The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond...
April 2013 |
An Easter Message to the Diocese of Hawai'i
from Bishop Robert L. Fitzpatrick
"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen."
Luke 24:5
The proclamation of Easter is a statement about life. In the brokenness and loss of death, betrayal and weakness, Jesus is faithful to the end and the promise of life is fulfilled.
I am now officially back in the office from sabbatical leave. Bea and I were able to travel to the Philippines and to Taiwan. I was able to exercise and to read. We went to the movies and began dance lessons. I prayed. In our family, Ed's deployment to Afghanistan safely ended in March and he has returned to Germany, and James added another part-time job working with FACE (Faith Action for Community Equity is a faith-based grassroots organization in Hawaiʻi founded in 1996). I have much for which to be thankful. It has been a time to look for the living.
In Luke's story of the resurrection, it is Mary of Magdala, Joanna and Mary the mother of James who come looking for Jesus. The apostles, the "official" followers of Jesus, are still hiding. The original intent of the three women is to care for the crucified body. Instead, they "remembered his words" (24:8) and then they shared the truth of the resurrection. Easter is not so much about God or even Jesus Christ, it is about the community discovering life in the face of death and sharing that life. It is our story of faith.
Paul (in 1 Corinthians 15:54-56) reflects on Isaiah 25:8 and Hosea 13:14 to tie the corporate reality of death to the personal experience: "And when the rotting body has been clothed in what can't decay, and the dying body has been clothed in what can't die, then this statement in scripture will happen: Death has been swallowed up by a victory. Where is your victory, Death? Where is your sting, Death? (Death's sting is sin, and the power of sin is the Law.) Thanks be to God, who gives us this victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! As a result of all this, my loved brothers and sisters, you must stand firm, unshakable, excelling in the work of the Lord as always, because you know that your labor isn't going to be for nothing in the Lord."
In these months away, I have renewed confidence in the God of life. I have remembered the promise. You and I are the Body of Christ in this world. It is all too easy to get caught up in death - or, more often, the fear of death. Whether it be in the global scheme of things where war and greed seem to dominate, or at the local level where the pressure of traffic and the cost of living seem to take everything, or even the personal with illness and, sometimes, betrayal can take your very breath, death seems to have the final word. The experience of Easter is the great "NO" to death. We refuse to give in to despair, cynicism or, even, boredom.
Being away, I was reminded of the life of Christ I see in you - the Body of Christ called "The Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi." You share the love of God in thought, word and deed. By your actions and joy, you celebrate the defeat of death. It is with renewed commitment to you that I affirm this Easter that we will remember "his words" and take the love of God into the world. You and I are the Body of Christ in these Islands. We have the joy and the life that the world needs. We must be the truth of the resurrection. We are Easter made real and present in the world today!
In the words of Hymn 182 (The Hymnal 1982): "Christ is alive! No longer bound to distant years in Palestine, he comes to claim the here and now and conquer every place and time. Not throned above, remotely high, untouched, unmoved by human pain, but daily, in the midst of life, our Savior with the Father reigns."
It is with joy and life, I am thankful God has called me to be your servant and bishop. It is with joy and life, I invite you to be joy and life in the world.
It is good to be home with you.
Resurrection blessings on everyone!
(Photo by Janet Wilson, the All Saints' wooden cross at Hanalei Bay, Kaua'i)
Bishop's Calendar |
*****APRIL *****
No visitations are scheduled.
April 1
Chapel, 'Iolani
April 2
Chapel, Priory
First Day of Appointments
April 6
Regional Confirmation: Windward O'ahu, St. Christopher's, Kailua
April 14
Regional confirmation: Maui, Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei
April 20
Governance Meetings
April 24
Bishop's Reception for Priory Seniors
April 25
Staff Retreat
April 27
Regional Confirmation: Kaua'i, St. Michael's, Lihue
***** MAY *****
No visitations are scheduled.
