The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

February 2016
In This Issue
Message from the Bishop: 2016 Lent Meditations
Our Schools
Ordination to the Priesthood: Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo, Jr.
Music Conference with Dent Davidson
Hawaiian Issues - Essentials Training
Celebrating Christ's Birth Around the Diocese
The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu
Contact Information
Bishop's Calendar

***** FEBRUARY *****

February 3-8
IFI-TEC Concordat Meeting, Manila, Philippines
February 10
Chapel: St. Andrew's Schools
February 14
Sunday Visitation: St. Elizabeth's, Honolulu
February 17 (Est-TBD)
Non-Sunday Visit: Calvary, Kaneohe
February 18
Chapel: 'Iolani Founders' Day
February 20
Governance Meetings
February 21
Sunday Visitation: St. Paul's, Honolulu
February 26
Chrism Mass and Education Day, Honolulu

***** MARCH *****

March 5
Liturgy Workshop
March 9-16
Spring House of Bishops Meeting, Camp Allen, Texas
March 18
Non-Sunday Visit: Good Samaritan, Honolulu
March 19
Governance Meetings
March 20-27
Week on Kaua'i
March 20
Sunday Visitation: Christ Memorial, Kilauea
March 24
Service: West Kaua'i (Maundy Thursday)
March 25
Service: All Saints', Kapa'a (Good Friday)
March 27
Sunday Visitation: St. Michael's and All Angels, Lihue
March 29
Chapel: St. Andrew's Schools
March 30
Staff Retreat (full day)

Stay Informed!
Chronicle Gets a Facelift!
Message from the Bishop
2016 Lent Meditations
Bishop Fitzpatrick

I invite Episcopalians in the Diocese of Hawai'i and the Church in Micronesia to join in personal daily meditations throughout Lent using "Repairing the Breach: Discipleship and Mission in a Global Economy."

The theology committee of the House of Bishops has prepared this resource for the Church to explore ways to recover and renew economic imagination.  

Please join me this Lent and engage "Repairing the Breach." 

Sign up for daily emails with the lessons and to watch videos HERE.

Download the PDF of lessons for each day of Lent HERE.

See the Episcopal News Service article on the resource HERE.


The Rt. Rev. Robert L. Fitzpatrick, Bishop
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i and
The Episcopal Church in Micronesia
Our Schools

Priory Students Honor Queen Emma 
& Go Global in Philadelphia
In celebration of Queen Emma's birthday, students from St. Andrew's Priory visited her resting place at Mauna 'Ala (Royal Mausoleum of Hawai'i) on Tuesday, January 26, and honored her with flowers and dance.

Then on January 28, a team of upper school students traveled to Philadelphia, PA, to participate in the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC). Over the 4-day conference, the students acted as Serbian delegates in a number of different committees, tackling complex international issues and honing their leadership, political thinking and negotiation and communication skills. Pictured here, they take a group shot while visiting historic Independence Hall.  (Photos and caption excerpts are from The St. Andrew's Schools Facebook page.)

'Iolani School: Heartfelt Moments & 
Student Achievements

During their Christmas Chapel, the students and faculty of 'Iolani School included a surprise presentation to a man who only needs to go by one name, Sterling. The entire student body erupted to shower love and appreciation on the man who has captured special moments on their campus for several decades. In addition to his incredible photography, he has been a member of the 'Iolani 'ohana and an unforgettable friend to thousands of Raiders over the years. Pictured above, 'Iolani Chaplains, the Revs. Nicole Simopoulos and Daniel Leatherman, were on hand for this touching event. Click on the photo to view a YouTube video of the presentation.

Pictured above are the recipients of the second quarter Raider Awards that are given out every quarter to a student from each homeroom in grades four, five and six. The recipient is honored by his/her peers for exemplifying 'Iolani School's "One Team" philosophy, that includes respect for others, responsibility, problem solving skills, school pride and outstanding sportsmanship. (Photos and caption excerpts are from the 'Iolani School Facebook page and website.)


On Saturday, January 9, 2016, family, friends and clergy descended on The Cathedral of St. Andrew to witness the ordination of Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo, Jr. to the the priesthood. Clergy from around the Diocese were present for this very special moment in the life of the Diocese. 

