April , 2013 - Vol 18, Issue 4 |
|  Don't forget to buy your tickets for the Steak Dinner coming in May. See Dave Atkinson at the April Meeting or give him a call to reserve a place for the Steak Dinner. |
The mission of the Punta Gorda Sailing Club is to foster racing, cruising, youth and disabled sailing for the enjoyment and betterment of its members and the community.
Our April 10th Meeting will be held at the
Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association
2001 Shreve St.
Social hour starts at 6:30 pm |
The largest PHRF Regatta on Charlotte Harbor
 | Ed Brauer |
Congratulations to Bob Knowles, Peter Welch, and Mary Rommel for organizing the largest PHRF Regatta on Charlotte Harbor.
The 20th annual Conquistador Regatta had 57 boats registered from Sarasota to Fort Meyers. Thanks to the many PGSC members that helped make the regatta a huge success. Our Vice Commodore, Dave Adkinson has competed in all 20 Conquistador Regattas. There was an after the race party at the Punta Gorda Boat Club on Saturday with over 200 guests. On Sunday, there was an awards ceremony, followed by a steak dinner with 130 dinners being served by club members and the Y's Men.
Frank Cushing, Bob Knowles, Dave Hanson, and Peter Welch produced a 15 minute video of the history of the Conquistador Regatta. There are over 200 pictures of sailboats that have competed in the races, and copies can be purchased for $5.00. Call or E-mail Ed Brauer if you would like a copy.
The Punta Gorda Sail Club will not be participating in this year's Dragon Boat Races due to lack of interest. However, you may want to take in all the festivities at Laishley Park on April 13th.
The after the meeting pizza and social gathering in the pavilion was attended by 27 members. We will have pizza after the April meeting and the cost will be $2.00 per person. Thanks Brenda Cordis for organizing and ordering the pizzas.
Good information regarding Scuba Diving
 | Dave Atkinson |
Please join us on April 10th for our monthly meeting. The guest speaker for this meeting will be Jim Joesph. Jim will be giving a talk on scuba equipment, and his experiences with scuba diving.
Our meeting May 8th will be our annual Steak Dinner. There will be no General Meeting that evening but an evening of fellowship with PGSC Members.
Steak Dinner Tickets will be $10.00 each and will be on sale at our April 10th. General Meeting. Sign up sheets will be available to help with the Steak Dinner. We need help with setup, kitchen and clean up.
Deadline for purchasing the Steak Dinner Tickets is May 2nd. Please email me at davejan07@comcast.net or call me at 941-575-1702. Call me after April 23rd for ticket reservations.
Those who prefer grilled chicken breast must specify that with their ticket reservation or ticket purchase.
The PGSC will provide:
Steak or Chicken Breast
A through L bring salad
M through Z bring dessert
Cost is $10.00 per person
Dave Atkinson, Vice Commodore
 | Speaker for the March Meeting, Mike Busher |
 | Welcome Committee: Sue and Gail |
 | Secretaries: Mary and Vicki |
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PGSC had a truly Great American Cleanup!
Saturday, March 9th PGSC had a truly Great American Cleanup.
Ron Weber, Sandy Anderson, John and Peggy Romano, Garrett and Carol Geiger, Butch and Mary Dorey, Philip Herron, Peter Welch, Ed and Joyce Brauer, Barry and Pat Neilsen, Bill and Vicki Welsch, Linda Hamilton, Avice Sumter, Nikki Goodman, and Jerry Haller.
Twenty volunteers in all, cleaned 5.1 miles of roadside in 3-1/2 hours. They cleaned 66 large garbage bags of trash, 30 bags of recycles, and many large items: signs, barricade, cooler, laptop screen, machete, car parts, and boards. Thanks to Vicki Welsch for a great lunch for all volunteers at Gilchrist Park.
Thanks to all of you for a fun day!
Mary Dorey 

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I am often asked ...............................
 | Jerry Haller |
Here is a question I am often asked. "What happens to the money collected from (you name the function)?".
Most of the time, the money goes into a general fund. Then the money is distributed as planned in the annual budget.
There are few exceptions. One such exception is money donated for "youth sailing". Since this money was donated for a specific purpose, then we only use it for that purpose.
When an activity collects more money than is needed to cover the expenses of that activity, the excess goes into the general fund. When an activity fails to collect enough to cover expenses, then money is taken from the general fund.
Jerry Haller, Treasurer
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Next race is April 14th; hope to see you all out on the water racing.
 | John Lange |
We have finished the first 4 races of the Spring Season and saw some minor mishaps and challenges. Only one protest that was solved amicably and all were happy with the results. The next race is April 14th; hope to see you all out on the water racing.
Special thanks to the cooks and crews and all the potluck dishes for the after race picnics, you have really been spoiling us. Reminder, the after race picnics are for the entire club, you don't have to be a racer to attend.
