Life Science Nation Newsletter  |  May 28, 2015  |  Issue 113

  The LSN Story   |   Investor Platform   |   Company Platform   |   RESI Conference   |   Fundraising Accelerator
Life Science Investor Mandates (May. 21 - May. 27)

Seeking Therapeutic and Medical Device Opportunities throughout Europe and North America

Looking for Commercial Stage Medical Devices, Laboratory Tools and Healthcare IT Opportunities

Seeking Innovative Therapeutics, Devices and Diagnostics in a Number of Indication Areas
Looking Opportunistically in the Life Science Space for Potential investments
In This Issue

An LSN Summer Chapter Series

Understanding a Pharmaceutical Company's Internal Review Process

RESI @ TMCx Is Approaching - Check out the Program Guide



RESI Conference Group's Upcoming Events
LSN Videos
RESI 4 Recap Video, San Francisco, 2015
RESI 4 Investor Panel Videos
 Fundraising Boot Camp
An LSN Summer Chapter Series 
By Scott Parks, Director of Marketing, LSN

Your fundraising efforts certainly won't slow down this summer, nor will the team at Life Science Nation. We're always on the clock, committed to providing early stage life science companies and investors with the critical data necessary to create compelling connections between technology and funding. In this spirit, LSN's Next Phase will be publishing one chapter each week of our hit book from last summer, The Life Science Executive's Fundraising Manifesto by Dennis Ford.


The Life Science Executive's Fundraising Manifesto helps scientists understand the fundamental skills needed to brand and market their companies. It discusses how to use a consistent message to achieve compelling results from a fundraising campaign and how to aggregate a list of potential global investors that are a fit for your company's products and services. The book also explains how to efficiently and effectively reach out to potential investor targets, start a dialogue that fosters a relationship, and ultimately secure capital allocations.


The LSN Summer Reading series begins with "The Legal Landscape: A Basic Overview." Contributed by Gerard P O'Connor, Esq, this first chapter provides a whistle-stop tour of all the legal issues a fundraising CEO needs to consider when raising capital...


Click here to download/print the PDF.



Understanding a Pharmaceutical Company's Internal Review Process

By Michael Quigley, Director of Research, LSN 


In order to provide our readers with a glimpse into the big pharma internal review process for collaborations and in-licensing, I recently sat down with an ex-sourcing executive from such a group. He stated that the process generally takes from 6 to 9 months from the initial contact, but can last longer as the company goes through a series of both internal meetings as well as meetings with the external innovators. The primary sources for innovation include both partnering and scientific conferences, (particularly for early stage technologies) as well as investors and bankers (particularly for later stage technologies that have already garnered some clinical data). It is generally members of both the scientific or technical review and business development teams who attend these events, speak directly with external partners, and are responsible for identifying these new opportunities... 



RESI @ TMCx Is Approaching - Check out the Program Guide

By Nono Hu, Senior Manager, Branding & Messaging, LSN 


LSN is pleased to announce its inaugural RESI @ TMCx Conference on June 8th, in Houston at the Texas Medical Center, the leader in collaborative medicine. 


LSN is bringing more than 300 emerging life science entrepreneurs together with nearly 120 early stage investors from around the world for a full day of panels, workshops and partnering.


Through an expansive series of investor panels, RESI @ TMCx will present current topics covering investment mandates and procedures for identifying and qualifying candidates.  Additionally, RESI's workshops will provide more in-depth advice on every aspect of the fundraising process.  The RESI Partnering Forum will allow fundraising executives to identify and book up to 16 meetings with life science investors who fit their company's technology sector and stage of development. 


Check out the RESI Program Guide to learn more! We hope to see you in 10 days at the largest medical complex.