Chronicle Christmas

The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

December 2012
In This Issue
Bishop's Message
Sesquicentennial & Convention Coverage
Diocesan Legacy Society Membership Exceeds 90
ABCD Workshop: Engaging Communities
'Iolani's Christmas Program Features Familiar Wisemen
Contact Information
Bishop's Calendar

***** DECEMBER ***** 

December 9
Grace, Hoolehua
December 16
St. Philip's, Honolulu
December 23
St. Christopher's, Kailua

November 26 - December 3

CREDO, Healdsburg, CA

December 7

Big Island Regional Confirmation, St. Columbo's

December 12

Oahu Regional Confirmation, St. Timothy's

December 13

Lunch with Oahu Retired Clergy

December 15

Governance Meetings

December 16

Ordination: Leo Loyola, Kaneohe Episcopal Mission

December 18

Chapel: Priory

December 24 - 25

Christmas Liturgies, Cathedral of St. Andrew

December 28

Last Day in Office before leaving on Sabbatical


***** JANUARY *****


Stay Informed!

Connect directly to the Diocesan website:

Beasley's Blog

Canon Liz Beasley shares her thoughts and wisdom.  Click  on the Beasley's Blog link above to read her latest entry.

Bishop's Message


Bishop Sabbatical Leave: 

January 1 through March 30, 2013 

Bishop Fitzpatrick


Aloha ke Akua:


As I announced at the annual meeting of Diocesan Convention, I will be on sabbatical leave from January 1 through March 30, 2013.


Part of my plan is to spend time in the Philippines to make connections with the home communities of many of our parishioners, to learn from the Church in the Philippines, to reinforce the historic ties between my Diocese and both the Philippine Independent Church and the Episcopal Church in the Philippines, and to strengthen my personal ties with the leaders of the Philippine Independent Church and the Episcopal Church in the Philippines.

I will then proceed to Taiwan to spend time with Bishop David Lai and to learn from the Church in that Diocese. The Dioceses of Taiwan and Hawaiʻi have a special historic relationship that I hope can be strengthened.

Below is my travel itinerary outside of the Diocese: 

  • February 1-8 in Manila. This time will include the 2nd ASIA-AMERICA THEOLOGICAL EXCHANGE FORUM (A-ATEF) (A Project of the Office of Asiamerica Ministries & Partnership Office for Asia and the Pacific)
  • February 9 - 15 in Ilocos Norte.
  • February 16 - 21 in Baguio.
  • February 24 (Sunday) in Manila.
  • February 26 - March 7 in Taiwan including preaching at the annual meeting of the Diocesan Convention.

I also plan on doing some focused study on the Gospel of Luke and in preparing a plan for the next stage of my ministry as Bishop of Hawaiʻi. I also hope to make it to the beach - something I have not done in some time - with Bea.

While I am away, the Reverend Canon Elizabeth Beasley will have senior administrative and pastoral oversight of the Diocese acting on my behalf (she can be contacted through e-mail). Because of the limited time I will be physically out of the Diocese, I will retain ecclesiastical authority. Should there be an emergency regarding the discipline of clergy (Title IV) or the death of a clergyperson, I have asked Bishop Chang to act on my behalf. He will have no office hours, no Episcopal pastoral duties (except when requested by Canon Beasley) and no other authority. In the event of an emergency, Canon Beasley will contact Bishop Chang.

The Vice President of Diocesan Council, the Reverend Paul Lillie, will preside at Council meetings. The Reverend Elizabeth Zivanov is the President of the Standing Committee. Canon Beasley will coordinate with them regarding the work of the Diocese. Our Diocesan Treasurer, Mr. Peter Pereira, will, of course be here for all matters of finance and property and can be contacted through e-mail. Our Chancellor, Ms. Martha Im, will provide the needed advice and support. I have also made changes to Ms. Irina Martikainen's position description and job title. She is now the Executive Assistant to the Bishop and Administrative Manager of the Bishop's Office. Irina will have functional oversight of the office and operations (whether I am in the office or not). Her e-mail remains the same.
I have a wonderful and effective staff. We are blessed with gifted Diocesan leaders. I am confident all shall be well while I am away. 

