May 26, 2016
The TBA offices will be closed on Monday, May 30 for the Memorial Day Holiday!
10 Sales Behaviors Prospects Hate
Make sure you aren't guilty of them

Once you have lost the trust of a prospect, it is very hard to get it back. That's why it's important to have friends and family review your outreach materials, to see if there is any "cringe-worthy" material that is off putting to potential clients. We've highlighted 10 behaviors for you to be conscientious of: 

10. Overcomplicating the decision process
9. Not respecting their time
8. Failing to cultivate prospects
7. Talking or focusing only on yourself
6. Failing to really connect with your prospects
5. Selling to make a sale, not to forge a relationship
4. Winging it
3. Never asking questions
2. Dancing around the weakness of the product or service
1. Trying too hard

Why Life Insurance Should be a Part of your Business Succession Strategy
Specifically Family Businesses

Many advisors take part in business succession planning for their clients, but just as many fail to capitalize on the opportunity of including life insurance in that plan. Not only is this important for all business owners, but specifically for family-owned businesses. Read on for some of the best tips to capitalize on this opportunity for your clients.
Protect Your (Client's) Paycheck
From The Standard for DI Awareness Month
MetLife Premier Accumulator UL
Life Insurance is an Asset

Many of John's clients need additional life insurance - Pam was one of them. Unfortunately, Pam recently lost money in the markets that she wanted to leave behind to her loved ones. She approached John looking for a better way to help protect her family and accumulate cash value. John had a product in mind that could help.
Upcoming Webinars

Friday, June 3 - Asset-Based LTC Annuities | Register
Thursday, June 9 - IUL Delivers the Difference - Top 10 Reasons Register

On Demand:
Tennessee Brokerage Agency | 865-588-9555 |

Tennessee Brokerage Agency | 6508 Baum Dr. | P.O. Box 11767 | Knoxville | TN | 37919