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The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

April 2015
In This Issue
The Bishop's Easter Reflection 2015
'Iolani Guild: An Evening of Delight
Chrism Mass and Education Day
Formation for the Priesthood
Youth Ministry: AWAKE! Diocesan Youth Retreat
Book Review: Addiction & Recovery
Priory: Today's Girls Summit - "We Mean Business"
'Iolani School: Community Service
Contact Information
Bishop's Calendar


April 2
Maundy Thursday Service, The Cathedral of St. Andrew
April 3
Good Friday Services, St. Clement's
April 4
Easter Vigil, The Cathedral of St. Andrew
April 5
Confirmation Service for Pacific Islander Ministry, St. Philip's
April 7
Chapel: The St. Andrew's Schools
April 9
Staff Retreat
April 11
Regional Confirmation Maui, Holy Innocents
April 17
Non-Sunday Visitation, St. Elizabeth's, Honolulu
April 18
Governance Meetings
April 19
Regional Confirmation Windward O'ahu, St. Christopher's
April 20-23
Colleague Group Meeting, San Diego, CA
April 29
Bishop's Reception for Priory Seniors


May 2
Regional Confirmation Big Island, St. Columba's
May 6 (Tentative)
Non-Sunday Visitation, Holy Nativity, Aina Haina
May 9
Regional Confirmation East Honolulu, Holy Nativity
May 9
Regional Confirmation West O'ahu, St. Timothy's
May 14
Chapel: The St, Andrew's Schools
May 17 
Regional Confirmation Honolulu, The Cathedral of St. Andrew
May 16
Governance Meetings
May 23
Regional Confirmation Kaua'i, All Saints'
May 24
Pentecost Services, The Cathedral of St. Andrew
May 24
Non-Sunday Visitation, St. Peter's, Honolulu
May 26
Chapel: The St. Andrew's Schools
May 30
Seabury Graduation
May 31
Sunday Visitation, St. Clement's, Honolulu
May 31
Priory Baccalaureate

Stay Informed!
The Bishop's Easter Reflection 2015

"If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,


who, though he was in the form of God,

did not regard equality with God

as something to be exploited,

but emptied himself,

taking the form of a slave,

being born in human likeness.

And being found in human form,

he humbled himself

and became obedient to the point of death-

even death on a cross.


Therefore God also highly exalted him

and gave him the name

that is above every name,

so that at the name of Jesus

every knee should bend,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue should confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father."


-- Paul's Letter to the Philippians 2:1-11


For me, these words from Paul's Letter to the Philippians best express the meaning of Easter. We cannot reduce faith in Christ to a comfortable sense of personal salvation or to the walls of the institutional Church. The story of Easter has little meaning if left at an empty tomb. An Easter faith is the radical contention that the only way for us to know God is to serve others and engage creation. An Easter faith is to strive for transformation: "Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others." As Thomas Merton writes in New Seeds of Contemplation (New Directions Books, 1961), "Our discovery of God is, in a way, God's discovery of us. We cannot go to heaven to find Him because we have no way of knowing where heaven is or what it is. He comes down from heaven and finds us..."


Easter celebrates that we are a "New Creation." In 2 Corinthians 5:17-19, Paul writes, "So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us." An Easter faith does not bring rest; it brings love. The ministry of reconciliation is sharing the love of God with others and the whole of creation. God lives in human flesh as vessels of passionate love.


In the words of my favorite Easter hymn:


Christ is alive! Let Christians sing.

The cross stands empty to the sky.

Let streets and homes with praises ring.

Love, drowned in death, shall never die.


Christ is alive! No longer bound

to distant years in Palestine,

but saving, healing, here and now,

and touching every place and time.


Not throned above, remotely high,

untouched, unmoved by human pains,

but daily, in the midst of life,

our Savior with the Father reigns.


In every insult, rift, and war

where color, scorn or wealth divide,

Christ suffers still, yet loves the more,

and lives, where even hope has died.


Women and men, in age and youth,

can feel the Spirit, hear the call,

and find the way, the life, the truth,

revealed in Jesus, freed for all.


Christ is alive, and comes to bring

good news to this and every age,

till earth and sky and ocean ring

with joy, with justice, love, and praise.