The son of Ernesto and Flory Pasalo of Makawao, Maui, Pasalo took part in the youth program at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Wailuku. After graduating from King Kekaulike High School, he moved to O'ahu to attend the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. While there, he attended St. Peter's Episcopal Church where there was an active young adult program.  He became a leader in the Diocese's youth programs and heeded the call to serve, with the support and encouragement of the St. Peter's and Good Shepherd 'ohana.  

Pasalo graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree in May 2015, and was ordained to the transitional diaconate in the Diocese that June. Shortly after, Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick sent him to intern at the Philippine Independent Church in the Philippines for three months, where he served selflessly in the community. Since his return, he has been serving at Epiphany and Good Samaritan Episcopal Churches under the tutelage and leadership of the Rev. Irene Tanabe. Congratulations and God bless you, Rev. JaR!

(Photos by Sybil Nishioka.  To view a slideshow of this event, go to the Diocesan Website Photo Gallery HERE.)

A Music Conference was held on January 22 and 23, 2016, at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Aiea. Those who attended were treated to a very special day of music led by the effusive Dent Davidson from the Diocese of Chicago. Davidson is the Associate for Arts and Liturgy on the Bishop's staff, and also serves as the Chaplain and Musician to the House of Bishops.  Nearly four dozen from around the Diocese participated in the conference, expanding on their knowledge of preaching the Good News though God's gift of song. (Photos by Charmaine Bernard)
Hawaiian Issues - Essentials Training &
Ho'okuikahi Reconciliation Service
By The Rev. Kaleo Patterson, President, Pacific Justice & Reconciliation Center

On Friday, January 15, 2016, the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center and the Pacific Peace Forum of the Cathedral of St. Andrew, hosted a Hawaiian Issues-Essentials Training workshop which was open to all clergy and lay persons. Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick gave the opening welcome that was followed by presentations and discussion on a variety of issues. Guest speakers addressed the sacredness of Mauna Kea and Haleakala, the Makahiki programs in the Waiawa and Halawa Correctional Facilities, the 40th anniversary of Kaho'olawe and the 150th Anniversary of Kala'upapa. Over 55 participants from different denominations attended. Pictured above, closing moments of the event. (Photo by Kai Markell)
The Hawaiian Issues-Essentials Training was held in conjunction with the 24th Annual Ho'okuikahi - Legacy of Justice, Nonviolence, and Reconciliation service that took place on Sunday, January 17, at Harris United Methodist Church in Honolulu. The service honors Queen Lili'uokalani's legacy of non-violence. Pictured above, the service featured a floral reconciliation ceremony, and included guest speakers from the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i (Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick, Dean Walter Brownridge, Rev. Kaleo Patterson and Dr. Ha'aheo Guanson), the United Methodist Church (Dr. Rev. See Hee Han) and the Inclusive Orthodox Church (Bishop Stephen Randolph Sykes). Music was performed by the Cathedral Choir and First Tongan United Methodist Choir. (Photos by Kai Markell)
Celebrating Christ's Birth Around the Diocese

There were lots of angels, shepherds and wise men gathering together to celebrate Christ's birth this past Christmas. Here's a look at a few of the Christmas services and pageants around the Diocese. Do you recognize anyone? (Photos are from church Facebook pages, websites and newsletters.)


St. Clement's Bids a Fond Aloha to Rev. Liz
On Sunday, December 27, 2015, the Parish of St. Clement's bid a fond aloha to the Rev. Liz Zivanov with a joyous party celebrating her fourteen years of service there. Pictured above, the fabulous spread was catered by Sarah Loui and entertainment provided by Mark Haworth, Mila Polevia, and a special hula by Hannah Polevia.  Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick was on hand to offer a special message, as others also presented gifts and well wishes. In retirement, Rev. Liz and her wife Cristy recently moved to Florida, arriving safe and sound with their precious family of felines.  (Photos by Carolyn Koehler.)

