Featured Articles
In This Issue:
+ Bishop's Calendar and Reading List for 2015
+ 'Iolani Guild Christmas Luncheon to Feature Rianna Williams
+ O'ahu Youth Gathering this Sunday
+ Christmas at Camp for Middle-schoolers
+ Global Light Vigil for Lima
+ A Taste of St. Elizabeth's
+ Christmas Magic & Its Music
+ Christmas Postcard Template Available
+ Official Youth Presence at General Convention 2015
+ St. Michael's Offers Spirituality Center
+ The Art of Narcissus Carving at St. Peter's
+ Safe Church Training
+ 'Iolani Guild & Prince Albert Circle Golf Event
+ UTO Grant Applications Now Being Accepted
+ Episcopal Relief & Development Launches 75th Anniversary Matching Gift Challenge
+ Presiding Bishop Calls for Prayer for Liberia
+ Webinar on Syrian Refugee Issues
+ Jubilee Mission Grants Awarded
UTO Provides Special Anniversary Grants for Young Adults
Contact Information

 + + + + + + +

 Featured Photo:

This issue's header photo features the youth of Good Shepherd on Maui who made Spam musubi food bags for A Cup of Cold Water's distribution on November 23. The bags were also decorated which brought great joy to everyone. Look for the follow-up story in the next issue of the E-Chronicle. (Photo contributed by ACCW)

Upcoming Meetings

Mark Your




Saturday, December 20
The Cathedral of St. Andrew

Standing Committee
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Bishop's Office

Commission on Ministry
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Bishop's Reading Roo)

Diocesan Council

11:00 AM - 2:00 PM*

Diocesan Conference Room

(*Extended time)




June 25 - July 3, 2015

Salt Lake City Utah

Visit the main website HERE



 ECW logo



ECW Christmas Luncheon

Saturday, December 13
Tokoname Restaurant, Honolulu

For local church meetings, check the Parish Happenings listing below.  For more information, visit the ECW webpage HERE.


Diocesan events header


O'ahu Youth Gatherings
First Sunday evenings of the month. Visit the Episcopal Youth of Hawai'i website or Facebook page for more information.

Christian Education Day
Saturday, December 6
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
The St. Andrew's Schools

Christmas at Camp
Retreat for Middle-schoolers
December 26-28
Camp Mokule'ia

2014 Safe Church Training
Please check under the island listings for a class taking place in your area. 


Parish Happenings


Health and Harmony
Ongoing every Monday, 3:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Davies Hall, Honolulu

March for Medical Mercy
Ongoing last Thursdays of the month, 10:00 AM
St. Elizabeth's to the Federal Building (This will resume in January 2015)

Makiki Farmers Market
Ongoing every Thursday, 4:30 - 7:30 PM
St. Clement's, Honolulu

Jazz Vespers at St. Peter's
Ongoing every Thursday, 
6:00 PM (5:30 PM free pupus on the lanai)
St. Peter's, Honolulu

FREE Friday Noontime Concerts at The Cathedral
Ongoing every Friday, 12:15 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Zumba at St. Luke's
Ongoing every Saturday, 9:00 AM
St. Luke's, Honolulu

Tai Chi at Epiphany
Ongoing every Saturday, 9:00 AM
Epiphany, Honolulu

Sunday Adult Christian Formation Hour 
Sundays, 9:20 AM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

'Iolani Guild & Prince Albert Circle - Golf Tournament
Monday, December 8
Mid Pacific Country Club

ECW Holiday Luncheon
Saturday, December 13, 11:00 AM
Tokoname Restaurant, Honolulu
More info coming...

Christmas Magic & Its Music
Saturday, December 13, 7:30 PM
Calvary, Kaenohe

Taste of St. Elizabeth's
Saturday, December 13, 6:00 PM
St. Elizabeth's, Honolulu

Narcissus Carving Class
January 10 - February 7
St. Peter's, Honolulu

EfM Mentor Training
January 29 - 31
St. Anthony Retreat Center, Honolulu
More info coming soon...