-- Words by Brian A. Wren as found in hymn #182, 

The Hymnal 1982


(Photo at top is from St. Mark's Episcopal Church's Photo Gallery, 2014 Easter Vigil)



The 'Iolani Guild
An Evening of Delight: Celebrating Queen Lili'uokalani 

On Friday, January 30, 2015, a very special event took place at the newly renovated Washington Place, to honor Queen Lili'uokalani. Governor David Ige and First Lady Dawn Ige, together with Senator Suzanne Chun-Oakland and The 'Iolani Guild, hosted an exquisite reception of history, music and food to celebrate Her Majesty. 

Pictured above, students from St. Andrew's School and 'Iolani School served as escorts, while young entertainers charmed the arriving guests. 

Guests were able to view Queen Lili'uokalani's sewing table and historical documents including the minutes that the Queen wrote for the 'Iolani Guild. In the center photo above, Stuart Ching, the Archivist for the Diocese, was on hand to share the precious documents and to answer questions. Vicky Hollinger and Kawika McGuire provided Hawaiian music along with Keala Carmack (not pictured) who played the Queen's piano.

Above, Bishop Fitzpatrick and Bea (who is a member of the 'Iolani Guild) enjoy the fabulous spread of pupus. The Governor and First lady were treated to a performance by the students from St. Andrew's Schools and 'Iolani School, and guests get photo ops with the Governor.

One of the highlights of the evening was a powerful performance by playwright Jackie Pualani Johnson, who portrayed Queen Lili'uokalani to a rapt audience. At right, event coordinators, Leimalama Lee Loy, President of the 'Iolani Guild, and Kilani Ventura, bask in the joy and success of the celebration. The event was two years in the making.  

Jan Motoshige, a member of the 'Iolani Guild who also took these photos, summed the evening up perfectly. "The committee worked hard and diligently to make it successful.  Best of all it brought out the message and feeling we wanted to honor our Queen with. I can picture Queen Lili'uokalani - delighted and smiling - throughout the event.  As I closed my eyes to thank our Lord for a beautiful, fulfilling and wonderful day, it brought joy to my heart and I am happy and honored to be a part of 'Iolani Guild."  

(Mahalo to Ann Hansen for the event details and to Jan Motoshige for the photos.)
Chrism Mass and Education Day

The annual Chrism Mass of the Diocese was held on Saturday, March 21, at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Honolulu.  Following the Chrism Mass was an education day event held at The Cathedral of St. Andrew's Von Holt Room.  The guest speaker was Professor James Farwell, Professor of Theology and Liturgy from Virginia Theological Seminary, who spoke on Liturgical Enculturation.  

"It was a great opportunity to be together with our ministry colleagues," said the Rev. Ryan Newman from All Saints', Kaua'i, "--to break bread together, renew our ordination vows,  and to thoughtfully explore the topic of enculturation in our churches and the Diocese."

Pictured above, Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick blesses the oils of chrism, healing and the catechumenate, with the assistance of Deacons Steve Costa and Peter Wu.  At right, Professor Farwell leads the education day event.  (Photos by Ryan Newman.)


Formation for the Priesthood
Raising Up Priests in the Diocese


Back in January 2013, the Diocese of Hawai'i launched its local program for formation of the Priesthood with three students. The program, called Waiolaihui'ia (the gathering of waters), has continued to blossom with a growing number of candidates who have embarked on a three-year commitment of study, discernment and service.  They meet monthly and attend a series of intense residential weekends. 

On the Diocesan website, a  description of the program states: A key component of the program, as implemented in the Diocese of Hawai'i, is the presence of Mentors during the residential weekends. These are generally experienced priests who are not specifically teaching a course (although they may teach some of the practical courses if they so choose), but are present with the students throughout the academic and practical sessions. Their task is to help the students apply what they are learning to practical ministry, especially as adapted for their own individual contexts.

In August 2013, the Episcopal News Service released an article entitled Doing Mission and Creating Disciples, that featured Waiolaihui'ia. Malcolm Hee, a candidate in the program, shared the importance of a local formation program, and how he would likely never see ordination without it.  "Local formation is important for Hawai'i because we need to raise up our own priests," Hee wrote in an e-mail to ENS. "Currently, there is only one priest of Hawaiian descent. All the other priests have been transplants; many return to their homes, eventually leaving Hawai'i. Raising up our own priests will increase the likelihood of them staying here."

