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The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

February 2015
In This Issue
Bishop's Photos
Diocesan Education Day
Our Youth: Christmas at Camp & OYG
ECW Christmas Luncheon
'Iolani Guild Christmas Luncheon
Celebrating Christ's Birth Around the Diocese
Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.
ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu
Contact Information
Bishop's Calendar


February 1 - 7
February 8 - 15 
Work week on Kaua'i
February 8
Sunday Visitation, All Saints, Kapa'a
February 10
Non-Sunday Visitation to Christ Memorial, Kilauea
February 11
Non-Sunday Visitation to Episcopal Church of West Kaua'i 
February 15
Sunday Visitation, St. Michael's, Lihue
February 18
Chapel: The St. Andrew's Schools
February 21
Governance Meetings, The Cathedral of St. Andrew
February 22
Sunday Visitation, Calvary, Kaneohe
February 25
Non-Sunday Visitation, St. Paul's, Honolulu
February 28
Conduct Title IV Training


March 10
Chapel: The St. Andrew's Schools
March 11 - 18
Spring House of Bishop's Meeting, Kanuga
March 19
Diocesan Council Meeting (Video-conference)
March 21
Chrism Mass & Education Day
March 21
Standing Committee Meeting
March 22
Sunday Visitation, Emmanuel, Kailua
March 24 - 28
March 29
Sunday Visitation, St. Mark's, Honolulu

Stay Informed!
Bishop's Message

Bishop Fitzpatrick
Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick spent the first three weeks of 2015 "on the road", first for the Provincial House of Bishops Meeting in the Diocese of Navajoland, and then to Guam for his semi-annual visitation to St. John's.

Below are some of the pictures he took while on his travels, along with comments that were shared on his Facebook page.

Provincial House of Bishops Meeting, January 4 - 10, 2015:

Mahalo to Cornelia Eaton for the care, prayer and blessing she offered the Bishops of Province VIII today, while we prepared to say aloha to the Episcopal Church in Navajoland. We are refreshed, blessed and honored as we head home.

In the Episcopal Church in Navajoland (ECN), there is a new spirit and a new energy in the land! They have re-opened some churches and planted new ones. They have ordained two Navajo priests and three deacons. They have reached out to the many Navajo military veterans. 

They have repaired derelict properties for rental income and program use. 

They are exploring sustainable farming and aquaponics, expanding retreat opportunities and building hogans for educational ceremonial purposes. These efforts derive from visioning together as they work to achieve the Church's potential. Ultimately, these new beginnings will lead to a fully indigenous clergy, economic sustainability, and a deeper appreciation of the unique gifts ECN brings to the wider church. 

Please consider making a donation to ECN HERE.



Visitation at St. John's Episcopal Church, Diocese of Guam, January 13 - 21, 2015:

January 14 - I joined the students and faculty of St. John's School this morning for the all School Chapel.

January 17 - Just back from a long walk after the Eucharist and lunch-- five confirmations and two receptions this morning.

One stop during my walks on Guam is the Chinese park. It is just down the street from St. John's School.

Diocesan Education Day:
A Nurturing Home as a Center of Spiritual Practice
By Jenny Wallace, Godly Play Trainer

Editor's note: The following article is about the Diocesan Education Day that took place at The St. Andrew's Schools on Saturday, December 6, 2014. The guest speaker was Elisabeth (Lisa) Kimball, who is the Director of the Center for Ministry of Teaching, and Professor of Christian Formation and Congregational Leadership at Virginia Theological Seminary. A YouTube video narrated by Kimball about the Center was recently released and can be viewed HERE.

Godly Play strip When I heard that Lisa Kimball was the presenter for the Diocesan Education Day, I was eager to register. I have fond memories of Lisa's warmth and wisdom from a boat trip we shared with diocesan youth many years ago. This time, Lisa was nothing short of phenomenal. She was able to engage participants on a personal level, even with a large group in a restricted space. She articulated truths about Christian formation so clearly that I am sure people understood the profound nature of this work. What I didn't expect and found most amazing was her provocative and deft use of social media to introduce new understanding and to engage us all in exploring possibilities of these forms of communication.


