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The 18th Annual International Conference
Commemorating the
50th Anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination
NID 2013 
Action Alert
The American public deserves something more than a recycled version of the Warren Commission. It deserves honesty, intelligence, and insight. So does John F. Kennedy.



Fiester uses modern forensic investigative procedures to provide answers that have never before been revealed. The majority of the results are staggering, illuminating the stark contrast between current forensic techniques and those used in 1963.

Purchase Enemy of the Truth




In NEXUS, Hancock traces the development of a culture which viewed murder as simply another tactic - justified by a variety of national security concerns.

Purchase NEXUS here

Beyond the Fence Line: The Eyewitness Acount

 of Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President Kennedy by Casey Quinlan & Brian Edwards

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It's Time to Take Another Look
November in Dallas 2013
JFK Lancer's November in Dallas annual conference focuses on historical events, and the political and intelligence culture of the 1960s and applies those studies to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. For 17 years, Lancer has hosted an international conference providing a platform for leading historical researchers and authors to present the latest information concerning the assassination and the political and intelligence climate of that decade.  
In 2013, the Lancer NID conference theme will be It's Time To Take Another Look. We will have the most prestigious of speakers to assist us in a fresh look at evidence as we know it today, not as the Warren Commission knew it in 1964. Additionally, there will be exciting exploratory and educational presentations on what has been learned from newer research into forensics, ballistics, and crime scene evidence in general.
This year, the nation will be observing the 50th anniversary of the assassination, and we are hoping you will make plans early to join us in Dallas for this historical event. We urge you to register for the conference and make hotel reservations now since attendance for the conference is expected to meet capacity well before November. This conference is going to be spectactular, and we look forward to seeing you there.
NID 2012 Conference 
DVD sets now available! 
The November in Dallas 2012 conference DVD sets are now available. The 20 disc set includes presentations form the following speakers: 

Peter Janney - The Mary Meyer Murder

Bill Simpich - Mexico City

Special Guest, Pat Hall Oswald's Apartment

Ed Tatro - Anecdotes

Lee Farley - The Bledsoe quandary

Casey Quinlan - Oswald and the Coca Cola Caper

Brian Edwards - Down in Front?

Jim DiEugenio - Oswald, Ruth and the Rifle

David Denton - Preparing for the 50th Anniversary

Joe Backes - The Texas Trip Research

Barry Krusch - Impossible/The Case Against Lee Oswald

Ben Rogers - What's new in the Poage Library Archives

Russ Baker - Military Intelligence Angles

Jim DiEugenio - Garrison Updates

Barry Ernest - The Girl on the Stairs

Dr. Toni Glover - Dealey Plaza Witness

Jim Marrs - Ruby Revisited

Sherry Fiester - Witness Reliability: Shots Fired and The Limo Stop

Larrry Hancock - 48 Hours: What it Tells Us

Jerry Dealey - The History of Dealey Plaza and the TSBD Walkthrough


Normally $200, for a limited time this 20 DVD set is offered at $150.

Order your NID 2012 Set Today

Enemy of the Truth:
Myths, Forensics, and the Kennedy Assassination
By Sherry P. Fiester

President John F. Kennedy's assassination is the most studied murder investigation of the 21st century, yet it remains plagued by questions and a variety of unproven theories. Enemy of the Truth: Myths, Forensics and the Kennedy Assassination uses modern forensic investigative procedures to provide answers that have never before been revealed. The majority of the results are staggering, illuminating the stark contrast between current forensic techniques and those used in 1963.

Although imaginative and occasionally thought-provoking, most of unusual assassination theories rely upon the suspension of common sense. Based on rumor and suppositions they detract from the quality of information assassination researchers strive to bring to this mysterious homicide.
Filtering long held beliefs in the Kennedy assassination through contemporary, reliable, established scientific disciplines, Fiester answers questions long debated, often providing astonishing results.
  • Did Dallas Police Department Followed Protocol?
  • Are Ear Witness Reliable?
  • Is the Blood in the Zapruder Film Faked?
  • Did the Limousine Stop?
  • Can Ballistic Test Prove a Single Shooter?
  • Did the Head Shot Come from the Grassy Knoll?
  • Were there were Two Simultaneous Shots to the Head?
  • Can the Single Bullet Theory Work?
About the Author:
In 1993, Sherry P. Fiester, a Certified Senior Crime Scene Investigator and Court recognized expert begin to apply her professional expertise to the Kennedy Assassination. Fiester is  court certified as an expert in Crime Scene Investigation, Crime Scene Reconstruction, and Blood Spatter Analysis in over 30 Judicial Districts in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida, and has testified as an expert in Louisiana State Federal Court. She is published in her field, and recognized as an instructor at state and national levels.


Now retired from police work, Fiester is utilizing various forensic fields to promote a better understanding of the Kennedy assassination. The results have been a variety of speaking presentations and more recently, completion of the book, Enemy of Truth: Myths, Forensics and the JFK Assassination.


Purchase Enemy of the Truth



Important Information Concerning the Adolphus Hotel
Reservation Procedures have Changed

This year the Adolphus Hotel is limiting the number of discounted rooms available to JFK Lancer NID conference attendees and they are also changing the manner in which attendees can reserve the room. Once the allotted reserved rooms are sold, the discounted rate will no longer be available. In order to receive the special group rates that have been made available for JFK Lancer Productions & Publications, you MUST be registered for the JFK Lancer Conference. We realize this is an unexpected inconvenience and want to emphasize it is not a Lancer decision, but one implemented by the Adolphus Hotel to accommodate people arriving to participate in other events that week.

We appreciate your continued support and understanding in this matter. Discounted rates are available for these days:
Wednesday, November 20
Thursday, November 21
Friday, November 22
Saturday, November 23
Sunday, November 24

Rates are $120.00 per nite for one king or two double beds. Rates vary according the the type room reserved and will change once the available discounted rooms are depleted. Please call the Adolphus for additional information on additional room choices and rates. Additional information and instructions for making reservations can be found on the JFK Lancer website.

The Kennedy Family Speaks Out
We Need to do the Same

In an article by Associate Press reporter Jamie Stengle, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is quoted as being convinced that a lone gunman wasn't responsible for the assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy. The article also indicated his father Robert Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968, privately believed the Warren Commission report was a "shoddy piece of craftsmanship."


We, too, need to speakout. Many still believe the Warren Commission had it right and Oswald was the only shooter in Dealey Plaza. So what can you do?
  1. You can talk to friends and ask if they have an interest in the assassination; offer to lend them a book that they might enjoy.
  2. If you already have a blog or FaceBook page, write about new information in assassination research.
  3. Support historical researchers by purchasing their books, writing reviews, and promoting them in social media.
  4. Buy a book for your community library or local school library.
  5. Write to your local newspaper, asking if they are going to do a piece on the assassination. Suggest persons they might want to interview. Many authors would love that opportunity.
  6. Find one point that proves a second shooter and really learn how to defend that position.  One well-proven point can generate an avalanche of doubt in a single shooter devotee.