The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond...
June 2013
Bishop's Calendar
June 9 St. George's, Honolulu June 30 Holy Nativity, Honolulu
Other: June 1 Graduation, 'Iolani June 2 St. Andrew's Priory June 4 St. Timothy's, Aiea (Non-Sunday Visitation) June 7 Community of Deacons June 15 Governance Meetings June 20 - 24 Conference: Episcopal Asia American Consultation, San Francisco, CA June 29 St. Paul's, Honolulu (Non-Sunday Visitation) ***** JULY *****
Sunday Visitations: July 7 St. Michael's, Lihue July 14 All Saints', Kapa'a July 21 Calvary, Kaneohoe
Other: July 6 - 14 Work from Kaua'i July 10 Christ Memorial, Kilauea (Non-Sunday Visitation) July 12 Episcopal Church of West Kaua'i (Non-Sunday Visitation) July 20 Governance Meetings July 23 St. Nicholas, Kapolei (Non-Sunday Visitation) July 28 Supply at St. Elizabeth July 31 (TBA) St. Peter's, Honolulu (Non-Sunday Visitation)
Bishop's Messages
To read Bishop Fitzpatrick's latest messages to the Diocese, click on the Bishop's Messages link above.
Beasley's Blog |
Canon Liz Beasley shares her thoughts and wisdom. Click on the Beasley's Blog link above to read her latest entry. |
Stay Informed! |
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A Message from Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick:
A Reflection in Times of Disaster

I came across the following quote from one of my predecessors as Bishop. The Right Reverend E. Lani Hanchett, first Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i (1969-1975), died of cancer in St. Francis Hospital, Honolulu, on August 11, 1975. He was 55 years of age at the time of his death.
In his last letter to the clergy of the Diocese, Bishop Hanchett wrote: "As I look out of my fourth floor window here in the hospital and watch the night turn to day, I know that my future is in the hands of a dependable God and as I trust in Him I need have no fear. Our Lord Jesus Christ died and rose again to give us God's own assurance that we, too, will follow in His way as long as we give ourselves into His keeping."
This moving statement of faith reminds me of Paul's cry in Romans 8:38-39: "I'm convinced that nothing can separate us from God's love in Christ Jesus our Lord: not death or life, not angels or rulers, not present things or future things, not powers or height or depth, or any other thing that is created." In his Ignatian-styled meditations on Romans, Jesuit New Testament scholar, Father Joseph A. Fitzmyer, reflects on these words: "Paul adds his personal conviction.... No natural, cataclysmic, or cosmic power or force, no spirit of any sort, nothing created can rupture the union of Christ and the Christian.... For God's love was poured out in the Christ-event, and that love has become the basis of Christian life and unshakeable hope that marks Christian existence and destiny. So Christians must learn to trust." [Spiritual Exercises Based on Paul's Epistle to the Romans (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2004), p. 153]
At some point, we each must reflect on our basic relationship with God and with life. In the face of death, Bishop Hanchett flatly asserts trust in Jesus Christ. The promise of God in Christ shaped the way he faced life. In days of disaster, whether made by human beings like those in Sandy Hook, Boston or Bangladesh, or the aftermath of natural forces as in Oklahoma, our response is shaped by our faith. We too are the children of God and can with Bishop Hanchett cry, "...I trust in Him I need have no fear." I pray we can all have such certainty in God's love.
Prayer for Oklahoma
Compassionate God, Draw near to us in this time of sorrow and anguish, comfort those who mourn, strengthen those who are weary, encourage those in despair, and lead us all to fullness of life; through the same Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God for ever and ever. Amen.
As you pray for those impacted by the weather in Oklahoma or others suffering due to natural disasters throughout the world, don't forget to support the Episcopal Relief & Development and the Episcopal Church's response to such disasters at:
The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick
The Bishop has recently updated the letter to all clergy regarding the Diocesan Customary that can be viewed HERE. This can also be found on the diocesan website under the Bishop's Office > Visitations.
Regional Confirmations
With Bishop Fitzpatrick's return from sabbatical, Regional Confirmations took place around the Diocese during the months of April and May. Photos and a listing of all people who were confirmed, reaffirmed and received into the Episcopal Church from each island's ceremony, can be found under the Parish News sections below. |
St. Andrew's Priory Accolades
The school year has ended for most Hawai'i schools, and the Diocese of Hawai'i is pleased to share the accomplishments of its students at St. Andrew's Priory:
- The debate team won second place in the state championship and will attend the National competition in June. ('Iolani team placed first!)