As congregations and others plan for 2013, please look at my online calendar. If there is an event, program, celebration and liturgy, you want me to attend, please contact the Executive Assistant to the Bishop as soon as possible.

I ask for your prayers for Bea and me while on sabbatical and, especially, while traveling.

Aloha ma o Iesu Kristo, ko mākou Haku,




The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick
+ Keali'ikoaokeakua 



Ses collage  

For those that have been waiting patiently, pictures and full coverage of the Sesquicentennial and report on the 44th Annual Meeting of Convention are now up and available for viewing on the diocesan website.  Instead of a separate E-Chronicle being sent out, you can now view webpages complete with articles and photos.  (The final slideshows will be inserted shortly.)


Along with a general overview, highlights include daily accounts on separate webpages:


Friday, November 9: Opening ceremonies, ministry fair, fundraising luncheon, clergy dinner


Saturday, November 10:  44th Annual Meeting of Convention, Presiding Bishop's visitation to St. Elizabeth's, Taste of Grace & Beauty & Bishop's Cross Recipients


Sunday, November 11: Closing Festive Eucharist at the Cathedral


Also included is a special article written by Louise Aloy, a member of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church on Maui, who had the pleasure and honor of playing host to the Presiding Bishop and her husband.  She chauffeured them around and made sure that they were well looked after--- and they couldn't have picked a better person for the job!  Click HERE to read her personal account entitled A Rookie Shepherd Blessed.


Many thanks for contributing photography from David Gierlach, Ann Hansen, Susan Hays, Moki Hino, David Jones, Jan Motoshige, Sybil Nishioka, Dr. Richard Schori, and the folks at Good Shepherd.  

Diocesan Legacy Society Membership Exceeds 90 
By Jane Tonokawa, Chair, Planned Giving Commission
The Planned Giving Commission's ongoing purpose is to build the awareness of planned giving in the hearts of Episcopalians throughout this Diocese.
Ho`ike Ulu Legacy Society - This year, the Diocese sponsored annual Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society events on Maui, Kauai, Hawaii, and Oahu. The celebrations recognized all who have chosen to remember any Episcopal church or ministry in their will or estate plan. In the past year, we have increased our Legacy Society membership by 15 individuals, bringing the total membership to 91. If you are not yet a member of the Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society, your invitation awaits you. Details of your estate plan need not be disclosed. Please contact us.
Planned Giving is Simple - There are many resources to guide you and help you with this planning. You may simply complete a codicil to your existing will. Or you can contact the Episcopal Church Foundation and seek confidential advice. Contacting Peter Pereira, the Diocesan Treasurer, is advised.
Pray about the future of your church and the Diocese. Leave a legacy.
Legacy Society Celebration, Maui, September 5, 2012
legacy maui 2012 
Standing, left to right - Cindy Foltz, John Decker, The Rev. Marvin Foltz, Jean Fiddes, Kit Hawkins, Arthur Kusumoto, Marilyn Cleghorn, The Rev. Jodene Hawkins,  Daniel Bissler, The Rev. Austin Murray, Susie Davis, The Rev. Linda Decker, Terri Pike, The Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, Bea Fitzpatrick, K. Peter Lee, Ruth Fullaway, David Fullaway; Front row, left to right - Ellen Lundquist, Jane Tonokawa
Legacy Society Celebration, Kaua'i,  September 23, 2012
 legacy Kauai 2012  
Standing, left to right - Nelson Secretario, The Rev. Bill Miller, The Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, Vikki Secretario, Lindsay Kamm, Jane Tonokawa, Doug Tonokawa; Seated, left to right - Jeanette Cantotay, Bea Fitzpatrick, Jan Hashizume
Legacy Society Celebration, Big Island, October 11, 2012
 legacy big island 2012
Standing, left to right - The Rev. Tom Buechele, Peter Denman, Susan Denman, The Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, Joan Ramos, David Ramos; Seated, left to right - The Rev. Heather Mueller, Jean Buechele, Karen Sanchez, and Bea Fitzpatrick 
Legacy Society Celebration, O'ahu, October 27, 2012  
legacy oahu 2012   
 From left to right - Dee Chang, Devin Alford, Sandy Leialoha, Susan Hays, Willis Moore, Jane Tonokawa, Pam McCoy, Nancy Janczyk, Betty Hirozawa, The Rev. Michael Barham, Theone Vredenburg, Nelson Secretario, Ruth Merz, M'Liss Moore, Cassandra Pinnick, Gail Hirozawa, Jim Murphy (Episcopal Church Foundation), The Rt. Rev. Richard Chang, The Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, Bea Fitzpatrick, Peter Pereira, Arthur Kusumoto, Lot Lau, Anne Stevens, Peggy Lau.  Attended, but not in photo - Richert Au Hoy, Jean Liu, Doug Tonokawa  (All photos contributed by Jane Tonokawa) 
ABCD Workshop:  Engaging Communities
By Sybil Nishioka

