Featured Articles
In This Issue:
+ Bishop's Reflection for Holy Week
+ An Understanding of Clergy Leave-Taking
+ Sonja Barba Selected for General Convention Official Youth Presence
+ Lent Madness: King Kamehameha IV
+ Deadline! Bishop's Scholarship Funds
+ Pacific Islander Ministry Annual Renewal Easter Camp
+ New Safeguarding God's Children Training on O'ahu
+ Calvary Imu Fundraiser
+ Concert at The Cathedral: New York Polyphony
+ Palm Sunday: Choral Evensong at The Cathedral
+ St. Andrew's Schools Open House
+ Centering Prayer Introduction Workshop on Maui
+ Presiding Bishop's Easter Message
+ ERD Responding to Cyclone Pam's Impact in Vanatu
+ The Climate Change Crisis Forum Now Available for Viewing
+ Seeking Input on Draft Budget
+ Apply Now for Campus Ministries Grants
+ Updated Safe Church Training Dates
+ Registration Now Open for Hui Pu: Summer Youth Camp
+ Applications Accepted for Domestic Poverty Ministry Grants
+ St. Andrew's Schools Summer Program
+ Eucharistic Minister and Visitor Training on O'ahu
+ Grant Opportunities in the Diocese
+ Altar Linens and Stoles Available for Purchase
Newsletter Item
Contact Information
+ + + + + + +

Featured Photo:
This issue's header photo features the Waiolaihui'ia Group with Bishop Chang, who was the Celebrant and Preacher for the 4th Sunday in Lent. Be sure to read a special feature article on Waiolaihui'ia in the next April issue of the E-Chronicle coming out soon. (Photo contributed by John Tomoso.)

Upcoming Meetings

Mark Your




Saturday, April 18, 2015
The Cathedral of St. Andrew

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Standing Committee &
Commission on Ministry
(Joint Meeting)
Diocesan Conference Room

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Standing Committee
Bishop's Office

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Commission on Ministry
Bishop's Reading Room

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Diocesan Council
Diocesan Conference Room



June 25 - July 3, 2015

Salt Lake City, Utah

Visit the main website HERE



 ECW logo


  (To be announced)


Diocesan events header


O'ahu Youth Gatherings
First Sunday evenings of the month. Visit the Episcopal Youth of Hawai'i website or Facebook page for more information.

ECW Quiet Day Retreat
Saturday, March 28
St. Anthony Retreat Center, Honolulu

Hui Pu Diocesan Youth Camp
June 26 - July 10

2015 Safe Church Training
Please check under the island listings for a class taking place in your area. 


Parish Happenings


Sunday Adult Christian Formation Hour 
Sundays, 9:20 AM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Choral Evensong at The Cathedral
Ongoing every Sunday, 5:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Health and Harmony
Ongoing every Monday, 3:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Davies Hall, Honolulu

Aina Haina Farmer's Market
Ongoing every FIRST Tuesday, 5:00 PM
Holy Nativity, Aina Haina

FREE Wednesday Noontime Concerts at The Cathedral
Ongoing every Wednesday, 12:15 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

March for Medical Mercy
Ongoing last Thursdays of the month, 10:00 AM
St. Elizabeth's to the Federal Building

Makiki Farmers Market
Ongoing every Thursday, 4:30 - 7:30 PM
St. Clement's, Honolulu

Jazz Vespers at St. Peter's
Ongoing every Thursday, 
6:00 PM (5:30 PM light refreshments on the lanai)
St. Peter's, Honolulu

Zumba at St. Luke's
Ongoing every Saturday, 9:00 AM
St. Luke's, Honolulu

Tai Chi at Epiphany
Ongoing every Saturday, 9:00 AM
Epiphany, Honolulu

Holy Hikers!
Ongoing every first Saturday, 1:30 PM, meet at Holy Nativity parking lot
Holy Nativity, Honolulu

St. Mary's Evensong with Hawaii Sacred Choir
Wednesday, March 25, 7:00 PM
St. Mary's, Honolulu
Church Office: (808) 949-4655

