The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond...
February 2014
Bishop's Calendar
February 16 St. John's By-the-Sea, Kaneohe February 23 St. Jude's, Ocean View
Other: February 1 Daughter's of the King, St. Anthony, Honolulu February 3-12 Semi-annual Visitation to Episcopal Church in Micronesia (Guam/Saipan) February 15 Governance Meetings February 20 Chapel: 'Iolani School
*** MARCH ***
Sunday Visitations: March 2 Good Samaritan, Honolulu March 9 St. Nicholas, Kapolei March 30 St. Stephen's, Wahiawa
Other: March 5 Chapel: Priory March 9 Celebration of New Ministry (The Revs. Oh & Joo), St. Luke's, Honolulu March 12-16 New Community Clergy & Lay Training, Kanuga, NC March 17-18 Virginia Theological Seminary Meetings March 19-26 Spring House of Bishops, Camp Allen
Bishop's Messages
To read Bishop Fitzpatrick's latest messages to the Diocese, click on the Bishop's Messages link above.
Canon's Notes
Canon Liz Beasley shares her thoughts and important info on transition ministry. Click on title link above to read her latest entry on the website.
Stay Informed!
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A Message from Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick: |
"We Are All Missionaries"
Aloha, I want to call the attention of the Diocese of Hawaiʻi to the following video: (It is also posted on the homepage of the Diocesan website.)Without broad consultation, the senior members of the churchwide staff of what had been known as "The Episcopal Church Center" ("815") is shifting all language and titles to the "Missionary Society" when referring to the churchwide support staff of "Church Center" (the "National Church") for the Episcopal Church. Since there has been a move to shift staff out of the Manhattan office building (to provide rental income) commonly called "815" over the past few years, there are now relatively few staffers at "815 Second Avenue" in New York City, and so the "Church Center" is no longer the center of the Episcopal Church. The full legal name of the Episcopal Churchʻs corporate body is the "Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America." There are two official names of the Episcopal Church specified in our Constitution: "The Episcopal Church" and the "Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America." "The Episcopal Church" is now the most commonly used name. So, it is from our corporate name that the term "Missionary Society" arises and the video is a move by the churchwide staff to redeem "Missionary" for our common life. It is a very a problematic term in Hawaiʻi (as it is much of the world) tied to Western imperialism and Euro-American cultural domination. We will see if it can be re-appropriated in a meaningful way for the 21st century. I wanted the Diocese to know of its current use and that things marked "Missionary Society" are from the churchwide staff of the Episcopal Church. Let me know what you think of the video and the use of the term "Missionary."
The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick |
On Exchanging the Peace
By Bishop Bob
I recently received the following from one of our still very "active" retired Priests (let me note that this Priest is also a graduate of both ʻIolani and UH who was ordained a "couple" of years ago by Bishop Hanchett):
 "Is a directive on the practice of exchanging the Peace on your agenda?! In every congregation I've attended in the last 18 months the Peace has devolved into a mini social moment lasting up to 5 minutes and sometimes more. It's like an intermission at the opera. I noticed one congregation rings the hand bells to signal an end to this exchange, a novel use of these instruments! Is there some guidance to finding the right balance in exchanging Christ's Peace liturgically? Any advice from the chief liturgical officer is appreciated."
He gave me permission to use his concern as an "Ask the Bishop" question.
Some have noted that I do not spend a lot of time Exchanging the Peace when I am with congregations. I usually offer the Peace to four or five people and then sit down. In fact, I am known to just sit down as folk mill about greeting one another. On rare occasion, I will even announce the offertory sentence just to calm things down if things get out of hand at the Peace.