- At State History Day, 7th graders Bea Oyster and Claire Pennington won places in the National History Day competition. Bea won for her project "Black Tuesday: The Day the Roaring Twenties Died" and Claire for her presentation "A Nuclear Beginning".
- Arianna Kim won over $1,000.00 in awards at the state Science and Engineering Fair. She advanced to the International Science and Engineering Fair in the Microbiology category, that took place in Phoenix in May.
- Priory 8th grader Crystal Schneider is a National Gold Medalist for her photography piece entitled "Kenyan Effigy", and participated in the National awards ceremony at Carnegie Hall in New York this past May.
Congratulations to all the students for their hard work and achievements, and to the faculty for their commitment and excellence in education!
The Joint Nominating Committee for the Presiding Bishop
by the Rev. David Jackson
As you may remember, at the General Convention in Indianapolis this past July, I was elected to represent Province VIII on the Joint Nominating Committee for the Presiding Bishop (JNCPB). We are composed of 29 members from across the nine provinces of The Episcopal Church (TEC) in the USA and including our overseas dioceses. The 29 members represent a bishop, priest, and lay leader from each of the nine provinces, plus two youth representatives appointed by the President of the House of Deputies, the Rev. Gay Jennings. Canonically, the Committee is tasked to present a slate of not less than three nominees to the joint session of the General Convention in July 2015 at Salt Lake City, Utah.
During a snowy period in mid-March, in the woods of Greenfield, NH, I attended the second meeting of the JNCPB at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center, where the Committee continued its work begun a few months ago in November. The Committee was pleased to receive input in person from the current Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, and from Bishop Clay Matthews of the Office of Pastoral Development. One of our members, Nina Salmon from Province III, summarized aptly the significance of PB Katharine's comments to us: "It was important for me to hear about how much the world and church have changed in PB Katharine's tenure, and to think about how much they will change in the next nine-year term of the office of the Presiding Bishop. I was struck by her description of the global role of TEC."
Along with the insights from our esteemed guests, the suggestions received in response to questions posted on the committee's various social media outlets over the past couple of weeks helped our subcommittees as we met to consider the following:
* Budgeting for the nominating process * Creating educational materials about the history and role of the PB * Soliciting input from the church at large about the state of the church and what qualities of leadership to look for in the next PB * Developing a profile * Timeline and specifics of the nominating process * Pastoral care of nominees, their families, and dioceses * Transition issues * Communications, both internal to the Committee and from the Committee to the church and beyond
We anticipate making known the specifics of the Committee's timeline and initial details of the process within the next few weeks. There will be many opportunities for the Committee to gather church-wide input through a variety of media, and we hope to synthesize it and distribute our profile by early December 2013. Bishop Tom Shaw, from Province I and Co-Chair of the JNCPB, concluded our time thusly, "It is a privilege to work with people willing to give so much of their time, energy, and creativity for the work of the church."
You can "like" us in Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and check out our new website at Much mahalo for your prayers and support!
ECW Annual "Quiet Day" Retreat
by Louise Aloy, ECW President, Diocese of Hawai'i
It was a beautiful and peaceful Saturday morning on March 16, 2013, as the women from various Episcopal churches gathered in the Fr. Damien House, nestled amidst the tropical foliage and running stream at the base of the St. Anthony Retreat Center in Kalihi Valley.
Twenty women gathered as the Rev. Martha Blanchett, a Yupik woman from Alaska, asked us to introduce ourselves by selecting a word that best describes us, using the first letter of our names such as J for Joyful, L for Lovely, B for Beautiful, P for Pretty, and so on. It was a fun "ice breaker" to set the pace. Our theme this year was "Many Paths, One Journey" taken from the 2012 Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Triennial Meeting in Indianapolis. Rev. Martha explained that although we come from many different cultures and backgrounds, we are not so different in our struggles, experiences and desires.
Like the Native American Indians and Native Hawaiians, she shared that the Yupik people give reverence for all of nature since their lives depend on the sea, land and air. Food is an important part of their lives and there is always lots of food to eat at various celebrations. This is evident when a young Yupik girl starts her first menstrual cycle. Because of Yupik traditions and laws she cannot eat the current catch for a year and must eat last year's supply. She has special water that is brought to the house for bathing and drinking. During that year, the girl's father is not permitted to go fishing or hunting with the men, because doing so will affect what they catch. Rev. Martha recalls one father who ignored the "law" and did go on a fishing/hunting trip and came back with nothing. That father was banned from going on the next trip and the men returned to the village with a good catch. So obeying the traditions/laws of the Yupik are very important until this day.