I left the session energized and renewed in my spirit. I take with me many resources that I have already found helpful in my own life and ministry, from an easy and fun breath prayer, to bringing a Christmas pageant to life with time for reflection, connection, and call to action, to new appreciation of my son as an online game virtuoso. I wish that more people were able to be part of this transforming time. However, there is good news on that front as Lisa created a Pinterest page that can link one to many of the resources she discussed. The link to that page can be found HERE


Our Youth

Christmas at Camp: Discovering Our Gifts

The second annual Christmas at Camp event for middle school youth took place at Camp Mokule'ia on December 26 - 28, 2014. A total of nine youth gathered together for a weekend of sharing, worship, fun and fellowship. Youth Director, Sarah Klitzke, said it was a small group but that made for an incredible weekend of close friendships and tons of insight and learning about our spiritual gifts.

Daileen Barton from All Saints' on Kaua'i, was the only neighbor island youth to attend, and thoroughly enjoyed the weekend. "We learned about the different gifts that we each have," said Daileen, who shared her experience with her youth group along with the laminated card about spiritual gifts that she was given at the camp, adding, "I can't wait to go to Hui Pu this summer!"

Pictured at top, Bishop Bob and Bea joined the group on on Saturday. Above, the youth enjoy time together; a couple of activities included painting affirmations and swimming. (Photos from the Episcopal Youth Facebook page.)

O'ahu Youth Gathering: Forgiveness
By Sarah Klitzke

January's O'ahu Youth Gathering was held at The Parish of St. Clement in Honolulu. With over fifty kids from numerous Episcopal and ELCA congregations, it was a full house to discuss the topic of "forgiveness". 

Scott Suzuki-Jones from St. Clement's led the group after the regular opening of prayer, introductions, and icebreakers. His enthusiasm on the subject was contagious and the youth were engaged and uplifted by his words.  He led them in an activity that involved building "bricks" made out of paper bags, and written on the sides of each "brick" were their grudges, anger issues, and areas that needed forgiveness. They then took the bricks and built a wall. Scott helped them to envision which side of the wall they preferred to be on; the one that kept them imprisoned in their hardness, or the one that led them to freedom and release with forgiveness. 

There was further discussion, a Toby Mac/LaCrae music video, and quiet guided meditation, followed by dinner and fellowship provided by St. Clement's.  We have seen quite a few new participants in the last few months, and continue to see many of the youth who have been coming for the last year-and-a half. Here are ways to get involved in O'ahu Youth Gatherings:
  • Attend an event. Information is sent out each month to clergy and church administrators on O'ahu about upcoming events.  It is also posted on the Episcopal Youth of Hawaii Facebook page, the youth website, and Diocesan webpage.
  • Please consider hosting one of these events in your parish hall, worship space, or other gathering area.  Please e-mail me or call me at (808) 673-8079 if your congregation is interested in hosting. There are several ways to be a host, ranging from the use of your space to planning the programming, sponsoring a meal, etc. I am happy to talk to you about any of these options and would love to set up a regular rotation of churches to host.
  • If you are on a neighbor island, let me know if you would like help setting up some regular island-wide meetings. I am happy to walk you through our process, help coordinate with other leaders, and offer support and guidance. There is some funding for this as well, so please share your thoughts and ideas. Also, if you are on O'ahu the first Sunday of the month, come join us! Newcomers are always welcome! 

And as always, feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions, or concerns. 


ECW Christmas Luncheon
By Louise Aloy, President, Episcopal Church Women of Hawai'i

Thirty-five women gathered on a very beautiful cool morning at the Manoa Marketplace for the Annual Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Holiday Luncheon at Tokoname Restaurant & Sushi Bar. Some of the women came dressed in various holiday fashions of glitter and bells, and even blinking light necklaces announcing that Christmas is just around the corner! There were holiday decorations on the tables with potted poinsettias, candy canes, snowflake cookies, tapa angel ornaments, ribbon angel pins, and colorful handmade pin cushions. The tables were full of goodies for everyone in attendance, including three wonderful gentlemen.


The food was blessed and everyone had their fill from the delicious Japanese buffet. We sang Christmas Carols, gave out door prizes, played games, sang more carols and laughed our hearts out. A wonderful day was had by all!


Each year the women select a group or organization for their outreach ministry, offering assistance and answering the call from the wider community. This year, the ECW's holiday outreach was for the Boat Harbor Luncheon project, assisting with monetary contributions and bags filled with canned goods and rice--- lots of bags of rice! There can never be too much rice in Hawai'i!