Let's be clear: The Exchange of the Peace is not intermission and it is not supposed to be a time to say hello to everyone else in Church. Other than the greeting of the Lord's "Peace" with one another, this isn't the time for extraneous conversations. This is not the time to discuss vacations, recipes or Aunt Sylvia's lumbago. The Peace is not meant to last longer than the sermon. It is a liturgical act. READ MORE
Our Schools
Pageantry & Celebration
| The following photos are from the 'Iolani & Priory Facebook sites:
'Iolani School:
Pictured above are the talented musicians and dancers of 'Iolani School performing in London at Cadogan Hall during their Winter break in December. The concert featured four other high school musical groups from the United States. Cadogan Hall is home to the London Philharmonic Orchestra.
St. Andrew's Priory:
The girls of St. Andrew's Priory celebrated the birthday of the school's beloved founder, Queen Emma, with a special Chapel ceremony in January.
Youth Ministry
Christmas at Camp
By Sarah Klitzke, Diocesan Youth Director

Retreats are one of the most important things that we can offer to our youth in this Diocese. The opportunity for youth to have "retreat" from the structure and pressure of their everyday lives can be life-changing and instrumental in faith. It is a time when youth who are so busy with homework, sports, family, drama, clubs, music, jobs, chores, and dating, can take a break from their hectic schedules and relax, slow-down, and focus on God and faith. Youth leaders need to continue to be creative and intentional in retreat planning, and continue to show mature faith with an edge of fun and excitement about God to the youth they serve. God is good, and merciful, and forgiving, and righteous, and it is our responsibility as adults and Christians to continue to bless our youth with opportunities to discover this.
While this Diocese held several different retreats this past year both parish-wide and Diocesan-wide, Christmas at Camp may have been one of the best. The first annual middle school retreat at Camp Mokule'ia was a huge success and a fantastic retreat to end the 2013 year. A total of 30 participants (25 youth and 5 adults), were in attendance for this incredible weekend filled with games, stories, song, activities, and laughter and smiles.

The weekend was focused on an important middle school topic of interest; trying to figure out who you really are. It was tied to Christian and Christmas themes, like generosity, kindness, prayer, and reflecting on our life journeys. There were sessions of music and the opportunity for youth to try different instruments, opportunities to perform, and time where we all sang together in one voice. The sight and voices of 25 middle schoolers singing songs of praise and worship made for an incredibly powerful moment for the chaperones, all of whom volunteered their time to be a part of this event. There were tons of games, noting especially the teambuilding activities that helped develop trust and confidence in the weekend's small groups. Between a blind walk through the grounds, obstacles to overcome, and tasks to accomplish as a group, the youth had a lot of fun and the adults couldn't stop laughing.
The weekend tried to emphasize that it was still the Christmas season--- that Christmas was not over. Indeed, we are a Christmas people, and we tried to incorporate "Christmas" activities into the retreat. There was a cookie decorating contest which left frosting cans empty, bellies full, and tons of sprinkles and cookie crumbs to clean up after. It was a mess, but it was a delight! We sang Christmas carols, decorated the lodge with lights and bells and festive decorations. Most importantly though, the youth gave gifts--- the gift of friendship to each other, acceptance of those who come from different backgrounds, the gift of laughter, the gift of respect, and the gift of helping us leaders realize why it is that we continue to serve. Mahalo to all who helped make this possible.
(Be sure to visit the Episcopal Youth website HERE and their Facebook page HERE to stay informed of upcoming events.)
Pacific Islander Ministries
Voices of the Pacific Christmas Concert
By Ann Hansen, Chair, Pacific Islander Ministries
Fane Lino leads the choir from St. Elizabeth's (Photo by Ann Hansen)
On Monday, December 23, 2013, two nights before Christmas, Fane Lino, the Pacific Island Missioner for the Diocese of Hawai'i, hosted the first ever "Voices of the Pacific." The concert featured eight Kalihi choirs from various denominations. Samoan, Tongan, Hawaiian and Chuukese performers presented beautiful melodies, dances and action songs.
Kalikolehua El-Sistema Hawaii, comprised of the youth of St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church, have been studying instrumental music four afternoons per week. They performed a Christmas song vocally and on recorders and violins accompanied by piano. In true Pacific tradition, youth orators from different island groups presented inspiring messages.