Pictured above left is the first group of postulants and their mentors in 2013, at Trinity By-the-Sea, Maui (photo by Alfredo Evangelista), and at right, the current group during their session this past January. (Photo from the Waiolaihui'ia 
Facebook page)

In the picture at top, postulants and mentors gather for a group shot during their most recent March session at the St. Anthony Retreat Center on O'ahu. Bishop Richard Chang was the Celebrant and Preacher for the Fourth Sunday in Lent. (Photo contributed by John Tomoso.)  

Our Seminarians
Meanwhile, the Diocese of Hawai'i has two seminarians attending Virginia Theological Seminary: Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo, Jr., and Annalise Castro. 

The Standing Committee must certify that all those in formation for ordination are properly prepared in canonically defined areas. These areas for the priesthood are: (1) The Holy Scriptures; (2) Church History, including the Ecumenical Movement; (3) Christian Theology, including Missionary Theology and Missiology; (4) Christian Ethics and Moral Theology; (5) Studies in contemporary society, including the historical and contemporary experience of racial and minority groups, and cross-cultural ministry skills. Cross-cultural ministry skills may include the ability to communicate in a contemporary language other than one's first language; (6) Liturgics and Church Music; Christian Worship and Music according to the contents and use of the Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal, and authorized supplemental texts; and (7) Theory and practice of ministry, including leadership, and the ministries of evangelism and stewardship. 

The areas for the vocational diaconate are: (1) Academic studies including, The Holy Scriptures, theology, and the tradition of the Church; (2)  Diakonia and the diaconate; (3)  Human awareness and understanding; (4)  Spiritual development and discipline; and (5)  Practical training and experience. 

In addition, our Diocese asks that candidates for ordination show an understanding for the peoples and cultures of Hawaiʻi.  In the past, those preparing for ordination to the Priesthood sat for several days of exams called the "General Ordination Exams." Bishop Fitzpatrick has been working with the Standing Committee and the Commission on Ministry to move away from an examination model of evaluation and to a model that takes into account both life experience and academic preparation. The candidate presents a portfolio of work (academic and practical) on the subject area, to a team of examining chaplains. The candidate and examining chaplains then meet to review the portfolio and to evaluate the candidates preparation for ordination. This model of evaluation honors the learning styles and experiences of adult candidates, and it can take into consideration cultural and language differences of those in formation.  

Pictured above, the 2015 Examining Chaplains (the Revs. Linda Decker, Austin Murray and Moki Hino) recently met with JaR, a Senior at Virginia Theological Seminary and a Candidate for ordination to the Priesthood, to review his portfolio and make recommendations to the Bishop about his proficiency in the canonical areas. This was the first time the new model evaluation was used in the Diocese of Hawaiʻi. As these photos show, the Examining Chaplains were very tough on JaR. (Photos by Moki Hino.)


Youth Ministry
AWAKE! Diocesan Youth Retreat
By Sarah Klitzke, Diocesan Youth Director
On March 19 - 21, 2015, high school youth from around the Diocese gathered together on O'ahu to attend the second AWAKE! retreat under the direction of Diocesan Youth Director, Sarah Klitzke.

Awake! High School Retreat is so called because it is a time of discovery and awakening of faith in our older youth. Held in conjunction with the Hawaiian Island Ministries (HIM) Conference in Honolulu, it is a time for our high school-aged youth to gather and bond as the young leaders in our Church. This is the second year in a row that we have held this retreat in Honolulu, and it has helped shape and deepen the faith lives of our teens in the Diocese.


This year's theme at HIM was "Mightily Inspired", and most of the many sessions offered were focused on deepening our relationships with Christ and being true to ourselves. The youth track, a program specifically offered for middle school and high school youth, showed them how they were created just as God intended them to be, and that they have individual, unique gifts that make each of them special. Our seventeen high schoolers from Maui, Oahu, and Big Island joined with almost 1,000 other youth from around the islands to hear the words spoken by inspirational speakers such as Victor Marx and Darin McWatters.

High energy, powerful worship music added to the programming. Bands, including the OG Band, SeLah (Team Jairah), and Jesus Culture, had our youth, along with many others, on their feet, singing, dancing, and worshiping God. For many youth, this is a very enriching form of prayer, and it was very moving to see the Episcopal Youth being inspired and touched by the songs and music of these groups. (Also note that Episcopal formation sticks, as several of the youth noted that the word "Alleluia" was used numerous times during LENT!)


