July 2016

What Does IMERC Do With Companies' Mercury-Added Products Data?

IMERC is hosting a FREE webinar on Thursday, September 8, 2016, 1:00-2:00pm ET titled, What Does IMERC Do With Companies' Mercury-Added Product Data?

The purpose of this event is to show how IMERC and its members utilize mercury-added products data reported through the e-filing system. Pre-registration is required. The agenda covers:
This webinar is intended for manufacturers, distributors, and importers of mercury-added products. Other stakeholders including, federal, state, and local government programs, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations are also welcome to attend.
Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1017023342400806916

IMERC Supporting Membership

Manufacturers, distributors, and importers of mercury-added products, as well as trade associations are invited to join IMERC as Supporting Members

Supporting members must support IMERC's mission to help states implement laws and programs aimed at getting mercury out of products, the waste stream, and the environment. They must complete an Application Form and sign a Memorandum of Agreement. Benefits of Supporting Membership include:
  • Technical assistance with notification, labeling, and phase-out requirements;
  • Participation in webinars and discussions related to the results of mercury reduction efforts, new programs and legislation, and other important topics;
  • Participation in conference calls to discuss ways to improve effectiveness of IMERC's programs;
  • Participation in review of outreach and educational materials related to mercury-added products data analysis;
  • Wider access to mercury-added products data reported through the e-filing system;
  • Prioritization of IMERC's review of submittals and requests; and
  • Promotion of the efforts to develop and use non-mercury alternatives.
For more information on how to apply and the annual dues, visit: 

Mercury-added Product Notification

The 2016 triennial reporting cycle will begin on January 1, 2017. Companies will have through April 1, 2017 to submit their mercury-added product notification data for calendar year 2016 and to certify they meet product labeling requirements.

There are still a few manufacturers that have not notified for 2013 and are considered to be out-of-compliance. IMERC will continue to pursue these non-compliers in an effort to bring them into compliance before the next reporting cycle. Failure to comply with the notification and labeling requirements will result in companies being referred to the States for enforcement.

Update Company Contact Information

IMERC Alert shares critical information with manufacturers, distributors, and importers of mercury-added products and trade organizations that represent those companies on IMERC members' regulatory requirements concerning mercury-added products.

If you are receiving this Alert in error or if you need to update or add additional company contacts, contact IMERC staff at
imerc@newmoa.org or (617) 367-8558.