The Rev. Kaleo Patterson has worked tirelessly to organize a community network and develop the Boat Harbor Luncheon program, a once-a-week houseless outreach on the Waianae Coast. Now in its fourth month, this poverty alleviation project involves St. Philip's Episcopal Church and other West Oahu churches and community groups. The ECW was very happy to help with this outreach ministry.

Pictured at top, Kahu Kaleo Patterson poses with a bag of rice along with ECW ladies holding bags of canned goods and food.  Above, ECW Christmas cookies and pin cushions in the shape of hats were just a couple of the many goodies at the luncheon. At far right, the lavish Japanese buffet.  (Photos by Jan Motoshige. Editor's note: Read about the Boat Harbor Christmas Luncheon under the O'ahu Parish News below.)


'Iolani Guild Christmas Luncheon:
Stories of Christmas in Old Hawai'i
By Ann Hansen, Publicity Chair, 'Iolani Guild

The 'Iolani Guild held their annual Christmas Luncheon on Saturday, December 6, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew's Von Holt Room. Returning by popular demand was guest speaker Riánna Williams, historian and author, who shared her book, Stories of Christmas in Old Hawai'i.

Drawing from research she gathered, Riánna talked about the earliest recorded mention of Christmas in Hawai'i from Captain James Cook's first voyage in 1778. As the story goes, two of his ships lay off the eastern coast of the Big Island and their traditional method of celebrating Christmas (at least for sailors) probably involved "a ration of grog for the sailors aboard the ships."  

As part of Queen Emma and King Kamehameha IV's celebration of their first Anglican Christmas service, a procession of twenty torchbearers strolled through the streets of Honolulu singing Christmas hymns.  As the procession neared 'Iolani Palace, barrels of flaming tar were rolled down Punchbowl for a spectacular display of fireworks, 19th century style.


Pictured at top from left, President Leimalama Lee Loy updates members on the organization's activities including the 'Iolani Guild Scholarship Fund. Three long-term members passed away in 2014 - Pat Trask, Thelma Chun and Rosella Newell - and many people made donations to the fund in their honor. Guest speaker Riánna Williams shares her stories including a picture of a Christmas celebration at 'Iolani Palace in 1910. Pictured above, Ann Hansen stands by a display she made of the 'Iolani Guild's activities during the year; a beautiful tapa angel centerpiece that adorned the tables; members enjoying the lavish buffet.  (Photos contributed by Ann Hansen.)


Celebrating Christ's Birth Around the Diocese

Children in churches around the Diocese celebrated Christ's birth with the re-enactment of the Nativity story. The collage above is made up of photos taken from online newsletters and Facebook pages of different churches in the Diocese... can you recognize anyone?

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

The Very Rev. Walter Brownridge, Dean of The Cathedral of St. Andrew, literally took to the streets on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 19, by riding a garbage truck in the annual parade honoring the Civil Rights leader.  Weeks before the holiday, Dean Brownridge, had requested to join sanitation workers on their route that morning as a way of honoring Dr. King. Honolulu City officials turned down Dean Brownridge's request to ride on the work route due to liability reasons, but instead allowed him to ride on the garbage truck that would be in the parade.  

In an interview on Hawaii Public Radio (HPR), Dean Brownridge shared the significance of the garbage truck, and how not many young people today are aware of this aspect of King's story. (It was 1968, the year King was killed, when he went to Memphis, in support of the 1,300 garbage workers who walked off their jobs to stand up for their decency and dignity.) Dean Brownridge also talked about the parade's new entry this year -- a city bus, recognizing the 60th anniversary of Rosa Parks' act of defiance against Alabama's segregation laws. Parks, who became a powerful symbol in the modern day Civil Rights Movement, refused to give up her seat in the bus to a white passenger, when the white section was filled. In the parade photo above, you can see the bus behind Dean Brownridge, with "ROSA" in the front window in  place of the bus number.  

To view the video news report of the parade and interview with Dean Brownridge on KITV4, click HERE.  To listen to his interview on HPR, click HERE, and scroll down to "MLK Day: Father Walter Brownridge".



Palama Christmas Parade

The annual Palama Christmas Parade saw the Tapa decorated float mobile manned by a great bunch from St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church. Ukuleles strummed, guitars wafted and the sweet voices of Tonga made their melodies throughout the night. A great time was had by all. (Photo and caption from St. Elizabeth's December 2014 newsletter.)

