GET IN THE BAG! - Stage Opening Ceremony
Saturday, 4-6pm, June 11, 2016
Rotary Community Stage, Beach - Grand Bend

Exclusive Opportunity for Grand Bend Area Chamber Members

Once in a decade there comes along an opportunity to put our best foot forward - the Rotary Community Stage Opening Ceremony is that opportunity!

There will be 36-hours of live music on the new stage, Friday through Sunday, June 10 -12, 2016. 

The Opening Ceremony takes place Saturday, June 11. From 4pm - 6pm, there will be a special Ribbon-Cutting Reception on the Beach House Observation Deck for all those who donated to the capital fundraising effort that made the stage possible.

Reception attendees who purchase a beverage receive free appetizers and a commemorative goody bag - here's your opportunity to promote your business and help celebrate the stage opening.

"Get In the Bag" Commemorative Goody Bags: For a $50 sponsorship + 400 items for the bag. Got magnets, pens, flashlights or other trinkets? Why not get them and your good name in the bag?

Appetizer Supplier: Provide 2 or 3 trays of cold appetizers for Ribbon Cutting attendees and receive all-weekend signage on the Beach House Observation Deck.

Smart Serve Volunteers: The organizing committee is looking for about 6 people to help serve wine, beer and cider at the reception. Four people are needed for 6-hours and two people for 12-hours.

Sponsor - Donate - Help: Contact: / 519-238-1472
5th Annual Chamber Golf Tournament
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Bayview Golf Course
Support Your Chamber - Be a Sponsor
Our largest fundraising event of the year, our golf tournament is also one of the larger area tournaments, averaging 80+ golfers annually. Sponsor recognition includes logo display online, tournament signage, auto-rotating slideshow at the event, table cards, wine tags and golfer's hole sheet. All sponsorship is invoiced for your tax deduction action.

How Funds Raised Are Used
Money raised helps keep membership fees low and supports the Chamber's efforts to advocate on your behalf, support economic development initiatives, keep the Welcome Centre open and support community events and organizations.

Register for a Day of Fun
Think about it - the summer rush is done, it's mid-September - don't you, your clients, your staff, your family and friends deserve some fun? Of course you do!

18-holes of golf with power cart + BBQ Chicken Dinner, with dessert, coffee and tea - $95 per golfer or $380 per foursome.

Golfer's Goody Bag. Prizes. Games. Take-home Wine Gift. 

Click here to download the Golf Tournament Package package - contains promotional flyer for posting at your location to help us promote the event, sponsorship details and golfer registration form.
Register your team by July 31 for a chance to WIN your entry fee!
South Huron Chamber Golf Tournament
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Ironwood Golf Course, Exeter

As part of our agreement with local sister Chambers to help promote each other's events, we're sending you information about South Huron's golf tournament. 

Click here to download South Huron's Golf Tournament flyer, registration form and sponsorship information.
Canada Day Celebrations (Grand Bend)
July 1, 2016

Christine Bregman (Tourism Sarnia Lambton) and/or Brianne Haist (Member Business - MacLachlan Insurance  ) will likely be contacting you soon seeking financial support for Canada Day fireworks and music for Grand Bend.