Pacific Islander Confirmation Class (3 of 3)
Saturday, March 28, 10:00 AM
St. Timothy's, Aiea

Concert at The Cathedral: New York Polyphony
Saturday, March 28, 7:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Calvary Imu Fundraiser
April 4 & 5
Calvary, Kaneohe
Call (808) 247-2733

Pacific Islander Annual Renewal Easter Camp and Confirmation Service
Sunday, April 5, 1:00 PM
Our Lady of Ke'au and St. Philip's, Waianae
Fane Lino: (808) 548-1719

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training
Saturday, April 11
St. Timothy's, Aiea

Eucharistic Minister & Visitor Training
Saturday, April 11, 9:00 AM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

St. Andrew's Schools Open House
Sunday, April 12, 1:00 PM
St. Andrew's Schools, Honolulu

Regional Confirmation Service - Windward O'ahu
Sunday, April 19, 2:00 PM 
St. Christopher's, Kailua

Safeguarding God's Children Training - Honolulu
Saturday, May 2, 8:30 AM
Epiphany, Honolulu

Safeguarding God's Children Training - West O'ahu
Saturday, May 2, 8:30 AM
St. Timothy's, Aiea

St. Andrew's Schools Open House
Sunday, May 3, 1:00 PM
St. Andrew's Schools, Honolulu

Regional Confirmation Service - East Honolulu
Saturday, May 9, 10:30 AM
Holy Nativity, Honolulu

Regional Confirmation Service - West O'ahu
Saturday, May 9, 4:00 PM
St. Timothy's, Aiea

Regional Confirmation Service - Honolulu
Tentative: May 15, 16 or 17
(Final date, time & location TBA)

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training
Saturday, August 1, 8:30 AM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu



Christ Memorial Food Pantry
Ongoing Saturdays, 3:30 PM
Christ Memorial, Kilauea

Saturday Markets and Swap Meet
Ongoing every second Saturday of the month, 9:00 AM
All Saints', Kapa'a

Saturday Evening Jazz Vespers Communion Service
Ongoing Saturdays, 5:15 PM
St. Michael's, Lihue

Lifetree Cafe
Ongoing Tuesdays, 4:30 PM
& Saturdays, 6:30 PM
St. Michael's, Lihue

ReSource for Christian Spirituality Centering Prayer Group
Ongoing Tuesdays, 8:00 AM
St. Michael's, Lihue
Ongoing Wednesdays, 9:30 AM
St. John's, Eleele

All Saints' Futsal Tournament
Saturday, March 28, 10:00 AM
All Saints' Gym, Kapa'a

All Saints' is Bustin' Cancer!
Relay for Life
Saturday, April 25, 5:00 PM
Hanapepe Stadium

Regional Confirmation Service
Saturday, May 23, 11:00 AM
All Saints', Kapa'a

Kaua'i Sacred Day Walk
June 11 - 15
Koke'e State Park

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training
Saturday, September 12, 8:30 AM
St. Michael's, Lihue



Centering Prayer Group
Mondays, 6:15 - 8:00 PM
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei

Regional Confirmation Service
Saturday, April 11, 11:00 AM
Holy Innocents, Lahaina

Centering Prayer Introduction Workshop
Saturday, May 23, 9:00 AM
Holy Innocents, Lahaina



Free Community Meal
Ongoing every 4th Saturday, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
St. Augustine's, Kapaau

St. Jude's Women's Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays, 10:00 AM

Brown Bag Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays, 12:00 PM
St. James, Kamuela

After School Bible Story-time
Ongoing Wednesdays, 1:15 PM
St. Columba's, Paauilo

St. Columba's Home Bible Study
Ongoing Wednesdays, 4:00 PM

Evening Prayers of Healing
Ongoing Wednesdays, 5:00 PM
St. Columba's, Paauilo

St. Jude's Men's Bible Study
Ongoing Fridays, 9:00 AM
McKinney Place

The Labyrinth Book Group
Ongoing Fridays, 9:30 AM
Christ Church, Kealakekua

Regional Confirmation Service
Saturday, May 2, 10:00 AM
St. Columba's

St. James' Fashion Show & Mother's Day Tea
Saturday, May 9, 11:00 AM
St. James', Kamuela

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training
Saturday, September 26, 10:00 AM
St. Columba's, Paauilo





Part-time Administrative Assistant 

St. Peter's in Honolulu; 4 hours per day, 4 days per week (flexible); download detailed job description  HERE.