Rev. Martha spoke about body, soul and spirit. Whatever you do to your body will determine what happens to you 50 years from puberty. Another belief is that when you become a woman, you will affect the weather. You need to cover your entire body and can only expose your face. One must refrain from eating salmon and be on a special diet for one whole year. No berry picking as well; if you touch the berries or the ground, you will destroy the crop/harvest. At the end of the year for the young girl, there is a big feast, but she mustn't wear anything new because the attire she wears will be burned.
So as you can see, Rev. Martha took us on her journey as a little girl in a village in Alaska with her Yupik culture, traditions, and ways of old, through the many ministries she became involved with over the years, and finally, to her move to Honolulu with her husband, the Rev. David Blanchett, and their daughter, Faith, who attends St. Andrew's Priory.
It was a very interesting and heartwarming journey that left many of us with tons of questions wanting to learn much more about her culture and traditions, and especially about her calling to the priesthood, since she was the first women clergy in her village. Her father and grandfather were both priests and she knew from a very young age that she wanted to be just like her father. In fact, while growing up, they played church all the time. It was a very natural thing for them to do.
By noon, lunch was served and we all ate to our heart's content. The rest of the afternoon was spent making coconut leaf palm crosses. There were at least three styles of crosses being folded, each one a little different from the other yet very similar at the same time, much like our theme "Many Paths, One Journey". Until the next time, malama pono.
Mahalo to Laurie Lee, ECW Treasurer, for sharing her notes with me in writing this article.
(Pictured above left, ECW women gather around to take part in an activity; at right, The Rev. Martha Blanchett and Louise Aloy. Photos are from the April 2013 Good Samaritan Newsletter.)
The Lord's Blessing Mission
As the sun rose on Easter Sunday, March 31, the Korean Language Mission Ministry, aka The Lord's Blessing Mission, rejoiced in the birth of five people, baptized in the waters off the shores of Camp Mokule'ia. The celebration is depicted above as the Revs. David Oh and Anna Joo blessed and welcomed the newly baptized into their fold.
Last year, the Rev. David Oh and the Rev. Anna Joo were sent from the Seoul Diocese of the Anglican Church of Korea to begin a new ministry in Hawai'i. The Diocese of Hawai'i's Korean Language Mission Ministry held its opening Holy Eucharist at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew on September 2, 2012. There are now 20 Korean/English speaking people who are gathering every Sunday at 2:00 pm, for the Korean language service held at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. Two were recently confirmed at the O'ahu Regional Confirmation Ceremony held on May 5, 2013.
To learn more about the Korean Language Mission Ministry of the Diocese of Hawai'i, visit their website HERE, or the diocesan webpage. (Photo collage courtesy of Rev. David Oh.) |
30-Hour Famine
by Sarah Klitzke, Diocesan Youth Director
| If you think you are too small to make a difference,
you have never spent the night with a mosquito.
Thirty-two youth from Oahu, Maui, Big Island, and Kauai gathered at the end of April for a fantastic retreat weekend. They gathered to raise awareness and funds for world hunger and poverty, and also to develop faith and friendships with other Episcopalians around the Diocese.
During the retreat a mixture of large and small group activities took place that enabled youth to get to know one another while learning about hunger around the world, including right here in Hawai'i. The participants encompassed several different cultures, backgrounds, and economic levels, but embraced the retreat as a way to serve others. They competed in games and activities that were designed to imitate some of the challenges that people in poverty face daily around the world.
Photos submitted by Sarah Klitzke
They also performed community service at the Institute for Human Services (IHS) in downtown Honolulu, where they washed windows, rearranged furniture, set tables, and cleaned up garbage down the streets near the facility. The participants went to the grocery store in smaller groups to complete a challenge to buy as much food as they could on a budget of only $50.00. This enabled them to see how much food actually costs and how difficult it is to get nutritious, plentiful meals on a small amount of money. All food purchased was then sorted and donated to three Oahu food pantries at St. Elizabeth's, St. Peter's, and St. Clement's, totaling 202 pounds of food that included baby formula, fruits, vegetables, rice, canned milk, pasta, cereal, peanut butter, beans.
