May 2015

Mercury-added Product Database Back Online

The IMERC e-filing database is back online after being down for several weeks. 

Most manufacturers have successfully submitted their 2013 Mercury-Added Product Triennial Notifications to date. However, if you have not yet filed, you are considered to be in non-compliance and will be contacted by IMERC to resolve this. Companies that f
ail to comply with the requirements will be referred to the States for follow-up and enforcement.

Notification through the e-filing system enables firms to comply with the Mercury-added Product Notification requirements of Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Reporting is required for any company that sold or distributed mercury-added products into the states listed above during calendar year 2013.  The next triennial reporting cycle will be for calendar year 2016 and is due in April 2017. Helpful documents, including links to a User Guide and an online video demonstration are available at:

Mercury-Added Products Subject to State Bans & Phase-Outs

IMERC recently updated the Phase-Out Guidance on its website for mercury-added products that are banned from sale in one or more IMERC states.

If your company's product(s) falls within one of the categories covered by the states' sales phase-out requirements and you want to continue to sell it in the applicable states, you may apply for an administrative exemption by submitting a 
Mercury-Added Product Phase-out Exemption Application Form to IMERC


IMERC is following-up with companies whose exemptions have recently expired or are now subject to additional phase-outs to request that they submit a renewal application.

Update Company Contact Information

IMERC Alert shares critical information with manufacturers, distributors, and importers of mercury-added products and trade organizations that represent those companies on IMERC members' regulatory requirements concerning mercury-added products.

If you are receiving this Alert in error or if you need to update or add additional company contacts, please contact IMERC staff at or (617) 367-8558.