The Cathedral's Annual Frozen Meat Give-away

On Friday, December 19, 2014, crew members from The Cathedral's Outreach Committee gave away high-quality frozen meat, donated by P&E Foods, to Kalihi Waena families. Each family received 5 pounds of chicken thighs plus cold cuts for a total of 840 pounds of chicken plus an unknown amount of cold cuts. This is the eighth year that members have been doing this. Pictured above right, this year's crew consisted of the Reverend Susan Sowers, Mi Pak, Ned Conklin, Deacon Glen Croyden, Elizabeth Conklin, and Ann Hansen.  (Article and photos are from The Cathedrals online newsletter dated January 8, 2015.)

Spreading Christmas Cheer

In December, members of Epiphany Episcopal Church went caroling at Honolulu area skilled nursing facilities. (Photo from the Epiphany Facebook page.)

The tri-ministry outreach with St. Luke's, St. Mary's and Good Samaritan Episcopal Churches filled 135 shoeboxes with goodies and toys for the children at the Institute for Human Services. 

The good folks of Good Samaritan Episcopal Church in Honolulu spread lots of Christmas cheer and joy during the holiday season! Pictured above, members serenaded and decorated trees and tables at the Palolo Chinese Home and at far right, young Lennon delivered 25 cat quilts to the Humane Society so our furry friends would be comfortable in their cages.  (Photos and excerpts are from the Good Samaritan January Newsletter.)

Emmanuel Bids Aloha to Rev. Carol Arney
Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Kailua held a potluck farewell party for the Rev. Carol Arney on Sunday December 21, 2014. Although already retired (on paper), Rev. Carol served for nearly three years at Emmanuel. 

In a letter to her parish, Rev. Carol shared her plans. "I look forward to a life of healthy retirement when I can enjoy the fun of travel and recreation while I still have my health and wits."  She plans to spend more time with her mother in Honolulu before heading off to Minnesota where she has applied for residency in the Episcopal Homes of Minnesota, a Continuous Care community in St. Paul. Aloha and God bless you Carol!

Harmony Health & Wellness at The Cathedral 

For over a year, The Cathedral of St. Andrew has hosted the Harmony, Health & Wellness program every Monday afternoon, from 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM, providing the community with free health and wellness services in Davies Hall.

On January 19, a special seminar was offered featuring Traumatic Release Exercises (TRE), led by Certified TRE Providers, Amy Champeau and Everett Ogawa from Chicago, to provide instruction. Over 30 participants took part in the workshop to learn how to release anxiety, stress and trauma, a process that is self-healing and self-regulating. 

The Health, Harmony and Wellness program is available to seniors, students and those needing regular checkup and support. For more information, please e-mail the Rev. Kaleo Patterson.  (Photos by Rev. Kaleo Patterson.)

Jazz Vespers Continues at St. Peter's

During the second half of 2014, St. Peter's Episcopal Church decided to start up a Jazz Vespers service every Thursday evening. In the E-News announcement in October, the Rev. Diane Martinson said, "This is a ministry not currently offered on the Square, so we thought we'd give it a try. The goal is to open the beautiful space of St. Peter's to the community for prayer, meditation, centering, and spiritual nurturance after a long work day, while enjoying the musical genre of jazz." 
The service was on a trial basis through Christmas to see how it would be received, and we are happy to report that it is still going strong! The services take place every Thursday at 6:00 PM, with light refreshments available on the patio from 5:30 PM. 

Pictured above from left is vocalist Starr Kalahiki, the Rev. Diane Martinson, Saxophonist Reggie Padilla, John Hawes on Bass, and Dan Del Negro who plays the keyboard.  (Photo contributed by Jesand Amodo.)

ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu

Christmas at Onemalu

The Episcopal Churches of West O'ahu turned out in force to put on the annual "Christmas at Onemalu" event this past December. Onemalu is a transitional homeless shelter located at Barber's Point, that originally began as an emergency shelter back in 2002.  Eleven years ago, the Kapolei Hawaiian Civic Club hosted the first Christmas party for residents, and support has now grown to include all four Episcopal West O'ahu Churches and another Hawaiian civic club. Lots of food, music, games, prizes and fun was shared by all. 117 children attended this year's event, each receiving gifts, and 40 food baskets were given to each of the families of Onemalu. (Photos from the ECWO January newsletter.)