Outside of the conference itself, there was also time for bonding and conversation amongst our youth and leaders. Some very prayerful talks occurred, as teens struggle with issues in their own lives. There was also time for games, great food, and even a little shopping. Seini Lino, Viliami Lino, and Rose Pasalo were wonderful additional youth leaders for our group, and their dedication and time was appreciated. Their spiritual gifts and love of our youth added a wonderful dynamic to our gathering. This Diocese has an incredible source of wisdom and deep spirituality in our youth and young adults, and they continue to need the support and prayers of each of us, both individually and in our congregational life.

Book Review
Addiction and Recovery in Clergy and Congregations
By the Rev. Amy B. Crowe, Vicar, Holy Innocents Episcopal Church

Addiction and Recovery in Clergy and Congregations by Nancy Van Dyke Platt and Chilton R. Knudsen, offers a genuine look into the generational dynamics of addiction and its effect on congregations.  Addiction is most often a family secret that no one talks about and in churches it is often hidden. Anyone familiar with the use of twelve step programs has the ability to see through the denial that the congregation lives with while connecting the dots of addiction and codependency.

This book focuses on alcoholism since it is so easily accepted in our churches and yet can be so destructive to the addict and those around them. This books guides the reader through the symptoms of codependent congregations and how they got there. The chapter on the Minister and Addiction offers examples of ministers and how their addiction progresses during their career. The chapter titled Turning Point takes the book to the next level of what happens when the secret is out.

The understanding of the steps towards recovery for a congregation as well as the priest/leader lets people know there is hope. Many churches get stuck sitting with the codependent dynamics after their priest leaves and the dynamics carry on to the next priest. There is hope and opportunity for recovery from the effects of alcoholism. Congregations have the ability to change their ways just as each individual can change their behavior in their personal relationships. I recommend this book in helping parishes learn the dynamics of codependency and addiction in parishes. Baby steps such as the improvement of communication and the setting of boundaries can make a difference in a church choosing to recover from their behaviors of the past.
Our Schools
Priory: Today's Girls Summit - "We Mean Business"

On Thursday, March 12, Today's Girls Summit - "We Mean Business" at the YWCA, allowed our Priory girls to benefit from the expertise of Hawaii's leading women, including keynote speaker Yunji de Nies (far right) from KITV. What an amazing opportunity and experience! (Photo from the St. Andrew's Priory Facebook page.)


Our Schools
'Iolani: Community Service

On Saturday, March 14, members of the Class of 2015 and Class of 2019, and one youngster from the Class of 2025, spent the morning in a loʻi at Kākoʻo ʻŌiwi. They cleared invasive plants from the taro patch, and aerated and prepped the soil. Way to go, Raiders! (From the 'Iolani School Facebook page.) 



Lending a Hand

On February 15, 2015, the Rev. Irene Tanabe and members of Epiphany Episcopal Church headed to the Institute for Human Services to lend a helping hand with cooking and feeding shelter residents. (Photos from the Epiphany Facebook page.)

The following is from the St. Elizabeth's newsletter:
Celebrations & Feasting at St. Elizabeth's

Yes, it's that time of year again, celebrating our heritage at St E's with another fantabulous Lion Dance with a zillion firecrackers (the deafness is only temporary, they say) and of course a broke da mouth potluck featuring fare from around the world. Many many folks joined in-- Shim Hall was bursting at the seams-- and yet, with a miracle or two, everyone had plenty to eat and even several baskets of leftovers found their way to homes hither and yon. Did someone say Lent???  

But more feasting first! Shrove Tuesday, aka Fat Tuesday, aka Mardi Gras, is that night before Lent when all the goodies we're supposed to relinquish during Lent get EATEN! So, down the hatch with sweet pancakes and French toast, delicious sausages and of course several tons of chocolate!


Regional Ministry in West O'ahu

By The Rev. Paul Klitzke

 "The Church is the only organization that does not exist for itself, 

but for those who live outside of it."

-William Temple


Paul Klitzke I remember hearing the quote above in seminary.  I took comfort in it.  It also challenged me.  Even if we question it, or challenge it - purposing instead that the church is a place for collaboration among the faithful - still the notion that we need to be welcoming remains.  Yet, often we use "insider language"; words and acronyms that are only known or understood after being a part of the church for a long time.


