The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

June 2016
In This Issue
Thoughts from the Bishop After the Tragedy in Orlando
Holy Apostles Shows Support for Orlando
Our Schools
Journey to the Priesthood
A Visit to the Brownings
Episcopal Church Women Quiet Day
PIM Celebrates Moms & Bea Fitzpatrick
Bishop Presents Historic Processional Cross
Contact Information
Bishop's Calendar

***** JUNE *****

June 1
USS Arizona Processional Cross Ceremony, Pearl Harbor
June 4
Graduation: 'Iolani School
June 5
Graduation: St. Andrew's Schools
Est. June 8
Non-Sunday Visit: St. John's By-the Sea, Kaneohe
June 12
Sunday Visitation: St. Peter's, Honolulu
June 18
Diocesan Council (All day budget meeting)
June 25
Ordinations at St. Peter's, Honolulu
June 26 (to July 3)
Week on Big Island
June 26
Sunday Visitation: Holy Apostles, Hilo
June 29
Big Island Legacy Society Lunch
(Dates TBD est end of June):
Non-Sunday Visits to St. James', St. Jude's, Christ Church, St. Columba's

***** JULY *****

July 3
Sunday Visitation: St. Augustine's, Kapa'au
July 10
Sunday Visitation: Epiphany, Honolulu
July 14 (Date to be finalized)
Non-Sunday Visit: Emmanuel
July 16
Governance Meetings
July 17
Sunday Visitation: St. Matthew's, Waimanalo
July 24-31
Week on Maui
July 24
Sunday Visitation: Holy Innocents, Lahaina
July 26
Meeting with Maui Clericus
July 28
Maui Legacy Society Lunch
July 29
Non-Sunday Visit: St. John's, Kula
July 30
Ordination & 150th Celebration, Good Shepherd, Wailuku
July 31 
Sunday Visitation: Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei

Stay Informed!
Message from the Bishop

Thoughts From the Bishop After the Tragedy in Orlando

Bishop head 2012
June 14, 2016

It has not been easy to write something after the tragedy in Orlando.  The emotions of frustration, anger and sadness merge.  As I have pondered and prayed through the past couple of days, I come away with a few thoughts.
As a nation today, the United States is violent and frightened.  The culture of violence is deep in our soul.  Our nation was formed by slavery and expansionism that displaced (and obliterated) the original people of the land.  It continues in our obsession with guns and a jingoistic notion of being "the greatest."  All of this masks a fear of being marginalized and powerless.  This is driven by a fear that there is not "enough" (wealth, power, life) to go around, and the fear of the other and those who are different.  Isn't fear often the cause of sin?  I think fear drives our collective sin as a nation.  Fear drives individual acts of violence.  We just now have the means to do great harm. 
This stands in stark contrast to the Gospel and to the very picture of the Commonwealth of God presented by Jesus.  I think of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and Matthew 25.  Jesus is telling us, his followers, how to live in the world.  The Commonwealth of God is founded on very different assumptions: "You have heard that it was said, ʻAn eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you that you must not oppose those who want to hurt you.  If people slap you on your right cheek, you must turn the left cheek to them as well.... I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who harass you."
In the end, we will continue to work in the world as it is.  As citizens of the United States, we must fight for better gun laws, build a just and equitable civil society, welcome the refugee, and stand up to prejudice.  I am increasingly convinced, however, that those who claim to be citizens in the Commonwealth of God - to be Christians - have other responsibilities as well.  There is no room for guns in our homes.  I think that includes the hobby hunter or the collector.  It is time to find a new hobby.  I know there are those whose livelihoods depend on guns (the farmer facing predators and some who yet live a subsistence life).  That is not true of most of us.  As Christians, we should not have guns for protection or for the sport of shooting.  The gun has become a symbol of that which destroys and carries death.  It does not belong in the households of the Commonwealth of God. 
Likewise, there is no room for the rhetoric of being the greatest nation in the Commonwealth of God.  We are the children of God - the one that Jesus called "Abba" ("Daddy").  Our nation struggles to live as best as possible, but we will fall short.  As Christians, we realize that the "City on the Hill" is a metaphor and an aspiration.  It must never be confused with the actual historical United States - past, present or future.  We know that there are no strangers and no outcasts in the Commonwealth of God.  We begin to get a sense of the possibilities when we hear Paul's words from the Letter to the Galatians: "There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither slave nor free; nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."  We now add that there is neither straight nor LGBT.  We know there is a place for the atheist and the one with questions, for the Buddhist and the Muslim.  That is the only way to live the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40).
I am struck also by the depth of pain in the loss of so many lives.  As I looked at the photographs of those who were murdered in Orlando and prayed for each them by name, I could not but notice that many of the young men looked very much like my own sons.  Jesus gives us a promise (Matthew 5:2): "Happy are people who grieve, because they will be made glad." The senseless violence can only be given meaning by the way we, the living, carry on.  As the followers of Jesus Christ, that has special meaning and responsibilities.  The promise of "gladness" lives in the possibility of the Commonwealth of God, but today there is only sadness in the grief.     
This past week, Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendell died.  In the mid-1980s, I heard her speak at Trinity Church, Wall Street, with her husband Jürgen Moltmann. Though speaking specifically to women as a feminist liberation theologian, her words cut to my core. She called us to understand that we are each "good," "whole" and "beautiful" by the very will of God.  She said, "God needs us as ones who have accepted themselves as good and whole and thus enabled to renew through themselves the disturbed and destroyed creation. God needs us as ones who are beautiful and who can break through the vicious cycle of self-hate and contempt of others."  Her words brought me some comfort as the news from Orlando has come out.  We have our calling to "break through the vicious cycle of self-hate and contempt of others."  That comes not by fear and isolation, but with love and engagement, and by meeting violence with peace.  In God's Commonwealth, there are no outcasts. 

