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The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

October 2014
In This Issue
Bishop's Message
The Ordination of The Rev. Kaleo Patterson
O'ahu Youth Gatherings: Bingo and Bacon Bash!
Episcopal Church Women Annual Meeting
On Stewardship: Share Your Stories
Godly Play Spoken Here
'Iolani Guild: A Taste of Autumn
Contact Information
Bishop's Calendar


October 5
Sunday Visitation, St. Christopher's, Kailua
October 7
Chapel: St. Andrew's Priory
October 11
Diocesan Council Meeting via Teleconference
October 18
Governance Meetings
October 24 & 25
46th Annual Meeting of Convention
October 28
Chapel: St. Andrew's Priory


November 2 - 9
Work from Big Island
November 2
Sunday Visitation, Holy Apostles, Hilo
November 5 (Week of)
Non-Sunday Visitation to St. James, Kamuela
Non-Sunday Visitation to Christ Church, Kealakekua
November 8
Legacy Society Gathering
November 9
Sunday Visitation, St. Augustine's, Kohala
November 15
Governance Meetings
November 16
Sunday Visitation, St. Luke's, Honolulu
November 17 - 22
November 23
Service at The Cathedral, Feast of the Holy Sovereigns
November 25
Chapel: St. Andrew's Priory
November 27
Thanksgiving Service at Epiphany, Honolulu
November 30
Sunday Visitation, Holy Nativity, Aiea 
Installation of Daughters of the King Chapter, Holy Nativity, Aiea

Stay Informed!
Connect directly to the
Diocesan Website:
Bishop's Message

Bishop Fitzpatrick 
Aloha ke Akua,


During stewardship time, I am often asked, "Should clergy review the giving of parishioners?"  The assumption is that the clergy shouldn't know what people give to the church.  First, let me be clear, the rector or vicar (or other priest-in-charge by whatever title) cannot be denied access to the giving list of the congregation.  A treasurer or warden does not have the authority to keep the giving records from the priest. So, if the priest-in-charge asks, the records should be shared.


Should the priest ask to review the giving records of a congregation?  I have changed my opinion on this over the course of the past few years and now I think it important for the clergy-in-charge to review the giving records of the congregation being served.  My change of heart can be summed up in the book recommended over the past couple of years by the diocesan Stewardship Committee.  In Ask, Thank, Tell: Improving Stewardship Ministry in your Congregation (Augsburg Fortress, 2006), Charles R. Lane writes (on page 65):


"The pastor should know what each person gives to the congregation.  I am aware that in some congregations this is the final taboo.  I have heard the common complaint,  'If the pastor knows how much people give, the pastor will let this influence his or her ministry to people.  He or she will cater to the big givers.' My standard answer to this is that if your pastor would structure pastoral care around giving levels, then you have much bigger problems than what the pastor does or doesn't know.


Because wealth and what we do with money and possessions God has entrusted to us is such a huge issue in our relationship with Jesus, the pastor has to know what people give.  How is the pastor to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus if he or she is kept in the dark about how much people give?  The pastor needs to have access to giving information, and the pastor needs to handle this information just as the pastor handles everything else the pastor knows about people's lives - confidentially and pastorally."  


So, I think the answer to the question is "Yes."  


The clergy might well ask, "What do we do when we review the information and how do we do follow-up?"  I think the information provides the clergy a good sense of the spiritual health of the congregation and its leadership.  For example, if a congregation is overly dependent on the giving of one or two individuals, that can be a sign of a long-term problem.  Changes in giving pattern can also be a sign of individual pastoral issues.  Often, individuals in congregations don't know how much others give.  Sharing information on average pledges and the distribution of giving can help everyone understand the giving patterns of the congregation.  We don't, of course, share giving information of individuals, but we can share information about patterns in congregational giving and the distribution of contributions. 


The issue is not about recognizing those who give the most. It has been suggested that perhaps clergy will be inclined to favor the biggest givers.  That has not been my experience of clergy.  In fact, I think clergy often appreciate those who give as best they can despite limited resources.  It is the living out of Luke 21:1-4 ("Looking up, Jesus saw rich people throwing their gifts into the collection box for the temple treasury.  He also saw a poor widow throw in two small copper coins worth a penny.  He said, 'I assure you that this poor widow has put in more than them all. All of them are giving out of their spare change. But she from her hopeless poverty has given everything she had to live on.'").   Understanding the giving of individuals can aid the clergy in assessing the commitment of parishioners and possible leaders in stewardship and congregational life.  Those leaders can best be called from the faithful, consistent givers over the course of time. 


Lastly, an important element of trust is that clergy need to openly, honestly and publically share about their personal giving.  As Lane also writes (page 64):


"The pastor should model effective leadership.  Despite all the cultural taboos, the pastor needs to talk about money, and talk about his or her own personal financial stewardship.  If a pastor is tithing or beyond, the congregation should know that.  If the pastor has circumstances in his or her life that block this, the congregation should know about them.  One of my great stewardship mentors was a colleague in my first call. Pastor Dan Sander talked so honestly and openly about money and about personal stewardship that I don't think it ever occurred to anyone that he shouldn't be doing this.  His caring and candor defused taboos." 