Christ Memorial Food Pantry
Ongoing Saturdays, 3:30 PM
Christ Memorial, Kilauea

Saturday Markets and Swap Meet
Ongoing every second Saturday of the month, 9:00 AM
All Saints', Kapa'a

Saturday Evening Jazz Vespers Communion Service
Ongoing Saturdays, 5:15 PM
St. Michael's, Lihue

Lifetree Cafe
Ongoing Tuesdays, 4:30 PM
& Saturdays, 6:30 PM
St. Michael's, Lihue

ReSource for Christian Spirituality Centering Prayer Group
Ongoing Tuesdays, 8:00 AM
St. Michael's, Lihue
Ongoing Wednesdays, 9:30 AM
St. John's, Eleele

All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair
Saturday, December 6, 9:00 AM
All Saints', Kapa'a

Find Yourself in God
Saturday, January 10, 10:30 AM
Maha'ulepu Heritage Train and Labyrinth, Poipu

9th Annual All Angels Jazz Festival
February 6 - 8
St. Michael's, Lihue



Centering Prayer Group
Mondays, 6:15 - 8:00 PM
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei

Alternative Christmas Market
Sunday, December 7, 9:00 AM
St. John's, Kula

Safeguarding God's Children Training
Saturday, February 14, 9:00 AM
Trinity-By-the-Sea, Kihei



Free Community Meal
Ongoing every 4th Saturday, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
St. Augustine's, Kapaau

Brown Bag Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays, 12:00 PM
St. James, Kamuela

After School Bible Story-time
Ongoing Wednesdays, 2:30 PM
St. Columba's, Paauilo

The Labyrinth Book Group
Ongoing Fridays, 9:30 AM
Christ Church, Kealakekua

Studying the Scriptures
Ongoing Wednesdays, 3:30 PM
St. Columba's, Paauilo

Evening Prayers of Healing
Ongoing Wednesdays, 5:00 PM
St. Columba's, Paauilo

All I Want for Christmas:
St. James' Holden Evensong and Soup, Salad Supper
Wednesdays during Advent, December 3, 10, 17. 
St. James', Kamuela
Call the Church: 808-885-4923

Children's Celebration of the Feast of St. Nicholas
Friday, December 5, 6:00 PM
St. Augustine, Kapa'au
For more info & to RSVP, call the office at 808-889-5390





St. Christopher's Part-time 

Child Care Worker

Sunday mornings 8:25 AM - 11:00 AM, and occasional special services, $12.50/hour

Contact: (808) 262-8176 or



If you would liked to post a position at your church, e-mail Communications with the information. Positions are also posted on the Diocesan website HERE.




Second Sunday of Advent

Merciful God, who sent your messengers the prophets to
preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation:
Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins,
that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our
Redeemer; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

- Book of Common Prayer
p 211


Ministry Links

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Upcoming Events

Office of the Bishop

Previous E-News Editions

 E-Chronicle Editions 



Would you like to put an announcement in the E-News for a special community event or activity that your church is involved with?  Please e-mail the information to the Editor, along with pictures, fliers and contact information.


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Where you'll find announcements and links to upcoming
events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
December 2, 2014


Bishop's Calendar & Reading List for 2015
The Bishop's Calendar through December 2015 has been posted on the website HERE. Please note:
  • Regional Confirmations are in April and May
  • Clergy Retreat is Sunday - Monday, August 23 - 25
  • Sunday Visitations and Non-Sunday Visits are listed through the year - Each church has one or the other, so make sure to find yours!
  • Education Day is Friday, October 23 at 'Iolani School
  • Annual Meeting begins on Friday, October 23, with Opening Eucharist and Pupu Reception at 'Iolani School

Bishop Fitzpatrick In past years, I have offered the annual Bishop's Reading list on various topics. For 2015, I offer a set of books to the Diocese to help shape our common life. The following can be used for group study or for personal reading. In each section, the first entry is marked with an asterisk and I hope the leaders of the Diocese will read these four books. A class might take the books in one of the sections for careful study. The three books in section could be a particularly useful study in 2015 for Vestries and Bishop's Committees.