Aloha ma o Iesu Kristo, ko makou Haku,

The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick, Bishop
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i and
The Episcopal Church in Micronesia

Holy Apostles Shows Support for Orlando

Almost immediately after news broke about the shooting in Orlando, the Rev. Moki Hino and members of Holy Apostles Episcopal Church in Hilo got together to express their grief and support for the hundreds of people affected by the Orlando tragedy. They decided to create 50 rainbow-colored crosses in honor of the victims, and display them on the lawn fronting the church.  That Sunday, Rev. Hino held a special Eucharist service in memory of the victims.  (Photos by Dixie Kaetsu)
Our Schools

'Iolani:  Raising Awareness Through Empty Bowls

'Iolani School partnered with Aloha Harvest to host the school's first Empty Bowls event on Friday, May 13, 2016. Aloha Harvest is a nonprofit organization that rescues quality donated food and delivers it free of charge to social service agencies feeding the hungry. Students in the Upper School ceramics class made 150 bowls for the event that included student-led lessons and presentations about food systems and hunger in Hawai'i. Guests chose a bowl as a reminder that many in our community and across the globe go hungry every day. Empty Bowls is an international grassroots effort to help end hunger through the Empty Bowls Project. Aloha Harvest is this year's beneficiary of Empty Bowls Hawai'i. (Photos from the 'Iolani School Facebook page.) 

Priory: Ascension Cross & Queen Emma Ball

The St. Andrew's Schools had a lot to celebrate during the month of May.  On May 5, the Junior Class unveiled the traditional coral cross decorated in flowers for the 149th Ascension Day (Founder's Day) celebration.  Then on Wednesday, May 11, the annual Queen Emma Ball was held at the Sheraton Waikiki, setting attendance and fundraising records.  Over 600 attended the sold-out event, raising $525,000 that will go towards student scholarships and financial aid.  Pictured above. Bishop Fitzpatrick and wife Bea are joined by (seated) the Rev. JaR Pasalo, and the Rev. Malcolm Chun.  Standing are Bishop's staff with their spouses. (Photos from the St. Andrew's School's website.)

Congratulations Class of 2016!
Pictured above, graduating seniors from 'Iolani School (top and bottom left), St. Andrew's Priory (top right) and Seabury (bottom right) celebrate their graduation in grand style, ready for a bright future ahead!  To view a video clip of the Priory's traditional gathering around the St. Andrew's pool, click on the picture above.  Below and much further away, are photos from St. John's School in Guam, for which our Bishop has oversight. Congratulations to the Class of 2016!  (Photos from each school's Facebook page.)

