Book your conference meals now
Due to the crowds expected for the anniversary weekend, we're concerned the place and time for meals will be limited, so we've arranged two special buffets for our conference attendees at a very affordable price. 
Please take advantage of this special offer. 

Prices include gratuity
Thursday Buffet Lunch
Cowboy BBQ
$25 per person
Saturday Buffet Lunch
Down Home Cookin'
$25 per person
See the menus & sign up
on our Registration Page!

Quick Links 
Beyond the Fence Line: The Eyewitness Acount

 of Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President Kennedy by Casey Quinlan & Brian Edwards


No Case To Answer by Ian Griggs
Seven new chapters and new photos 
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2012 Conference 
DVD sets and individual speakers now available! 
Normally $200, for a limited time this 20-DVD set is offered at $150.



Order your NID 2012 Set

Or make your own set


Purchase Your Own Piece of History! 
(Retail Tables are still available)
You never know what treasures you'll find at the retail tables at the NID Conference. We've already booked several collectors and authors who will sell their JFK memorabilia, 
books and research materials. 
Rare Books - Collectibles - Photos - Films - & More 
Tables will be located in the retail room, right outside the doors of the meeting room, and in the hallway. Rarely will you have access to such a thorough collection of JFK research and collectables all in one place. You won't want to miss it.
If you are interested in booking your table, please hurry! Spots are filling up quickly. For information and pricing, 

Brian Edwards & Casey Quinlan
Not Only Entertaining Tour Guides, 
but Incredible Speakers

Brian Edwards has been researching the JFK assassination since 1969 and has accumulated and read over 300 books relating to the case. He has personally interviewed over 40 individuals who were connected to the events of November 22nd, including Dallas police officers, Secret Service and FBI agents, Dealey Plaza eyewitnesses, medical personnel from both Parkland and Bethesda hospitals and in 1993, interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald's widow, Marina Oswald-Porter. 

Mr. Edwards has given hundreds of presentations on the assassination throughout the midwest, most notably, The University of Kansas and Washburn University Law Schools, the University of Missouri at Kansas City and Kansas State University. Since 1995, Mr. Edwards has been a presenter at the JFK Lancer Conference in Dallas. This year, he will be presenting on the Warren Commission.


Casey Quinlan obtained a master's degree in American History from Emporia State University and has been a public school teacher for over 35 years. He has been researching the case for over 40 years and has accumulated over 400 books on the subject. 

Mr. Quinlan has been the featured speaker at major universities throughout the Midwest, including the Alf Landon Lecture Series at Kansas State University, the University of Kansas and Johnson County Community College. 

In 1990, Mr. Quinlan was invited to serve as a guest historian for Oliver Stone's movie, JFK. In 1995, Casey was named the Outstanding Educator of the Year at the JFK Lancer Conference. Mr. Quinlan has served as an adjunct instructor at several colleges and universities in Kansas and Missouri. Casey is the co-author of Beyond the Fence Line: The Eyewitness Account of Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President Kennedy. His presentation at this year's conference deals with the conspiracy around the JFK assassination.

1-Day-Only Bus Tour!



Brian Edwards and Casey Quinlan have been work with  working  we have been working with JFK enthusiasts of all ages for 20 years. Their extensive knowledge, coupled with their highly entertaining style, make for an exciting and rewarding tour of the city. 

2 Tour Options:
Sunday, Nov 24
10:00 am & 1:00 pm

Each tour holds only 56 persons. Book now!
$25.00 per person
Leaving from the Adolphus, we will view the famous Dealey Plaza, the Trade Mart, Parkland Hospital, Love Field Airport, Oswald's route out of downtown, the bus stop, cab stand, cab trip to his rooming house on N. Beckley, site where Officer J. D. Tippit was killed, Texas Theatre where Oswald was arrested, Jack Ruby's apartment, location of Ruby's Carousel Club, City Hall where Oswald was killed, Western Union office, and the Neely St. house where the famous picture was taken of Oswald holding his rifle. Other sites and stops to be announced.


Book Your Room at The Adolphus 
Register now to receive the discounted rate. 
Limited rooms are still available!
This year the Adolphus Hotel is limiting the number of discounted rooms available to JFK Lancer NID conference attendees, and they are also changing the manner in which attendees can reserve the room. In order to receive the special group rates that have been made available for JFK Lancer Productions & Publications, you MUST be registered for the JFK Lancer Conference.


Thursday, Nov 21 ~ Friday, Nov 22 ~ Saturday, Nov 23


Reservation Procedures

To make your hotel reservations, first register for the conference, then email us at Please include your telephone number, the dates of arrival and departure, and the type room you prefer. 
The Adolphus will telephone you to confirm your dates and room type, obtain credit card information and provide a confirmation number.  This discount is not available by telephoning the Adolphus reservation line directly. We understand this is a departure from the normal process, and hope this does not inconvenience you in any way.