As a priest of the church I am confronted with this somewhat regularly.  Often friends will ask something like, "You're a Vicar?  What's that?  Aren't you a priest?".  By the time I finish explaining that "Vicar" or "Rector" or "Chaplain" are different jobs that a priest holds, we have to move on to explain why my business card says "The Rev" too.  It can all be very confusing.  Explanations can help, but we may find changing some can help too.


As our regional ministry formed in West O'ahu, we contemplated various names.  Ultimately, we decided on "The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu" (ECWO) as simple and descriptive.  Those from within the Diocese may be keen to know it is comprised of two missions, a church plant (also technically a mission) and an aided parish ... all insider language.  Collectively, we have four 'ministry sites' with five worship services.  


While some of the language may continue to unfold, we have been pretty consistent with what I have outlined so far.  As our shared ministry has formed we have worked to balance traditional words with what will be easily understood.  Even so, I hear many refer to the region as "echo" and those unfamiliar can be left wondering once again.  For more about what is happening visit


The following articles and photos are from the Episcopal Church of West O'ahu (ECWO) newsletters.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Over 100 hungry people from the four ECWO churches met at Sumida Hall on February 17, Shrove Tuesday, for another fantastic pancake supper. There were heaps of delicious pancakes paired with as much bacon, sausage, SPAM or ham you could want. Many thanks go out to all those who cooked and supplied the meat items, cut fruit and desserts, but especially to St. Tim's chefs who worked tirelessly to keep the pancakes coming!

Pacific Peace Forum Climate Change Series

The Pacific Peace Forum Climate Change Series concluded in this Region on Friday, February 20, at St. Timothy's, Aiea. The event was attended by members of St. Elizabeth's Pacific Islander Ministries (PIM), St. Philip's PIM, and others from the Diocese, Region, and community. 

Dr. Antonio Oposa, a well known Climate Crisis advocate, was on hand to give a strong message of the lifestyle changes that are needed by all. Dr. Travis Idol spoke on the important role of the Church to make this is a moral and spiritual issue, and Dr. Steve Montgomery reported on what churches are doing in Hawaii and the world. Professor Willis Moore gave a great overview of the Pacific, and was a strong advocate for attending the upcoming National Episcopal Convention in Utah this summer with a Pacific Climate Crisis advocacy team and booth. Fr. Paul Klitzke and the Bishop are encouraging congregations to begin discussing and developing local and joint responses to this issue. There are many resources available. Contact Fr. Kaleo Patterson for more information at (808) 330-3769, or e-mail him.

Views From St. Philip's

Deacon Steve Costa is serving at St. Philip's during Lent. He is pictured with acolytes Kaya and Aiza, at at right at the first new Bishop's Committee meeting.

Memorial Walk & Solutions

A second Memorial Walk and Solutions Meeting co-sponsored by the ECWO and Hawaii Bicycle League, took place recently in Makakilo. These events are taking place wherever a person who walks or rides a bike is killed on the roads or streets of O'ahu. Last year there were a total of 25 deaths. This year so far we have 6. If you are interested in helping, the next event will be on March 31. Fr. Paul, Fr. Kaleo, Deacon Steve, and Dr. Haaheo Guanson, coordinated and attended this second event which took place in Makakilo, for a young woman named Sarah Stanislawski.


9th Annual All Angels Jazz Festival

When it comes to music, St. Michael and All Angels in Lihue has a reputation to uphold, and this year's Jazz Festival did not disappoint!  The weekend celebration of music and worship featured ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro and Amy Hanaiali'i in the opening concert on February 6. Tribute to Hawai'i sold out quickly for the popular local artists. On Saturday, Eric Bibb, world renown blues singer and guitarist, was joined by jazz vocalist Valerie Duke to put on a star-studded night of blues magic. The Spirit of the Blues Sunday Masses saw well over 500 people come out to worship and get their last taste of blues. Pictured above, Shimabukuro jams on the ukulele, and below, Fr. Bill is surrounded by some of the fabulous musicians at the Sunday mass. (Photos from St. Michael's Facebook page.)


