Life Science Nation Newsletter  |  July 2, 2015  |  Issue 118

  The LSN Story   |   Investor Platform   |   Company Platform   |   RESI Conference   |   Fundraising Accelerator
Life Science Investor Mandates (June 25 - July 1)

Seeking North American Early Stage Therapeutic and Medical Devices in a Number of Indications

Seeking Early Stage Bioinformatics and Medical Device Investments

Seeking Innovative Therapeutic, Device, Diagnostic and HIT Opportunities
Looking for Personalized Medicine Diagnostics
In This Issue

Back to Boston and Bigger than Ever: RESI Conference on September 16th



RESI@TMCx Medtech Family Offices Panel


LSN Summer Reading Series  Chapter 6: "Branding and Messaging"


LSN Videos
RESI 5 Biotech Family Offices Panel
RESI 4 Recap Video, San Francisco, 2015
LSN in the News
Back to Boston and Bigger than Ever: RESI Conference on September 16th

By Lucy Parkinson, Senior Research Manager, LSN    


The first Redefining Early Stage Investments (RESI) Conference took place on September 16, 2013, and two years later, following highly successful events in San Francisco and Houston, we return to Boston for the sixth RESI Conference. With new and returning sponsors including Johnson & Johnson Innovation JLABS, Charles River Laboratories, McDermott Will & Emory, and Wuxi AppTec, we expect this event to be the largest RESI so far, with more content and more meetings than ever.


The RESI Conference Series was founded with the goal of creating meetings based on a common fit. Our experience shows that starting with fit, and then finding a targeted alignment between entrepreneurs and investors, leads to compelling conversations; RESI's mission is to provide a venue for those conversations to begin and develop. By connecting early stage life science fundraising executives with the right investors, RESI is where qualified fundraising relationships arise...



RESI@TMCx Medtech Family Offices Panel 
By Shaoyu Chang, MD, MPH,  Senior Research Analyst, LSN

On the heels of last weeks Biotech Family Offices Panel Video from RESI @TMCX we bring you our Medtech Family offices video. Hear firsthand accounts from these family office investors in the medical device space regarding the types and stages of companies they are looking for and how to go about getting in touch with them.


Click on the video below to hear the views of these family office speakers for yourself.




LSN RESI 5 Medtech Family Offices Panel
LSN Summer Reading Series Chapter 6: "Branding and Messaging"
By Michael Quigley, Director of Research, LSN

Last week we discussed how to determine where your company fits within your marketplace. Once you have completed that process, the next step in a fundraising campaign is to develop your marketing materials. In this week's edition of the summer reading series, we describe the importance of and what constitutes a strong set of marketing materials in the life science fundraising world. While your team and your technology are what will ultimately secure an allocation, having marketing collateral that clearly and concisely communicates your message will help you tremendously in getting in the door with investors.

Chapter 6 of The Life Science Executive's Fundraising Manifesto discusses in depth the different pieces of marketing collateral you should be putting into the marketplace and how to develop everything from your logo to your pitch deck.  


Click here to download/print the PDF.