So, clergy need to be up front about their giving.  I think this is a reasonable expectation of the congregation of their clergy.  It is hard to preach about stewardship or expect parishioners to give without open sharing from the clergy.  Yes, that goes for the Bishop too.  Bea and I have tithed most of our married life (beginning early makes tithing easier).  There have been hard times when our giving slowed.  There have been times when medical bills took precedence, and then there were a couple of years when both boys were at 'Iolani School and tuition costs overwhelmed our budget.  Right now, however, we are again able to tithe (give 10% of our after-tax income).  Our giving is shared between the Cathedral (where Bea is a parishioner), mission congregations of the Diocese, and Episcopal schools (on whose boards I serve as Bishop).


"Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labour is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58


 Aloha ma o Iesu Kristo, ko mākou Haku,




The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick

+ Keali'ikoaokeakua


The Ordination of The Rev. Kaleo Patterson
By The Rev. Moki Hino, Rector, Holy Apostles, Hilo

On Saturday, September 27, 2014, the Rev. Kaleo Patterson, a longtime pastor with the United Church of Christ (UCC), was ordained to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church by Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick. The Ordination took place at The Cathedral of St. Andrew in Honolulu, and was attended by Bishop Richard Chang, members and clergy of the Diocese, and clergy and friends from the UCC. During the service, the readings were read in Hawaiian, and Rev. Patterson gave his responses to The Examination in Hawaiian as well. The service was highlighted with 'oli and Hawaiian hymns including Nu 'Oli, Iesu No Ke Kahuhipa, Ekolu Mea Nui, and Hawai'i Aloha
Pictured at top from left, clergy line up at the entrance of The Cathedral for the procession; Patterson kneels before the Bishop during the service; Bishop and Patterson embrace; and above, Fr. Walden, Bishop Chang and the newly ordained Rev. Patterson with the Bishop closing the service; the Rev. Kaleo Patterson and his wife Nancy at an evening dinner celebration feast with the West O'ahu churches. Over 70 members from Episcopal Church of West O'ahu (ECWO) gathered together to eat and fellowship, and do visioning together. ECWO consists of St. Nicholas, St. Philip's, St. Stephen's and St. Timothy's. (Photos were taken by and/or contributed by Paul Klitzke, Karen Sender and Sarah Klitzke.)
Our Youth
O'ahu Youth Gatherings: Bingo and Bacon Bash!

The following photos are from the Episcopal Youth of Hawai'i Facebook page:

After a summer hiatus, the monthly O'ahu youth gatherings started up again on Sunday, September 14, with a Bingo and Bacon Bash of phenomenal porky proportions! About 45 youth from six Episcopal churches, two Lutheran churches and one UCC church, accompanied by adult leaders, took part in nearly 30 rounds of Bingo and downed tons of great bacon dishes that included bacon donuts (pictured below), bacon fried rice, bacon cole slaw, chocolate covered bacon, bacon mac and cheese and more! Even the Bingo prizes were bacon-y delicious!  

Pictured at top, youth compare Bingo cards, Angela Freeman of the Lutheran Church and Fr. Paul Klitzke of St. Nick's flash shakas, and youth play Bingo. Above, bacon donuts, and fun prizes keep everyone smiling! (Photos by Sarah Klitzke)

Monthly youth gatherings will continue on the first Sundays. The next one will be a picnic at Kapiolani Park on October 5. To download the flyer, click HERE, or for more information or any questions you may have, e-mail Sarah Klitzke, Diocesan Youth Director, or call her at (808) 536-7776, ext. 309. 
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Annual Meeting

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of Hawai'i held their annual meeting on Saturday, September 13, 2014, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew. After the business portion of the meeting, attendees were in for a treat with a performance by actress Denyse Woo Ockerman in Vespers at Hānaiakamālama. Ockerman, who portrays Queen Emma in the one-person play, received a standing ovation at the 2012 Sesquicentennial Celebration, and continues to "wow" the crowds with her moving performance. 

Pictured above, Rev. Moki Hino is shown "Skyping" with the Rev. Honey Becker during the meeting. Becker is currently serving in Israel, and was able to greet old friends through the laptop. She also made a plea to the ECW for funding her new mission there, and members responded generously. In the center photo, Ockerman performs, and at far right, attendees enjoy a fabulous spread. To learn more about the ECW, visit the Diocesan website HERE(Photos by Jan Motoshige). 


Share Your Stories
By Bill Skelton, St. Michael and All Angels, Lihue, Kaua'i

Recently, my wife Maria and I enjoyed a visit from a longtime friend living on the mainland. She brought her 40-something daughter and 7-year old granddaughter. During the course of the visit, the daughter asked about my occasional travel to Honolulu serving on the diocesan Stewardship Committee. As far as I know, the daughter is not regularly involved in any kind of church or religious group.