If you would liked to post a position at your church, e-mail Communications with the information. Positions are also posted on the Diocesan website HERE.




Sunday of the Passion:

Palm Sunday

Almighty and everliving God, in your tender love for the
human race you sent your Son our Savior Jesus Christ to
take upon him our nature, and to suffer death upon the cross,
giving us the example of his great humility: Mercifully grant
that we may walk in the way of his suffering, and also share
in his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. Amen.

Book of Common Prayer
p 219


Ministry Links

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Upcoming Events

Office of the Bishop

Previous E-News Editions

 E-Chronicle Editions 



Would you like to put an announcement in the E-News for a special community event or activity that your church is involved with?  Please e-mail the information to the Editor, along with pictures, fliers and contact information.


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events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
March 25, 2015


The Bishop's Reflection for Holy Week

"The power of God is the powerlessness of God's unconditional love shown to us in the cross. God is the beggar who will not force his way into our homes unless we open the door. God is with us at every moment with open arms of love, laughing when we are laughing, weeping when we are weeping, rejoicing when we are rejoicing. God shares in the brokenness of this world out of abundance of divine love. It is because God is the fountain fullness of love, in Bonaventure's view, that God can share in the suffering of our lives and through these sufferings draw us into new life. For God's love cannot be overcome by human power nor can it be conquered by human force. God's love, shown to us in the weakness and powerlessness of the cross, is the power of love to heal and transform death into life. God is most God-like in the suffering of the cross."


Ilia Delio, The Humility of God: A Franciscan Perspective

(St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2005), p. 96.


Bishop Fitzpatrick

I am reminded during Holy Week that for Christians, the very basis of our faith is absurd. God is so close to us that we see the face of God in the mess of creation and the pain of human life. God is not deaf to our cries, rather God himself weeps with us. God with us can only be true because of the cross. God is with us in the houseless poor having their possessions removed from the sidewalk. God is with us in the displaced, wounded and those killed by war. God is with us in our own failures, pain and grief. The crucified God is with us in the reality of life.


We do not need to involve in spiritual gymnastics to reach God. We do not need some special knowledge to know God. God has come to us and remains in the wonder and mess of creation. God's face can be seen in the ordinary person - in every face we see every day. God's face can be seen in the face we look at in the mirror. On Good Friday, we are again invited to leave everything that is broken and hurt at the cross, that on Easter, it might be raised with Jesus Christ.


As you look to Holy Week this year, I invite you to look for the face of God in those around you, but especially by those who are hurt and rejected. When we care for others, we are given the gift being Christ for them and they reveal Christ to us. It is in our own weakness and hurt that we can know the love of God.


I hope the Prayer attributed to St. Francis (found on p. 833 of the Book of Common Prayer) will be our path to God this Holy Week, in the Easter season and throughout life:


Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

From Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick:

An Understanding During Clergy Leave-Taking
The Policy regarding Former Clergy of Congregations 
in the Diocese of Hawai'i

A former clergyperson's relationship (as well as the clergy spouse) to a previous congregation has a profound impact on the congregation's acceptance of new clergy and the healthy development of lay leadership. Setting, explaining, and adhering to appropriate and healthy boundaries with clear "good-byes" are very important for the congregation, the outgoing clergy, and the new clergy.


In Leave-Taking, all professional responsibilities and pastoral relationships will end on the effective date of the dissolution of pastoral relationship. There must be distance, and also spiritual/emotional separation. This does not mean that friendships must come to an end, but the outgoing clergyperson must be clear that the relationship has changed. There is a special responsibility on the part of the outgoing clergy to prevent friendships from becoming confused with the pastoral relationships.