Christmas Eve Boat Harbor Luncheon

Every Wednesday, lunch is served under the Keawe trees at the entrance to the Waianae Boat Harbor. It is here where over 300 houseless are living. It is also where you would probably find Kahu Kaleo Patterson catering to their needs. But it was no ordinary lunch being served on Christmas Eve day, which happened to fall on a Wednesday. Folks were treated to a special luau, catered by the Waihole Poi Factory and sponsored by Words of Peace. 

"Members of the Waihole community came to serve poi and food that was made in the traditional way, and very healthy," said Kahu Patterson in an e-mail to TECH News. He also shared that Kupuna Calvin Ho sang Christmas songs and played the ukulele. Members from The Cathedral of St. Andrew, St. Philips and the Prince Albert Circle brought toys and clothing, triggering lots of smiles and joy to all!
(Photos by Rev. Kaleo Patterson)
St. Stephen's Liturgical Dancers Magnificat
By Kahu Kaleo Patterson

St. Stephen's has a new liturgical dance group under the leadership of Dr. Haaheo Guanson. The group practiced forms and choreography related to the Magnificat for five weeks. Liturgical dance is a dynamic form of prayer, praise and worship that requires harmony and oneness of mind, body and spirit, through movement and creative expression. (Photo contributed by Rev. Kaleo Patterson.)

Greeter Training: 
When You Welcome a Stranger, You Welcome Jesus Himself

A regional greeter training led by Dot Shigemura was held on January 24, 2015, at Christ's Gathering Place in Aiea. The training featured a Hawaiian Island Ministries (HIM) training video entitled Ushers and Greeters Workshop by Pastor Dan Chun of HIM. The information was eye opening with story after story of folks being welcomed warmly and those that were turned off by a rude greeter. 

The greeter is vital to ensuring the service runs smoothly and sets the tone for the rest of the congregation. Introducing the visitor to others in the congregation or pastor or Sunday School teacher could mean the world of difference for that visitor. Putting ourselves into the shoes of a first time visitor, we realized that it's not about our needs, but their needs--- a friend to welcome them, show them around, answer questions and introduce them to new friends.  Having a visitor join us is all about being able to welcome someone who might be nervous, unsure, or afraid that they are too big of a sinner to be at church - to welcome that person warmly, just as Jesus Himself would have done.

At the end of the training, the group talked about how important it is for everyone in the congregation to be welcoming to a guest, and discussed ideas on how to share this training to a broader audience.

"I really enjoyed this training," said Shana Valenzuela, a member of St. Nicholas, "it opened a lot of good discussion about the vital role greeters play in the growth of our congregations."

If you are interested in viewing the DVD or participating in a training, e-mail Dot Shigemura.
(The above excerpts and photo are from an article featured in the ECWO February Newsletter and e-mail communication.)



Christmas Craft Fair and Caroling at All Saints'
The Ke Akua Youth Group of All Saints' held their annual Holiday Craft Fair and Silent Auction on Saturday, December 6. It was their biggest craft fair to date, with over 70 of Kauai's top vendors. This is the largest fundraiser of the year for the youth group, who raise funds for different charities and for mission work and activities. Their food booth raised over $800, and along with the ECW's bake sale, a total of $1,600 was raised to help kickstart their fundraising efforts for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life in April 2015. They also raised over $900 for The American Red Cross, River of Life Mission and the ALS Organization, in memory of one of the youth's uncles that had just passed away from the disease. Money from the booth rentals will help fund their mission work and other youth activities.

Church members also headed to the Mahelona Long-term Care Unit for their annual Christmas caroling. This was the largest group to turn out yet, that included college students that were home for the holidays. 

Episcopal Church of West Kaua'i Hosts Soup Kitchen

The folks at St. Paul's in Kekaha have answered a call to the wider community, and are now hosting a monthly (and soon to be bi-monthly) soup kitchen organized by Rev. Scott Taylor of the New Praise Chapel of Waimea Rivermouth. The project was featured in a January 25 article in the Garden Island Newspaper.

"The Sweet Savior Soup Kitchen is an interchurch project which is being spearheaded by Pastor Taylor," said Lyn Farman, the Senior Warden of St. Paul's. "(It) involves the pastors and members of other Westside churches."