Formation for the Priesthood
Journey to the Priesthood
By Annalise Castro

On May 19, 2016, I graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary. It is hard to believe that my seminary career has come and gone. Looking back, it feels like it was over in the blink of an eye. Though I admit, in the midst of it, it did feel like a very full three years.

I had amazing opportunities throughout my time in seminary. I studied with some of the leading contemporary biblical scholars and theologians, from the Episcopal Church and beyond. I traveled to Jerusalem and spent time walking in the footsteps of Jesus. I traveled to Canterbury for Holy Week and felt the power of liturgy like I had never known. I had the privilege to serve in the consecration of Immanuel Chapel at VTS, the chapel that was built following the loss of the historic chapel in 2005. I met leaders from all around the Anglican communion. I was stretched and challenged to think about God in new ways. I made friends who I am sure will be a part of my journey for years to come.

Perhaps the greatest gift I received during my time in seminary is the understanding that seminary is only the beginning of my education. The last three years have prepared me for a lifetime of learning. As I look towards the next chapter of my life and ministry, I hold close to my heart  the words that are inscribed on the wall outside the library at Virginia Theological Seminary, "Seek the truth, come whence it may, cost what it will."

It is a privilege to be a part of the Diocese of Hawai'i. I am immensely excited to return home and look forward to serving as chaplain of the St. Andrew's Schools for the upcoming academic year. Thank you to everyone who prayed for me, supported me, and encouraged me in so many ways while I was in seminary. I am thankful that I will begin my life as an ordained person in such a wonderful place with such kindhearted people. Thank you for your continued support as I settle back into my life on O'ahu!

Pictured at top: The graduating class of 2016 (photo from VTS Facebook page); above from left, Castro receiving her diploma during the commencement ceremony, and after with her diploma; with fellow graduates.  (Photos contributed by Annalise Castro)

Editor's note:  Annalise will be ordained to the Transitional Diaconate on Saturday June 25, 2016, at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Honolulu, along with the Rev. Dcn. Malcolm Keleawe Hee and the Rev. Dcn. Phyllis Mahi Beimes, both of whom will be ordained to the Priesthood.  All are welcome to attend this celebration that will begin at 10:00 AM.  Clergy are invited to vest (red stoles). 

Our Chaplains
A Visit to the Brownings
By The Rev. Frank Chun

On April 19 - 22, 2016, Frank and Norma Chun attended a gathering in Vancouver, WA,  for over 200 chaplains.  Just before the meeting, they took the opportunity to visit with Bishop and Mrs. Ed Browning.

A day prior to attending the Chaplains' Conference (for diocesan chaplains to retired clergy), Norma and I visited Bishop Ed Browning (2nd Bishop of Hawaiʻi, 1976-1985, and 24th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, 1986-1997) and Patti, who live in the Hood River area.  Although they are physically resident within the Diocese of Eastern Oregon, the Brownings are still "canonically resident" in the Diocese of Hawaiʻi, and under our care as the Hawaiʻi Chaplains to Retired Clergy.  

Ed was sitting in his den where he has a tremendous view of Mt. Hood!  He was watching CNN with his favorite dog on his lap.  As we sat with them, he was alert enough to ask Patti to turn the television off since she had the remote nearby.

When conversation drifted to the upcoming national elections, Ed commented on his choice for President, to which Norma replied, "You were always supportive of women!"  Ed grinned, ear to ear, stretched out both arms, and gave Norma 2-thumbs up!

In further conversation, the Brownings also mentioned having a Blueberry, "U-pick" garden. Proceeds from the sale of those berries are sent to mission areas.  (Check out their website:

Before we left, Patti started us on a tour of their yard and garden.  I went back into the house to share a prayer with the Bishop. He in turn gave me a blessing, marking a sign of the cross on my forehead. This was such a chicken-skin moment, a tremendous gift from him!

God be with Ed and Patti.

