Life Science Nation Newsletter  |  April 9, 2015  |  Issue 106

  The LSN Story   |   Investor Platform   |   Company Platform   |   RESI Conference   |   Fundraising Accelerator
Life Science Investor Mandates (Apr. 2 - Apr. 8)

Looking Globally for Life Science Opportunities

Seeking 510k Devices and Diagnostics

Looking to Make Strategic Investments
Looking to Help Companies Expand to Asia
In This Issue

JLABS Collaborates with LSN and TMCx for Early Stage Investor Event 

March Mandate Madness: 90 Investors Seeking Diagnostics, Medtech, and Therapeutics Globally

Innovation and Investment Landscape in the European Therapeutic Sector

RESI Conference Group's Upcoming Events
LSN Videos
RESI 4 Recap Video, San Francisco, 2015
RESI 4 Investor Panel Videos
 Fundraising Boot Camp
JLABS Collaborates with LSN and TMCx for Early Stage Investor Event
By Dennis Ford, Founder & CEO, LSN

BOSTON - April 9, 2015 - Johnson and Johnson Innovation, JLABS (JLABS) is collaborating with Life Science Nation's RESI @ TMCx, June 8th, Houston conference.  JLABS is a co-sponsor and will be hosting a Sunday evening cocktail reception on June 7th to kick off the RESI @ TMCx event on the 8th.


"The JLABS event will provide a great venue for scientist-entrepreneurs and investors to get some additional networking time," said Dennis Ford, CEO, Life Science Nation.


Senior representatives from JLABS also will be participating in RESI's panels and workshops as well as the RESI investor partnering forum. 


"JLABS has a close relationship with the Texas Medical Center (TMC) and will be opening an incubator at the TMC Innovation Insitute, called JLABS @TMC, in early 2016. JLABS @TMC is dedicated to the early stage life science arena, so collaborating with Life Science Nation and TMCx for this event makes a lot of sense," said Chelsea Hewitt, Director of Marketing for JLABS...

March Mandate Madness: 90 Investors Seeking Diagnostics, Medtech, and Therapeutics Globally

By Lucy Parkinson, Senior Research Manager, LSN 


In March, LSN Research spoke with the investment staff at 90 firms that directly invest in life science companies. As always, we reached out to a wide variety of investors; many were from the venture capital or private equity space, but we also gathered mandate information from investors of every type that LSN tracks. Figure 1 shows the range of investors we contacted in March.

These 90 conversations represent a truly globaldialogue. In addition to speaking to investors in the U.S., Canada, and throughout Europe, LSN Research also spoke to investors from as far away as Korea and New Zealand...




Innovation and Investment Landscape in the European Therapeutic Sector
By Michael Quigley, Director of Research, LSN

Over the past few months, we have examined the innovation landscape of early stage life science companies and investors across the Northeast, Southwest, and West Coast regions of the United States. This week we aim to shed light on life science investment and innovation in the European Therapeutic sector.

Using both the LSN Investor and Company Platforms, we have been able to identify over 350 investors and nearly 5000 therapeutic assets-from over 1000 companies-that have yet to reach commercialization. Figures 1 and 2 below show the number of European therapeutic assets LSN tracks by country of origin as well as the location of those European investors to whom LSN's research team has spoken...