It is expected, therefore, that the outgoing clergy not attend worship, supply, officiate, participate in, or provide pastoral care to the church or parishioners from the former cure, for at least a full year after leaving.* 


Parishioners must consult with their congregation's current clergy, and not just a clergyperson of choice, when needing ministrations of church (weddings, funerals, baptisms, etc.). The primary relationship is between the parishioner and the current clergy of the congregation. It is inappropriate for a former clergyperson to officiate for parishioners at all in the first year after leaving a congregation, and then thereafter only at the express invitation of the current clergyperson in charge. The former clergyperson is expected to refer the parishioner to the current clergy and decline participation in any service. This is to be without negativity. It really is up to the current clergyperson in charge to invite other clergy to participate and it is expected any former clergy to respectfully decline any such invitations until contacted by the current priest (and then s/he may still decline). If asked by a church member to have such ministrations rendered, it is incumbent upon the former clergy to politely decline and explain our Diocesan policy, and refer the church member to the current clergy in charge (or lay leader if there is no incumbent clergy). READ MORE


* On rare occasions, the Bishop may waive this provision in a pastoral emergency and when there is no other clergyperson immediately available because of the context of the cure. 


Sonja Barba Selected for General Convention 
Official Youth Presence
Congratulations to high school youth Sonja Barba of St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Honolulu, for being selected to represent Province VIII at the 2015 General Convention in Salt Lake City, UT.

Although the Convention takes place this summer, the teens will gather together in Salt Lake City the weekend of April 9-12, to engage in community building, gifts discovery, parliamentary procedure training, and legislative process. To read more about the "Official Youth Presence" and listing of all youth selected, click HERE.   
King Kamehameha IV Battles Again!
TODAY! Wednesday, March 25
Lent Madness
Our very own King Kamehameha IV has advanced to the "Elate Eight", and faces Brigid of Kildare today, Wednesday, March 25. With each passing battle, Lent Madness followers learn more and more about the Saints that advance, and from blog comments, it's clear that the King's legacy (along with Queen Emma) is spreading. 

Lent Madness is a fun and educational way to learn about the different Saints on our calendar. You can learn more about Lent Madness HERE, and don't forget to vote! 
Reminder: Deadline is March 26!
Bishop's Scholarship Funds
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i has two scholarship funds available for students:

1. The Bishop's Scholarship Fund, for baptized members entering an Episcopal Church-related school in the Diocese of Hawai'i for the first time, limited to kindergarten to grade 12.

2.  The Chang Clergy Children's Scholarship Fund, for children of clergy under the age of 24, entering preschool, kindergarten to grade 12 and college/vocational school.

The deadline to apply is 4:00 PM on Thursday, March 26, 2015. For more information and to view the complete eligibility criteria, application process and form, click HERE.
Register Now!
Pacific Islander Ministry Annual Renewal 

Easter Camp:  April 2 - 5

The Pacific Islander Ministry will be holding it's annual Renewal Easter Camp from Maundy Thursday, April 2, through Easter Sunday, April 5, at Our Lady of Ke'au in Waianae. Last year, the camp was held for the Micronesian & Chuukese groups, and this year, it is open to Polynesian groups including Tongan, Tuvalau and Samoan families. The highlight of this special Pacific Islander combination event will be the confirmation of 50 candidates. For more information, contact Fane Lino at (808) 548-1719 or e-mail her. To register for the camp, download the packet HERE.


Pacific Islander Ministry Confirmation Classes

Final Class this Saturday, March 28

In preparation for the Pacific Islander Confirmation Service on Easter Sunday, three confirmation classes were scheduled for 50 candidates interested in being confirmed. 


The first class was held on February 22, at St. Philip's Episcopal Church in Waianae, conducted by Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick.  The second class was held at St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church on Saturday, March 7, where candidates were treated to lessons from several teachers: Fr. David Gierlach on the Book of Common Prayer, Fr. Greg Johnson on how to use and understand the lectionary, and Preston Lentz, on Eucharistic Ministers and how children can help during service as a crucifer, acolyte, or reader. 


The final class will be held at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Aiea, beginning at 10:00AM, led by Fr. Paul Klitze, Kala Holden and Kahu Kaleo Patterson, who will continue to teach about the Book of Common Prayer and connecting to cultural views. 