ABCD workshop 12-2012  

Nearly 40 people from around the diocese took part in the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) Workshop held at the Cathedral of St. Andrew on December 7 & 8.  The workshop was designed to teach people how to identify, utilize and engage with other groups and organizations in their communities to achieve their own objectives for programs that they or their churches may want to implement.  Rev. Marvin Foltz of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church on Maui, hosted the first ABCD workshop, which resulted in this second one being offered to the rest of the diocese.  Representatives from O'ahu, Kaua'i and the Big Island were in attendance. 


The workshop was led by Mike Green, Co-founder of the ABCD Training Group, and the Rev. Dr. Fred Vergara, Missioner, AsiaAmerica Ministries of the Episcopal Church.  They led in tandem, as participants took part in exercises, sharing ideas, and exploring the possible resources within their own communities.  For more information on the work of the ABCD Institute, visit their website HERE


ABCD strip

(Pictured at the top are some of the participants of the workshop in a group shot - photo provided by Fred Vergara; above, particpants start off with a simple Tai Chi exercise led by Rev. Dr. Fred Vergara; Randy Albano of St. Luke's shares some thoughts; Workshop leaders, Rev. Dr. Fred Vergara and Mike Green; Preston Lentz of St. Elizabeth's shares his group's listing of community resources - photos by Sybil Nishioka)


'Iolani's Christmas Program Features Familiar "Wisemen"

By Melvia Kawashima & Rev. Frank Chun

Iolani XMAS strip mod 
On Thursday, December 20, 2012, over 2,000 students, faculty, parents and grandparents of 'Iolani School gathered together in the lower gym for their annual Christmas Pageant by the second graders.  Carols were sung in unison very nicely, with "We Three Kings" among the favorites.  Bishop Richard Chang (class of 1959) was appropriately outfitted as one of the Wisemen and gave the benediction.  Former Chaplains, The Reverends Norio Sasaki and Frank Chun, were the other two wisemen. Acolytes collected prepared offertory envelopes from homeroom teachers, and random cash was thrown in the basket destined for Helping Hands Hawai'i, a social service agency targeting the homeless transition population.  Pictured above, Wiseman Bishop Chang makes his way through the crowd to deliver the benediction; the 3 Wisemen, Rev. Chun, Bishop Chang and Rev. Sasaki; Rev. "Magi" Chun is led in by a second grader.  (Photos contributed by Melvia Kawashima) 


