Fall 2014                                                                          www.newmoa.org
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Board of Directors

NEWMOA's Board met in September in Rhinebeck, New York to share updates from EPA and state programs, and review and discuss NEWMOA's 2015 Workplans. This Issue highlights many of the Board's priorities and initiatives. During the meeting, the Board approved a Memorandum of Understanding between the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) (see below) and NEWMOA and a reciprocal agreement with the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI).  We also discussed the status of various hazardous waste federal rulemakings; upcoming waste site cleanup workshops and webinars; proposals for pollution prevention and sustainability activities; various toxics initiatives; and proposed solid waste projects. The Board reviewed and approved 2015 Workplans for all program areas. 
NEWMOA Board of Directors, September 2014
Historic MOU Between NEWMOA & NERC

NEWMOA and the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) have signed a  Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This historic document describes the intention of the two organizations to work more closely together and to support each other's initiatives in the areas of sustainable materials management, climate change, and debris management. NEWMOA looks forward to this enhanced relationship and anticipates improved program and service delivery in the region as a result of this initiative.  

Thank You George Desch! 

George Desch has been the Director of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Waste Management Division for more than five years. He recently retired from that position. George has been on the NEWMOA Board of Directors since 2009 and was the 2014 Board Chairperson. Prior to joining the Board, he was active in NEWMOA's waste site cleanup program for many years. We will miss George's steady hand as a leader of the organization and his astute insights and passion for the environment and waste management.


In 1978 George started working at DEC in the Discharge Permit Program and Construction Grants Program. He was instrumental in introducing the Rotating Biological Contractors (RBC) technology for the wastewater treatment program in the early 1980s. He took an interest in sludge treatment operations, in particular aerobic and anaerobic digesters, and their impact on treatment plant efficiency; ultimately moving to manage the state's Residuals Management Program. George initiated the Municipal Assistance Program, which focused on helping municipalities plan and budget for the long term maintenance of their treatment facilities. He took a position managing the Hazardous Sites Program in 1993 and never looked back.


Vermont Governor Shumlin stated in a commendation letter that George's "leadership and dedication provides a model for all current and future DEC employees... I want to recognize your instrumental role in creating Vermont's Brownfields Program. Under your leadership, the Brownfields Program has grown significantly, and many other programs, such as Vermont's electronic waste program, salvage yard program, and landfill closure program, have been founded or expanded. You have also played a central role in launching the state's new and groundbreaking Universal Recycling Program. Your dedication to public service and environmental protection, combined with your calm, competent, caring manner is commendable, and has served Vermonters and your colleagues well over the last three decades."


David Mears, VT DEC Commissioner said that "We are losing a first-rate leader and committed public servant in George Desch. He is leaving the Waste Management and Prevention Division, the Department, and the State better off as a result of his work to protect public health and the environment during his long and successful career." Alyssa Schuren, VT DEC Deputy Commissioner added, "It's impossible not to appreciate George. His thoughtful, professional manner raises the level of any conversation. His sharp wit and dry sense of humor draw folks towards him. His solution-oriented nature yields results. We'll all miss him."


Gary Gulka, long time VT DEC colleague and fellow NEWMOA Board member commented that "George's professional career at DEC spanned 36 years, in wastewater engineering and waste management programs. His technical and managerial contributions have led to new and more effective programs. George will be missed especially by his staff and others at DEC - as a co-worker, friend, a steadying force, and as many would say, just an all-around great guy."

Pete Pettit, NYS DEC and 2015 NEWMOA Chair stated that "in addition to his steady hand, George lead by example and always with a quiet but strong demeanor.  His input, guidance, and advice will be missed."

In This Issue
Staff News

Rachel Smith returned to work at the beginning of September. We are excited to have her back. She will continue her support for IMERC and NEWMOA's various pollution prevention activities. 

Appreciation for NEWMOA's Hardworking Interns!

NEWMOA's interns - Giyan Chan, Guangyu Yang, and Lauren Sadowski - were busy and productive this summer. Giyan has been providing critical support for the Zero Waste Connection, the Green Chemistry Connection, green business software, and the IC2 website (see descriptions below). Giyan will continue working part time at NEWMOA during the fall while she finishes her computer science degree at Suffolk University.


Guangyu provided support for IMERC while Rachel Smith was on maternity leave. She answered questions from companies and others about how to access and navigate the IMERC e-filing system. She provided support for NEWMOA's efforts to analyze state data on solid waste disposal, and she developed outcome measures to support the Sustainable Grocers Initiative. We appreciate all of her hard work over the summer and will miss her.


Lauren, a summer intern from the University of Vermont, helped support the development of the Zero Waste Connection by working on the launch strategy and compiling resources for the Site. Lauren also helped develop a calendar of posts for the National Sustainable Lodging Network that will be rolled out in the coming months. The thoughtfulness and energy she brought to this work was greatly appreciated.
Hazardous Waste Program

Hazardous Waste Training

Over the past few months, NEWMOA held regular conference calls on such hazardous waste topics as:

  • EPA's cathode ray tube (CRT) export rule
  • The five most frequent violations that RCRA inspectors find
  • E-waste hazardous waste regulatory issues
  • Generators that are in foreclosure or bankruptcy or closing for another reason

These training calls are for state and federal hazardous waste inspectors and other compliance and enforcement staff and regulatory development staff.  