The conversation went something like this:


"What do you do?" 


"We plan activities that help people learn about Christian stewardship."


"What is stewardship?"


"Stewardship is about making conscious and wise decisions and choices in our lives and becoming intentional about being disciples."


"What is being a disciple?"


"Discipleship is about striving to learn from, and follow, the example Jesus gives us."


At this point, the 7-year old discovered a lizard or gecko or other tropical yard treasure and turned the conversation in a different direction.


After the fact, and after some personal reflection, I decided that I didn't really provide effective answers. Yes, the idea is to learn from and follow Jesus, but what does that mean? This is especially important when talking to people not connected to a faith community and who may not understand Christian jargon.  What I really should have said was that we strive to emulate the behaviors and attitudes of Jesus. Then I could have elaborated on what some of those things mean to me. My personal list of Jesus' behaviors and attitudes includes gratitude, generosity, care and concern for the less fortunate, humility, love, and storytelling.


For example, I am grateful for and give thanks for the joys of creation, the wonders of our tropical island, the blessings in my life, and caring relationships with family and friends. I choose to be generous with my time and intentional about giving money, especially to my church. (Hint: we are going into the fall pledge season. Please be generous with your faith community!)


We learn about Jesus from the stories he told and that are told about him. We hear them every week: stories about forgiveness, about turning water to wine, about dealing with money, about caring for outsiders, about grieving over the death of a close friend, about feeding the hungry. That is how we learn and share important values, and it is also how we pass values on to those who follow us. Like Jesus, we all have our own stories. This article is one of my stories. Our own stories help us understand who we are and help us make choices in our daily lives. They can be examples for other people. I encourage each of you to reflect on your own stories, to own them, and to be ready to share.


Godly Play Spoken Here
By Jenny Wallace, Godly Play Trainer

Godly Play is so much more than a Sunday school curriculum. It is a way to enter into the stories of the people of God. These stories give a way to use religious language to reflect on our own lives, so it makes sense that a Godly Play Core Training is very different too. Godly Play is learned from the inside out. The training is both a personal spiritual retreat and an empowering skill training.


Each year, the diocese sponsors a Core Training and the most recent one was held from August 30 through September 1, 2014, at the Church of the Epiphany in Honolulu. This year was uniquely wonderful because of the people who came. We had teams from churches already doing Godly Play with storytellers new and experienced; a couple from a church considering changing to Godly Play, and a storyteller from the Lutheran Church of Honolulu, the newest Godly Play church in Hawaii. 


The three-day session was filled with stories, those told by the trainer and stories told by participants. Each participant had the opportunity to learn and tell a story by heart, using the story materials to see and touch. The stories were followed with a time of wondering together about what was just told, and then reflecting on our own, using the various art and materials provided.


What is formed through these workshops is a community who loves Godly Play and gathers throughout the year to support each other. We take the spirituality of children seriously and welcome others to be part of this growing community. Watch for gatherings throughout the year, introductions, practice times, and materials workshops. All are welcome to attend. For more information, please e-mail trainer Jenny Wallace.

Pictured at top are the participants at the August/September workshop. In the front row: Peggy Anderson from the Lutheran Church of Honolulu and Caroline Remedios; middle row: Irene Tanabe, Jill Haworth, Karena Yee, Lahela Perry, Jane Tonokawa; back row: Sara Banks, Leilani Madison, Tom King, Giovan King, Jenny Wallace. In the photos above, Leilani shares her story of the Mystery of Easter, Jill with the Good Shepherd, and trainer Jenny Wallace with the lesson on Advent. (Photos contributed by Sara Banks.)


'Iolani Guild: A Taste of Autumn
by Leimalama Lee Loy, President

After a hiatus for the summer, 'Iolani Guild held its first "Autumn" General Membership Meeting of the season on September 6, 2014, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew. Following a short business meeting, there was a scrumptious lunch, and two newsworthy items which I would like to share with our 'Ohana.

Our guest presenter was Valerie Monson, founding member of the nonprofit organization Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa, which was established in August 2003. It is dedicated to promoting the values and dignity of every individual who was exiled to the Leper Colony on the Kalaupapa Peninsula, Moloka'i beginning in 1866. Valerie gave a history of the "past, present and future" of the Kalaupapa Settlement and also shared copies of the Ku'e Petitions, signed by everyone who was against the Annexation. Two family members of one of those individuals exiled to Kalaupapa, were present at our meeting. It was a tender moment for many of us as we listened to Valerie's presentation. Kudos are in order to Valerie, who also participated in the Cathedral's Ministry Fair on September 7, 2014.

