October Talks on Tuesdays Webinar
Looking for ideas to help your staff continue to develop their coaching skills? Join us to learn more about how you can use a new resource: Virginia's Coaching Facilitation Guide, to do just that. This 129-page resource is designed to help master coaches, program supervisors, and local system managers lead a book study using The Early Childhood Coaching Handbook (Rush & Shelden, 2011) and facilitate learning activities at staff meetings about using coaching with families. The guide includes detailed activities (instructions and handouts) that you can use to reinforce important coaching concepts. An implementation project will also be discussed, which includes monthly online support for program leaders who are implementing the guide with their localities. Don't miss this opportunity to keep the learning happening in your program!
Dana Childress

Dana Childress, M.Ed. is an Early Intervention Professional Development Consultant with the Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. She has worked in the field of early intervention for almost 20 years as an early childhood special educator, service coordinator, supervisor, trainer, and writer. She currently works as part of Virginia's early intervention professional development team developing professional development resources and conducting web-based and in-person training. She manages content for the Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center and writes the Early Intervention Strategies for Success blog. She is the co-author of the book, Family-Centered Practices in Early Intervention: Supporting Infants and Toddlers in Natural Environments. Her interests include family centered practices, autism spectrum disorders, supporting family implementation of intervention strategies, and finding ways to help bridge the research to practice gap through interactive professional development for in-service early intervention practitioners. She regularly presents workshops in VA and has presented at state, national, and international conferences.  
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