Cards and notes can be sent to the Brownings at:

The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Edmond Browning
2149 Cascade Ave.
Suite A PMB 243
Hood River OR 97031

Note:  Six years ago, Bishop Fitzpatrick appointed the Rev. Canon Franklin Chun and his wife Norma Chun to be the Chaplains to Retired Clergy and their Spouses and Partners, and the Clergy Widows in our Diocese.  Their roles are primarily a pastoral care ministry that keep the Bishop, as well as the retired community, apprised of the well-being of each other.  Contact is made via e-mail, phone calls, visits, gatherings, an occasional newsletter, and birthday notes. The Diocese of Hawai'i numbers 67 retired clergy and 85 spouses/partners and widows, about half of whom live in the Islands, and the others throughout the U.S. and abroad.  In addition, the list also includes retired clergy, who have come from other dioceses, and have made the Islands their home.

Episcopal Church Women
Quiet Day: Women of the Passion, a Journey to the Cross
By Louise Aloy, President

Twenty six ladies gathered in the quiet, lush green valley of Kalihi, with a stream flowing in back of St. Damien's House on the lower level of St. Anthony's Retreat Center. We have held our annual day retreats there now for more than 10 years.  

This day, we focused on the 14 Stations of the Cross as was written by Katie Sherrod in her book, Women of the Passion, A Journey to the Cross
We began the morning with the first meditation; Jesus is anointed followed by a different participant reading each station of the cross. As each station was read, it was a story told by a different woman of the Bible. Each story was very significant to how strong each of these women of the Bible were. All followed Jesus, felt a deep love and connection to him because he valued and loved each and every one of them. Some of the readers truly felt the story in their hearts and were moved to tears while reading it. At the end of the last reading, we meditated on two more stories: Jesus is denied by Peter and the dream of Pilate's wife. There was a very strong and engaging discussion after and then we broke for a hearty lunch.

Here are excerpts from the book for each Station of the Cross. You can order a copy through

Station 1 - Jesus is condemned - Women are bound in blood with Christ. Jesus bleeds on the cross; blood is the cup of the New Covenant.

Station 2 - Jesus Takes up His Cross - You free daughters of Sarah bent from the weight of sin. As you bend under the weight of the cross.

Station 3 - Jesus Falls for the First Time - You have heard our cries. Even as you fall beneath the weight of our sins, you have mercy on us.

Station 4 - Jesus Meets His Mother - Body of my body, blood of my blood. The blood of Christ, The Cup of Salvation.

Station 5 - The Cross Is Laid on Simon of Cyrene - Have mercy on me, for I am heavily burdened. Let all my fear lose itself in your will.

Station 6 - A Woman Wipes the Face of Jesus - Woman and man, all are made in the image of God. Show us the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved.

Station 7 - Jesus Falls a Second Time - From the little she had, she has put in everything. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Station 8 - Jesus Addresses the Women of Jerusalem - all who pass by, look and see; is there any sorrow like my sorrow? Daughters do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.

Station 9 - Jesus Falls a Third Time - Our bond with you strengthens our bond with one another. You never abandon us to walk alone.

Station 10 - Jesus is stripped of his Garments - May our children sit beside you and drink of your cup? Do you know what you are asking?

Station 11 - Jesus is nailed to the Cross - Our hearts feel every blow of that hammer. Your wounds are of our making.

Station 12 - Jesus Dies on the Cross - And I know if my grief were a river. The whole earth would drown.

Station 13 - The body of Jesus is placed in the arms of his mother - "Do not call me Naomi, which means Pleasant. Call me Mara, which means Bitter: for the Almighty has dealt bitterly with me."

Station 14 - Jesus is laid in the tomb - Sorrowful Mother, all humanity shares your loss. Bless us all, womb of Humanity and renew our journey into new life.

(Photos by Jan Motoshige)

Pacific Islander Ministry
Mother's Day Gathering Honors Bea Fitzpatrick

The women of the Pacific Islander Ministry (PIM) gathered together at Epiphany Episcopal Church in Honolulu for a special Mother's Day meeting.  The Guest of Honor was Bea Fitzpatrick, the Bishop's wife, who lovingly presented each attendee with a flower lei.  The event overflowed with food, dance and hugs.  Bea is pictured above with the Bishop, adorned in exquisite Pacific Islander leis that were presented to them; some of the women of PIM, and Fane Lino, Diocesan Missioner.  (Photos from the Pacific Island Ministries Facebook Page)
Bishop Presents Historic Processional Cross

On Wednesday, June 1, Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick presented the processional cross from the former St. George's Church in Pearl Harbor, to the Pearl Harbor Memorial Chapel at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. The cross, shown here, was made from a deck plate of the USS Arizona by the late Captain Charles Swanson.  It will be mounted and made a permanent memorial in the Chapel.  