May 5
Regional confirmation: Honolulu, The Cathedral of St. Andrew
May 6 - 8
Bishop's Colleage Group meeting, Camp Mokule'ia
May 9
Chapel, Priory
May 11
Regional Confirmation: Big Island, Christ Church, Kealakekua
May 18
Governance Meetings
May 19
Pentecost Service, Cathedral of St. Andrew
May 25
Graduation at Seabury, Maui
May 26
Baccalaureate at the Priory
May 31
Graduation Eucharist, Priory |
Stay Informed! |
Connect directly to the Diocesan website:
Bishop's Blog |
Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick shares his thoughts and photos on recent travels. Click on the Bishop's Blog link above to read his latest entry. |
Beasley's Blog |
Canon Liz Beasley shares her thoughts and wisdom. Click on the Beasley's Blog link above to read her latest entry. |
Bishop Bob's Blog |
Welcome Back Bishop Bob!
The Bishop's Blog on the diocesan website finally became an active webpage during his recent sabbatical. On this page, Bishop Bob chronicles his thoughts and activities, along with some great photos of his travels through the Philippines and Taiwan. Be sure to read about his time abroad and about the wonderful people he met along the way.
Stewardship By The Rev. Moki Hino |
About six months ago I received an invitation to join the diocesan Stewardship Committee. If you'd asked me at that time what I actually knew about stewardship I'd have said, "Very little." I had, after all, just taken my first parish call as a rector after six years of ordained ministry as a school chaplain and cathedral assistant, where stewardship matters were under the purview of other leaders.
One of the first things Peter Pereira did for me when I joined the diocesan stewardship committee, was hand me a book called Ask, Thank, Tell by Charles R. Lane, and not too long ago the committee chair asked me to share my thoughts on the book with the diocese - a book report, if you will.
The overall theme of Ask, Thank, Tell is that if stewardship is to be effective and if we are going to thrive in mission and ministry in the church, we have to change our paradigm from church membership to discipleship. Some characteristics of membership are giving money to support others who do ministry, maintaining the institution, living an upright life and being good citizens. Some characteristics of discipleship, on the other hand, are doing ministry ourselves, giving as a part of a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and living life in community.
I also liked how Charles R. Lane asks us to take a look at the word steward itself, saying:
The word steward most likely comes from two old English words that named the person who cared for the pigs of another. This person was called the sty-warden. This is helpful to remember, for the original situation of the word tells us two very important things. First, the sty-warden didn't own the pigs. Second, the sty-warden cared for the pigs.
I think these are important things to bear in mind as we discern who we are as stewards of God's church. We don't own it, but we take care of it because we love God and we love the Christian community in which God calls us to live.
Charles R. Lane also talks about the line in Luke 12 that says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." He continues:
Another way to think about what Jesus says here is to talk about "acting your way into a new way of thinking," as opposed to "thinking your way into a new way of acting."
In other words, we can think and process until the cows come home, but it's all for naught unless we roll up our sleeves and actually do something to create systemic change, whether that be talking openly about our giving, starting a community garden, engaging in a feeding program for the homeless, and the list goes on and on and on.
The final part of the book that struck me is where Charles R. Lane talks about how to tell your/our mission story, saying that our telling needs to be varied and frequent. He says:
Our telling needs to be frequent because we live in a society in which we are bombarded by messages...Our telling needs to be varied because in even the smallest congregation every person is more responsive to some communication media, and less responsive to others. If you are going to reach as many people as possible with your message, you need to tell it in as many different ways as you can imagine.
The diocesan stewardship committee is available to parish and diocesan groups, even on the Neighbor Islands, to lead book studies on Ask, Thank, Tell. If you are interested, please e-mail Lindsay Kamm or call her at (808) 245-1752. |
Noah's Ark Comes to St. Philip's
On Sunday, February 17, 2013, the wonderful keiki of St. Philip's Church presented the Noah's Ark story to the congregation. Under the leadership of Sunday school teacher Aunty Nancy, the kids did a wonderful job informing the congregation about Noah. They made us think, wonder and even smile! Photo contributed by Barry Johnson.