Honolulu Churches Serve & Fellowship Together
The island of O'ahu is home to more than half the churches in the Diocese of Hawai'i, with several in close proximity to each other. Some of the smaller churches have joined forces when performing service to the community, working on projects and in fellowship, creating a wonderful feeling of unity and family. The idea of shared ministry, which was actively introduced only a few years ago, has taken hold and transformed relationships between churches.

Pictured above, members from Good Samaritan, St. Mary's and St. Luke's come together to serve up a hot meal to those in need each month. In late December, Good Samaritan said aloha to Fr. Kennedy who had been serving as their interim. He is pictured below left) with with the Revs. Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo, Curate, and Irene Tanabe, Rector, for both Epiphany and Good Samaritan.  

Above right, a resident of the Palolo Chinese Home enjoys the beautiful Christmas trees made by Good Samaritan members, Alice Chinen,Harriet Nakamitsu and Jan Motoshige. The colorful origami cranes that adorned the trees were made by the 'Iolani Origami Club. Pictured below, the youth of Good Samaritan create kadomatsu, a traditional Japanese New Year decoration that they sell each year. St. Luke's offered up their social Hall to build the kadomatsu. 

(Photos from the Good Samaritan newsletter.)

St. Elizabeth's: Focus on Outreach

Like many churches in the Diocese, the folks at St. Elizabeth's in Honolulu have taken the Episcopal Church's Five Marks of Mission to heart, especially number 3: To respond to human need by loving service. Pictured above, their efforts made national news when Chris Reid from the CBS Evening News came to St. Elizabeth's to interview Fr. David Gierlach. (That interview can be viewed HERE.)  

Along with the many programs and ministries of St. Elizabeth's, they also host houseless persons in a modified container home on property and allow a family living in a van to park in the parking lot. Above right, people line up to receive assistance through the Laundry Aloha program that dispenses bags of quarters, detergent and information about St. Elizabeth's, every first Thursday of the month. 50 bags are prepared each month, and are quickly distributed, oftentimes within 30 minutes! 
Pictured above from left, Project Visions' mobile screening unit provides free vision screening; Harlan Arakawa is interviewed in a KHON2 News segment along with Fr. David, to talk about the Foodbank and encourage support; students from Kaiser High School's Gay-Straight Alliance join members to prepare breakfast for the houseless through the Loaves and Fishes ministry. If you would like to help support the ministries of St. Elizabeth's, you can do so online through their website HERE.  (Photos from the St. Elizabeth newsletter.)  

ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu

Bishop Visits St. Nicholas' New Location

At the end of November 2015, St. Nicholas Episcopal Church moved to their new worship location at Kapolei Elementary School, about 1.5 miles from their previous location at Island Pacific Academy. The Bishop's regular visitation was scheduled for Sunday, December 20, and he was able to celebrate at their new location. Pictured above, are Keane Akao, Director of Operations for ECWO, and Shana Ikeda, Senior Warden, ready to welcome worshipers. At right, the Bishop delivers his sermon. (Photos by Kevin Shin and David Jones.)

First Combined Service at St. John the Baptist on January 3, 2016

(Photo contributed by Kaleo Patterson)

Feeding the Houseless in West O'ahu Continues
By The Rev. Kaleo Patterson
As the numbers of houseless continues to grow in our state, so do the numbers in West O'ahu. An estimated 300 people, including young children, continue to live among the kiawe trees at the Waianae Boat Harbor. Through food collections and donations, members of St. Stephen's and St. John the Baptist are able to provide a simple lunch for the journey of life, and expressions of human and divine love. An estimated 8,200 plate meals were prepared and served in 2015, in collaboration with St. Stephen's, St. John the Baptist, and the Lady of Kea'au. This includes meals prepared and served to the houseless in Wahiawa, Haleiwa, and Waialua. Donations are welcome to support this outreach ministry of mercy to the houseless. For more information contact Rev. Kaleo Patterson at (808) 330-3769 or e-mail.  (Photo by Kaleo Patterson)