The Bishop shared that another cross made from metal off of the USS Arizona (and formerly part of the altar at St. George which closed in 2014) will be used to create a memorial in the Cathedral of St. Andrew. 

 "The memory of those who died on December 7, 1941, and of those who worshiped at St. George's Church will be preserved in these two memorials in living places of worship," said the Bishop.  (Photo of the Bishop during the service by Laurie Dexter, PO2; cross photos by Robert Fitzpatrick)


O'ahu Regional Confirmations

The Honolulu Regional Confirmation Ceremony took place on Saturday, May 7, 2016, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew.  The service was combined with other O'ahu regions and included several churches from around the island.  (Above photos from the St. Peter's Facebook page.)

From The Cathedral of St. Andrew, two were confirmed:  Wehialohakalehuaopuna Liloa Ho'ohua McKee and Bernard Alan Kupukupulauokalani Henderson-Kaiama.

From St. Paul's Episcopal Church, twelve were confirmed: Jared Cabanit, Joey Cananit, Camryn Arianna Casido, Nicole Daguimol, Jerrick Dureg, Brandon Llacuna, Sharlene Llacuna, Jarvis Natividad, Judy Ann Pagala, Eugene Tunac, Jesabel Tunac, Roland Calumpit; and three were reaffirmed:  Maryjane Casido, Roland Casido, Elisha Aleli Marquez

From St. Peter's Episcopal Church, four were baptized: Jaime Moana Nishimoto Yamane, Bruce Yukio Yamamoto, Edmund Tin Tuck Choy (pictured above center), Sophie Sachie Jia-Na Cho; and six were confirmed:
Jaime Moana Nishimoto Yamane, Bruce Yukio Yamamoto, Edmund Tin Tuck Choy, Paula Reiko Choy, Takahiko Kimura, Karin Adele Char Kimura  (Above photos from the St. Peter's Facebook page)

From Epiphany Episcopal Church, two were confirmed:  James Smotherman and Deylen Koa Sueoka, who are pictured above in yellow leis with Bishop Fitzpatrick, Epiphany Rector, the Rev. Irene Tanabe, and the Rev. JaR Pasalo. (Photo from the Epiphany Facebook page)

From St. Luke's Episcopal Church, one was confirmed:  Young Jin Kim 

From St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, one was confirmed: Charles Washington Philips III; and one received: Devon Dru Zotorich Phillips

From St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, three were confirmed: Wendall Kekailoa Perry, Gail Honda, Linda Taepan

From St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, seven were confirmed: Jordan Makaalanalani Patterson, Naomi Patterson, Kaya Patterson, Josiah Kekoanui Patterson, Kelsey Patterson, Joanna Kealananiokalokomaikaiikauhanekuokoa Patterson, Remi Wayte, 

The Rev. Ray Woo Installed at St. Luke's

On Saturday, April 9, 2016, the Rev. Raymond Woo was installed as the Vicar of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Honolulu.  Pictured above is Rev. Woo with the Bishop and some of the clergy who turned out to support him. 
Above are photos taken during the service. At right, Martha Im, who served as the Diocese's Chancellor for many years, presents a gift to Rev. Woo.  Below from left, Bishop Chang and wife Dee congratulate Woo; from St. Mary's Fr. Gregory Johnson and the Blanchett's; and Woo with his celebration cake.  (Photos by Jan Motoshige)


Vergers Commissioned at The Cathedral

In April, The Cathedral of St. Andrew commissioned Roth Puahala as Head Verger and Ann Hansen as Assistant Verger. Puahala (far left) and Hansen (second from right) are joined by Duke DuTeil, who was the former Head Verger of the Washington Cathedral and is the representative of the Verger's Guild of the Episcopal Church, and the Dean of the Cathedral, the Very Rev. Walter Brownridge. Both Puahala and Hansen have undergone rigorous study and training to become Vergers.  You may read an article by Ann Hansen about their journey that appeared in the June 2015 issue of the E-Chronicle HERE.  (Photo from Walter Brownridge's Facebook page.)