Editor's note: The Bishop's Reading List can be found on the Diocesan website HERE. His 2014 selections will be removed after December 31, 2014. 
'Iolani Guild Christmas Luncheon
to Feature Rianna Williams
IG Williams
The 'Iolani Guild's Christmas Luncheon will be held on Saturday, December 6, at 11:00 AM in the Von Holt Room at The Cathedral of St. Andrew. Back by popular demand will be Rianna Williams, historian and author, sharing
Stories of Christmas in Old Hawai'i.

Cost for the luncheon is $10 and will be catered. If you wish to participate in the grab bag gift exchange, bring a gift valued at $5-$10, with a Hawaiian theme. For more information, e-mail Ann Hansen . 
O'ahu Youth Gathering this Sunday!

The next monthly O'ahu Youth Gathering will be taking place at Epiphany Episcopal Church in Kaimuki, on Sunday, December 7, from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. This is a special Christmas outreach activity that will include dinner, worship and a presentation by the Waikiki Health Center about their youth outreach program. We will be putting together small goodie bags for the youth being served at the Center. 

Please bring one of the following for a Christmas donation to the Center:
  • Package/bottle of laundry detergent
  • A pair of slippers 
  • A package of socks
If you have any questions, please call Sarah Klitzke, Diocesan Youth Director at (808) 673-8079, or e-mail her.
Christmas at Camp for Middle-schoolers
Hurry, deadline to register is Friday, December 12!

The diocesan youth camp for middle-school aged children (grades 6-8) will be taking place December 26 - 28, 2014. Youth will be staying in the cabins and spending the weekend exploring the theme of "spiritual gifts", worshiping together and discussing issues relevant to middle-schoolers. 

Cost for the event is $50 and travel scholarships are available for neighbor island youth. Registration deadline is Friday, December 12, so sign up now! To download the informational flyer, click HERE. To register, click HERE.
Global Light Vigil for Lima on December 7

Honolulu is one of 1,000 locations around the world that will be holding a Light for Lima vigil on Sunday, December 7. Organized globally by ourvoices.net, Light for Lima aims to motivate millions of people of faith and moral belief to pray in their own tradition for the world leaders as they meet at the Conference of the Parties (COP) in Lima, Peru, from December 1 to 12. COP is the "supreme body" of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


The Honolulu vigil will be held from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Church of the Crossroads, 1212 University Ave. The event is being co-sponsored by the Hawaii Interfaith Power and Light, Interfaith Alliance Hawai`i, Church of the Crossroads and Central Union Church (both United Church of Christ congregations), First Unitarian Church of Honolulu and other faith-based and environmental groups. Similar vigils are being planned in Washington DC, New York, London, Canada, Australia, India and elsewhere.  READ MORE


A Taste of St. Elizabeth's on December 13

St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church in Honolulu cordially invites all to a gastronomical event, A Taste of St. Elizabeth's, on Saturday, December 13, from 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM. Enjoy fine wines, great gourmet foods, jazz entertainment and a silent auction. Tickets are $35 per person. Proceeds to benefit St. Elizabeth's outreach and scholarship programs. For more information and to complete the Participation Response Form, click HERE.
Christmas Magic and Its Music at Calvary

Now in its 15th year in Windward O'ahu, Calvary Episcopal Church will be hosting Christmas Magic and It's Music, a FREE concert featuring the Hawaii Festival Orchestra and Hawaii Ecumenical Chorale with Conductor Aaron Mahi. The performance will take place on Saturday, December 13, beginning at 7:30 PM. Featured are Hawaii de Corps Ballet performing selections from The Nutcracker, Pianist Tyler Ramos, and Tenor Renson Madarang, Hawaii Opera Theatre's soloist performing selections from The Messiah. Calvary is located at 45-435 Aumoku Street in Kaneohe. For more information, call 247-0610.
Christmas Postcard Template Available
St. James' Episcopal Church on the Big Island has prepared a Christmas postcard that will be distributed in their community, and is offering to share the template with other churches that utilize Photoshop. If any church is interested, please e-mail the Rev. David Stout or call 808-885-4923 
Official Youth Presence at General Convention 2015
general convention logo
Applications and nominations for high-school teens to participate in the General Convention Official Youth Presence (GCOYP) are now open. In collaboration with the General Convention Office and the President of the House of Deputies, the Office for Youth Ministries is coordinating the application and discernment process for high-school teens to become a part of the GCOYP. This group was established by a resolution at General Convention in 1982 and has been further defined at subsequent conventions, with legislation passed as recently as 2000. Those selected are limited to no more than two high school youth from each of the Episcopal Church's nine provinces, and are granted seat and voice on the floor of the House of Deputies under the current Rules or Order of the House of Deputies.