St Nick's Ice Cream Sundays
First Sundays are ice cream Sundays at St. Nicholas Church in Kaoplei, and members enjoy dishing it up and eating it even more after the service! These photos were taken at their last ice cream Sunday held on March 3, 2013. Photos by David Jones.
St. Michael's Jazz Festival Soars
The 7th Annual All Angels Jazz Festival continued its reputation of being the island's best jazz repertoire, attracting hundreds of fans over the 3-day event from February 1 - 3, 2013. Two jazz concerts and two jazz masses brought top-notch performers from across the United States to the Garden Island. This year's festival featured The First Ladies of Jazz, with Greta Matassa, Valerie Duke and Hedreich Nichols, presenting the Great American Songbook. Other special guests included New Orleans jazz pianist Matt Lemmler, bassist Dean Taba, and drummer Abe Lagrimas, Jr. The event is an offering to the community designed to encourage people to walk through St. Michael's doors, and they come from near and far en masse! Dates for the 8th Annual event has already been set for February 7 - 9, 2014... plan your vacation to Kaua'i now! (Photo collage is from the St. Michael's March 2013 newsletter with photos taken by Stephanie Castillo.)
The following are excerpts from a story appearing in the Maui dated March 28, 2013:
Cup of Cold Water: Community Care Van
By Cindy Schumacher, Contributing Writer, The Maui Weekly
"...and if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least, you will surely be rewarded."
Matthew 10:42
Proclaiming the gospel through acts of service to others is an affirmation of humanity's dignity in the eyes of God. A kind heart cultivated by love and faith clearly defines our relations with our fellow men.
This attitude of selflessness gives us the capacity to see people as they are and to serve them as they really need. In that spirit, retired Maui County Deputy Chief of Police Kekuhaupio "Keku" Akana formed A Cup of Cold Water: Community Care Van. Akana is head coordinator and president of the board of this new outreach ministry. He is an active member of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Wailuku, where he serves as a Eucharistic minister and visitor. He also volunteers in the church's 'Ohana Kitchen Outreach Feeding Program, the Salvation Army and other programs.
Akana's vision is to create a new food and clothing distribution service for the poor and needy in our community. He plans to use a care van to deliver essential food, hygiene and clothing items throughout the island.
"A few years ago, I began to develop an outreach ministry that would be shared between the four Maui Episcopal Churches," Akana said.
Episcopal Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick in Honolulu has approved this ministry for Good Shepherd Church in Wailuku, Trinity-by-the-Sea Church in Kihei, St. John's Church in Kula and Holy Innocents Church in Lahaina. This sharing arrangement will allow the churches to serve their respective local communities on a weekly basis.
"Our ministry seeks to promote the dignity of human beings through its service to people of all convictions," Akana added.
One person really can make a big difference. That's the message that Akana hopes will inspire those in the community to join in A Cup of Cold Water. To date, volunteers are retired police officers, fellow Episcopalians, other church members, and those from all backgrounds and ethnicities.
"We are all sojourners, especially those of us involved in A Cup of Cold Water," said Paula Baldwin, prayer leader at Trinity-by-the-Sea Church. "It is my grateful task to pray to God in thanksgiving, in petition and in intercession for A Cup of Cold Water, our volunteers and our clients," she said. "Of course, all are invited to join in this prayer."
"We welcome donations, which are tax-deductible. They can be monetary gifts or items we need to stock and distribute," said Akana. Checks can be made payable to A Cup of Cold Water: A Community Care Van, 2140 Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793.
To read the story in its entirety, click HERE. Akana is pictured above in the front row, third from right. Photo by Paul Schumacher
Good Shepherd Women's Ministry
By Louise Aloy, Docese of Hawai'i ECW President
One of life's greatest mysteries is the power of prayer. Used for intimacy with God, it is said to be life altering. The healing power of prayer reaches across science to a place of calm and peace in the human heart and spirit.