Notes From around O'ahu
Pictured above from left,  St. Mary's Episcopal Church of Mo'ili'ili received the St. John Award for their support of the LGBT community. In the center photo, Tori Tualatamalelagi from St. John's By-the-Sea in Kaneohe, was recognized in the StarAdvertiser for her dedication and unselfish work as the Family Promise coordinator for St. John's.  To read the article in its entirety, click HERE.  St. Christopher Church member, Mary Bennett Smith captured Mother Giovan King keeping it green on her way to church in Kailua.  Be sure to submit photos and happenings from your parish!

ECWO:  The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu

The Regional Confirmation for West O'ahu took place at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Aiea, on Sunday, April 10.  There was one confirmation and two dozen reaffirmations including one member from the Cathedral.  They are:

From St. Timothy's, Reaffirmations: Laurie Luczak, Grace Iwami, David Millard, Vicki Millard, Rebecca Kang, Sue Ann Wargo, Gail Layco, Sachiko Sandy Chun, Amy Hironaka, Jane Murakami, Roxanne Birch, Janet Birch, Mansueto Parcon, Evangeline Barney, Louisa Quintero, Angie Hamasaki, Elizabeth Smith, Eugene Smith and David Morales

From St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Kapolei, Reaffirmations: Shirley Holden, Douglas Brown, Shana Valenzuela

From St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, one Confirmation: Portia K, and one Reaffirmation: Mary Elizabeth Natividad

From The Cathedral of St. Andrew, one Reaffirmation:  Bea Fitzpatrick

(Photos by Shana Valenzuela)

Community Involvement

Memorial Day Special Remembrances - Memorial Day was observed by many around America, and several churches held special services to honor our fallen soldiers. Pictured above at left, Kahu Kaleo Patterson and members of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wahiawa, present a wreath at the National Cemetery of the Pacific during Memorial Day services on Sunday, May 29, 2016.  During a special Sunday Memorial Service at St. Stephen's, the beautiful wreath pictured at right, was prepared in remembrance of Wahiawa WWII soldiers and the 12 marines who died in a training exercise in January of this year.  Attendees took part in creating the wreath that Sandra Shawhan designed and facilitated the production of.

Volunteer of the Year Award - In the center photo, Portia Fenton of St. John the Baptist was awarded the Volunteer of the Year award by the St. Francis Health Care System.  The annual dinner took place on April 15, 2016, at the Hale Koa Hotel.  Portia assists in the cooking and serving of lunch meals for the Boat Harbor and U.S.Vets Center in Waianae, a weekly outreach of Lady of Keaau, which is supported by St. John the Baptist members. 

Boat Harbor Luncheon Program - In the photo at far right, the volunteer crew of the Boat Harbor Luncheon program served up kalua pig and cabbage to the houseless living under the bridges in Wahiawa, at a location referred to as Camouflage Park.  The program is based at St. John the Baptist and St. Stephen's, and serves different areas of West O'ahu.  In this photo are Dave from St. John the Baptist, Sinni from O'ahu Berea Evangelical Church, Cherrilynn from Independent Phillipine Church, and Ha'aheo from The Cathedral of St. Andrew.  (All photos contributed by Kaleo Patterson)

St. John's Celebrates 75 Years!

On Sunday, May 1, 2016, St. John's Episcopal Church in Ele'ele celebrated its 75th anniversary. Members from both St. John's and St. Paul's in Kekaha, who make up the Episcopal Church on West Kaua'i, joined in the celebration on a picture-perfect day. Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick and wife Bea were on hand to share in the festivities where there were lots of food, music, hula and fellowship.  

