September Talks on Tuesdays Webinar
Join us to discuss the frequency and intensity of early intervention services. We will explore patterns of frequency and intensity across programs and how we make these decisions about service delivery. Using a web-discussion format, you will join the discussion by sharing your insights and answers to open-ended questions in chat, such as "How do you determine how much is enough?" and "What do you do when a physician sends the script with a high frequency of services?" Come prepared to learn from your colleagues and share your thoughts about this topic!

Cori Hill, M.Ed., and Dana Childress, M.Ed., will be co-facilitating this web-discussion. They are both employed by the Partnership for People with Disabilities at VCU as part of Virginia's Integrated Training Collaborative, which coordinates the state's comprehensive system of personnel development for early intervention service providers. For more information about Dana or Cori, please visit the Contact Us page on the Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center site.
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