ReSource for Christian Spirituality: The Spirit That Heals
By Beth Debrey, St. Michael and All Angel's Episcopal Church, Lihue

On Saturday, March 7, 2015, the sounding of the Pu by Makana Furumoto-Serquina and Beau Furumoto-Serquina, opened ReSource for Christian Spirituality's inaugural The Spirit That Heals event.  Over 60 participants gathered to learn more about prayer, healing and peace. 

Keynote speaker, the Rev. Kaleo Patterson, began the event by talking about his work defining the elements of peacemaking, the traditions of Ho`oponopono and the powerful concepts demonstrated by the forgiveness and nonviolence of Jesus. 

A variety of workshops were offered that included a class about art and healing; the basics of centering prayer in the Christian tradition; the emergence of labyrinths in history and the value of walking a labyrinth in prayer or meditation to achieve balance, harmony, or unity with the Divine. Participants were able to create and walk a labyrinth during the workshop. There was also a session on essential oils from the Bible and how they interact with the body. Participants got to experience mini hand massages using the oils.  A clinical psychologist presented "The Magic of Easter: How to Transform Any Relationship".  That workshop considered how relationship patterns develop from our earliest experiences; how we fall in love and out of connection; and how psychology and Jesus reveal what to do to transform any relationship - past, present or future. In another workshop. participants were able to gain a basic understanding of Healing Touch from experienced practitioners in the art, and experience and learn basic healing touch assessment skills. Attendees were also able to share their experiences over lunch and walk the labyrinth if they wished.  Following the workshops, everyone came together for The Public Service of Healing. 

The Spirit That Heals workshop is one of several outreach programs offered by ReSource, a ministry of St. Michael's, directed by Dr. Phyllis Meighen. 

The following article and photos are from the Episcopal Church of West Kaua'i (ECWK) April Newsletter:
ECWK Interfaith Lent Service

Each year during Lent, the Westside Ministers Association holds a series of Thursday evening ecumenical services, when church members from many different denominations come together to worship as One Body of Christ. ECWK has hosted one of the services for many years, and this year was no exception. Our service on Thursday evening, March 12, was very well attended, with over 70 people present. Pastor Jerrie Lewallen, Priest-in-residence, led the service, with the sermon by Kelly Braun, the Youth Pastor for Kauai Bible Church. There were lovely musical presentations by our ECWK Choir, and chants led by Lynn Barker. The evening was all the more special because of the delicious food provided after the service, thanks to our Ilocano members. We want to express our appreciation to everyone who made this event a memorable one indeed.

Futsal at All Saints' Scores Big!

With limited youth programs on the Garden Island, All Saints' has been committed to offering up a variety of family activities to the community, seeking grants and donations to keep it free to participants. One of its newest programs has been futsal, a rapidly growing youth sport in America that is a form of indoor soccer, and although most people on Kaua'i have never even heard of the word, avid soccer players have jumped on the bandwagon!  

Futsal at All Saints' began in 2012 through the urging of the youth group and a small grant for equipment. Open scrimmages were held in the gym during the off-seasons of soccer, but it wasn't until 2014 when All Saints' put together a tournament, the first of its kind on the island. The response was surprising and very encouraging, so in early March, a last minute decision was made to hold another tournament this year. On Saturday, March 28, the tournament took place to anxious players. The numbers nearly doubled over last year, with over 30 teams plus a wait list. Players age 7 to adult took to the courts in fast-paced action and excitement!  

The Ke Akua Youth Group spearheads the event and also hosts a food booth to help raise funds for their mission and outreach activities. With the overwhelming response and positive feedback from coaches and players, futsal at All Saints' may be around for a while! 


Safeguarding God's Children Training

The latest class of Safeguarding God's Children on Maui was held on Saturday, February 14, at Trinity By-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Kihei. Gathered under the parish's mission statement, which all resonated to, this ecumenical class learned and discussed not only the prescribed curriculum but also the idea that "it takes a whole village to raise a child".  The next Maui class will be conducted on September 26, 2015. (Photo by John Tomoso.)

Shrove Tuesday at Good Shepherd

Like many churches around the Diocese, Good Shepherd knows how to put on a feast and celebration, especially for Shrove Tuesday with a Mardi Gras theme! (Pictures from the Good Shepherd Facebook page.)