Bishop Celebrates 12-12-12 at St. Timothy's 
Conf StT 2012   
12-12-12 was a special day for several members of O'ahu churches as Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick confirmed six people and reaffirmed three.  St. Timothy's hosted the Regional Confirmation Ceremony that included Frank Dondello III, Michelae Forsythe, Meryle Hirotsu and Seichi Nagai of St. Timothy's, Aiea, and Charles Williams of St. Stephen's, Wahiawa.  From St. Philip's, Waianae, Lisa Deveaux, Vannie Deveaux and Barry Johnson were reaffirmed.  Congratulations!  (Photo provided by Fr. Gregory Johnson)  
Onemalu  Transitional Homeless Shelter Christmas Party 
By Bob Windisch, St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
Onemalu Xmas 2012 
For about a decade the Hawaiian Civic Club has sponsored a Christmas Party for the residents of the Onemalu Homeless Transitional Shelter.  For most of those years, St. Nicholas Episcopal Church has been a co-sponsor.  Over the years the Onemalu Shelter has grown and so has participation in the annual Christmas Party.  Over 40 families and more than 100 children currently live at the shelter.  This year the Hawaiian Civic Club and St. Nicholas were joined by St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church and their Micronesian Choir who prepared a buffet lunch and provided entertainment.  Members of Na Wahine, and the Pacific Island Roller Derby League also helped.  Residents enjoyed games and prizes, a bouncy house for the keiki, face painting, photo portraits and much more.   Each child was given a Christmas gift and each family a food bag all donated by the member organizations.  The weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed a great day of Christmas Aloha! 
(Pictured above left, sponsor organization representatives are Kuulei Reyes (Na Wahine), Bob Windisch (St. Nicholas), Fane Lino (St. Elizabeth), James Fitzpatrick (St. Elizabeth), Fr. Paul Klitzke (St. Nicholas) "Cheeky Shenanigans" (Pacific Island Roller Derby League), Preston Lentz (St. Elizabeth), Kristin Wertin (Kapolei Hawaiian Civic club); far right, the St. Elizabeth Micronesian Choir.  Photo contributed by Bob Windisch) 
More on Onemalu... For the month of December, St. Nicholas and 3rd Cup Cafe and Venue have teamed up to raise funds for programs at the Onemalu Transitional Shelter.  On the walls of 3rd Cup, are pictures, paintings and Christmas ornaments created by the children of Onemalu available for purchase. 3rd Cup has also graciously agreed to donate a portion of their December sales, with 100% of the funds raised going towards achieving their goal of finding a translator and tutor. 
The following is from St. Elizabeth's December newsletter and Fr. David Gierlach's weekly news bulletin:
St. Elizabeth's Bizarre Bazaar is a huge Success!
StE Bazaar 2012
The 2nd Annual Bizarre Bazaar was a huge success, raising over $5,000 for the outreach and scholarship ministries of St. Elizabeth's in Honolulu.  Many many thanks to the volunteers that made it happen and to Sharon Oshiro and Nora Kurosu for leading the charge.  Pictured above are busy members selling, cooking and serving up shave ice and bargains!
St. Nicholas Celebrates St. Nicholas Day by Bob Windisch
 StN St Nicholas 2012
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Kapolei celebrated St. Nicholas Day with a visit from the real St. Nicholas (aka Fr. John Connell).  Meeting at the 3rd Cup Café in Kunia, over two dozen keiki and their parents came to hear the real story of St. Nicholas as told by Father Connell who has graciously played the role of St. Nick for three years now.  All the keiki had their photo taken with St. Nick, received a gift of gold (chocolate) coins and then enjoyed delicious cupcakes, courtesy of Father Paul Klitzke.  As the keiki were in rapt attention to St. Nicholas, their parents were busy making Advent wreaths to take home.  All in all a great family day for everyone at an event that has now become a St. Nicholas tradition!  (Photo by Bob Windisch)


The following is from Epiphany's December newsletter: 


Epiphany Sewing Circle at it again...