Registration Now Open
New Safeguarding God's Children Training on O'ahu
Two new Safeguarding God's Children Training classes have been scheduled on O'ahu for Saturday, May 2, 2014. The two classes are taking place at the same time, from 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM, at Epiphany Episcopal Church in Honolulu, and at St. Timothy's (Christ's Gathering Place) in Aiea. 

Under the Episcopal Church's Safe Church Policies, this mandatory training is required for all people who work with children in church and must be renewed annually, although renewals can be done online. For more information about this policy, visit the Safe Church page on the diocesan website HERE.

For the dates of other Safe Church training classes in your area, check the Safe Church listing below under Previously Announced Event Reminders, or the Parish Happenings column at left.
Calvary Imu Fundraiser 
Hurry Deadline to Purchase Tickets is March 27

Calvary Episcopal Church is holding an Imu Fundraiser for Easter Sunday. Bring your turkey, ham, pork butt, or other roast (15 lb. limit, seasoned and wrapped) to Calvary. Drop-off and pick-up times are as follows:

Drop-off: Saturday, April 4, 12:00 - 2:00 PM
Pick-up: Sunday, April 5, 8:00 - 10:00 AM

The cost is $20 per item or 2 items for $35. For more information, call the Calvary office and to purchase tickets at (808) 247-2733.  Calvary Episcopal Church is located at 45-435 Aumoku St. In Kaneohe.
Concert at The Cathedral of St. Andrew:
New York Polyphony
The Honolulu Chamber Music Series presents New York Polyphony (NYP) in concert in St. Andrew's Cathedral on Saturday, March 28, at 7:30 PM. The four-man vocal ensemble joins the most ancient music with the most cutting-edge: from unearthed music of the Renaissance to the Missa Charles Darwin (a mass based on the Origin of Species), from traditional Christmas carols to the winning entries from an online Gregorian chant remix competition. NYP's four albums have been called "painfully beautiful," and "as clear as a mountain lake, as balanced as Big Ben's clockwork, and as seductive as a Top Chef tasting menu." 


Tickets are $37 (General Admission) or $12 for students, and are available at the door from 6:30 PM or online through UH Outreach. Seating will begin at 7:00 PM. Learn more about New York Polyphony HERE. For more information, call (808) 524-2822, ext. 217.


Palm Sunday: Choral Evensong at The Cathedral

Choral Evensong will be sung at The Cathedral of St. Andrew on Palm Sunday, March 29, at 5:30 PM. This beautiful service will be led by the Cathedral Choir featuring music of Thomas Morley and Tomás Luis de Victoria.  All are welcome. This will be the first of four consecutive daily Evensong services in which the choir will sing different settings of Lamentations of Jeremiah, spanning five centuries of sacred choral works.  Parking is free. Calabash offering gratefully accepted.  For more information, call (808) 524-2822, ext. 217.


Save the dates!
St. Andrew's Schools Open House Coming Up!

St. Andrew's Schools will be holding two Open Houses on April 12 and May 3. To learn more about St. Andrew's Schools, visit their website HERE, or download the information for the Open Houses
Centering Prayer Introduction Workshop on Maui
Contemplative outreach
Contemplative Outreach of Hawaii and Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Lahaina, invite you to discover and explore centering prayer, on Saturday, May 23, from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM.  What are its roots? How to do it? Why do it? These are just some of the questions that will be discussed. The Rev. Austin Murray from Trinity by-the Sea Episcopal Church, will be the presenter. For further information e-mail Paula Baldwin.


What's Happening in The Episcopal Church? 

Announcements from around The Episcopal Church & beyond 

Presiding Bishop's Easter Message 2015
"The only place we will not find him is in the tomb"
Jefferts schori advent
It's still dark when Mary ventures out to find the tomb. The graveyards around Jerusalem don't have much greenery today. The earth is mostly rock and stone, and it is far from easy to make a place to secure a body. Jesus' body was put in a cave-like space, with a stone rolled across the opening to close it up. Mary has made the journey from wherever she's sheltered over the last day, through darkened streets, perhaps hearing cocks begin to crow and townspeople start to stir.