Shrove Tuesday at St. James'

It was a great evening of jazz and pancakes at St. James' Episcopal Church in Kamuela. Over 75 people joined in the feast headed by the men of the parish. (Photos from the St. James' Facebook Page.)

Reaching Out at St. Jude's
Located near the southern tip of the Big Island in the small rural community of Ocean View, St. Jude's is like a beacon to those in need. The small congregation of faithful members have taken the Episcopal Church's mission stance and run with it! Last year, we featured a couple of their outreach ministries such as the weekly hot showers, medical van site and free wi-fi. Although the medical van was moved to accommodate those cut-off and affected by the recent lava flows, they have added another valuable program to the list: The Ka'u Food Pantry. 

In a recent St. Jude's newsletter, Karen Pucci, who now heads the volunteer non-profit, said that when the local giveaway program disbanded, members Judy Samuel, Ric Stark and the Rev. Dallas Decker, "stepped up and formed the Ka'u Food Pantry."  Their purpose, "is to act as a bridge to supplement hungry folks at the end of the month when most of their benefits and/or paychecks have run out."

Pleasant Surprise!

The Rev. Moki Hino of Holy Apostles in Hilo, got a surprise visit at Sunday's service.  Pictured from left is Andrew Arakawa from Waiolaihui'ia, Hisako Beasley, Rev. Moki, and Warren Wong. Hisako, Warren and Moki are all active members in the Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries (EAM). Hisako comes from St. Mark's Cathedral in Seattle, WA, and Warren is from St. James' Episcopal Church in San Francisco, CA.  (Photo contributed by Moki Hino.)



Episcopal Forum: Climate Change Crisis
 By Lynette Wilson

[Episcopal News Service - Los Angeles, California] In a deeply politicized country where environmental officials in Florida are forbidden to use the words "climate" and "change" together in a sentence, and where a presidential candidate dismisses the notion that greenhouse gases are causing the earth's atmosphere to warm, The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society hosted a forum March 24 to address head on the global climate change crisis.


"Why do we call this a crisis? The planet's regulatory system is being altered," said Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, during a keynote address at the start of a live webcast forum.


"Like a human being with a runaway fever, the malfunctioning thermostat causes a body to slowly self-destruct as inflammation erodes joints, causes nerve cells to misfire, and prevents the digestive system from absorbing nutrients critical to life. This planet is overheating, its climate is changing, and the residents are sick, suffering, and dying," she continued.


Close to 75 people gathered in the auditorium of Campbell Hall Episcopal School in Studio City, Diocese of Los Angeles, for the climate change crisis forum presented by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society in partnership with Los Angeles Bishop J. Jon Bruno. In addition to the presiding bishop's address, the 90-minute forum included panels focused on the regional impacts of climate change and reclaiming climate change as a moral issue.  READ MORE

Pictured above: Diocese of California Bishop Marc Andrus, a longtime environmental advocate, and Mary D. Nichols, who chairs the Air Resources Board of the California Environmental Protection Agency, talk about reclaiming climate change as a moral issue on a panel moderated by Fritz Coleman, a local meteorologist. Photo: Lynette Wilson/ENS



Holy Land Groups Pave Path to Peace with 

Commonality and Trust

By Matthew Davies

[Episcopal News Service] It may be a cliché to say that water knows no boundaries, but for Elizabeth Koch-Ya'ari, navigating the stream of ecology and peacemaking is bringing together Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian environmentalists - people of different faiths from neighboring communities - to mobilize and build friendships around their common source of life.


As a project coordinator with EcoPeace Middle East, Koch-Ya'ari leads a campaign to rehabilitate the Jordan River. Once a vital source of clean water throughout the Holy Land, the river has been sullied by untreated sewage and drought during the past 50 years.


"We come together and we use environment as a platform for peace-building," Koch-Ya'ari told Episcopal News Service following a presentation in Tel Aviv in January, when she met with a United States interfaith delegation that visited the region on pilgrimage.


"It's an amazing opportunity to enter into understanding these different communities that are bordering each other, that share the same water resources, that share the environment," she said. "In this area of the world, water can bring us together, because water does not see all these walls and borders that we put between each other."   READ MORE

Pictured above: EcoPeace Middle East gathers Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians in the lower Jordan River for the "Big Jump," an event to raise awareness of river restoration efforts. Photo: EcoPeace Middle East



Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


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