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 June 5, 2014       

ResCare Workforce Servcies Network interview with Rick Beasely
As the Executive Director of the Career Source Career Centers in Miami, FL and the recently elected First Vice President of the U.S. Conference of Mayor's Workforce Development Council, Rick Beasley has established a unique perspective on how to move workforce agencies from good to great.

In this episode of the ResCare Workforce Services Network, Rick shares:
  • How his staff was able to turn a $61 million investment into 55,000 job placements and $1 billion in salaries
  • What is required to serve a diverse job seeker population like Miami's
  • The importance of viewing employers as the "end-customers" for career center staff
  • Why knowing investment numbers, job placements and the average wage of new workers is the key for workforce operations to sustain themselves in the future
Watch this video for helpful tips from Rick Beasley on how career centers can improve their success rate of connecting employers and job seekers.

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Disability Employment Initiative Provides $15 Million in Department Of Labor Grants   

The U.S. Department of Labor recently made available approximately $15 million in grants to state workforce agencies that fund innovative strategies to increase the participation of people with disabilities in the public workforce system.

These grants represent the fifth round of funding through the Disability Employment Initiative and will range from $1.5 to $2.5 million each. 


The department intends to award at least one grant in each of three population focus areas:

  1. Projects that focus on adults (ages 18 and older) with disabilities;
  2. Projects that focus on youth (ages 14-24) with disabilities; and
  3. Projects that focus on individuals (ages 14 and older) with significant disabilities.

The deadline to apply for the grants is July 8, 2014.  Workforce agencies interested in applying for this funding should visit


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More Youth Expected to Opt Out of
Beneficial Summer Job Experiences  

We Need Jobs Too image

Since the late 1970s, summer employment among America's teenagers has experienced a steady decline.  This summer is expected to be no different.


Experts attribute the decline in youth summer employment to several factors, which include: 

  • The jobs typically tailored for teens are shrinking
  • Older workers are competing for jobs typically filled by teens
  • More teens are choosing to attend summer school
  • An increasing number of teens report they do not want a job  
What many teens and their parents may not know is that work experience while in high school boosts future income by 20%-to-25%, according to Drexel University study.

ResCare Workforce Services is helping to curb this trend by preparing thousands of teens for work who participate in the youth programs operated by our expert staff throughout the nation.

In addition to gaining access to employment opportunities that teach youth important professional responsibilities, many of the teens who participate in programs managed by ResCare Workforce Services benefit from on-the-job training, shadowing opportunities and career exploration experiences that prepare them to succeed in the workforce once they are employed.  
To learn more about how ResCare Workforce Services can help put teenagers to work in your community, send your inquiries to



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ResCare Expert Recognized as Louisville's '20 People to Know in Human Resources'  

After approximately a year on the job with ResCare Workforce Services' Employer Solutions, Christopher Thomas was recognized by Business First Newspaper as one of the '20 People to Know in Human Resources' in the city of Louisville.

As a Workforce Development Manager, Christopher helps local businesses meet their employment needs by providing them flexible temporary staffing solutions.

Read his profile in the Business First Newspaper to learn what Christopher has to say about the human resources profession and what he wishes more job candidates would do to be better prepared for interviews.


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Across the nation, many efforts are underway to help put America to Work.  Here are a few upcoming events hosted by ResCare and our partners:

To learn more about what ResCare is doing to put America to work, visit one  of our many locations around the nation at

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ResCare is expanding its workforce services throughout the country and is seeking qualified applicants to fill the following important positions:

Youth Career Specialist - (VA)

Work Readiness Specialist 1 - (CA, PA)

Job Developer - (CA, DC, IN, NY, OH, VA, WA, WI)

Business Relations Specialist - (NE, OH)

Account Manager - (NY)


Interested internal and external candidates should access our online ResCare Careers Tool to learn about job qualifications and how to apply.


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