There is a maximum of two youth per Province that will be selected. For more information, including eligibility criteria and application instructions, click HERE.  Hurry, deadline for submission is December 23, 2014, and requires an online essay to be completed by both the youth applicant and nominator.
St. Michael's Offers Spirituality Center
The Rev. Bill Miller of St. Michael and All Angels in Lihue, Kaua'i, envisioned a spirituality center that would draw people to the beauty of God's creation on Kaua'i, and in 2013, ReSource for Christian Spirituality was born. It is an ecumenical ministry of St. Michael's led by Rev. Phylis Meighen, its Founder and Spiritual Director. Through ReSource, she offers individual and group spiritual direction, coordinates Centering Prayer groups and leads contemplative retreats. 

Coming up on January 10, the second young adult Find Yourself in God gathering will be heading to the beautiful Maha'ulepu Heritage Trail and Labyrinth in Po'ipu. Participants will find "a quiet time to rest in God in the beauty of creation." For more information, visit the website HERE.
The Art of Narcissus at St. Peter's
St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Honolulu is hosting the annual Art of Narcissus carving class beginning in January. Learn the Chinese art of carving a Narcissus bulb and create a traditional symbol to welcome in the Lunar New Year. Instructor Gilman Hu has taught the art and cultivation for many years and passes on this tradition in this annual workshop.

Beginner classes run from January 10 through February 7, with advanced students starting on January 17. The exhibition will take place on February 14 & 15. Registration is required. For more information and to download the registration form, click HERE.
Safe church logo 
Safe Church Training Dates
The Church's Safe Church Policies require church leadership and those working with children to attend special training classes. The following classes have been set up with more to come. Please read the Safe Church Policies to note the differences between Safeguarding God's Children and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training, and to see if you are required to attend a class. 
  • Saturday, February 14 - Safeguarding God's Children Training (Maui) - Click HERE to register.

Get your golf clubs out and get ready to swing! Please join the 'Iolani Guild as we partner with the Prince Albert Circle to support Mālama O Nā Keiki in the 2014 Kimo Kaho'ano's Celebration of Aloha Golf Tournament on Monday, December 8, 2014, at Mid Pacific Country Club.

For more information, e-mail Bea Fitzpatrick, or visit the Mālama O Nā Keiki website for detailed information. If you are aware of corporate sponsors that would be willing to assist, please let us know!
2015 United Thank Offering Grant Applications
Now Being Accepted
UTO button

Applications are now being accepted for the 2015 United Thank Offering grants.  The new application forms and guidelines are available HERE. The focus for the 2015 United Thank Offering grants is Mark Four of the Anglican Marks of Mission: To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation. 


The deadline is 5:00 PM Eastern on Friday, January 15, 2015. For more information about these guidelines e-mail the Rev. Heather Melton, United Thank Offering coordinator.


Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) Launches
75th Anniversary Matching Gift Challenge

In honor of Episcopal Relief & Development's 75th Anniversary Celebration, a group of generous donors has pledged $750,000 in matching funds for the organization's 2014 Matching Gift ChallengeAny donation to the organization between October 30 and December 31 will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to the total match amount.  This includes contributions through Gifts for Life, Episcopal Relief & Development's alternative giving catalog, and monthly donations scheduled during the Challenge period. To learn more and donate now, click HERE.

What's Happening in The Episcopal Church? 

Announcements from around The Episcopal Church & beyond 

Presiding Bishop Calls for Prayer for Liberia, West Africa - Sunday, December 7

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has urged Episcopalians to observe the Second Sunday in Advent, December 7, as a day of prayer for those in the Diocese of Liberia and the entire Anglican Church of the Province of West Africa, areas heavily affected by the current Ebola pandemic.


