Kevin and crew, enjoy a cup of coffee and a good book, pick up the latest CD, and check out all the lovely gift items... including Acrewood Art prints!
 Willamette Valley Christian Supply
916 NW Kings Blvd
Corvallis, OR
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OK - Why not go to our Facebook page right now and be sure the button at the top says 'Liked' and be sure you are set to get notifications. The link below and the logo at the top of this article will both take you there.



  Buy a Print of Spires in the Valley


Fresh Ink subscribers are offered special introductory prices for a limited time. The prices listed below reflect the 25% discount good through January 31, 2015. Visit our Pricing page for our regular prices and a list of everything we have to offer. 





Blank Notecards:


    undefined $11.25 - Box of 6                       undefined  $2.25 Each 


10" X 18" Fine Art Prints:


    undefined $135* - Limited Edition Framed Print 


    undefined  $60* - Framed Print                   undefined  $26.25 - Matted Print


7" x 5" Fine Art Prints:


    undefined $41.25* -  Framed Print               undefined  $13.50 - Matted Print


*Note: Price includes our basic black wood frame and black double mat at no extra charge. Other than the notecards, price does NOT include shipping which will be calculated after framing has been decided. We are happy to combine items to save you shipping.



 Tell Us Your Preferences
We have several different options for the type and amount of email you receive from us. Be sure to use the "Update Profile/Email Address" link at the bottom of this email to let us know which mailings you want to receive. You'll also find a link to share this with your friends, or even unsubscribe, if you wish.


We are so glad you're part of our team!


Acrewood Art ...drawing hope for God's kids!

Save 25%

Spires in the Valley fine art prints and cards are all 25% off through January 31st using the following code: C25FI.


To place your order, use the "Buy Now" links above, email me or give us a call at (541) 791-7340. Spires in the Valley fine art prints are available in all sizes and as blank notecards.


Feel free to pass this offer along!



Offer Expires: January 31, 2015. Prices above include the 25% discount

Offer does NOT include the original drawing. 
All images and content contained herein are copyright Wayne Bricco and Acrewood Art. � 2004-2015. All rights reserved.