'Iolani Guild is also remembering, with much sadness, the loss of our beloved Kupuna, the late Thelma Chun, who passed away in her own home "as she wished," on September 4, 2014. According to her son, the Rev. Malcolm Chun, Kupuna Thelma was an active member of the Hawaiian Congregation at The Cathedral for over 38 years. She sang in the Hawaiian Choir for twenty-five years and was in several leadership positions for the 'Iolani Guild. In memory of Kupuna Thelma, 'Iolani Guild has established a scholarship in her honor, and will now accept monetary donations in her memory. Such remembrances, with a specific designation, can be sent to: The Cathedral of St. Andrew, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, Hi 96813, Attn: 'Iolani Guild, Susan Hays, Treasurer.

Pictured at top from left is Kahu Kaleo Patterson, Chaplain of the 'Iolani Guild, Reid Loo, Zelka Harvest and 'Iolani Guild member Mary Holokai, who all have ancestors that were sent to Kalaupapa; Zelka and Reid are thrilled to find their ancestor's signature on the Ku'e Petition; and guest speaker Valerie Monson embraces Zelka in a poignant moment after her presentation. Pictured above is a photo memorial chronicling the late Thelma Chun's years in the Hawaiian Choir and 'Iolani Guild. Her funeral was held on September 20. (Photos by Ann Hansen)


West O'ahu Regional Confirmation

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wahiawa hosted the West O'ahu Regional Confirmation ceremony on Saturday, August 2.  Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick celebrated the Rite of Confirmation, assisted by the Rev. Paul Klitzke from St. Nicholas, the Rev. David Lemburg from St. Timothy's, Dcn. Steve Costa from St. Stephen's, and Dcn. (now the Rev.) Kaleo Patterson from St. Philip's. Pictured above is Bishop Fitzpatrick with Nancy Patterson, who was Received into the Episcopal Church, newly Confirmed Isaiah Chong, and Angustia Dolfo-Hamasaki who was also Received.  (Photos from the ECWO September newsletter.)

2014 Aiona Scholarship Recipients

On August 3, 2014, St. John's By-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Kaneohe presented this year's recipients of the Darrow Louis Kanakanui Aiona Scholarship Award. This year's recipients, pictured above with Christine "Teena" Urban, Aiona's widow, are Nicholas Young, Jonathan Kahala Lau, Jr., and William Young. All three young men are third and fourth generation members raised up at St. John's By-the-Sea. They have served as acolytes for many years, before volunteering to be trained and serve as Eucharistic Ministers. 

Jonathan is currently attending the University of Hawai'i (College of Education) with plans to obtain an MA in Hawaiian Studies that will enable him to teach at the university level. He is also the Junior Warden of St. John's By-the-Sea. Twins Nicholas and William Young both graduated from Kamehameha Schools in 2014 with 4.0 GPAs and were members of the National Honor Society. Nicholas is now attending the University of Portland taking pre-med courses. William is attending Cal Poly with plans to become an Electrical Engineer.

The Rev. Cn. Darrow Aiona was a fervent advocate for equality of education for all, especially for Hawaiian youth and for the establishment of Hawaiian immersion schools. He was an Episcopal priest for 50 years and served as an elected member of the Hawai'i State Board of Education for 30 years. 

His wife Teena said of Aiona that, "because he got a good education, he saw the value of it. He wanted that for everyone, especially Hawaiians." With the establishment of The Rev. Canon Darrow Louis Kanakanui Aiona Scholarship Fund, we hope to keep his dream alive.  Please consider a generous donation to help support the education of young Hawaiians, the future leaders of our island home. Checks can be sent to: St. John's By-the-Sea Episcopal Church, Attn: Aiona Scholarship Fund, 47-074 Lihikai Drive, Kaneohe, HI  96744.   (Photo by Sean Lau)

The Rev. Irene Tanabe is Installed at Epiphany

On Saturday, August 23, 2014, the Rev. Irene Tanabe was Installed at Epiphany Episcopal Church in Honolulu, where she has been serving since April. Numerous clergy from around the Diocese attended the service. Pictured above left, front row: The Rev. Irene Tanabe, Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick, and James Smotherman; back row: Kaimi Ganotise, Bruce Hanohano and Don Botsai. Celebrating in the ceremony with Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick were (pictured below center) the Reverends Paul Lillie of St. Mark's, Walter Brownridge, Dean of The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Diane Martinson of St. Peter's, and Cn. Franklin Chun, the retired Rector of Epiphany. Below right, Dcn. Peter Wu joined Rev. Tanabe at the Baptismal Font for the renewal of baptismal vows.  (Photos by Portia Okamoto)  


The following article and photos are from the newly established Episcopal Church of West O'ahu (ECWO) September Newsletter:

ECWO Day at Camp Mokule'ia
On Saturday, August 23, over 60 people from St. Nicholas, St. Stephen's and St. Timothy's descended on beautiful Camp Mokule'ia on the North Shore, for the annual "Day at Camp Mokule'ia." Cathe Portillo of St. Nicholas did another stellar job setting up and coordinating the popular annual event. It was another beautiful, sunny, breezy day, and people enjoyed kayaking, snorkeling, swimming, and even fishing. There was also a lot of talking story and just plain relaxing. Food was great starting with juice and donuts in the morning, lunch meats, chips and fruit for lunch, a barbecue for dinner, ending with s'mores.

