Life Science Nation Newsletter  |  June 25, 2015  |  Issue 117

  The LSN Story   |   Investor Platform   |   Company Platform   |   RESI Conference   |   Fundraising Accelerator
Life Science Investor Mandates (June 18 - June 24)

Looking Globally for Life Science Opportunities

Seeking Preclinical/Phase I Therapeutic and Platform Opportunities

Seeking Innovative Therapies Targeting Cystic Fibrosis
Seeking 510k Devices in Eastern US
In This Issue

Family Offices and Walled Gardens 

RESI@TMCx Biotech Family Office Panel


LSN Summer Reading Series Chapter 5: "Knowing Who and What You Are, and Where You Fit"


LSN Videos
RESI 4 Recap Video, San Francisco, 2015
RESI 4 Investor Panel Videos
LSN in the News
Family Offices and Walled Gardens 

By Dennis Ford, Founder & CEO, LSN    


The LSN mantra is that raising capital is a numbers game.  To succeed, you must find investors that are a fit for your product and stage of development, go global rather than restricting yourself to your local region, and target all ten categories of early stage life science investor rather than restricting your view to one source of capital.


Every few months it seems that someone in the investment world has an epiphany that they must create a global family office network. The idea always seems compelling and usually involves a plan to sponsor small, intimate conferences that target companies seeking investors. The network creators begin courting the venture community and healthcare CEOs with descriptions of the family offices that allegedly bought in and will attend these conferences - and the price to appear at them is often  a lot of money. The attending fundraising CEOs theoretically benefit from getting in front of the new hot category of investor, and it's suggested that the family offices will participate in such a small meeting in return for the chance to trade strategies, tactics, and evaluations with other similar entities.  This model and concept is all about getting special access, which sounds almost too good to be true...



RESI@TMCx Biotech Family Office Panel

By Michael Quigley, Director of Research, LSN 


Earlier this month Life Science Nation's RESI Conference at the TMCx in Houston was home to a panel of representatives and experts in the Family office world who spoke to how their groups go about sourcing and making investments in the therapeutic space. Key topics discussed include the position of family offices in the investment ecosystem, the differences and similarities between family offices and other investors, how family offices go about identifying opportunities, and what these particular groups are looking for right now.


Click on the video below to hear the views of these family offices speaker for yourself.




LSN RESI 5 Biotech Family Offices Panel
LSN RESI 5 Biotech Family Offices Panel
LSN Summer Reading Series Chapter 5: "Knowing Who and What You Are, and Where You Fit"
By Shaoyu Chang, MD, MPH,  Senior Research Analyst, LSN

In this latest edition of the summer reading series, we will be explaining the importance of understanding where your opportunity fits within the marketplace. Knowing who you are and how you compare with other companies in the space is crucial in determining the investors to whom you should be reaching out, what you should be highlighting in your marketing materials, and, in some cases, whether you need to "pivot," or change, your commercialization plan.


Chapter 5 of The Life Science Executive's Fundraising Manifesto, "Knowing Who and What You Are, and Where You Fit," discusses how to define yourself and your market, as well as the importance of being able to pivot after receiving feedback and how to identify when it is strategically relevant to do so.


Click here to download/print the PDF.