The program began last year in the neighboring town of Waimea. The Waimea Baptist Church and Waimea UCC joined forces with Taylor to feed the homeless and hungry in Waimea. This year, they are partnering with St. Paul's to bring the program to Kekaha. Taylor, whose background includes being a chef and former restaurant owner in California, cooks all the meals at the Waimea UCC's certified kitchen, and brings the food to St. Paul's. Members set up the tent and tables to service the community.

"We recently bought new prayer books, so I got the inspiration to give away our old ones to our soup kitchen guests," said Farman, "they loved getting them!"

The meals are currently being served on the third Saturday of the month from noon to 2:00 PM, but they are planning to add the fourth Saturday beginning in March. 

The following are excerpts from a special message by Fr. Jim Loughren in Grace Episcopal's January newsletter, that can be downloaded and read in its entirety HERE.

Amazing Grace!
Celebrating 60 Years at Grace Episcopal Church

What an exciting year 2014 was! Certainly one of the highlights of the year was the grand celebration we had celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Grace Church! We had over 100 people in attendance for the events. Pictured (above) are the original members of Grace Church. These are the people we owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to! From it's very humble beginnings as a former military barrack, Grace Church has continued to be a place for people to come together to feel and experience not only God's love and presence but the love and support of their Grace Church Ohana as well! 

We will continue to partner with St. James Church on the Big Island. St. James is sending us lots of clothes and items for our Shop! Praise God! Thank you St. James Episcopal Church!

We will finish converting Solomon's closet to a Vesting room/Food Pantry as we continue to strive to put Jesus' command to service into practice! The Bishop and Diocesan Council of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii recently awarded us a grant of $1500 to help get this very important ministry off the ground!  Thank you Bishop and Council! If you would like to volunteer in the Food Pantry please let Fr. Jim know. 

Lastly, a HUGE thank you to the members of the Vestry, to the Bishop's warden and Treasurer for just an absolutely outstanding job this year! God bless you one and all!



Musical Shepherds Share the Spirit!

Members of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church spread lots of joy and cheer during the Christmas season through their talented musicians.  Pictured above, a dedicated group of carolers shared the Christmas spirit visiting several homes in Central Maui.  Below, the Bell Choir held a special performance during Christmas Eve services. (From the Good Shepherd Facebook page.)


Holy Innocents Welcomes The Rev. Amy Crowe

On Saturday, January 24, 2015, Holy Innocents officially welcomed their new Vicar, the Rev. Amy Crowe. Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick flew over from O'ahu to perform the Renewal of Ministry service and was joined by many of Maui's clergy. (Photo from Holy Innocents Facebook page.)


St. Columba's Christmas Caroling

St. Columba's carolers joined seniors from Pa'auilo and Hamakua Coast at First Friday at Honoka'a. (Photo and caption from the St. James Facebook Page.)

St. James Blesses New Koa Rail

On Sunday, December 28, 2014, the congregation of St. James in Kamuela dedicated and blessed their new Koa Altar Rail that was donated by Richard "Dickie" Spencer. Much of the old rail had been taken down years ago due to termite damage. The plaque reads in part, "Communion with Aloha!". (Photo by Victor Obrastoff from the St. James' online Newsletter dated January 3, 2015.)  

Big Island Cursillo

Cursillo is alive and well on the Big Island of Hawai'i! The Cursillo Movement is designed to strengthen the adult leadership already in the church, and was originally formed by the Catholic Church. (To learn more about Cursillo, you can download the information from the Diocesan website HERE.)  The Big Island's Cursillo group is called Big Island Servant Community (BISC), with members from churches around the island. Pictured above is the group from the "Ultreya" held at St. Columba's Church on December 21, 2014.  Front Row L-R: Mana Venablel, Jeannette Hensel, Fran Lee, Lorna Johns; Back row L- R: Norman Sletteland, John Cole (guest), Barbara Lackey, Martha Bell, Dianne Pastorino, Laurie Rosa, Braley Pastorino. (Photos and information from the St. James' online newsletter dated January 3, 2015.)



Presiding Bishop Leads Interfaith Pilgrimage to Holy Land
 [Episcopal News Service] In seeking a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, people of faith need to be effective partners committed to hearing multiple narratives, say members of a broad U.S. interfaith delegation, led by Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, during a weeklong pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

The 15-member delegation of Jews, Christians and Muslims engaged in a series of high-level political and religious meetings in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, including with former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres and current Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, to hear a wide range of perspectives on peace, religion and politics and to share their own views about the role the three Abrahamic faiths must play in helping to shape a better world.