Hats off to the team for the Conquistador Cup Regatta lead by Bob Knowles and Pete Welch. GREAT JOB Team! Pete wrote a really good article that was published In the March 7th edition of the Waterline Magazine. If anyone wants a link to the article so you can read it online, send an email to john@CharlotteHarborSails.com
Thanks to Pete Welch for spearheading the Saturday Fun Pursuit, GREAT JOB PETE. Unfortunately for us, Pete is going to be traveling this summer and will not be here to run the Saturday races. If another member would like to step forward and continue on, give me a call at 941-380-7152.
Plans are being made for the Race for the Rum on April 21, 2013; keep your eyes on www.pgscweb.com for Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions.
Wednesday Small Boat races are on hold until the Community Sailing Center finds a new home.
Dennis Peck and the Community Sailing Center are planning the Hibiscus Cup on May 11, 2013 for One Design racers up to and including 19' Flying Scotts. Dennis and his team would appreciate any input and assistance that the club members may be able to help out with.
Summer Series is coming up, if you are going to be here and involved in at least one race, please send an email to let me know your intentions.
Once again I challenge each boat to include youth or young adults as crew on their boats. This young talent is eager and has the stamina to do all the things you used to do, if you would just spend some time and take a kid sailing. Contact Dennis Peck at the Community Sailing Center and see if he can make some recommendations.
If you are interested in spending a day on the water, right in the middle of the racing action for FREE, contact Marge Lange 941-380-7153 to participate on the committee boat crew.
The toughest thing you might need to do is apply your own sun tan lotion.
John Lange, Fleet Racing Captain
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Plans for the South Cruise are to meet at Pelican Bay the night of April 8th
 | Nick Maggio |
Bob Mudge
The weather did not cooperate for the cruise to Matlacha. Thanks to Chuck Cordis for volunteering to Captain the cruise and for his efforts at coordinating with the Bridge Tender and Bert's Bar even though no one got there. Everyone decided that the stiff south wind could be a problem with the anchorage, certainly a wise call by all.
There are over 30 people signed up for the south cruise, not counting boats that are leaving around Easter and others toward the middle of the month. If you have not received an email but want to find out what is going on please give Bob Mudge a call to be included in the correspondence.
The plans are to be at Pelican Bay the night of April 8th and head south the next day. It looks like the group may be together for the first few days and then split up into smaller groups. Bob Mudge has asked everyone to let him know their preferences and thus far has only heard from 5 people. Please get back to him so that he can put boats with similar plans in touch with each other.
The Memorial weekend cruise is always popular so be sure and mark your calendars for the weekend of May 25th. Nick and Bob will be on the South Cruise on April 10th so there will not be a cruising table at the meeting. If you have not previously signed up you can always email us or wait until the May meeting. This is an event that we need to know how many are going to attend and actually collect a small payment for food, etc. prior to the cruise. We will let you know what that amount will be in the May Jib Sheet so you can bring your money to the May meeting.
See you all on the water.
Bob Mudge and Nick Maggio, Fleet Co-Captains- Cruising
The 20th Annual Conquistador's Cup Regatta...............The pursuit of fun and 100 sails on Charlotte Harbor
Jerry Poquette, Winner Conquistador Cup Regatta
The 20th was exactly what founders Dave Hansen and E. David Johnson would have hoped for (except?). The 55 boats entered is great by SW Florida standards but still short of aspirations. There were two great days of racing and three evenings of great social interaction. The original concept of an event for the whole community is still supported by the actions of the Royal Order of Ponce de Leon Conquistadors (ROPC), 25 local sponsors, and the scores of volunteer race officials and party workers.
Hand wringing always sets in a week before the event by weather prognosticators. This year the buzz was "ain't gonna happen" too cold and too much wind. If you backed off because of this you missed some of the best sailing fun and challenge to be had around here.
The morning wind challenged with low velocity, spotty/variable touchdown points on the Harbor and some 50 plus degrees of directional shift. It took a combination of patience, skill, and luck to keep moving in the correct direction.
The afternoon winds approached 18 knots average with gusts perhaps 5 knots greater and lulls 5 knots less. How to pick the correct sail size? Both too much and too little is slow. Boats that could "switch gears" via quick sail changes or continuous manipulation of sail shape and angle profited. Skipper Steve Romaine of "Air Supply" reported three headsail changes from largest to smallest. Feather weight multihull boats that can sail a reach at wind speed had exhilarating hairy closing speeds to course markers and slower boats.
At the end of the day Saturday there were some damaged sails and sore muscles. No collisions or protests were recorded. Like any sport, the stories at day's end are a little exaggerated and very entertaining. The venue for these was the Punta Gorda Boat Club, where there were sailor style parties Saturday and Sunday afternoon. The Y's Men provided hydration and snacks that had people hanging in longer than the usual check of results. It didn't take long before the "bench racing" sound level challenged the PA's ability to bring order. West Marine sponsored a raft of door prizes. Their Punta Gorda store manager, Henry Hoenk, drew tickets to determine the winning skippers. Smiles by the giver and recipients were luminous.