Emmanuel Speaker Series Continues
By Lisa Laveti, Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Emmanuel Church has begun a second year of free community Speaker Series events. On September 18, 2014, Juda Carter, co-author of Keep It Positive: A New Approach to Successful Parenting, shared her insight about how to positively and permanently change children's behavior through Positive Verbal Reinforcement (PVR). According to the author, PVR works without tears and without escalating bad behavior. The talk was well received by parents, preschool teachers and even those who do not have children at home. Ms. Carter explained that her method works well in all situations where people need to work together (spouses, co-workers, employees etc.).

The next Speaker Series event is right around the corner. Brooks Takenaka, Assistant General Manager of the United Fishing Agency and developer of the Honolulu Fish Auction, will come and give us the lowdown on fresh fish, the fishing industry and show us how the fish get from the fishermen to the market or restaurant. It should be fascinating and informative. Please join us for the evening on October 9, from 7:00 PM to 8:30PM. The ongoing Speaker Series are free and open to the public.



Good Samaritan's Annual Fall Fair and Helping at St. Luke's

Good Samaritan Episcopal Church in Kaimuki held their annual Fall Fair on Saturday, September 6. Along with food and cold drinks, there was a rummage sale, craft vendors and plants available for purchase. Proceeds raised will help to restore a stone wall in the back of the preschool.

Earlier, the youth of Good Samaritan were being "good Samaritans" at a recent visit to St. Luke's, where they helped to freshen up the parking lot, painting faded lines and signage.  (Photos by Jan Motoshige)



St. Michael and All Angels Celebrates Changes

On September 27 & 28, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Lihue celebrated not only the Saint for whom the church was named, but they dedicated their newly renovated church funded by their 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign, and welcomed a new Director of Music, Alan Van Zee. 

In 2013, St. Michael's ran an ambitious capital campaign with a goal of $550,000 and "challenge" goal of $750,000. The congregation and extended 'ohana pledged over $650,000! With money raised, St. Michael's was able to to install a completely new HVAC (air conditioning) system in their upstairs office spaces, most of which is rented. They also now have an expanded conference room capable of seating 60 people, a new smaller classroom, and added a projection and sound system to the parish hall for lectures and presentations. But the most important renovation took place in the church. As most folks on the island know, St. Michael's is host to many concerts and theatrical performances, including the largest jazz festival on Kaua'i. There is now a state of the art lighting and sound system, complete with a sound booth, new carpet and chairs, new Koa wood altar, pulpit and credence table.

(Pictured at top are St. Michael's members posing in their newly renovated church at the 7:30 & 9:45 Sunday services, and above Fr. Bill flashes a shaka with one of the "angels" that showed up on their special day! Photos are from the St. Michael and All Angel's Facebook page.)

Movie Nights on the Lawn at All Saints' Draws Hundreds

Now in its fifth year, the Movie Nights on the Lawn series at All Saints' continues to draw huge crowds to its double-feature films during September and October. The movie nights are funded by grants to cover the cost of movie licenses and equipment that includes the giant 30' inflatable screen. The event is free with the first show geared towards young children and the second show with teens and adults in mind. 

With only one movie night remaining in 2014, records have already been shattered both in attendance and concession sales. Folks come from all over the island to enjoy a family night under the stars. Over 500 turned up for the latest showing on September 27, (Frozen and Godzilla) with many families arriving an hour before showtime to enjoy dollar hot dogs, 50 cent popcorn, chili, Portuguese Bean Soup, SPAM musubi and other snacks and goodies, served up by the Ke Akua Youth Group. The food is donated by Hale Lani Christian Store and concession proceeds go towards the youth's outreach and mission activities. (Photos by Sybil Nishioka)

Al Miles Leads Safe Church Training at St. Michael's
By Sybil Nishioka, Family Ministries, All Saints' Episcopal Church

On Saturday, September 13, 2014, the Rev. Al Miles led a Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training class at St. Michael and All Angels in Lihue. The class, which is mandatory for all clergy, staff, Vestry and Bishop's Committee members, Eucharistic Visitors and those in supervisory positions, is currently required to be taken only once. This is very different from the Safeguarding God's Children training which is required of all persons working with children, and must be renewed every year.

Over 20 members from almost all the Episcopal Churches on Kaua'i showed up for the five-hour morning class. After a big church event the night before and less than 4 hours of sleep, I was wondering how I was going to keep my eyes open. Fortunately, Rev. Miles was not only energizing and dynamic, but the discussion and information he presented kept me engaged the entire time.