Saturday, January 26, 2013, seven women gathered in the parish hall to learn how to make Anglican prayer beads. It was the year 2003 that I attended a workshop at the ECW Triennial Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota and learned how to make one. I have been praying each morning with my prayer beads and have made many to share with those that are not able to attend church for whatever reason.
There is no incorrect way to pray! You may use prayers from the Bible, The Book of Common Prayer or the Hymnal or you may create your own personal prayers. Today Anglican prayer beads, also known as the Anglican Rosary, are widely used. These prayer beads originated from the Marian rosary and the Orthodox Jesus Prayer Rope. Over time, prayer beads evolved into the sacred familiar circles we know today.
I was amazed at how easy it was to make and more importantly, I was fascinated by the significance of each bead. The prayer bead circle has four groups of seven beads called week beads. Seven represents the number of days it took God to create the world. The four larger beads are called cruciforms and they represent the four points of the cross.
Directly above the cross is the invitatory bead which invites us to worship God. The cross reminds each of us to take up our own "cross" and follow Jesus in his example of helping others. All together there are thirty-three beads which is the number of years Jesus lived.
There are many websites online that offer instructions and even kits to purchase. I have held 3 workshops so far and all who attended, created beautiful pieces. (Photo courtesy of Alfredo Evangelista)
Church "Replant" on the Big Island
St. James Episcopal Church, Kamuela/Waimea, with Bishop Bob's blessing, is taking the initiative to "replant" St. Columba Episcopal Mission along the Hamakua Coast Mission Enterprise Zone of the Big Island of Hawai'i.
St. Columba, founded in 1898, through the generosity of the Theo Davies family and the Hamakua Sugar Company, has been a Preaching Station of St. James for the past few years. Since the 1970s it has been known as the Filipino Church on the Big Island. The last sugar cane on the Hamakua Coast was harvested in 1996 and the mission has struggled to keep its doors open.
With population demographics along the Hamakua Coast indicating a 33% increase since the 2000 census, the St. James/St. Columba congregation has asked the Rev. Tom Buechele to help Fr. David Stout, Priest-In-Charge at St. James, with the "replant". Fr. Buechele has been Vicar at St. Augustine, Kapaau, Interim priest at Holy Apostles in Hilo and St. Jude in Ocean View. Fr. Tom will be called the Missioner of the Hamakua Mission Enterprise Zone. The zone, with St. Columba as it's center, will extend from Kukuihaele and Honokaa in the north to Laupahoehoe in the south. St. Columba will provide the bulk of funding from the rental proceeds of the Vicarage on the property. St. Jude, Ocean View has also committed outreach donations. Any congregation or individual who wants to assist with the mission replant can forward donations to St. James, Kamuela. Indicate St. Columba replant.
The Mission Enterprise Zone will develop resources for evangelization to under-represented groups, especially the youth and elderly, diversity training, and ministry outreach in cultural diversity. New liturgical forms of emergent Church worship and facility use will be explored. A critical part of the Mission Enterprise Zone is to form local lay volunteers in evangelical teams, outreach teams, worship teams, pastoral visitation teams and administration. Where home churches are established up and down the coast they will be linked to St. Columba.
Kickoff will be Easter Sunday at 9:30 a.m. All are invited.
It's never too late for a bit of great news!
St. Augustine's Holiday Season
By Kathleen Matsuda, Lani Bowman, John & Cindy Sakai, Robert Morrison
and the Rev. Heather Mueller
St. Augustine's celebrated another year of an expanded Christmas outreach on the Big Island this season with the following programs:
Food Vouchers: One of the church's outreach programs included a partnership of Christmas food vouchers donated by St. Augustine's and administered by Sacred Heart Parish-Hawi (a local Catholic Church). There were 40 food vouchers delivered to needy families in the community and redeemable at three local markets. St. Augustine's also contributes monthly to the Food Pantry at Sacred Heart Parish.