The youth spent time making fun videos, creating art related to world hunger, and making new friends. They did all this while fasting for 30 hours. Other than liquids, these youth went without food for 30 hours, showing themselves and others what it is like to be hungry. Participants took the lesson to heart but also recognized that for them, the hunger ended, but for many around the world, it is a battle they face every single day.
This retreat would not have been possible without the support of all the youth, parents, churches, wonderful adult volunteers, and all those who prayed for the retreat and this ministry. We are really at the brink of positive, powerful, faith-filled youth ministry in this Diocese. We are blessed with so many vibrant young adults, and it is my hope and prayer that we continue to encourage and support them in their lives and their faith.
Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i' first 30-Hour Famine by the numbers:
- 32 youth participants
- 4 islands represented (Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Hawai'i)
- 18 guys and 14 gals
- 16 adult leaders, cooks, drivers, ministers and planners
- $2,666.00 raised and counting
- 86 hours of labor at a local homeless shelter
- 202 pounds of food collected for 3 church food pantries
- 570 pictures in our total famine slideshow
- A million wonderful memories and countless new friendships
On Stewardship
Why I Love St. John's in Kula Maui
by Marilyn Cleghorn
I have been an Episcopalian all of my life - baptized on Kaua`i, a member of St. Stephen's in Wahiawa, confirmed by Father Claude DuTeil, attended St. Clement's while my husband was in Vietnam, and now, residing in Kula, I have been a member of St. John's since 1970. My husband's family - you may recognize the name Archibald Cleghorn - even played a small part in the early years of forming the Cathedral of St. Andrew!!
What I love about St. John's in Kula and why I have chosen to name St. John's in my will are these:
 The rich history of this wonderful church stretches back to 1900, and the lifetime dedication of the Chinese people who brought our founder, Rev. Shim Yin Chin, to this special place. Rev. Shim's descendants are still very active in the life of St. John's today. I love that! This church has very strong roots!
I love the inclusiveness of our church family. We welcome everyone to our church and all baptized people to the Eucharistic table.
We care for our neighbors. We bring a small service and congregation to Kula hospital once monthly. We operate a food pantry on the mountain and we offer a "free community dinner" once a month to anyone and everyone. Since 1982, our annual Festival has been sharing our profits with many great organizations that support a variety of needs in our community.
In addition, I look forward to the promise of a future in our additional four acres of land that St. John's was able to purchase in 2001. This parcel is maintained by one of the descendants of Rev. Shim (Herbert Shim) and my husband. And hey, the view is not bad either - you have to see it!
Including St. John's in my will was an easy decision for me. I only wish I would be able to bequeath enough to insure that St. John's would be here forever! I pray that generations that follow mine will experience the love I have for this special place.
Marilyn is a long-time and active member of St. John's in Kula, Maui. She is also a member of the Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai`i.
Windward Regional Confirmation On Saturday, April 6, 2013, eight people were confirmed at the Windward Regional Confirmation service held at St. Christopher's Episcopal Church in Kailua. Those confirmed are: Beverly Katz, Debra Martin and Rebecca Noell from Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Kailua; Ronald Wong from St. Christopher's; Sandra Kealoha, Ryan Murray and Kilihuneuaokalani McKee from St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Waimanalo; and Philip Moyle of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Kapolei. There were also three receptions: Gerald Madison and Elaine Madison of Emmanuel, and Blanche Murray from St. Matthew's. Congratulations to all! (Photo from the St. Nicholas May 2013 Newsletter.) ____________________________________________________
Honolulu Regional Confirmation
A total of 15 persons were confirmed in the Honolulu Regional Confirmation service held on Sunday, May 5, 2013, at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew. Those confirmed are: Cecilia Han and Sue Terada from the Lord's Blessing Mission; Seena Clowser from the Cathedral of Saint Andrew; Wayne Awakuni and Shigeru Awakuni from St. Elizabeth Episcopal Church; Naomi Kalauokalani and Moses Kalauokalani from St. John's By-the-Sea; Elaine Yakabu and Jeanne Choo from St. Luke's Episcopal Church; Chazilyn Cabigon, Trinity Cabigon, Verique Capati, Jazel Paguirigan, Janessa Paguirigan, Sharina Paguirigan from St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Wallace Phillips from the Cathedral was also received into the Episcopal Church. Congratulations to all! (Photo by: Melody Loyola from the St. John's By-the-Sea website, of newly confirmed Naomi and Moses Kalauokalani with the Bishop and the Rev. Leo Loyola.)