The class focused on awareness and boundaries, especially as they apply to our different ministries. A variety of real-life situations were presented and discussed in groups with interesting conversation, but when the full context was revealed, it left many of us surprised, and some shocked! He also tapped into social media and the dangers that lurk behind seemingly benign postings. Once again, being aware and setting boundaries came into play.  

Although the class is designed to address our work in church ministries, the lessons and principles are definitely applicable to our personal lives outside the church. Even though this is not required for everyone, it is highly recommended and open to any church member.  Many thanks to Rev. Miles for being able to keep me awake and to educate all of us in this very complex and sensitive subject matter.

Pictured at top, most of the participants take a group photo; above the Rev. Al Miles chats with a participant during the break along with his wife (white blouse) who accompanied him; participants chat during a break. (Photos contributed by Sybil Nishioka)


Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Women 
5th Annual Outreach Program
By Louise Aloy, Co-Chair, Good Shepherd Women in Ministry

Another school year has begun and for many of our island keiki (children) school supplies were not within their reach simply because many families could not afford to buy them. This is where the women of Good Shepherd get into action to lend a helping hand and have done so for the past five years. We hold an annual rummage sale and host the Wailuku First Friday food booth a few times per year. Proceeds from these fundraising events go towards the purchase of core school supplies for Kindergarten through 12th grade students.


Each year we receive a generous donation of bags to put the supplies in from the Marrs 'Ohana of Marmac Ace Hardware stores on Maui. We receive a donation of school supplies from the Queen Emma Athletic Club sponsored by the Good Shepherd Church, and for the past two years, we have received very generous monetary contributions from the Slammed Society Car Truck Club that have hosted a "Back to School Cruise" from Kahului to Wailea. As many as 70 to 75 cars participate, each making a donation towards the women's back to school supply drive. Not only have they given us monetary funds to purchase supplies, they also donated large boxes of school supplies as well.


During the last two weeks of July, the women handed out 25 bags to upcountry Maui keiki, (with the help of St. Joseph's Catholic Church), supplies for 15 Head Start preschool keiki and to the Boys & Girls Club of Kahekili Terrace low income housing of which both are in Wailuku, Maui.


It is a very rewarding experience to see the smiles from the children as they receive their bags, eager and ready to go back to school. We also feel very blessed when moms and grandmas have tears in their eyes because God has answered their prayers. This is what we are called to do....become disciples of Christ, spread the Good News, and bring aid to those that are less fortunate. Mahalo to all for another successful outreach program.


Stewardship University Comes to Maui
By Louise Aloy, Stewardship TEAM Chair, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church

With much appreciation to the Diocese of Hawai'i Stewardship Committee, nineteen people were enlightened by the Rev. Cn. Timothy Dombek from the Diocese of Arizona, who presented a Stewardship University workshop on Maui, on Saturday, August 2. The workshop was held at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Wailuku. All four Maui Episcopal Churches were represented and it was wonderful to have three clergy members included in the class.


It was a full day of learning from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. There were four modules presented:


1. How to Talk About Money

2. Relational Stewardship

3. Year-round Stewardship That You Can Do!

4. Enhancing Your Hospitality!


In each module we learned concept, goals and objectives. We were given many book titles to use as resources and were also given many sample templates to use in our own stewardship campaigns. All left the workshop that afternoon feeling enlightened and filled with renewed hope to strengthen their giving of time, talent and treasures.


A Cup of Cold Water Featured in National News  
It is no secret that one of the most successful outreach programs established in the Diocese recently, is A Cup of Cold Water (ACCW), a care van ministry bringing food, essentials, prayer and a smile to those in need around the island of Maui. The work and dedication of the volunteers have attracted national attention, with an article appearing on the Episcopal News Service (ENS) site, entitled Maui's 'A Cup of Cold Water' pours hope into homeless community. The article, dated August 14, 2014, was written by Pat McCaughan, a correspondent for the ENS, who rode along on one of their runs. She wrote about the people they encountered, the challenges they faced, and the gratitude they shared that helps fuel the volunteers.

In a recent press release, ACCW announced that their application for 501(c)(3) status has been granted by the IRS. It goes on to say that, "A Cup of Cold Water in the first seven months of this year has served 4,389 people, and distributed 33,693 of the most basic necessities over 3,332 miles."