Waste Site Cleanup Program

DNAPL Workshops

A September 17 and 18 workshop took place in CT and MA and focused on investigating and remediating sites with dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) contamination, including:

  • DNAPL properties and behavior in the subsurface
  • High resolution site characterization
  • Matrix diffusion and mass flux concepts
  • Establishing realistic remedial goals
  • Remedial approaches and technologies
  • Evaluating compliance
  • Practical strategies for smaller sites
  • Guidance and tools

 Upcoming workshop topics include:

  • March 2015: TCE and Vapor Intrusion
  • June 2015: 1,4 Dioxane Assessment and Remediation

To be added to the NEWMOA email list for notices about future waste site cleanup workshops, email Jennifer Griffith

Solid Waste & Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Program


NEWMOA has partnered with several rural communities in Vermont and New Hampshire to promote "save money and reduce trash" or SMART programs. Communities across the U.S. that have implemented these programs, often called "pay-as-you-throw" (PAYT), "variable rate pricing," or "unit-based pricing" have found them to be an effective way to incentivize residents to reduce waste disposal and increase recycling. NEWMOA staff is working with targeted solid waste management authorities to educate municipal leaders, residents, solid waste haulers, facility operators, and recycling coordinators to promote the benefits of SMART. NEWMOA has developed case studies and outreach materials and conducted meetings and workshops.  More meetings and workshops will be held this fall.

Pollution Prevention & Sustainability Program

Zero Waste Connection

NEWMOA is launching a professional network of zero waste program managers and staff from federal, state, and local
programs and independent experts that support these programs. The Network:

  • Provides forums for zero waste professionals to share information on program development and implementation
  • Fosters innovation through the exchange of ideas in real time
  • Increases the adoption of zero waste practices among practitioners
  • Increases awareness of zero waste opportunities and resources
  • Elevates the profile of zero waste programs

The Network is expected to launch on or around September 30th. Check it out and become a member so you can join the conversation.

Green Chemistry Connection

NEWMOA is taking the Green Chemistry Connection national. Members use the site to network and share information and resources. Features include:

  • Discussion Forum - share comments and ideas or post questions
  • Blogs - share views, expertise, and experience
  • News - learn about what's happening
  • Events - post announcements
  • Groups - connect with others interested in a green chemistry topic
  • Chat - connect in real-time with others logged-in to the site
  • Library - post information, including links to websites, publications, videos, case studies, curriculum and training materials, promotional materials, resource lists, and businesses
  • Member Directory - identify green chemistry organizations, companies, and academic researchers
  • Social Media - share what's going on at GreenChemConnect.org through other networking sites
  • Jobs Board

 Grocery Initiative

 There are a significant number of opportunities at grocery stores to promote  reductions in energy and water use; advance reduction, reuse, and recycling of  various materials and wastes; improve management of storm water; and promote  the sale and use of greener products. These measures can help mitigate greenhouse  gases, conserve natural resources, create a healthier environment for employees and  customers, and save money.  


A number of NEWMOA's members are in the process of piloting sustainable or "green" business programs focused on grocery stores and have decided to work together.  To support their efforts, NEWMOA launched a Regional Sustainable Grocers Initiative in 2012. A number of the large chains in the region, like Hannaford, Shaw's, and Stop and Shop operate in multiple states making an interstate approach to the sector sensible and efficient for state programs and grocers. NEWMOA's Sustainable Grocers Workgroup facilitates information sharing and coordination of our members that are developing sustainable grocers programs. The group is focused on:
  • Increasing adoption of sustainable practices in grocery stores
  • Recognizing the achievements of those within the sector
  • Measuring the environmental benefits of the initiative

The Workgroup is developing a workbook and online system to enable grocers to apply for recognition. The e-recognition system will include built-in calculators to help the grocers and the state programs estimate environmental improvements associated with the initiative. NEWMOA plans to launch the online system later this year.

Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse (IC2)
The IC2 has launched a new website - theic2.org. The site features an updated appearance and makes it easier for visitors to find IC2's signature online databases, including:
  • Priority Chemicals, which provides a searchable database that combines state lists of priority chemicals so users can find chemicals on one or more state lists, identify source lists for the chemicals, identify hazards and toxicity characteristics associated with the chemicals, and links to additional information on the chemicals
  • Chemical Hazard Assessments, which enables users to search for GreenScreenŽ and Quick Chemical Assessment Tool (QCAT) assessments to promote awareness of hazard assessments conducted on chemicals of high concern, facilitate transparency and discussion, and reduce duplication of effort
  • State Chemicals Policy, which enables users to search for passed and pending state-level chemicals legislation by state, region, status (e.g., enacted, proposed, and failed), policy category (e.g., pollution prevention, single chemical restriction), chemical, and product type (e.g., children's products, cleaning products).

The site also includes the IC2 Alternatives Assessment Guide (Guide). The Guide includes three ways in which an AA can be conducted.


Check out the new site and send us your comments and suggestions.

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To develop, lead, and sustain an effective partnership of states that helps achieve a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment by exploring, developing, promoting, and implementing environmentally sound solutions for:

  • Reducing materials use and preventing pollution and waste
  • Properly reusing and recycling discarded materials that have value
  • Safely managing solid and hazardous wastes
  • Remediating contaminated sites

Connecticut    Maine    Massachusetts    New Hampshire    New Jersey    New York    Rhode Island    Vermont

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