Easter at St. Philips
Pictured above are the Sunday school children at St. Philips Episcopal Church in Waianae, who shared the Easter story through Resurrection eggs on Easter Sunday. Members also enjoyed a delicious brunch following worship services. (Photo from the St. Philip's May Newsletter.)
Boy Scouts Lend a Hand at St. Stephen's
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wahiawa closed its parish hall for a couple of days so that the Boy Scouts from Honpa Hongwanji Troop 49 could help Fr. Gregory paint the exterior. Lucky we live Hawai'i! (Photo contributed by Rev. Gregory Johnson.)
Members of St. Mark's along with other Episcopalians in the diocese, joined the 5,000+ people at the annual Honolulu AIDS walk on Sunday, April 14, 2013. The event raised more than $180,000.00 to support Life Foundation, an organization that is dedicated to fighting AIDS in Hawai'i and the Pacific.
(Photo courtesy of Kilani Ventura.)
The following article and photo is from St. Elizabeth's May Newsletter
St. Elizabeth's 3rd Annual Bluegrass Music Festival
By Katy Rexford
This month, the Aloha Bluegrass Band and Music Academy returned to St. Elizabeth's for a week of bluegrass music instruction, song, and dance. For four fun-filled days, kids and teens from the St. Elizabeth's community and beyond learned to play the guitar, mandolin, ukulele, and fiddle (violin). They learned basic chords, chord changes, a few fiddle tunes, and a variety of gospel and popular songs. Each afternoon started with a singalong and kanikapila (jam), followed by instrument classes, and when everyone was ready to let loose we finished the day with a square or contra dance! Everyone had a great time, and all the students worked hard and achieved much in their own musical development and journeys in just a few short days. We capped the week off with a performance of Amazing Grace and Swing Low, Sweet Chariot during the Sunday service.
When the after-school program finished each day, the adult and young adult program began, and for three evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 pm, students gathered to sing, kanikapila, and learn new skills and songs on their instruments. Both the kids' and adult program had a large number of returning students, and everyone's yearly progress on the instruments is showing! It was a wonderful time for sharing songs and musical growth together. Special thanks go to Sue Yap for providing dinner for the music faculty during the short breaks between the after-school and evening programs!
Kaua'i Regional Confirmation A total of five people were confirmed and three received at the Kaua'i Regional Confirmation on Saturday, April 27, 2013. St. Michael and All Angels in Lihue, hosted this special event followed by a reception. Confirmed from St. Michael's are Peter Baldwin, Brian Pearson and Phyllis Meighen, along with Maricel Baldovino and Alexis Vicente from All Saints' in Kapa'a. Those received into the Episcopal Church are Loyd Clayton and Roy Buduan from St. Michael's, and Antal Gaspar from Christ Memorial in Kilauea. Congratulations to all! (Photos by William Caldwell) ____________________________________________________
All Saints' Angels & Avengers Crush Cancer!
The Ke Akua Youth Group and ladies of the ECW of All Saints' Church gathered forces to "Crush Cancer" at the Annual Kaua'i Relay for Life event on April 27 & 28. Members raised over $3,700.00 through bake sales, luminaria sales and a food sales. The high school youth rushed to the event after their prom to take part in the "lap dance" contest, and won the trophy for their choreography, costumes and overall spirit. The theme for the event was Hollywood Blockbusters, and All Saints' participants chose the Avengers.
Prayer Area for Grace Episcopal Church By the Rev. Robert Walden
Grace Church, Molokai, has decided to establish a prayer area in the back of the Church dedicated to the Episcopal Saints of Hawaii and specifically those of Moloka'i, Damien and Marianne, whose special day in Holy Women, Holy Men has been designated as April 15. We also felt that since we are the only Episcopal Church on Moloka'i, it is highly appropriate to have a special area designated to Father Damien and Mother Marianne. We have obtained pictures done by a local artist of Father Damien and Mother Marianne, and also have a picture of King Kamehameha and Queen Emma. We envision that the pictures are to be mounted and a prayer desk/bench/kneeler along with special lighting will be provided. The project is still very much a work in progress and will be funded by Richard Hanchett as a memorial for his recently deceased wife, Barbara.