The Diocesan website now features a "Snapshots & Reflection" page that shares some of the candid moments and faithful thoughts of the volunteers and the people they serve. Be sure to check it out HERE. The page is updated monthly. (Photo by Kit Hart) 


Big Island Churches Reach Out to Victims of Hurricane Iselle

Folks on the Big Island of Hawai'i have their hands full when it comes to forces outside of their control, with tsunamis, volcanoes and hurricanes topping the list. In August, Hurricane Iselle forced the entire state to hunker down, but it was the Big Island that got the brunt of it, with winds and rains causing downed power lines, fallen trees, flooding and massive damage to certain areas. Communities rallied, bringing water and supplies to those hit hard, and especially into areas that are most isolated. Pictured above left, members of Holy Apostles in Hilo had food and water available at the Hirano Store, and at right, members of St. James' in Kamuela collected and delivered essential supplies. (Photos from  the Holy Apostle and St. James' Facebook pages)

Thrift Store Blessing at St. James

On Saturday, August 29, 2014, Fr. David Stout offered a blessing of thanksgiving for the many years of their Thrift Store and Boutique ministry; for all those who have volunteered, donated and supported its mission. The all-volunteer store generates funding for St. James' Episcopal Church's many outreach programs and donations to dozens of community organizations. The store is open 3 days a week and involves over 40 volunteers.  (From the St. James E-Newsletter and Facebook page.)

St. Augustine Bazaar Raises Funds and Bonds in the Community
St. Augustine's Episcopal Church in Kapa'au held their annual bazaar on Saturday, September 6. It is a huge community event that draws people from near and far. Funds raised from the bazaar go towards student scholarships and various charitable organizations. The bazaar highlights the ethnic diversity of the community featuring Japanese taiko drums, the ukulele group, traditional Hawaiian music, hula, belly dancing and Okinawan dance. The food was just as diverse and delicious to boot, with Filipino pancit, sweet and sour spare ribs, sushi, and more. There was also a Silent Auction and variety of items for purchase including plants, clothes and crafts.

To read a feature article in the Hawaii Tribune Herald about the bazaar, click HERE. (Photo featured is from the St. Augustine website.)

The following photos and caption are from the E-Newsletter of The Congregations of St. James' Parish, dated September 19, 2014:

Crafting Prayer Beads at St. Columba's
Women are gathering together on Tuesdays at 2:00 PM, at St. Columba's in Pa'auilo, to make Episcopal prayer beads. Pictured above left, the group takes a break from their crafting to pose for the camera, and at right, Elisa shares the meaning and design of the prayer beads that begin with a cross leading to an invitatory bead to invite God's presence, and then to a circle of beads that are divided into four sections of seven beads each for the days of the week. The number of beads total 33, the number of years our Lord Jesus lived on earth. For more information on this gathering, contact St. Columba's at (808) 935-5545, or e-mail the church office.

Slipper Drive at Holy Apostles

After learning that one of the biggest needs at a neighboring school was rubber slippers, members of Holy Apostles Episcopal Church in Hilo answered the call. With a goal to collect 100 pairs, they ended up far exceeding that amount with over 150 pairs for Chiefess Kapiolani Elementary School. Pictured above is the Rev. Moki Hino with church members on Sunday, September 21, with their haul! (Photo contributed by Holy Apostles Church)

Interfaith Prayers for Puna

With the Kilauea Volcano lava flow wreaking havoc in the Puna District, Holy Apostles Episcopal Church in Hilo held an interfaith gathering with representatives from the Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Roman Catholic, Mormon and MCC faiths. Prayers for Puna was held on Monday evening, September 22, with readings and prayers for comfort and peace for Puna and Pahoa. In the photo above, representatives include a Muslim, Buddhist, Jew and Christian praying together. They plan to continue the prayer gatherings.  (Photo contributed by Moki Hino.)


Episcopal Church House of Bishops Fall 2014 Meeting

Bishops attending the Episcopal Church House of Bishops meeting in Taipei, Taiwan, pose for a group photo on September 17, outside the historic Grand Hotel, site of the meeting. Photo: Mary Frances Schjonberg/ Episcopal News Service

The House of Bishops (HOB) of The Episcopal Church met in the Diocese of Taiwan from September 17 to September 23. The theme for the fall meeting was Expanding the Apostolic Imagination

The following are statements presented at the conclusion of the meeting.

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori:
This meeting has offered abundant opportunities to expand our vision of what is possible as we engage God's mission.  Our chaplain the Rev. Simón Bautista reminded us this morning that we are all bound for home, that we're meant to travel light - and that "home" is the Reign of God.  Our chaplain the Rev. Stephanie Spellers challenged us yesterday to take the journey to unexpected places and communities. The bishops of this Church will return to their dioceses with renewed energy and increased willingness to risk more for the gospel and travel a bit lighter.  We have built new relationships with our partners in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, the Philippines and with our brother and sisters in Taiwan.  We've discovered new readings of the old, old stories and new theological perspectives rooted in different parts of God's creation. With hearts and minds expanded, we know ourselves part of a body larger and with deeper bonds than we imagined. And we give thanks for knowing what it is to be received as Christ himself. The hospitality of the Diocese of Taiwan has been full measure, pressed down, and overflowing.  May God continue to richly bless this part of The Episcopal Church.

To view this article in its entirety with statements from Bishop Dean E. Wolfe of Kansas, Vice President of HOB and Co-chair of the HOB Planning Committee, Bishop Todd Ousley of Eastern Michigan and Co-chair of the HOB Planning Committee, and others, click HERE.