She nears the place, but somehow it seems different than they left it - this can't be it, can it? Who moved the stone? A trip begun in tears and grief now has added burden- confusion, anger, shock, chaos, abandonment. His very body has been stolen.

She runs to tell the others. The three tear back to the tomb - no, the body is not there, though some of the burial cloths remain. Who has torn away the shroud and stolen him away? Why must the cruel torture continue, sacrilege and insult even after death? Who has done this awful thing? The men run away again, leaving her to weep at even greater loss. READ MORE
Episcopal Relief & Development:
Responding to Cyclone Pam's Impact in Vanuatu

On March 13 & 14, Category 5 Cyclone Pam struck the islands of Vanuatu, leaving a path of destruction that affected nearly two-thirds of the nation's people.  Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD)  is in contact with the Anglican Church of Melanesia and posting status updates on its website HERE.  ERD offers prayer resources for solidarity with those who are responding to and recovering from disaster.  To support disaster response where it is most needed, please donate to the Disaster Response Fund.
The Climate Change Crisis:  
Forum Now Available for Viewing

[March 24, 2015] Now available online is the Climate Change Crisis Forum that was presented by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society on March 24. Addressing one of the most significant topics in today's society, the 90-minute live webcast originated from Campbell Hall Episcopal School, North Hollywood, CA, in partnership with Bishop J. Jon Bruno and the Diocese of Los Angeles.


The forum was moderated by well-known climatologist Fritz Coleman of KNBC 4 television news.  Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori presented the keynote address (listed below). Two panels focused on specific areas of the climate change crisis: Regional Impacts of Climate Change; and Reclaiming Climate Change as a Moral Issue. READ MORE


Program, Budget, and Finance Committee
Seeks Comments, Input on Draft Budget

general convention logo

[March 23, 2015] The Episcopal Church Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance is seeking comments and input on the draft budget that will be presented to the 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church.


The Joint Nominating Committee for Program, Budget, and Finance received Executive Council's draft budget in February.


"As General Convention 2015 approaches, Program, Budget, and Finance would like to hear comments and suggestions from all corners of the church," commented the Rev. Mally Lloyd of Massachusetts, co-chair of the Program, Budget, and Finance Committee. "This is an opportunity for everyone to have a say in the budget before we arrive at General Convention."


The Program, Budget, and Finance Budget Explanation, the Executive Council budget narrative, the Draft Budget, and instructions are available HERE. Deadline for comments is June 21.

Apply Now for Campus Ministries Grants

Applications are now being accepted by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society for grant proposals from dioceses, parishes or community colleges/colleges/universities, for new as well as current campus ministries in higher education institutions located throughout The Episcopal Church.


"The proposals for grants are meant to assist in the start-up of new campus ministries or the restart of dormant campus ministries," explained the Rev. Shannon Kelly, Acting Missioner for Campus and Young Adult Ministries for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. READ MORE


Safe church logo 
UPDATED: Safe Church Training Dates
The Church's Safe Church Policies require church leadership and those working with children to attend special training classes. The following classes have been set up with more to come. Please read the Safe Church Policies to note the differences between Safeguarding God's Children and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training, and to see if you are required to attend a class. 
  • Saturday, April 11 - Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training (St. Timothy's, Aiea, O'ahu) - Click HERE to register.
  • Saturday, May 2 - Safeguarding God's Children Training  (Epiphany, Honolulu) - Click HERE to register.
  • Saturday, May 2 - Safeguarding God's Children Training (St. Timothy's, Aiea, O'ahu) - Click HERE to register.
  • Saturday, August 1 - Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training (The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu, O'ahu) - Click HERE to register.
  • Saturday, September 12 - Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training (St. Michael's, Lihue, Kaua'i) - Click HERE to register.
  • Saturday, September 26 - Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training (St. Columba's, Paauilo, Big Island) - Click HERE to register.
Registration Now Open!
Hui Pu: Diocesan Summer Youth Camp

Registration is now open for the diocesan summer youth camp, Hui Pu, at Camp Mokule'ia on O'ahu. This year's theme is "Do Something", with an emphasis on service, kindness, and standing up for what you believe. The dates are as follows:

June 26 - 28: Ahe (completed 3 - 5 grade)
June 28 - July 3: Lokahi (completed 6 - 8 grade)
July 5 - 10: 'Opio (completed 9 - 12 grade)
The cost is $200 for the Ahe camp and $300 for Lokahi and 'Opio. Scholarships and travel assistance are available.  For more information and to register, visit the youth website HERE, or call Sarah Klitzke, Diocesan Youth Director, at (808) 536-7776. 
Applications Accepted for Domestic and Poverty Ministry Grants

Applications are now being accepted for grants from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) that center on new or revitalized efforts in domestic poverty ministry.


The purpose of the grants is to engage Episcopalians in ministry among the economically impoverished in the United States; To provide opportunity to the marginalized to overcome chronic adversities; To challenge unjust structures that perpetuate the cycle of poverty; and to inspire the wider church to more deeply engage with the poor.


Grant awards will range between $5,000 and $30,000. All domestic Episcopal dioceses, congregations and institutions are eligible to apply. Grant applications, overview and instructions are available HERE  All applications must have the endorsement of the diocesan bishop. Deadline for applying is April 30. READ MORE


Registration Open Now!
St. Andrew's Schools Summer Programs
The St. Andrew's Schools offers an extensive and diverse summer program that is open to all children from grades K - 12. Open registration has begun! To download a copy of the summer program guide, click HERE, or visit their website HERE for complete information.
Eucharistic Minister & Visitor Training on O'ahu
There will be a Eucharistic Minister and Eucharistic Visitor Training coming up on Saturday, April 11, 2015, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew, beginning at 9:00 AM. The trainer is the Rev. Walter Stevens. 

Both EMs and EVs should attend the morning session, which will begin at 9:00 a.m. That session will last 2-1/2 hours. Those intending to be Eucharistic Ministers only, can then leave. Those who intend to be Eucharistic Visitors will stay for the afternoon session, which will last until 3:30 p.m.  For more information and to register, click HERE. Space is limited, so register early.


Reminder: Ongoing Diocesan Grant Opportunities
Applications Reviewed Quarterly
Diocese Logo
Information on the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i 1% Diocesan Council Grants are available online HERE (scroll down to "Grants"), or click HERE to download the 2015 Program/Project Grant Request Guidelines and Checklist.  

Funding is designated primarily in support of new projects with the intent to assist groups in getting projects on a sound and sustainable footing.  Consideration will be given to existing projects that have shown continued growth and impact on their communities, but need an extra layer of support in order to meet goals.

This is an ongoing application process with quarterly deadline dates falling on the 20th of February, May, August and October. 


Altar Linens and Stoles Available for Purchase
Churches in the Diocese will be happy to learn that Altar Linens are once again available for purchase! To place an order, you can download an order form HERE, and if you  have any questions, e-mail Louise Aloy.


Chronicle header green  

In case you missed it, click on the link to read

the latest issue of the E-Chronicle:   


Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below or visit the Diocesan website's 

Message from the Bishop: House of Bishops' Meeting

The Rev. David Jackson Heads to South Carolina

Registration Now Open for Hui Pu: Summer Youth Program

St. Andrew's Schools Summer Program

Grant Opportunities in the Diocese

Afternoon Tea for the Rev. Charles Crane

Bishop's Message on Lent

FACE & Affordable Housing

News from Camp Mokule'ia

Lent Madness to Feature Kamehameha IV

Altar Linens & Stoles Available for Purchase

Bishop's Scholarship Funds Deadline March 26

Diocese Grant Opportunities

Good Friday Offering for Jerusalem and Middle East

Mission Centered Episcopalians

Godly Play Conference

Message from the Bishop: Alcohol Policy in the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Updated Safe Church Training Dates

ECWO: Introduction to the Brotherhood of St. Andrew

EM & EV Training on O'ahu April 11

Clergy Transitions: Conley, Albinger, Crowe

Alcohol and Liquor Policy

TREC Issues A Word to The Episcopal Church



Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor

Office of the Bishop
229 Queen Emma Square
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776, ext. 326