Epiphany stoles 12-2012

Peggy Chun, Helen Nakasone, Micki Hall, Edie Hanohano, Ruth Hayashi, Janice Low, Maedene Lum, Mary Shishido, Katie Wong, Juliette Tom, Karen Leatherman, Barbara Poe, Jenny Ping and Wilma Namumnart met in August, September and October, to sew priest stoles for the Diocesan Altar Guild.  Under the leadership of Wilma, tasks are organized and the atmosphere is cheerful and relaxing. 


Over forty stoles were completed and were sold at the diocesan convention and other events.  Funds raised go to give newly starting clergy a set of stoles in the appropriate colors for church seasons, and are of Hawaiian print fabric. 



The following is from the St. John's By-The-Sea website:


Maori Youth Visit St. John's By-The-Sea

StJBTS Maori visit 2012 

This past fall, St. John's By-The-Sea in Kanoehe played host to youth groups from New Zealand.  From September 26 - October 5, a group from Hamilton Boy's High School in New Zealand, stayed in their Ho'okano Hall.  The Hamilton youth sang an anthem during the Offertory for the Eucharist during a Sunday service, and then performed for St. John members (pictured above right) during a hearty lunch afterwards.  In November, a group (pictured above left) of eight adults and 11 children from a Maori school in Tuhoe, Aotearoa, New Zealand, stayed at St. John's for 10 days.  For many of the children this was their first time away from their village.   St. John members, Aunty Lois enjoyed teaching them hula while Ruth Shiroma Foster played the ukulele.  (Photos by Vicki Fay)



The following article and photos appeared in the St. Michael's December Herald newsletter.


Celebrating the Holy Sovereigns at St. Michael and All Angels

StM 2012 KKQE weekend 

Thanks to everyone who made St. Michael's celebration of King Kamehameha IV & Queen Emma, Holy Sovereigns of the Episcopal Church, an outstanding success!  The Silent and On-line Auctions raised over $20,000 (a record!), thanks to Colette Buis, her team, and the many donors.  The Holiday Craft Fair, laulau plate lunches and St. Michael's Crafty Ladies booth brought in $4,500 for Loaves & Fishes.  Mahalo nui to Lindy Beer and the vendors, Clarita and Gilbert Medeiros and the kitchen crew, and to Margie Konishi, Esther Yamamoto, Amy Null and Betty Moore.  Mark and Haunani Rossi produced a wonderful Benefit Concert of Hawaiian music and dance on Friday night, emceed by Pua Rossi-Fukino, who also brought her KCC Hula Club to perform.  The Festival Service featured Hawaiian music and hula and a luau prepared by Shawn and Skyla Grace.



Records Set at All Saints' Community Events

Two annual events at All Saints' Church in Kapa'a saw record numbers this holiday season. 

AS KIA Thanksgiving 2012 

KIA Thanksgiving Luncheon:  On Thanksgiving Day, well over 600 free turkey meals with all the trimmings were either delivered or served up at the All Saints' Gym.  As part of the Kapa'a Interfaith Association (KIA), All Saints' hosts this annual event in the gym, which is preceded by an interfaith service in the church. Priests from four of the eight participating churches took part in this year's service.  The KIA churches raise funds for the food and supplies, and well-known Kaua'i chef, Mark Oyama and his staff from Contemporary Flavors, volunteer their time to prepare the food. Volunteers from all the churches come together to set-up, breakdown, deliver, and provide home-style entertainment, and the youth act as food servers and bussers.  It is a wonderful event that brings so many from the community together and as the numbers show, continues to grow each year.  Many thanks to All Saints' representatives Diane Sato and Mary Smith for their role in spearheading this event.