In a poignant conclusion to the concert, different island representatives sang a verse of "Silent Night" in Hawaiian, Samoan, Tongan and Chuukese before the whole group came together singing it in the shared language of English. A joyful reception followed with a resounding consensus that this concert should continue as an annual "Voices of the Pacific" event.
(Note: To view a slideshow of this wonderful event, visit the Pacific Islander Ministries webpage on the diocesan website HERE.)
Diocesan Legacy Society Membership Exceeds 100
By Jane M. Tonokawa, Chair, Planned Giving Commission
The Stewardship Committee's ongoing purpose is to build the awareness of stewardship of all types in the hearts of Episcopalians throughout this Diocese. Planned giving is the ultimate type of stewardship in the eyes of the church. Look around your church and you will undoubtedly see items or facility changes that were funded by members you don't know and who came before you. These individuals left a legacy for you to enjoy. Won't you do the same?
Hō`ike Ulu Legacy Society - In 2013, the Diocese sponsored Hō'ike Ulu Legacy Society gatherings on Kauai, Maui, Hawaii, and Oahu. The celebrations recognized those who have chosen to remember any Episcopal church or ministry in their will or estate plan. In the recent past, we have increased our Legacy Society membership significantly, bringing the total membership to 104! If you are not yet a member of the Hō'ike Ulu Legacy Society, your invitation awaits you. Details of your estate plan need not be disclosed. Please contact us.
Planned Giving is Simple - There are many resources to guide you and help you with this planning. You may simply complete a one-page codicil to your existing will; an attorney is not required. Or you can contact the Episcopal Church Foundation and seek confidential advice about gift options. The Diocesan website has forms available for your use. Contacting Peter Pereira, the Diocesan Treasurer, is also advised.
- Pray about the future of your church and the Diocese.
- Leave a legacy.
- Honor the past. Witness for the Present. Cultivate the Future.
Daughters of the King
Installation of the Board of the DOK Diocesan Assembly
By Louella Windisch, President, DOK Hawai'i |
Members of the Board of the Hawai'i Diocesan Assembly of the Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) were installed on Sunday, January 12, 2014, at Christ Gathering Place in Aiea, during the 8:00 am service at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church. The Rt. Reverend Robert Fitzpatric was the celebrant. Pictured above are, front row: Kala Holden - Vice President, Shauna Jones, Skippy Sweet, Jeanne Inouye, Simeona Geston; back row: Karen Huston, Vicki Millard - Secretary/Treasurer, Luella Windisch - President, Cynthia Carson - Daughters at Large Chair, Bishop Fitzpatrick. The DOK is an order that offers a deeper walk with Christ through a commitment of prayer and service to our church and community. For more information, please e-mail them. (Photo by Sarah Klitzke - To view more photos of the event, visit the DOK webpage on the diocesan website HERE.) |
Christmas Around the Diocese
Churches around the Diocese celebrated the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in myriad ways! (Photos are from online newsletters, websites and Facebook pages of our churches.)
