The Ohio River Channel A Periodic Update from the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission

April 2014


It's Spring! Ways to Get Outside and Enjoy the River
Spring is finally here and nice weather is on its way after a very long winter! With warmer temperatures outside and sunny days ahead, you may wonder if it is safe to boat, swim, kayak, or enjoy other activities in and around the river. In spring, summer and fall, ORSANCO monitors for bacteria levels in the river, which may pose health risks if the levels are high. Learn more about how to make informed decisions about your safety in and around the water...and get outside and enjoy the river!

Why Are the Water Experts Coming to Cincinnati?
Water quality monitoring professionals will be meeting in Cincinnati from April 28th-May 2nd to attend the 9th annual National Monitoring Conference. The Executive Director of ORSANCO, Peter Tennant, lead a campaign to bring the important event to the Ohio River Basin. Since ORSANCO's headquarters are in Cincinnati, ORSANCO staff have been involved in helping to coordinate the event and present and exhibit at the conference. The National Water Monitoring Conference is a five day event which brings together people from various water monitoring companies and agencies to facilitate collaborative, comparable, and cost-effective approaches for monitoring and assessing our nation's water quality. Want to stretch your legs and run for cleaner water? The Fluid 5K will take place on Thursday, May 1st. A great warm-up for the Flying Pig this weekend!

A River Sweep Story: Celebrating 25 Years!
Byron Marks is a dedicated and cherished volunteer for River Sweep. Byron coordinated the River Sweep in Illinois for many years. On the 25th River Sweep, we asked Byron for his most interesting River Sweep story.
"The most interesting item found during the many years of the Sweep was in 1991 at the Fort Massac State Park site in Metropolis. A 1979 Metropolis High School boys class ring was found which still had tape wrapped around it in order to fit a smaller finger. A name was engraved on the ring and it was returned to the original owner. The owner and a young lady were at the river skipping rocks when the ring went flying into the river. After being missing for 12 years, the ring was returned to its rightful owner thanks to the members of Cub Scout Pack No. 44 from Anna, Illinois who had volunteered for the Sweep."
River Sweep continues to draw families, community groups and individuals to volunteer. For more information for volunteering this year, please visit www.ohioriversweep.org.

Special Event: River Sweep 25 Pre-Sweep Celebration
Join ORSANCO and the Foundation for Ohio RIver Education on May 17th to celebrate the supporters and volunteers who have made River Sweep and Ohio RIver education programs so successful. To learn to more about event and how to register, visit www.orsanco.org/riversweep25 or contact Heather Mayfield at hmayfield@orsanco.org.