The Ohio River Channel A Periodic Update from the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
January 2016
It's Not Easy Being Green
Beginning last year in August, staff at ORSANCO began a long journey, along with state and federal agencies in the Ohio River Basin, to follow and sample harmful blue-green algal blooms (HABs) in the Ohio River. The bloom affected approximately 700 miles of the Ohio River, and several states including Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and West Virginia issued contact advisories for the Ohio River. All contact advisories for the Ohio River were lifted by early November 2015. For information on blue green algae and how it impacted the Ohio River, check out the Blue-Green Algae on the Ohio River page on ORSANCO's website.
Water? Ohio River Fish? A Paddlefish? WOW!!!!
ORSANCO's Life Below the Waterline mobile aquarium traveled to Louisville, KY last fall to participate in the Louisville Water Company's annual Water Wows Festival. ORSANCO biologists were able to collect and display a Paddlefish for the event, which is a very unique find since Paddlefish are not commonly encountered in most parts of the river. Visit Life Below the Waterline on ORSANCO's website to find out more about this unique aquarium and to see when Ohio River fish may be floating in your area in 2016!
Young Artists are Sweeping the Basin!
Every year, ORSANCO holds a River Sweep poster contest for students K-12 who live or attend school in a county along the Ohio River. Students are encouraged to create artwork to promote River Sweep using themes of pollution awareness and volunteer participation. This year, the Grand Prize Winner was John Martino, a senior at Glen Este High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. His artwork will be displayed on the 2016 River Sweep poster. The T-shirt Design Winner was Elijah Nelson, a homeschooler from Dillsboro, Indiana. His artwork will be used as the T-shirt design for all 2016 River Sweep shirts. Prizes were also awarded to 13 other grade level winners, one in each grade. A complete list of winners and the images of their posters is available on theOhio River Sweep web page. "Over 1400 posters were submitted to the contest. We enjoyed viewing every poster," said Lisa Cochran, project manager for River Sweep. For more information, including the newest River Sweep art and details on how to volunteer, check out River Sweep on ORSANCO's website!