The Ordination of the Rev. Matthew Lukens
Members of the Parish of St. Clement's celebrated the ordination of Rev. Matthew Lukens on Wednesday, December 18, 2013. Pictured above is Rev. Lukens being ordained by Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick and at right with his proud parents, Matt & Vicki Lukens. Following the ceremony was a fabulous feast in the Parish House. (Photos from St. Clement's January 2014 newsletter.) ____________________________________________________
Christmas at Onemalu On Saturday, December 21, 2013, the folks from St. Nicholas were busy setting up and preparing for the annual Christmas party for families of the Onemalu Transitional Shelter in Kalaeloa. The event is a joint effort in partnership with 'Ahahui Siwila Hawai'i O Kapolei, Na Wahine O Kamehameha I, EDGE Youth and the Aloha City Rollers. This year, they also prepared the food that was previously catered, and included a menu of pulled pork, rice, salad, dessert and hot dogs! (Photos from the St. Nicholas January 2014 newsletter.) ____________________________________________________
Churches Fund Raise for Good Samaritan's Youth EAM Trip
On December 26, 2013, St. Mary's and St. Luke's joined forces with Good Samaritan to harvest, build and distribute the traditional Japanese New Year decoration, Kadomatsu. Funds raised are going to the youth at Good Samaritan for their summer trip to New York to attend the Episcopal Asiamerica Conference. (Story & photos from the Good Samaritan January 2014 Newsletter.) ____________________________________________________
St. Tim & St. Nick Youth Help the Homeless
By Betty Smith, St. Timothy's Outreach Committee The youth of St. Timothy's and St. Nicholas packed grocery bags for the homeless in the Aiea/Pearl City community. They are learning important lessons: There are many in need right here in Hawai'i and there is joy in being able to help others. Bags are handed out by church members, along with a filling meal, at Blaisdell Park in Pearl City several times a month. Canned goods and other items are donated by church members, Girl Scout Troup 791, and others. Much of the food is obtained from the Hawaii Food Bank at a very reasonable cost. It is a joy to see our young people lending a helping hand. (Photos by Sarah Klitzke) ____________________________________________________
Staying Fit through ZUMBA! The folks at St. Luke's know how to stay fit! Just ask Fr. Gregory Johnson (fourth from left) who was recently installed as the new Rector at St. Mary's. "Your body is a sacred temple. Keep it holy!", reminds Fr. Greg. All are welcome to come join them Zumba every Saturday morning beginning at 9:00 am, at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 45 N. Judd St., in Honolulu. (Photo contributed by the Rev. Greg Johnson) |
St. Michael's Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry Continues to Thrive The outreach ministry, Loaves and Fishes, of St. Michael's and All Angels Episcopal Church on Kaua'i, continues to thrive. It is the largest food pantry on the island that serves an average of 75 - 80 families each week. It is staffed by volunteers and is supported with donations of food and cash by members and other organizations.
Pictured at left is Jodee Burris of Lihue United Church, presenting a check for $4,183 to Pat Hillegonds of St. Michael's. Lihue United Church donated the proceeds of their annual Labor Day Breakfast held on October 13, 2013, to the Loaves & Fishes ministry. (Story & photo from the St. Michael January 2014 newsletter.) ___________________________________________________ All Saints' Youth raise over $900 for ERD The Ke Akua Youth Group of All Saints' Church hosts an annual Holiday Craft Fair in December, and with over 70 booth spaces, it has grown into one of the largest fairs on the island. The craft fair is their main fund raiser of the year that goes towards their outreach work and mission trips. Each year they select a different charity or organization to give a portion of the money raised. The December 7, 2013 fair featured a silent auction with all funds raised going towards the Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) fund for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. The silent auction raised over $900 for ERD! The youth are continuing to fund raise for six of their high school members that will be attending the Episcopal Youth Event in Philadelphia this summer. |
The Rev. James Loughren Installed at Grace Episcopal Church On Wednesday, January 15, 2014, the Rev. James Loughren was installed at Grace Episcopal Church on Molokai. His first Sunday service was on December 1, the first Sunday of Advent, and he was very excited to be at Grace. Fr. Jim is from the Adirondack mountains in Northern New York. He was ordained a Roman Catholic priest and later transitioned to the Episcopal Church. He holds a Masters of Divinity Degree and a Master of Arts in Systematic Theology. He loves studying and reflecting on God's Word, celebrating the Eucharist, jogging, biking, kayaking, canoeing, gardening, and all kinds of outdoor activities. He also enjoys martial arts and has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. You can view a slideshow of Fr. Jim's installation on the new Grace website HERE. |
Good Shepherd Celebrates! Sunday, January 12, 2014, was a day of celebration at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. They celebrated three baptisms (Angel Piilani Burger, Joseph Kaleo Burger, Jaime Cuaresma Carino); the introduction and blessing of Good Shepherd's four delegates to the Episcopal Youth Event this summer in Philadelphia (Jamie Delacruz, Zyra Delacruz, Marella Idica, Nathaniel Idica) plus three alternates (Princess Bumanglag Cainguitan, Bernadette Bumanglag Gamit, Jenni Macalipis); and the 92nd birthday celebration of Caridad Manuel! Congratulations to all! (Photo from the Good Shepherd Facebook page.) |
Regional Confirmation Held at St. Columba's
 The Big Island held a Regional Confirmation ceremony on Saturday, December 7, 2013, at St. Columba's in Paauilo. There were three confirmations: Allison Rhofeld from St. James, Wilma Oshiro and Jacy Oshiro from St. Columba's. There were nine receptions: Steve McPeek and Sandi Mehtala from St. James; Patricia Anderson, Gael Burke, Brian Burke, Jennifer Hansen and Elisa Heweston from St. Columba's; and Karen Pucci and Beverly Nelson from St. Jude's. There was also one reaffirmation, Barbara Lackey from St. Columba's. Congratulations to all! (Photos from the St. James Facebook page.)