Pictured above are photos from the service and luncheon that followed. In the bottom left corner were special guests that flew in just for the event. From left, John Baker, the son of the first Vicar of St. John's, was born on Kaua'i the year after his parents arrived. He shared wonderful stories of his childhood. Two of St. John's earliest members are the Yoshikawa sisters: Sue (Nishikawa) now lives in Indiana, and her sister Yukiko (Akiyoshi), who is 94 years old, flew in from Honolulu.  Next to that picture, member Joyce Sato looks over the historic timeline posted in their parish hall.  At bottom far right are the hard-working organizers, Julie Rentrop and Lyn Farman (Bishop's Warden).  More photos can be viewed on the Diocese's Facebook page HERE.  (Photos by Sybil Nishioka)

Children & Family Ministries Flourishing at Christ Memorial
By Nancy Norelli

All keiki are encouraged to attend Christ Memorial's Na Kamalei (Beloved Children of God) Sunday school program that is held in the classroom across the street from the lava rock church building. Then on the last Sunday of each month, our Na Kamalei Program keiki are active participants in the adult church service, serving as readers, ushers, greeters and more! Although the Na Kamalei Program is currently on summer break, it will restart in August as schools open. We have committed to using the Godly Play Program for our curriculum, and recently completed a Godly Play Core Training. The Godly Play curriculum will be implemented beginning in September. 

Jenny Wallace leads Godly Play Training:  Christ Memorial was host to a Godly Play Core Training for teachers interested in fostering the spiritual growth of children in Sunday School. The Godly Play Program is a widely used, Montessori approach to Christian education that enables children to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language, and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. National Godly Play trainer, Jenny Wallace (pictured above left), took volunteers from island churches on a fascinating journey during the three-day weekend training. Trainees came from Christ Memorial and St. Michael and All Angels. For more information on the program, visit the Godly Play Foundation website HERE

First Friday Fun: On the first Friday night of each month, church 'ohana and friends from the community gather in the Parish Hall to get to know each other better and have a little fun. Keiki and kupuna come together to talk story, play board games, card games, and listen to live music over dessert and coffee. All are invited to come and join in the fun from 6:30 - 8:30 PM. (Photos contributed by Jenny Wallace and Nancy Norelli.)


Maui Regional Confirmation

The Maui Regional Confirmation Ceremony took place on Saturday, April 2, 2016, at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Wailuku.  Pictured above with Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick and clergy from the different Maui churches, are the newly confirmed and  received.  Below are moments from the ceremony.  Those confirmed were Ethan Gabriel Evangelista, Jacob Kai Akana, Joseph Rey Evangelista Lampitoc, Adam Keaulanakumualoha Kim-Luning; and received into the Episcopal Church were  Alexander Sawieh Davis and Lucille Francis Feliciano Davis.  All are from Good Shepherd.  (Photos from the Good Shepherd Facebook page.)


St. John's, Kula Celebrates Founder's Day

St. John's Episcopal Church in Kula celebrated Founder's Day, honoring The Rev. Shim Yin Chin and his wife Kui Kyau and those who came before them. Back in the 19th Century when laborers were imported to work in the sugar plantations, Chinese settlers on Maui went with the local religion which was Christianity. They called a Lutheran trained minister from Canton, China, the Rev. Shim Yin Chin, who was also tasked to teach children Chinese culture and language after they attended regular classes at Keokea School.  To read more about the history of St. John's, visit the Kula Community Association website HERE.  Pictured above are St. John's Rector, the Rev. Kerith Harding, and members and guests enjoying the celebration. (Photos from St. John's Facebook page.)

Change for the Soul: Holy Hippos!
Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Lahaina has a long standing tradition called the Hippo offering. Twenty cute little hippos like the one pictured here are distributed on a month-to-month basis to members who fill them with loose coins throughout the month.  It's an opportunity to give thanks for the many blessings in their lives.  After a month, the hippos are turned in and the money collected goes to their outreach program to help the homeless in the Lahaina area.  The hippos are then redistributed to other members, and so it goes. Change for the Soul is a wonderful way to be directly involved in giving some much needed love and support to where it is most needed.  (Photo from the Holy Innocents E-News.)

Flurry of Activities at Good Shepherd

Members of Good Shepherd are an active bunch both at church and in the community. Pictured above top from left: Youth and young adults partner with the Maui Food Bank to fundraise and collect food. The Maui Food Bank is crucial to the running of their Ka Ohana Kitchen outreach program. Moms were showered with love on Mother's Day as youth and young adults prepared breakfast and passed out roses. Second row:  Maui's annual Barrio Fiesta brings the entire congregation out to celebrate with their folk dance troop performing on stage; Fr. Vance with member and outgoing 2016 Miss Barrio Sheena Garo; the Good Shepherd food booth whipped up mountains of delicious chow fun and chicken adobo.  (Pictures from the Good Shepherd Facebook page.)

