Training Calendar
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frequently for current conferences, webinars and other professional development opportunities provided both by the VEIPD Center as well as other agencies and organizations.
During the month of August a survey was sent three times to all certified EI providers and service coordinators, Local System Managers, and any other constituents that participate in Talks on Tuesdays (ToTs) webinars. The survey was an opportunity to provide feedback and gain insight into how participants access ToTs. If you would like to see the survey specifics, click here to download the results. One important question related to whether we should change the time for ToTs. Since the majority of respondents chose to keep ToTs from 12:00-1:00PM, we will continue with our regular time. Additionally, we did not have feedback regarding any technology snafus. If you ARE having difficulty, please contact either Cori Hill or Dana Childress so we might be able to troubleshoot. THANKS to those who took the time to respond to our survey!
The Integrated Training Collaborative (ITC) coordinates Virginia's Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) which is the professional development system for early interventionists who provide supports and services to eligible children and families under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
MONTHLY FEATURED TOPIC - Supports and Services, Frequency and LENGTH | |
Have you heard the change in the most recent federal Part C regs? For more years than many of us can count, we've talked about 'frequency and intensity.' The recent regulations clarified that "intensity" refers to whether the service is provided on an individual or group basis and "length" is the term for the amount of time the service is provided in each session. While it may take a little practice to make this change and there is not an overabundance of research on this topic, check out these resources that may give you some guiding questions to consider:
For assistance with accessing any of these resources, email Dana Childress.

Kaleidoscope: New Perspectives in Service Coordination, Levels I and II are required professional development trainings for all new service coordinators (although all are invited!) Trainings are held twice per year in cadres (KI and KII occurring in same location, one month apart) so that service coordinators have the opportunity to learn with each other for both Kaleidoscope sessions. Spring Kaleidoscope sessions take place in the Valley region during March (KI)/April (KII). Fall Kaleidoscope sessions are scheduled in the Richmond region during September (KI)/ October (KII).
KI will be held September 16 and 17, 2015. Registration is closed.
KII will be held October 19 and 20, 2015. Registration closes on October 2nd. To register for KII, click here.
Talks on Tuesdays (ToTs) are one-hour webinars designed to provide free online training opportunities related to important topics in early intervention. Topics chosen for the Talks on Tuesdays webinar series are based on feedback from EI practitioners about what they need to know more about! ToTs are held on the first Tuesday of the month from 12:00-1:00PM.
Our September ToT featured a new format called, "Web Discussion: Frequency & Length of Early Intervention Services." We'd love to hear what you think about this format so send us a quick email. To view this archived webinar, access the chat dialogue, and download a tip sheet generated from the web discussion entitled "10 Tips for Managing the Frequency & Length Discussion," please visit the 2015 Talks on Tuesdays Recordings page.
Plan to join us for our October ToT, "3...2...1...Blast Off! - Launching Virginia's Coaching Facilitation Guide" presented by Dana Childress and Cori Hill.