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Our bright funding campaign has us in a holiday mood
Thanks to a generous donor, until December 31 your donation will be doubled!



Sometimes the best presents come early. Even before Christmas, a wonderful anonymous donor has announced a donation of $12,500 to the Mexican Heritage Corporation of San Jos! We're thrilled that our silent campaign has led to us raising half our match goal of $25,000. This means that from now through the end of 2013, this generous donor will match other gifts up to $12,500. This is an incredible opportunity to give a holiday boost to our arts mission and education programs!


Consider the many ways the Mexican Heritage Corporation connects people like you with Mexican culture. For some people, we're a link with their family traditions that they remember from growing up -- or we're a connection with the heritage they're experiencing for the first time. For others, we are a trusted source teaching tolerance and appreciation of Mexican arts and culture. Our mission is an important one that brings tangible benefits to our community both here at home and around the world. 


If you are able, please help us reach our goal and take advantage of the dollar-for-dollar match by our generous donor. Until December 31, your donation will be doubled!


[image: fundraising thermometer]


We'd be honored to have you join us in our mission and help us reach our match goal. Click here for details on how to give.   


We wish you a warm, wonderful holiday season!  





[image: Mexican Heritage photos]



[image: donate now button]



Funding for the Mexican Heritage Corporation and its programs such as �VivaFest! and Los Lupe�os de San Jos� is provided in part through: a grant from the Office of Cultural Affairs of the City of San Jos�, and from The San Jos� Arena Authority, The National Endowment for the Arts, The TomKat Charitable Trust, The Hewlett Foundation, The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The Union Bank Foundation, Wells Fargo Bank, Mundo Fox, earned revenue from �VivaFest! and from readers like YOU. THANK YOU. To learn more about all of our generous donors please visit




About Mexican Heritage Corporation
The mission of the Mexican Heritage Corporation is to affirm, celebrate, and preserve the rich cultural heritage of the Mexican Community and showcase multicultural arts within the region.


Mexican Heritage Corporation 
Marcela Davison Avil�s
President and CEO
More Information: 877-MHC-VIVA