House of Bishops Meeting: Be Prophets, 
Agents of Reconciliation, Asian Archbishops Say
[Episcopal News Service - Taipei, Taiwan] God is calling the church in Asia to be an agent of reconciliation and a prophetic witness, three Asian Anglican archbishops told the House of Bishops, and they said the church across the world also must respond to the same call.


Pictured at left, Seoul Archbishop Paul Kim, who is also the primate of the Anglican Church in Korea, tells the Episcopal Church House of Bishops Sept. 22 that "reconciliation should be the core message of the church not just on the Korean peninsula but in the world." The Rev. Aidan Koh, of St. James in the City in Los Angeles, translated for Kim. (Photo: Mary Frances Schjonberg/Episcopal News Service)


Kim, Archbishop Nathaniel Makoto Uematsu, primate of the Nippon Sei Ko Kai (the Anglican Church in Japan) and Episcopal Church in the Philippines Prime Bishop Edward Malecdan all spoke to the house Sept. 22, describing the theological context and mission challenges of their provinces. Each spoke of how paying attention to the poor in their countries has strengthened the faith and witness of their churches.


The threat of war across the world has led to increased nationalism and militarization, in northeast Asia and elsewhere, which has at times lead to threats against those who "proclaim Christ's gospel message of reconciliation and peace [and they are] treated as traitors in the nations to which they belong," Kim said through translator the Rev. Aidan Koh of St. James in the City in Los Angeles.

Even within churches there can be differences of opinions about how to work for reconciliation, Kim said. Rather than being able to use those disagreements to find "new creative possibilities," discord can develop and such discord can easily make Christ's gospel of reconciliation "a laughing stock." READ MORE


House of Bishops Leaving Taiwan with 
'Hearts and Minds Expanded'
By Mary Frances Schjonberg, Episcopal News Service
[Episcopal News Service - Taipei, Taiwan] Members of the House of Bishops are leaving their meeting here with an expanded view of ministry of the Episcopal and Anglican churches in Asia.


"This meeting has offered abundant opportunities to expand our vision of what is possible as we engage God's mission," Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said in a written statement released at the conclusion of the September 17-23 meeting, the first gathering of the house in Asia. "We have built new relationships with our partners in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, the Philippines and with our brother and sisters in Taiwan," she said. "We've discovered new readings of the old, old stories and new theological perspectives rooted in different parts of God's creation. With hearts and minds expanded, we know ourselves part of a body larger and with deeper bonds than we imagined."


Jefferts Schori called the hospitality of the host Diocese of Taiwan "full measure, pressed down, and overflowing." 


"May God continue to richly bless this part of The Episcopal Church," she said.


Shortly after the close of the Taipei meeting, Jefferts Schori released a statement saying she had decided not to stand for election to a second term as Presiding Bishop.


Diocese of Kansas Bishop Dean Wolfe, vice president of the House of Bishops, said in his statement that "all of us who have congregants from Asia have gained a deeper understanding of the context from which our brothers and sisters have come and a greater appreciation for the Christian witness along the Pacific Rim."


Wolfe also addressed the issue of the reason for traveling to Taiwan. "We traveled a very long way and at no small expense to come to Taiwan to reinforce a principal which is dear to us; that every diocese is an essential member of our family of faith and no diocese is too small or too far away," he said. READ MORE

(Pictured above, Taiwan Bishop David Jung-Hsin Lai presides at the closing Eucharist on September 23. The Rev. Stephanie Spellers and the Rev. Simon Bautisa Betances, Chaplains to the Bishops, assisted at the Eucharist. Photo by Mary Frances Schjonberg/Episcopal News Service)

A Pastoral Message on Climate Change
The following Pastoral Message on Climate Change has been issued by Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori with the heads of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the  Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.

September 19, 2014 - We are united as Christian leaders in our concern for the well-being of our neighbors and of God's good creation that provides life and livelihood for all God's creatures. Daily we see and hear the evidence of a rapidly changing climate. Glaciers are disappearing, the polar ice cap is melting, and sea levels are rising. Incidents of pollution created dead zones in seas and the ocean and toxic algae growth in water supplies are occurring with greater frequency. Most disturbingly, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising at an unprecedented rate. At the same time we also witness in too many instances how the earth's natural beauty, a sign of God's wonderful creativity, has been defiled by pollutants and waste.


Many have reacted to these changes with grief and anger. In their outrage some have understandably focused on the neglect and carelessness, both in private industry and in government regulation, that have contributed to these changes. However, an honest accounting requires a recognition that we all participate both as consumers and investors in economies that make intensive and insistent demands for energy. In addition, as citizens we have chosen to support or acquiesce in policies that shift the burdens of climate change to communities that are most vulnerable to its effects. People who are already challenged by poverty and by dislocation resulting from civil war or famine have limited resources for adapting to climate change's effects.  READ MORE



Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418


The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for submissions in the December issue is November  23, 2014.