Pete Welch
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...help new members feel welcome!
 | Mary Dorey |
 | Vicki Welsch |
If you joined the PGSC sometime in the last 6 years, your introduction to the club was probably made easier because of the friendly members of the Welcome Committee. New members and visitors are greeted and provided with information and made to feel welcome.This committee is looking for new members. Here is your chance to help your club by volunteering to be friendly to other sailors interested in the PGSC. This volunteer duty doesn't require any training or previous experience, just a willingness to smile. You don't have to live in PG year round to help out. Please contact us at secretary@pgscweb.com and volunteer to welcome others into the PGSC.
Speaking of new members, be sure to introduce yourself to all the new members that have joined our club this year. We have a total membership of 211 members and 24 of these just joined in the last few months. Let's be sure to welcome everyone.
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Lessons Learned While Racing In The Conquistador Cup Regatta |
Triple Fox will return to racing soon!
Racers were happy to see Roger Rommel at the Sunday night dinner after his boat flipped during Saturday racing.
Roger's Story: Spinnaker stuck and a crew member went forward to release the spinnaker and it was just enough weight to have the boat pitch pole. Other factors: too much wind to the mark; needed to douse the spinnaker in a hurry.
Lessons Learned:
(1) You can't put a life vest on after an accident; it's like buying hurricane insurance AFTER Charlie hit. DOESN'T WORK. RULE: ALWAYS WEAR A LIFE VEST.
(2) All committee, chase and rescue boats need to have a throw-able, tethered line; at the very least a rope long enough to reach a distance.
(3) At a rescue, place the rescue boat down wind or down current to make it easier for those needing rescue to get to the boat.
All said and done, everyone aboard Triple Fox performed well and the committee boat did an admirable job.
All is well that ends well. We appreciate all that the PGSC does to encourage racers and we'll return to the course soon.
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Help Support Club Events
While shopping at Laishley Marine, be sure to tell the clerk you are a member of PGSC. Your sale will be accumulated with other member sales and 5% of the total will be returned to the club to help support our programs.
PGSC CALENDAR | Small Boat Racing Every Wednesday at Noon
April 2013
April 6-7: Leukemia Cup, Big Boat
April 8: South Cruise (up to3 weeks)
April 10: Monthly Meeting
April 14: Spring Series #5
April 18: Gilchrist Anchor Out
April 20: Small Boat Races
April 21: Rum Runner Race
April 28: Spring Series #6
May 2013
May 4: Race Makeup Day (if needed)
May 8: Monthly Meeting - Steak Dinner
May 11: Hibiscus Cup
May 12: Mother's Day
May 14-18: Bone Island Regatta
May 16-19: Gilchrist Anchor Out/ Mayakka River Cruise
May 18: Small Boat Races
May 19: Specialty Race
May 25-27: Memorial Day Cruise
To print a copy of the PGSC 2013 Calendar in its entirety, please visit our PGSC website at:
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If you'd like to receive the Jib Sheet and other emails to a 2nd email address for your household, just email Vicki at secretary@pgscweb.com.
All PGSC members are welcome to submit items
for sale/wanted to jseditor@pgscweb.com |
Interested in Sailing the Greek Islands in 2013
Toli and Rita Simos would like to meet Punta Gorda Sailing Club Members who would like to sail the Greek Islands.They have been sailing the Greek Waters since the early eighties and are very familiar with them. Their friend, Panouseris (visit www.panouseris-yachts.com ) owns and charters seven sailboats (40'to 50') mostly monohull Beneteaus. Every year they charter a boat and spend part or the summer visiting the Greek Islands. We invite old and new friends to join us in our travels. My favorite ports are around the Athens area, mostly in the Saronic and the Peloponese, and part of the Aegean . It depends on the mood and the time, we try to stay away from the "in islands" which are inundated with Tourists and concentrate on islands that have true Hellenic beauty and offer Greek hospitality.The website has all seven boats. We recommend a minimum of two week stay.
Contact Toli and Rita at:
New 2012 Coleman Inflatable 8'6" with warranty, has interlocking aluminum floor - seat
stoage bag, pump, repair kit and aluminum oars.
2012 Coleman Inflatable - $750
2012 Coleman 5hp 4 stroke motor with warranty, used 2 hours $795
New vertical stand for storing inflatable and motor - $100
If interested, contact Roger Rommel at 315-525-2364 or 941-505-6941
Catalina 30 Mark II
Tall Rig, Wing Keel
Year: 1990 - $34,000
Chuck & Sandi Witzke
Beautifully maintained boat with too many options to mention in this ad.
Please call Chuck and Sandi for a list of all the options.
Keel: Shoal draft, tall rig
LOA: 29 ft., 11 in
Beam: 10ft., 10 in
LWL: 25 ft
Maximum draft: 3ft, 10 in
Call Frank Kudrna, 941-764-9212
Used 45# CQR
Asking $225
Bill Dixon - 941-769-0297
Fortress FX37 with optional mud plams
Asking $250
Bill Dixon - 941-769-0297