Maui Regional Confirmation
The Maui Regional Confirmation service was held on Sunday, April 14, 2013, at Trinity-By-the-Sea in Kihei. A total of 15 persons were confirmed, with Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Wailuku confirming a dozen people: Mitchell Aboy, Angela-Marie Adzuara, Iris Adzuara, Aaron Batulayan, David Batulayan, Janessa Domingo, Alika Manuel, AJ Manuel III, Kodi Perreira, Kori Perreira, Kayela Santiago, and Riley Manuel; Holy Innocents in Lahaina confirmed Terri Peck and Leanna Roberts; and host church Trinity confirmed Paul Hopper and Steven Eisen. St. John's, Kula saw two receptions, Monika Jost and S�gol�ne Wilson. Congratulations to all! (Pictures are from the Good Shepherd Facebook site that includes a picture of their 12 newly confirmed with Fr. Marvin Foltz on the bottom.)
Cup of Cold Water Updates
Maui's Cup of Cold Water outreach program continues to garner support and prepare the foundation for the good works that it is being designed for. On May 4, a basic training course took place at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church that included topics such as personal safety, traffic safety, basic first aid, mental health issues and the homeless, insights from people who have experienced homelessness, and other organizational topics.
Through the month of June, they plan to set up and organize the CCW supply room, finish an informational brochure, and develop routes and schedules. To learn more about this wonderful program or to volunteer or make donations, Maui churches can contact their Cup of Cold Water Leader, or call call Keku Akana, founder and the driving force behind this program, at 808-264-6783. A Cup of Cold Water webpage will be up shortly on the diocesan website that will contain the latest information and newsletters. Stay tuned!
Teaching and a Life of Stewardship and Faith:
Mahalo Charlesta Snyder
By John A. H. Tomoso, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
Forty-nine years in the classroom, including twenty summer sessions as a "Master Teacher of Teachers", in states from coast to coast, and now Hawai'i, is an accomplishment. It took some coaxing to convince Charlesta Snyder that there was a story to tell. "You know", I said, "there is great learning in storytelling, and I've learned a lot from you, a fellow parishioner of Good Shepherd Church." This was enough to convince her to let me wala'au or "talk story" with her.
"I love being a teacher and seeing the children learn is so exciting." These were practically Charlesta's first words. We even talked about the many "Aha!" moments in her teaching career. "You know, it's the eyes that give it away." She explained that the eyes tell a lot about her students; how and what they learn and how, in the "Aha" moment, that the eyes are the sign of finally realizing and understanding what they are experiencing and learning in her classroom. "I remember my students by their eyes." Charlesta explained that she looks into the eyes of many of her former students to remember their names.
As I sat with her, I caught myself gazing into her own bright, clear and discerning eyes, so as to fully capture the essence of our conversation. Her eyes were the perfect accompaniment to our conversation; they constantly gave away how excited she was about being a teacher and being able to talk about it.
We also talked about her late husband, Fr. Ken Snyder, who was the interim at our parish and who helped prepare us to receive our current Rector, Fr. Marvin Foltz. We agreed that priests are teachers too. "We were married for 61 years." As she told me of her teaching career, it was about her being a wife and mother that made her eyes even brighter. "Ken accepted all people as a priest...saw and cared for each one uniquely."
I asked her if she, likewise, accepted each student uniquely. "Oh yes I did, because I can't tell you about the 'typical student'. Each student learns differently." We chatted about how her career as a teacher had to be balanced with her marriage to a priest and then being a mother to children who would enter the classroom themselves.
Asked if there were times when she would ask for advice from Fr. Ken and he, likewise, from her. "Yes, there were times like these." She likened her teaching career to her marriage; that both were founded on love and mutual respect.
"You know, students have ideas of their own." She would allow her students to express themselves in the classroom, confident that this had to be a part of their learning too. Asked about how she's grown and flourished as a teacher for almost half a century, Charlesta said that it was always about "patience and firmness." In each of her classrooms and her students, through the years, she always kept in mind that it was her job to impart the "love of learning and of life-long learning....with patience and firmness." She likened this to her husband's priestly ministry in the Church, in that he "really cared about people and especially about his fellow priests." Explaining further, Charlesta stated that he wanted his parishioners and fellow priests to "love" as well, throughout their whole life.
We then talked about how Fr. Ken became a nationally known advocate for the "care and nurture" and welfare of priests in the Episcopal Church. "Ah, like you care and nurture your students," I said. She agreed, nodding her head with her eyes reflecting not only excitement but a calmness that comes with years of experience with countless young students and of being "extremely interested in their welfare."