Pulpit Exchange & BBQ

On Sunday, December 13, the priests at All Saints' in Kapa'a, and St. Michael and All Angels in Lihue, did a pulpit exchange for their Sunday services, followed by a joint BBQ at Lydgate Beach Park.  Fr. Ryan Newman of All Saints' and Rev. Mary Tudela, Interim at St. Michael's, collaborated on the switch which was followed by a BBQ picnic at a beach located between the two churches. Lots of hamburgers, hot dogs and fellowship were shared.  (Photos by Marge Akana)

Christmas Camp at St. John's
By Paula Baldwin and Deb Lynch, St. John's Episcopal Church, Kula

Christmas Camp came to the children living at Kanaha Beach Park for three days just before Christmas, on December 21, 22, and 23, 2015. The Rev. Kerith Harding, Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church on Maui, received one of the Diocesan Council 1% grants to help support this unique outreach. Over 20 volunteers gathered each day with over 30 children, their parents, aunties, uncles (and a pet rooster named Ekahi) to experience art projects, Hawaiian crafts, games, face painting, music and a hot breakfast and lunch in a fun, relaxed community atmosphere.

The Rev. Austin Murray, Trinity by the Sea, Maui, joined in on the day we made blankets. He said, "This ministry is Incarnational... offering an experience of the living God in the lives of the 'least', who often have little to hope for."  An uncle during breakfast said, "I watch out for the children." A young girl smiling, "I need to make a blanket for my little brother."

Each child went away having made an Ugly doll (the favorite craft by far the first day), decorated their new slippers (the favorite craft the second day), finished tying off a blanket, had a visit with the balloon man, and made a trip to St. Nicholas toy shop tables to pick out toys so generously donated by members of the Na Leo Lani O Maui Community Choir and friends. It was delightful seeing how many children selected toys they said they wanted to give to a friend or family member as well.

Of the 40 volunteers who participated, the Stone Family of Connecticut traveled the furthest to participate. Reflecting on the event and its impact on her teenage children, Elise Stone commented afterwards that her family was still spending a lot of time talking about the young people they worked with through Christmas Camp. "I have never done more rewarding volunteering than [this camp]," Elise said, "Real community is the most rewarding thing that you will ever do and leaves you asking yourself, 'Why didn't I do more. What's next? How are they now? etc.' I am proud of how much our kids threw their hearts into those great kids and families and I think the fact that our kids are struggling to let go is not a bad thing. We really hope to be part of future projects."  

Each volunteer went away having been blessed with the gift of meeting these children, talking with them, creating with them, and loving them. The camp achieved far more than expected: not only were the children entertained and fed a hot breakfast and lunch, their families got to see generosity of hands and spirit. The volunteers got to experience the joy of Christmas with the children and were able to "talk story" with family members and gain a better understanding of what "houseless life" means -- the struggles and the hopes. Many volunteers left saying, "Sign me up for next year!"

There was laughter, and sometimes tears. We all came away realizing how much more we have in common than not, and starting out as strangers, we became friends.  (Photos courtesy of Kerith Harding)


Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Friday, January 15, the students at Hawai'i Preparatory Academy lower school were treated to a special Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Chapel Service. The Revs. Marnie Keator, David Stout (St. James') and Cheryl Harder (St. Columba's), were invited to take part in the special service.  Pictured above, Rev. Marnie holds the mic for children as they share their own dreams for the world; children talk about reverence and how to behave in chapel.

"It was a blessed time, especially hearing the kids sing the song 'I Am A Bucket Filler,'" said Fr. David. "We remembered Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and helped the children think about what it means to 'respect the dignity of every human being.'" (Photos and excerpts from the St. James' Facebook page.)

St. James' Parish Beach Cookout

Members of St. James' Episcopal Church Parish Congregations gathered at Hapuna Beach for a late afternoon cookout and splash in the surf on Wednesday, January 27. Over 50 people showed up to enjoy a dinner of hamburgers and hot dogs, topped with tons of fun. (Photos from the St. James' Facebook page and weekly newsletter.)


The following are excerpts from an article written by Ruth Gledhill, former religion correspondent for The Times and who now writes for Christian Today. Her article is in response to the controversial actions taken at the recent Primates' Meeting in Canterbury, suspending The Episcopal Church from full participation in the Anglican Communion for three years.

