February 2016

NEWMOA / IMERC Has Moved! 

The Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA), which is the organization that facilitates IMERC, moved its offices in December. We are now located at the Non-Profit Center - 89 South Street, Suite 600, Boston, MA 02111-2651. Our phone number and email addresses remain the same.

Fact Sheets Updated with 2013 Data 

Ever wonder what IMERC does with the mercury-added products Notification data submitted through the online e-filing system? Well - one of the things that we do is conduct a trends analysis for different mercury-added product categories. This information helps inform States and others about mercury education and reduction priorities and outreach efforts.

IMERC recently published updates to its Mercury-Added Product Fact Sheets for six targeted product categories, including:
The Fact Sheets summarize the data provided by manufacturers and distributors of mercury-added products to the IMERC-member states in compliance with the state Notification requirements. They include a trends analysis of mercury use in each product category sold in the U.S. from 2001 to 2013; as well as information about the amount of mercury used in the products; why mercury has been or continues to be used in the products; state phase-outs and bans on the use of mercury in products; collection and recycling programs (where applicable); and other useful information. 

IMERC Supporting Membership Opportunities 

Thank you to all who participated in our survey last month regarding your company's interest in a supporting or affiliate membership in IMERC. We received a significant amount of feedback and IMERC is considering several options. We hope to make a decision on whether to offer this type of membership within the next couple of months. In the meantime, if you have additional feedback or questions related to this opportunity, please contact Rachel Smith.

Mercury-added Product Notification

The majority of mercury-added product manufacturers have submitted their 2013 Triennial forms, but a few have not filed and are considered to be out-of-compliance with the Notification requirements. IMERC has been reaching out to the non-compliers in an effort to bring them into compliance before the next reporting cycle (January-April 2017).

Failure to comply with the notification requirements will result in non-notifiers being referred to the States for enforcement.

Update Company Contact Information

IMERC Alert shares critical information with manufacturers, distributors, and importers of mercury-added products and trade organizations that represent those companies on IMERC members' regulatory requirements concerning mercury-added products.

If you are receiving this Alert in error or if you need to update or add additional company contacts, please contact IMERC staff at
imerc@newmoa.org or (617) 367-8558.