Charlesta told me that when she was in high school, she told herself that:
1) She was never going to be a teacher,
2) She was never going to attend Junior College (before going to a four year college),
3) That she would never marry a minister.
"Well look what happened," she said, explaining that she met her husband (Fr. Ken) when they were taking a Latin Class at a Junior College before he became a priest and well before she chose to be a teacher. We both laughed at this rather heartily. I liked how Charlesta's eyes made me laugh even more. I think she knew that I was looking at her eyes; that they were giving validation to all that she was sharing with me.
We ended our conversation with Charlesta sharing with me a poem that she teaches her Kindergarten Students every year:
Respect, respect, listen to your parents.
Respect, respect, listen to your teachers.
Respect, respect, listen to your classmates.
Show respect, show respect,
Raise your hand before you speak.
Show respect, show respect,
Take care of your things,
Don't touch other people's things.
Show respect, show respect,
Keep your hands in your own body space,
Show respect, show respect.
"You know, Fr. Ken worked in Stewardship Programs in the Dioceses of Dallas and Olympia. I think that as a teacher, I worked in stewardship too."
After 49 years in the classroom, as a steward of young minds and of connecting her heart and soul to students, Charlesta Snyder retired from teaching on Friday, May 24, 2013, and right here on Maui no e ka oi!
Big Island of Hawai'i Regional Confirmation On Saturday, May 11, 2013, members of Big Island churches gathered together at Christ Church Episcopal in Kealakekua, for the Regional Confirmation Service. Newly confirmed are: Samantha Butler from Christ Church; Susan Acacio, Edith Bertlemann, Linda Mendonca and Tom Robertson from St. James in Kamuela; Jerry Wegweiser from St Jude's in Oceanview. Four people were received: Janet Britt from Christ Church; Rona Lee, Mailia Mangarin-Kitchen, and Denise Ray from St. James'. Four people were also reaffirmed: Patricia Butler and Charles Chapman from Christ Church; Linda Robertson and Laurie Rosa from St. James'. Following the service, members of Christ Church hosted a delicious lunch with music by Everett Knowles. Congratulations to all! (Photos from the St. James' May 17 online newsletter.) ____________________________________________________
Easter Celebration at St. Augustine
By the Members of St. Augustine
Easter Sunday at North Kohala's St. Augustine's Episcopal Church was a joyous celebration of Christ's resurrection. Our beloved church was filled with worshipers, decked in a cascade of flowers and filled with the rich melodies of Easter, and a special appearance by the children's choir. The Church yard abounded with children hunting for Easter eggs after the morning worship. Giggles and laughter filled the air as the children dashed around in search of more eggs to add to their colorful Easter baskets. Leading up to Easer day, the children created arts and crafts along with volunteers in Sunday school that commemorated Jesus' resurrection. We thank our many volunteers for making all of the Easter activities a success. (Above photos from left to right, courtesy of John Sakai, Marianne Eaton, Kathleen Matsuda.)
Celebrating Easter and Rebirth at St. Columba's
St. Columba's Episcopal Church in Paauilo, celebrated Easter in a most fitting way. Not only did folks come together to celebrate the Risen Lord, but this Easter service also marked a rebirth of the church itself, with a "grand re-opening" of weekly services. Pictured at top center is Fr. Tom Buechele, the priest of this mission, who has been busy preparing the church and members of the community for this special day. The St. Augustine Ukulele Choir (pictured top left) shared their gift of music during worship services. Folks enjoyed fellowship and food afterwards. (Photos from the St. James' Facebook site.)
Advancing to General Convention 2015
 Plans are well underway for the Episcopal Church's General Convention in 2015, and the triennial event won't be business as usual. The 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church will be held June 25 - July 3, 2015 at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, UT (Diocese of Utah).
The Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, Executive Officer of the General Convention, explained, "General Convention 2015 will not be 'business as usual' for the General Convention of The Episcopal Church, and not just because the Church will be selecting a Presiding Bishop and considering what a 're-imagined' Church might be. It will also be the gathering of a Church dedicated to continuing to reducing its carbon footprint, while using innovative software and technology to streamline its legislative work and improve on its efficiencies." READ MORE.
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office. The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers. Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
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The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.
The deadline for the August issue is July 22, 2013.