Life Science Nation Newsletter | January 28, 2016 | Issue 147
Life Science Investor Mandates (Jan. 21 - Jan. 27)
Seeks Stem Cells, Immunotherapy, CNS Treatments, and Medtech
Seeks Preclinical Drugs & Prototyped Med Devices
Seeks Commercial-Stage Medtech & Diagnostics in Oncology, Cardio and Surgery
Seeks Digital Health, Informatics and Novel Therapeutic Opportunities
Let the Fundraising Begin! It's January 2016 . . . Oops . . . We are almost into February! Where did January go? JPM preparation, JPM attendance, JPM recuperation (from the flu or cough or whatever that was), and then JPM follow-up. The swathe of time ahead from February to June is very important to a scientist-entrepreneur or a life science fundraising CEO, and you should be contemplating making hay while the sun is shining.
I know from firsthand observation that the game is afoot. RESI@JPM had over 900 investor meetings in just one day. 350 investors met with over 400 early stage life science entrepreneurs. Based on my back-of-the-napkin estimate, these entrepreneurs were seeking a total of several billions of dollars in development capital-and the investors in attendance have, in total, billions of dollars ready to allocate. The question therefore is: how do you get into the fray...
At RESI@JPM, LSN put together our first ever Consumer Health panel. The session spotlighted investors who focus their allocations on companies that are developing technologies aimed at the consumer health market. The firms represented on the panel are Johnson & Johnson Innovation, HealthQuest Capital, Montreux Equity Partners and Astarte Ventures. These experienced investors speak to how they see the consumer health market developing and what proof points they typically look for prior to investing. Participants also give firsthand insight on the investments they've made in this burgeoning sector.
In the biotech and medtech worlds, January is a key month for meeting with potential partners and investors. At RESI and other events in San Francisco, I talked to many entrepreneurs about their experiences in fundraising during the healthcare conference season and found a few common challenges.
Meet the Right People
Especially during the January whirlwind of meetings, it's easy to say that you've been meeting with investors and building your network. I've found that it's more useful to ask not if you've had meetings or even how many, but if you've been meeting with the right people. It's important to find out in advance of an event whether there are investors attending who are a fit for your company and your technology. Some of the major January events are well known for focusing on later stage, publicly traded companies, so early stage companies often have to do more legwork to find the right investors to book meetings with. This might involve booking meetings in locations away from events or arranging to meet at a smaller event or reception...