We are trying out new formats, please let us know what you think.
All Conference E-Mail
Annual Reporting Continues
All Data Collection will be Done Online
There are NO paper forms this year

Accessing the Data Hub Instructions

Alternately, you will find a link to the Data Hub at
Please be sure to read Church Instructions
and watch the tutorials at the site above before beginning. If AFTER reading the instructions and watching the tutorials you still have questions please feel free to contact Anne Hodgman in the Conference Office at 207-622-3100 or at
Please submit your data as early as possible to avoid potential delays if you should need assistance. 
Please view the videos before calling the conference for assistance.

The Data Hub will be available until midnight on March 8, 2017

Maine School of Ministry
2017 Winter/Spring Courses
Two courses will be offered for the 2017 Winter/Spring Semester.  Each will meet at the Maine UCC Conference Center, One Weston Court, Suite 104, Augusta, ME 04330.
(Students may call-in using the Conference's Zoom video conferencing capacity)

BibSt-Fdn 2:
"Apostles, Epistles, Apocalypse: The Best of the Rest of the New Testament." 
Register here

PrTh-Pb 2:
"An introduction to Congregational Life and Pastoral Leadership."  
Register here
Registration is Open!

Calling All Bylaws!

The Maine Conference frequently receives requests from churches asking for sample Bylaws.  We would like to create a resource page on the Conference website posting several samples.  If you have an electronic version of your most recent/updated church Bylaws, which you would be willing to share, please e-mail Rev. Darren Morgan

Starting Simple
by Bob Sitze
In today's complex and busy world, people yearn for simpler lives. Bob Sitze offers Starting Simple to help readers live joyfully and justly. Because Sitze believes conversations change us as individuals and that most important social changes take place through conversation, he invites us into heart-to-heart conversations about simple living. Sitze helps readers and others in their congregations: Learn what the Scriptures have to say about living a godly life in these times. Find ways to repent of unsustainable lifestyle choices. Gather courage to change the ways we think and live. Speak and listen to the struggles of others, with honesty and respect. This practical book includes side trips filled with thoughtful quotes, short stories, and activities. Readers may use it to spark conversations, invite sharing, make decisions, ask for forgiveness, or encourage others who are ready to change. Congregations will find it a good guide for small group discussions, family negotiations, or educational programming.
We have one copy of this resource available to borrow.
The Conference website and the Library cart are now working, or you can send requests to resourcecenter@maineucc.org
or call 1-800-244-0937 or 207-622-3100. Please be aware that once you enter a search item you will be taken to a page that says "Grace Presbytery" in the upper left hand corner. You are in the right place. This is our catalog web host. The Resource Center is the lending library for the Maine Conference.



February 27 - May 5: New Online Course Offering from The BTS Center

"Course Corrections" Will Explore Generative Responses to Spiritual Disruption

When the apostle Paul is confronted with the resurrected Christ on the road to Damascus, he is rendered blind by a brilliant light from heaven. The storyteller reports that although Paul's eyes were open, "he saw nothing" (Acts 9:8). For those of us facing forceful disruptions to the stories of our lives, this is a palpably familiar experience. With eyes we know are open, we look out at our families, our work or our churches, at our communities or our nation - and sometimes at our very selves - with a confused and uncomprehending gaze. Known features become oddly unrecognizable and we simply cannot see how the stories will continue to unfold.  
Regular Registration: $425
Early Bird Registration: $375 (through Feb. 13th) 
Convocation Price: $300 (to those who attend Convocation 2017) 

For more information or to register, click 
This Link   
Invitation to the Installation of
Rev. Cordelia Strandskov
You are invited to share the joy with the Norway Second Congregational Church UCC as the church installs  
Rev. Cordelia Strandskov as their pastor and teacher on Sunday, February 26, 2017 at 2 p.m.
Installation is at 2 p.m. with Rev. Emily Goodnow, Bridgton, preaching. Representatives from the Association, join the church to install Cordelia.
Rev. Darren Morgan, Maine Conference Associate Conference Minister, brings greetings from the Maine Conference. 
Members of the Second Congregational Church will provide refreshments following the Service of Installation.  

2017 Boundary Awareness Training
Events sponsored by the Maine Conference UCC

1. Boundary Awareness in the Digital Age
Rescheduled/New Date: 10AM - 3PM, Wednesday,
March 8, 2017 at Alfred Parish Church UCC,
Alfred $25.
2. Boundary Basics
10AM - 3PM, Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at the Maine Conference Center, Augusta. $25.

3. From Pulpit to Pew...
10AM - 3PM, Thursday, May 4, 2017 at Day's Ferry Congregational UCC, Woolwich. $25.

4. The Oxymoron of Boundaries in Rural Communities
10AM - 3PM, Saturday, October 14, 2017 at First Congregational UCC, Brewer. $25.

