Engaging Families During VIsits



In this session, participants will learn from a family's perspective about the important elements of engaging families during intervention visits. Through the sharing of Kim's personal journey of raising young daughters, participants will consider the relationship between early intervention services and families' everyday lives. Participants will explore ways they can more effectively provide services and supports to families and begin to assess their own understanding of family assessment and coaching practices. Participants will leave the session with ideas that they can implement immediately to have a positive impact on relationships with families receiving services through their program.

Kimberly Travers
Kimberly Travers, M.Ed.,

Kimberly Travers is dedicated to enhancing the lives of families and their young children, focusing on Part C Early Intervention policy, practice, and support. Kim's experience and expertise, both professionally and personally, are critical elements that she brings to many councils, boards, and workgroups, as well as professional development activities.  Her passion for family centered evidence-based practice that can be seen during her presentations and advisory work inspires families and professionals to team more successfully. Kim has extensive experience at the local, state, and national levels in the field of early intervention, family centered practices, and program evaluation.  Kim's work experience includes service provision and service coordination to infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families, training and technical assistance, and policy recommendations.  Kim's journey as a parent of a child with a disability elevated her understanding about the importance of the family voice and informed decision making at all levels.

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