____________________________________________________St. James' Beach Mass with the Bishop
Members of St. James Episcopal Church thoroughly enjoyed a recent visit by Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick and his wife Bea. One of the joys was having him preach and preside at the Saturday evening Beach Mass at Kawaihae on December 14, 2013. (Photos by Karen Sanchez) |
Anti-trafficking Efforts Intensify in Advance of Super Bowl
A U.N. GIFT Box, which looks like a gift on the outside, but tells the stories of human trafficking victims on the inside, is on display at 17th Street and Broadway across from Union Square in New York City until Feb. 2; it is sponsored by the United Nations NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons. Photo: Lynette Wilson/ENS
[Episcopal News Service] In the months leading up to Super Bowl XLVIII, Episcopalians in New Jersey and surrounding states have been gearing up, not for the big game, but for an influx of women and children who officials say will be trafficked into the region for sexual exploitation.
The dioceses of New Jersey and Newark have been hosting educational workshops and seminars at churches across the state, led by Episcopalians like Louis Cavaliere, a retired U.S. Navy captain who became interested in trafficking when he witnessed the "demand side" during active duty.
"I was sending people overseas, and they were engaging in this," said Cavaliere, a member of Grace Church, Merchantville, New Jersey, in a telephone interview.
In 2000, the United States enacted the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which defines sex trafficking as a "severe form of trafficking" in which "a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud or coercion."
In the Diocese of New Jersey, Cavaliere gave talks at churches that focused on the problem of human trafficking occurring alongside huge sporting events such as the Super Bowl. READ MORE
COMMENTARY: The Church's role in, and against,
homophobia across Africa
By Gay Clark Jennings, President, House of Deputies
(RNS) In the last month, many Westerners watched in horror as Uganda, and then Nigeria, enacted laws that are brutally repressive to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
The fate of a bill passed by the Ugandan parliament remains uncertain after President Yoweri Museveni refused to sign it, but news reports from Nigeria indicate that there have been mass arrests of gay men following President Goodluck Jonathan's signing of the National Assembly's anti-gay bill.
World leaders, including United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, have expressed their dismay. Many Christian leaders around the world, regrettably, have been largely unwilling to criticize Christian leaders in Africa who cheered the passage of these punitive laws.
The Anglican primates of Uganda and Nigeria enthusiastically support anti-gay legislation in their countries. I, like them, am a member of the Anglican Communion, a worldwide body of more than 80 million Christians. I am troubled and saddened that fellow Anglicans could support legislation that fails to recognize that every human being is created in the image of God.
Western Christians cannot ignore the homophobia of these church officials or the peril in which they place Ugandan and Nigerian LGBT people. The legacy of colonial-era Christian missionaries and infusions of cash from modern-day American conservatives have helped to create it.
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office. The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers. Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418
The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.
The deadline for the April issue is March 22, 2014.