"The Diocese of Liberia was founded by Episcopalians in 1836, and was a diocese of The Episcopal Church until the early 1980s, when it joined the Province of West Africa," noted Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori. "Today we continue in a covenant relationship of mutual support and fellowship."


She continued, "Liberia is at the epicenter of the recent Ebola outbreak, and Episcopalians have turned Cuttington University (Suakoku) into a center for response in rural northern Liberia.  The Anglican Province of West Africa includes all three nations (Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone) where the pandemic continues to develop.  The suffering and death is enormous, the economy is devastated, schools are closed, yet the caring and compassionate response continues."


The Presiding Bishop concluded, "I ask your prayers for the people of West Africa in the midst of this plague.  Please include this in your intentions on the Second Sunday of Advent.  With Isaiah, pray for comfort and strength for all God's children; seek out the builder of straight roads and giver of healing balm for all on this difficult journey.  Learn about this crisis, and instead of fear, let your hearts be moved to respond in generosity of spirit and of purse."  READ MORE


Webinar Examines Syrian Refugee Issues

Sponsored by Episcopal Migration Ministries, 

Episcopal Public Policy Network

An hour-long webinar to explore the current status of Syria's refugees will be presented on Monday, December 8, free of charge.  The webinar will be facilitated by Allison Duvall, Church Relations Manager for Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), the Episcopal Church's refugee resettlement agency, and Katie Conway, Episcopal Church Policy Analyst for Immigration and Refugees. The churchwide webinar will begin at 7:00 PM Eastern (2:00 PM Hawai'i). The webinar will be available on-demand following the event.  For more information, click HERE. To participation register HERE.


Jubilee Mission Grants Awarded
Jubilee Ministry logo

Samuel McDonald, Director of Mission and Deputy Chief Operating Officer, has announced 14 recipients of the Episcopal Church Jubilee Grants totaling $49,965, to support mission and ministry in 11 dioceses.


Jubilee Ministries are congregations or agencies with connections to the Episcopal Church, designated by diocesan bishops and affirmed by Executive Council, whose mission work affects the lives of those in need, addressing basic human needs and justice issues.


Grants were awarded in two categories: Impact and Development. One Development Grant for $32,200 was awarded to a Jubilee ministry that has demonstrated a new or re-visioned strategy and methodology to make an impact both locally and beyond itself. Click HERE to view the article in its entirety and a listing of all grants awarded.


United Thank Offering Provides Special Anniversary Grants for Young Adults
UTO Logo
In honor of its 125th anniversary, the United Thank Offering (UTO) has created a special $1,250 grant for young adults (ages 21-30) to provide start-up funds for a new project that focuses on any of the Five Marks of Mission.


One grant will be awarded in each of the nine provinces of The Episcopal Church.

Deadline for young adults to submit applications to their diocesan bishop is February 1, 2015. From there, bishops will select one application per diocese. Applications are due from the diocesan offices on February 15. The a
pplication and additional information are available HERE. The funds are not permitted to the continuation of on-going ministries.


ChronicleHeader purple

In case you missed it, click on the link to read

the latest issue of the E-Chronicle:   


Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below or visit   
n the diocesan website, and click on the desired issue

Friday Noontime Concerts at The Cathedral

Alternative Christmas Market at St. John's, Kula

The Episcopal Young Adult Service Corps Accepting Applications Now

Episcopal Relief & Development Launches 75th Anniversary Matching Gift Challenge

2014 Episcopal Church Christmas Card is Available for Download

Convention XLVI 

'Iolani Guild & Prince Albert Circle - Golf Tournament
December 8

A Pastoral Message on Climate Change

2015 UTO Grant Applications Now Being Accepted

The Toolkit from The Episcopal Church

Task Force on Study of Marriage

Style Guidelines for The Episcopal Church updated

Christian Education Day December 6

St. Nicholas Service Schedule Change

Christ Memorial Offers Cultural Teaching Series

A Cup of Cold Water Celebrates 1 Year

Jenny Wallace Named Education Committee Trainer



Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor

Office of the Bishop
229 Queen Emma Square
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776, ext. 326; Neighbor Islands: 1-800-522-8418