Big Island Regional Confirmation

The Big Island of Hawai'i Regional Confirmation Ceremony took place on Saturday, May 14, at Christ Church Episcopal Church in Kealakekua.  Three from Christ Church were confirmed:  Janver Fudolig, Abbey Fudolig and Carolyn Nordeen. From St. Augustine's, Melanie Sahagun was confirmed (pictured above left next to Bishop Fitzpatrick), and received into the Episcopal Church was Robin Rose Rasch, standing at far right next to the Rev. Diana Akiyama. (Photo contributed by St. Augustine's)  

Over $46,000 Raised for Hospice of Hilo

On Saturday, May 7, 2016, members of Holy Apostles Episcopal Church in Hilo took part in the 12th Annual Celebration of Life event for the Hospice of Hilo, at Wailoa State Park. Fr. Moki Hino and the Holy Apostle's crew came in second for raising the most money, and picked up trash as they walked.  The event raised over $46,000.  (Photos from the Holy Apostles Facebook page

Fr. Damien Relic Comes to St. James'
St. James' Episcopal Church in Kamuela has had a blessed relationship with neighboring congregation, Annunciation Roman Catholic Church, in both worship and ministry.  On Sunday, May 15, St. James' welcomed three Roman Catholic nuns who shared stories of Fr. Damien's ministry and brought with them a relic of Fr. Damien.  Pictured at left, Sister Vandana Narayan brings the relic up close for members to view. She shared how the ministry of Fr. Damien impacted the lives of people in India.  (Photo and story from the St. James' E-News)

St. James: Giddyup!!!

Members of St. James' recently enjoyed a day of horseback riding and afternoon prayers.  It certainly doesn't hurt to have a magnificent view and awesome weather!  (Photo from the St. James E-Newsletter.)

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry:  Prayers for Orlando
"Pray for the repose of the souls who have died," Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry said in his video message, Prayers for Orlando, concerning the June 12 shooting in Orlando, FL in which 50 people died and 53 were injured. To the Presiding Bishop's video, click on the image at left and then select proper video from the playlist.


Missionaries Share Lessons from the Field

Long-term missionaries and Young Adult Service Corps missionaries posed with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry following a meeting held during the 21st annual Global Episcopal Mission Network Conference May 18-20 in Ponce, Puerto Rico.  Pictured in the second row, second from left, is our own James Fitzpatrick who is serving in Panama.  (Photo: Lynette Wilson/Episcopal News Service)

[Episcopal News Service] "If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."

Lilla Watson, an aboriginal elder, activist and educator, from Australia is credited with these words, spoken by her and others in the early 1970s at a time when white Australians were becoming aware of the effects of racism and colonialism on the country's indigenous people. These words were not only meant to challenge people working toward social justice, but reflected the frustration felt by the Aborigine toward the efforts of whites who in their offers of assistance, further perpetuated colonial perceptions and attitudes.

The words, used to provoke discussion in a small group session during last week's 21st annualGlobal Episcopal Mission Network conference in Puerto Rico, resonated with Rachel McDaniel, aYoung Adult Service Corps missionary serving her second year in Brazil.

Being a missionary, she said, is about "experiencing the love of God in Christ together."

United Thank Offering Grants: More than $1 Million 
for Mission and Ministry
UTO Logo [June 14, 2016] The United Thank Offering of The Episcopal Church awarded 32 grants for a total of $1,161,314.62 for the mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. The announcement was made by Executive Council, meeting June 8 - June 10 in Chaska, MN.

The United Thank Offering is a ministry to promote thankfulness and mission in the whole Church. Known worldwide as UTO, the United Thank Offering grants are awarded for projects that address human needs and help alleviate poverty, both domestically and internationally in The Episcopal Church.

The 2016 grants were awarded to projects in 32 dioceses, which included 25 dioceses located in the United States, five non-domestic dioceses, six companion dioceses, one grant to the Office of the Presiding Bishop - Episcopal Migration Ministries, and one Presiding Bishop Grant.  


Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
(808) 536-7776


The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for submissions in the next August issue is July 15, 2016.