Operation Christmas Child: Another exciting outreach program St. Augustine's participated in was a partnership with Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child. We gathered St. Augustine's children and some members to collaborate putting together 44 shoeboxes of toothbrushes, toothpastes, combs, tablets, pencils, crayons, toys, soaps, washcloths, pencil sharpeners, etc. to send to children in a foreign country. St. Augustine's will continue this program and hopefully expand it in 2013.
Angel Tree: St. Augustine's participated in The Salvation Army Angel Tree whereby gifts were provided for local children on the Big Island. Although the time was short in collecting these gifts, we were able to provide gifts for 6 boys and 6 girls. Gifts included: clothing, an Etch-a-Sketch, art supplies, air hockey tables, games and a bicycle. Children requested a gift they would like to receive for Christmas and we were able to grant their wishes.
Bell Ringing: 20 volunteers from St. Augustine's participate in The Salvation Army Kettle Drive Bell Ringing. There were four Fridays leading up to Christmas where there were teams of two or more at different shifts. St. Augustine's brought in over $1,600 of donations from our community to help further The Salvation Army mission. (Pictured above are John Cole and Jeannette Hensel.)
Inter-Faith Celebration: There were several opportunities for Ecumenical gatherings with the other Christians in North Kohala. We had an Advent gathering at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in December to share with other Christians the Advent preparations for Christmas. Emmanuel!
Poinsettia Delivery: Poinsettia flowers were also delivered to the rooms of patients at Kohala Hospital who were spending the holidays at the hospital and not with loved ones at home. Fifty bright, red poinsettias were delivered to the hospital to be enjoyed by these patients.
Feast of St. Nicholas/Keiki Shopping Spree: Our Sunday School and children from the community were invited to St. Augustine's Feast of St. Nicholas on December 6, 2012. Children were visited at the church by Saint Nicholas (aka John Cole). Saint Nicholas shared his story and gave children gifts of cookies and a voucher to buy gifts for their loved ones on December 15, during our thrift shop's Keiki Shopping Spree. Children also brought gifts of canned goods for the Food Pantry to help feed local families. Children later gathered at James Walker Hall to decorate the Jesse tree with ornaments they made out of clay. Families joined together for a pizza dinner.
Children's Christmas Pageant: Finally, but not least, St. Augustine's had its Children's Christmas Pageant, compliments of a new Sunday School program that was initiated this year. St. Augustine's Sunday School children rehearsed for two months in preparation for their first Christmas Pageant entitled "The Birth of Jesus".
Presiding Bishop's Easter Message 2013
"Easter celebrates the victory of light and life over darkness and death"
Rejoice, rejoice and sing, rejoice and be glad... for earth and heaven are joined and humanity is reconciled to God! [1]
As the Lenten season ends in Easter rejoicing, note what has been wrought in you this year. A remarkable cross-section of America has been practicing Lenten disciplines, even some who are not active Christians. [2] There is a deep hunger in our collective psyche to re-orient our lives toward life and light, healing and peace. We share a holy hunger for clarity about what is good and life-giving, and we yearn to re-focus on what is most central and important in life.
Easter celebrates the victory of light and life over darkness and death. God re-creates and redeems all life from dead, dry, and destroyed bones. We are released from the bonds of self-obsession, addiction, and whatever would steal away the radical freedom of God-with-us. Our lives re-center in what is most holy and creative, the new thing God is continually doing in our midst. Practicing vulnerability toward the need and hunger of others around us, we have cultivated compassionate hearts. We join in baptismal rebirth in the midst of Jesus' own passing-over.
The wonder of the resurrection is upon us once more. May we embrace God's ever-new life with every cell of our being, every yearning of our soul, and every muscle of our will. Christ is risen, death is vanquished, humanity is restored to holy and creative relationship with God's ongoing and eternal liveliness. Praise God who brings light out of darkness, life out of death, and newness out of the stale and moribund. Alleluia! Christ is risen!
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office. The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers. Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418
The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.
The deadline for the June issue is May 24, 2013. |