5. Clergy Boundary Awareness Training for Laity
10AM - Noon, Saturday, June 10, 2017 at the Maine Conference Center, Augusta. Free.

Trainings 1-4 above meet Maine Conference UCC Association requirements for clergy to maintain their ministerial standing (others should check with your Association Committee on Ministry). Lunch is included with daylong programs. For more information, contact the Maine Conference office at 207-622-3100 or conference@maineucc.org
To read more or register for a training,
SYC Post Winter Event
This year the weekend event will be held at North Windham Union Church during the weekend of March 24-26, 2017. We hope you can join us for an amazing weekend of activities and together time. 
Read more>>   Event permission slip
Run for office permission slip. 

SAVE THE DATE - May 6, 2017
An All Conference Workshop event is being planned for May 6, 2017. We are partnering with First Parish Church, UCC in Brunswick to offer this event which will consist of workshops during the day followed by an evening presentation by Diana Butler Bass. Read more about Diana here.

We are still working out the details, but be sure to save the date for what promises to be a fun, spirit-filled opportunity to gather as the Maine Conference UCC!

Where: First Parish Church, UCC, Brunswick, ME
When: Saturday, May 6, 2017 - full day and evening event
Who: You! and Diana Butler Bass
Watch the ACE for more details...

Questions: Please contact
Rev. Bill Walsh,
Conference Moderator,

The Saccarappa Boys and a Girl
Will be performing at the Falmouth Congregational UCC Coffee House Friday, February 10, 2017 at 6:30PM.  For more information

Ministry to Men Worship Service
First Parish Federated Church
in South Berwick on Thursday, February 16, 2017 starting with a Pizza Buffet and Fellowship at 6PM followed by Worship, then guest speaker the Rev. Peter Panagore. To learn more 
Summer Work Trip to Honduras
June 30 - July 8, 2017
Your Honduras Partnership Resource team is sponsoring a work trip to the medical clinic in Subirana, Honduras this summer.  It is being led by May Schumacher who has been leading trips for a decade.  The estimated cost of the trip will be $1,300, some of which is a donation to help build a better security fence around the clinic compound.  Up to 10 people can share this amazing experience. Learn more>>
The Downeast Spiritual Life Conference
"Your Spirit. Your World. Connecting Heart, Earth & Soul"
Friday July 21 to Sunday, July 23, 2017

Registration is open for the 2017 conference at the Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park, Winter Harbor, Maine. You are encouraged to register early since space is limited to 125 
For more information or to register 
go to http://downeastspiritual.org/ or call 207-374-5200.
Help Wanted/Classifieds
Seaside United Church of Christ
Is looking for a Church Administrator. The Church Administrator is a Part-time position based at the Parish Offices in Northeast Harbor. The position reports to the Pastor and works alongside the Congregation's Treasurer in relation to all bookkeeping Functions.  
To learn more>>
State Youth Council Advisors Needed 
Advisors for the Maine Conference UCC State Youth Council (SYC) should expect a time and leadership commitment.  Advisors for the SYC are volunteers who apply to the Executive Committee (EC) and Maine UCC Conference and are approved after a successful background check and interviews. The EC is the elected committee of youth who plan the SYC events, often in conjunction with Pilgrim Lodge (PL).  SYC is a youth lead Resource Team relying on Advisors.  There must be at least two adults at each meeting of the EC.  In the past, the commitment for SYC Advisors has been for three years, with the option to renew for a second three year period, pending the approval of the EC.   
Read more>>    Advisor Application

In This Issue
Quick Links
Beyond Our Borders
Last Chance for Free Website Setup
Get a new website for your church created by UCC web partner Ministry Designs and save on setup costs.

Pray for Ecuador on Sunday, February 12
In January 2016, a flood hit the small coastal town of Sua in Ecuador. This flood made an impact - it destroyed first floors of homes, leaving wait-high water lines on the walls, ruining furniture and personal belongings, and destroying small shops that line the streets of the town. Then, in April 2016, as the people of Sua were scarcely beginning to recover, a devastating 7.8 earthquake struck...
Keep Reading

Action: Sanctuary Movement
Learn more here.

The 46th Annual
  May 2 - 4, 2017
Pilgrim Pines
Conference Center
220 West Shore Road
Swanzey, NH 03446

For more information>>

Full Brochure

Register now>>
Registration is Open!
Registration for the United Church of Christ Musicians Association Event in Boston, MA,
July 9-12, 2017 is now open.
Click here to learn more or register.

Get Active with Heifer
Supporters around the country can get active with Team Heifer, our new Endurance program that gets people "moooving" through personal goals and community events, while raising money to change the lives of families around the world.
Learn more>>

be the church
August 16-19, 2017
at Concordia University

To learn more>>
Maine Conference UCC | 207-622-3100 | conference@maineucc.org | http://www.maineucc.org
Maine Conference UCC
One Weston Court, STE 104
Augusta, ME 04330