The Ohio River Channel A Periodic Update from the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission

March 2014


A Team to Protect You and Your Water
The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) was founded in 1948 to control and abate pollution in the Ohio River Basin. ORSANCO is an interstate commission representing eight states and the federal government, including Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. ORSANCO works to improve water quality in the Ohio River and its tributaries, while recognizing that water quality improvements happen through the combined efforts of many organizations, people, and resources...all working together toward one common goal: to assure that the river can be used for all beneficial purposes. Learn more about ORSANCO, our partners, and current projects at www.orsanco.org/about.

Collaborating to Protect Drinking Water Supplies...ORSANCO's Role
The recent chemical spill on the Elk River in West Virginia captured national attention and heightened concerns over the safety of above ground storage tanks and their potential to impact drinking water sources. For over 30 years, ORSANCO has worked to help assure that water utilities are sufficiently warned about upstream spills. The goal of ORSANCO's spill notification and tracking program is to help protect Ohio River public water supply intakes from the impacts of spills. Spill notices are received by ORSANCO staff on a 24-hour basis, and water utilities are notified of events that have the potential to affect river water quality. Read more...

ORSANCO's Executive Director, Peter Tennant, receives Champion Award
Peter Tennant, ORSANCO's Executive Director and Chief Engineer, received a Champion Award for Convention/Meeting Sales from the Cincinnati USA Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) on March 5, 2014. Peter was selected for this award to honor the significant contributions he made to bring the National Water Quality Monitoring Conference to Cincinnati this spring. Each year, the Cincinnati USA CVB honors individuals who have made significant contributions to the convention and tourism industry with the Spirit of Cincinnati USA Awards. For more information or to register for the conference, visit Working Together for Clean Water: 9th Annual Water Monitoring Conference.

2015 Triennial Review of ORSANCO's Pollution Control Standards
ORSANCO is about to begin a review of its Pollution Control Standards. The process will include an initial public comment period in the spring of 2014, with the intent to hold a formal public hearing in June 2015. Stay informed about ORSANCO's Pollution Control Standards, the review process, and timeline of events on ORSANCO's website: www.orsanco.org/pcs.
 | ORSANCO's Jerry Schulte elected Chairman of the Interstate Council on Water Policy Jerry Schulte, ORSANCO's Manager of Source Water Protection and Emergency Response, was recently elected Chairman of the Interstate Council on Water Policy (ICWP). The ICWP promotes integrated water resources management with state, interstate, regional, and other water resource agencies and water managers. The Council provides a collaborative forum for members to exchange information and share ideas to facilitate effective management of the nation's water resources. Jerry represents both ICWP and ORSANCO at national meetings and conferences in Washington, DC. For more information about ICWP and current news and information, visit www.icwp.org. |