Twitter Smugmug BlogIcon April 12, 2013

Summer School Applications  
Now Available.

> View applications 


Jaimie Smith, Porter Elementary principal, selected as Texas National Distinguished Principal Finalists.
> Learn More

Frankie Norris, North Ridge Middle School teacher, was named teacher of the year by the Council for Exceptional Children's Division of Learning Disabilities.

Campus Transfers
The window to request a campus transfer is now available. Application requests will be accepted through May 3.

Both the eTransfer Application and login instructions are posted online at: http://schools.birdvilleschools.net/etransfers.

In This Issue
Summer School Applications
Congratulations Jaimie Smith, Porter Elementary principal
Congratulations Frankie Norris, North Ridge Middle School teacher
Campus Transfers
Proposed 2013 Bond Information: Technology
Foundation Tribute to Leadership

Dates to Remember
May 26

Memorial Day Holiday
May 27

Student Half Days
May 30 & 31

 Last Day of School
May 31

Quick Links

2013 Bond

The focus of the technology portion of the bond proposal is to create equity across the district through a "uniform classroom" and "uniform campus" standard that incorporates new technologies while maintaining existing technology.

The plan:
  • Provides equitable technology in the classroom that is hands-on, engaging, and mobile;
  • Provides Internet and network connectivity for a large number of wireless devices, increasing the number of wireless access points and network switches to connect entire classrooms of mobile devices;  
  • Refreshes existing technology to regain and retain functionality; and Replaces aging desktop computers, printers and projectors.
The uniform classroom would consist of four mobile computing devices, a document camera, mounted projector, interactive white board, and response devices.

The uniform campus provides specialized technology that is available for campuswide
use to address new instructional requirements and areas of substantial need. This
includes: laptop computers and probes for science labs, class sets of mobile computing
devices, a media system in gyms for health, and enhanced campus communications. The
enhanced campus communications also helps address safety and security issues by
updating public address and video messaging systems.

The main focus will be to address equity in technology across the district. In addition, as
existing technology becomes obsolete, it will be replaced with new technology that will
last beyond five years. The plan allows for flexibility in selecting devices as technology
continues to change. By expanding the wireless network, it allows connectivity for more
flexible learning that can happen anywhere.

The technology in the proposal will be rolled out over several years.

The Communications Department publishes the employee newsletter "e-nlightened" each week so staff can keep in touch with what is going on across the district. E-mail your pictures and a brief description to Communications and we will include them as space permits.