AS craft fair 2012 

Holiday Craft Fair:  On average, the All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair features about 30 vendors in the gym.  This year, the number doubled with 60 vendors and 70 booth spaces accounted for.  St. Michael and All Angels came to the rescue with their large tent to help provide more booth space outdoors.  The ECW teamed up with the youth group in the food booth as nearly $5,000 was raised from booth rentals and food sales, proceeds of which will go to the Ke Akua Youth Group's mission trips and to the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life event in April 2013. Many thanks to the youth group and their parents for all of their hard work at the fair, and to the ECW for all of the ono baked goods and food preparation!  (Photos by Marge Akana) 


The following photo is from the Good Shepherd Facebook site.
Good Shepherd Spreads Cheer on Maui
CS caroling 2012   
Members of Good Shepherd embarked on their annual caroling mission, spreading cheer and music to neighborhoods on Maui over several evenings.  Pictured above, are some of the youth on their first Kahului outing.  They also sang in Wailuku and Upcountry.
The following photo is from St. John's December newsletter.
St. John's Annual Christmas Boutique
StJohns xmas boutique 2012
Sewing angels Ruth fullaway, Judy Thomson, Helen Hart, Paula Hoit and Marlene Singlehurst presented the Annual St. John's Christmas Boutique on Satuday, December 1.  Proceeds totaled $1,700 on Saturday, and shopping continued on Sunday.  Folks can join them Fridays, from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm in the Parish Hall to learn crafts and share fellowship. 

The following pictures and information are from the St. James' weekly on-line newsletter.


Regional Confirmation held at St. Columba's

St J Confirm 2012  

Holy Apostles Confirm 2012-12On Friday, December 7, 2012, a Regional Big Island Confirmation Service was held St. Columba's in Pa'auilo.  Five people were confirmed and four received in this service that was hosted by members of St. James' Episcopal Church.  From St. James', Kamuela, the newly confirmed are (pictured above left) Alexander Jones, Leilani Bostock, and Maia Tarnas from and received into the Episcopal Church were Monique Abboasi (pictured above center with Bishop Bob, Laurie Rosa and Fr. David ) and Nina Disbro (pictured above right with Joan Ramos).  From Holy Apostle's, Hilo, (pictured at left) with Bishop Bob, are the newly confirmed Scott Takahashi and David and Michelle Hryniuk who were received into the Episcopal Church. Congratulations!

(Photos submitted by David Stout and Moki Hino)



St. James' Mission Work Day by Fr. David Stout

StJ workday collage 

On Sunday, November 18, 2012, members of St. James', Kamuela, joined their sister parish, St. Columba's, Pa'auilo, for a mission work day.  Volunteers cleaned, replaced broken windows, fixed doors, washed windows (lots of them!), swept, mopped, and scrubbed.  A huge mahalo to all that lended elbow grease!  Mahalo also for the delicious food that fed the troops.  (Photos submitted by David Stout)


Presiding Bishop's 2012 Christmas Message
"Discover the love of God poured into our world in human form."
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness - on them light has shined.          Isaiah 9:2
Jefferts Schori These words were spoken long ago to people living in anxiety, fear, and despair, people feeling bereft of security, safety, and any sense of God's presence.  We hear them early on Christmas, forgetting that they were first spoken hundreds of years before the birth we celebrate.  Human beings across this planet still yearn to know that a more gracious and divine reality is active and evident in our lives.
The birth we celebrate is meant for this world mired in darkness and fear, yet it also becomes easier to discover in a tiny voice crying in protest over being cold and wet and hungry.  We hear that cry in the midst of war's ravages in Congo and Afghanistan, in the rubble of hurricane and earthquake, in the demeaning of chronic poverty, behind prison bars.  That flickering of hope surges as the world turns to investigate this surprising new life, one heart at a time.  The light grows as hearts catch fire with the same light that illumines the stars, pulsing hope and new life, even out of black holes.
Those who search in dark and despair, in dank dungeon and deep devastation, will find divine light given for the world.  Light that will not be put out, so long as any creature remains to receive it, until and beyond the end of time.  The darkness will never put it out.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.  John 1:5
Go and look - and discover the love of God poured into our world in human form.  Hope reigns abroad, in the cosmos and in human hearts. And rejoice, for a child of the light is born in our midst!


The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church 


Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418


The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for the February issue is January 22, 2013