The group heard deep concerns, frustrations, and strong sentiments of distrust in the midst of a stalled peace process, but they were encouraged by countless signs of hope and optimism and they were galvanized to be part of the solution together.


They also met with leaders of grassroots initiatives - the Shades Negotiation Program, EcoPeace and Roots - that bring together Israelis and Palestinians to hear and learn from one another's narratives, and to build a peaceful society in which everyone can prosper.


"We've built bridges this week," said Jefferts Schori, "and we're going to keep traveling those bridges, and exploring the chasms beneath them, and looking over the guard rails for new possibilities, until God's shalom and salaam and peace prevail in the Land of the Holy One and throughout the oneness of God's creation."  READ MORE


Pictured: Wearing cassocks, Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem Suheil Dawani and Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori lead the interfaith delegation through the streets of Jerusalem's Old City. Walking behind, from left, are Azhar Azeez, president of the Islamic Society of North America [ISNA); Rabbi Steve Gutow, president of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA); Mohamed Elsanousi, director of external relations for Finn Church Aid; Bishop Prince Singh of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester; Rabbi Leonard Gordon, interreligious relations chair for JCPA; the Rev. Charles K. Robertson, canon to the presiding bishop; and Sayyid Syeed, national director of interfaith and community alliances for ISNA. Photo: Matthew Davies/ENS

Presiding Bishop on the Fifth Anniversary 
of the Earthquake in Haiti

January 12 marks the fifth anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti. Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori offers the following overview and looks at the progress since that fateful day in 2010.


Jefferst Schori at GC2012 Haiti and her people are survivors - of colonial occupation and a slave economy, of wars, rebellions, and invasions, a long history of corrupt and ineffective government, and when things seemed at their nadir, even of imported disease.  Through all the trials and tribulations the world can wield, Haiti continues to respond with creative resilience.  The contrast between conditions shortly after the earthshaking of 2010 and today is remarkable - tent cities have largely disappeared, housing stocks are increasing, roads have been repaired and re-laid, and significant new commercial development is evident in Port-au-Prince and other urban centers.  Schools are full and busy, even if there are not yet enough seats for all who should be there.  Young adults are being trained for employment in tourism, construction, agriculture, health care, and emerging technical fields.  Artists are busy creating new works and styles.  The contrast is enormous - and today's reality far exceeds the conditions prevalent before the earthquake.  The solidarity and support of the world has made a major difference.  Haiti can and should emerge from its status as the least developed nation in the hemisphere, if the world will keep its pledge and stay the course.

The Episcopal Church in Haiti continues to play a major and essential role in this renaissance.  The cathedral church in Port-au-Prince was long seen as the spiritual and cultural soul of Haiti.  Today, its bells are quiet (in storage), its world-renowned murals largely destroyed (three have been preserved for reuse), and its naked altar platform awaits the cathedral's rebuilding.  The cathedral grounds are lively, with primary and secondary school now serving more children than before, a music school that continues to train internationally renowned choirs and instrumentalists, and a trade school that is rising from the spot where bodies lay for days in the ruins of its former collapse. 


The art museum begun many years ago by the diocese is nearby, and houses numerous treasures that exceed display capacity.  The nursing school in Léogâne is graduating growing numbers of nurses trained as community health providers.  St. Vincent's school for handicapped children is on the cusp of a major rebuilding effort.  The University and trade schools are growing and thriving. The bishops, clergy, and lay leaders continue to provide much-needed direction within Haitian society.  In every part of Haiti, The Episcopal Church is healing, teaching, instilling hope, and pointing the way toward the kingdom of God, on earth as it is in heaven.


Resurrection and hope abound, and not in Haiti alone.  That continued hope and movement toward the reign of God are the result of the co-creative partnership of people and nations.  Active engagement in one part of the world affects other parts of God's body, as any community that has sent missionaries, received them, or helped dreams to develop knows well.  Transformation by partnership goes in all directions, and it makes more of itself in the process!

This anniversary brings abundant opportunity for thanksgiving.  May we be moved to respond in concrete and particular acts of gratitude, and may it redound to the glory of God.


The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori

Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church


Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418


The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for submissions in the April issue is March 23, 2014.