The Sacrificial Grace of Bishop Michael Curry of 
The Episcopal Church

The saint emerging from this sad hour is not the Archbishop of Canterbury, nor any leader of the Global South churches.

It is the Primate of The Episcopal Church, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

He has not been well. In Canterbury this week, he has appeared in the flesh, as well as in spirit, as a person enduring great suffering. He is a champion of gay rights. In response to the sanctions against his Church, he said: "I stand before you as your brother. I stand before you as a descendant of African slaves, stolen from their native land, enslaved in a bitter bondage, and then even after emancipation, segregated and excluded in church and society. And this conjures that up again, and brings pain. The pain for many will be real. But God is greater than anything. I love Jesus and I love the church. I am a Christian in the Anglican way. And like you, as we have said in this meeting, I am committed to 'walking together' with you as fellow Primates in the Anglican family."

The holiness in him and in his words is tangible. It is a genuine turning of the other cheek. He is not threatening to walk away, he is pledging his Church to walk together with all the Primates of the Anglican Communion.

It is his grace in the face of terrible rejection that shines out from this whole sorry episode. This grace and sacrifice is what has allowed the Archbishop of Canterbury to preserve the unity of the Anglican Communion this week.

It has come at a terrible price, one exacted from The Episcopal Church in the US and from LGBT communities around the world. Understandably, a lot of people are extremely angry.

But it is done, so the most helpful thing now is to focus on grace.

To read the article in its entirety, click HERE.  (Photo from The Episcopal Cafe.)

Presiding Bishop on the 6th Anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake
On January 12, 2010, a massive earthquake struck Haiti, a diocese of The Episcopal Church, killing more than 300,000 people, seriously injuring more than 250,000, and leaving 1.3 million homeless. An extensive number of private and public buildings were destroyed including Holy Trinity Cathedral and the affiliated Episcopal institutions in the Cathedral Complex. (Photos above by Harvey Wang via the Episcopal Relief and Development website.) On the sixth anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry issued the following:

Six years ago today, a tremendous earthquake of historic magnitude shattered the lives of Haitian mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers. Their cries of lamentation echoed across Haiti even as the aftershocks continued to rock Port-au-Prince and the surrounding countryside. Haiti, the poorest state in the Western Hemisphere, is also the island-home of a branch of The Episcopal Church. More Episcopal souls live and breathe in the Diocese of Haiti than in any other diocese in the world, and on this day, we stand in solidarity and solemn remembrance with Haitians everywhere.

We continue to grieve with families who lost their loved ones in the earthquake and with those who were affected by the cholera epidemic that still ravages the Haitian community. We express gratitude for the lives salvaged from the ruins, for the creative resiliency of the Haitian people, and for new dreams imagined and realized as the rebuilding effort continues, including in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-au-Prince. Finally, we recognize that there is still tremendous work ahead of us to heal, transform, and sustain the country of Haiti.

Tens of thousands of Haitians remain displaced from their homes, subsisting in the dangerous and unsanitary conditions of tent camps. The Haitian cholera epidemic has sickened hundreds of thousands of Haitians and ended over 9,000 lives to date. Faced with these enormous challenges, we find hope and strength in our faith. The Haitians have a proverb: Bondye di ou: fè pa M or "God says to you: 'Do your part, and I'll do mine.'" God is at work in Haiti, moving with doctors and engineers, teachers and farmers, and reminding and encouraging us to continue our good work. Indeed, as Episcopalians, we have a crucial part to play.

We can hold our governments accountable for ensuring that development aid is distributed fairly and transparently, and we can call on policymakers to adequately fund the Cholera Elimination Plan that delivers much-needed supplies and vaccinations to at-risk Haitians. We can give our time, our expertise, and our funds to the ongoing effort of restoring Haiti and promoting sustainable development therein. And last, we can remember that the Haitian people are our family, our brothers and sisters in Christ, and by working together with them and with our God, we can fulfill the holy task of healing Haiti. 

The Most Rev. Michael Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church


Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
(808) 536-7776


The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for submissions in the next April issue is March 15, 2016.