The Edge:  

A Resource for Iowa's Behavioral Health Professionals 

2013 Edition, Volume 47                           

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The Edge, a news scan for Behavioral Health Professionals in Iowa distributed by the Iowa Substance Abuse Information Center (ISAIC).     

The Edge strives to provide a glimpse of new trends, changes on the horizon in the field of substance abuse and problem gambling, and opportunities to increase your knowledge! If you have articles of value that you'd like to share with others across the state, or feedback regarding the content, format, or method of distribution, please email them to Emily at the address below.
We hope you enjoy this edition of The Edge!  Please continue to forward it to colleagues you think would be interested!  

Emily Blomme, ISAIC Program Manager

Bob Kerksieck, IDPH

Substance Abuse:
Noteworthy Articles
 and Studies


Heroin Epidemic Plaguing DuPage County

Heroin use is up all over the United States, but it's especially bad in Illinois.

Heroin is a drug that is cheap and available just about everywhere.  A $10 dollar bag can keep someone high for a day or two.  And addicts no longer have to drive down I290, the so called "Heroin Highway," to get to the west side of Chicago to buy it.   Drug dealers will deliver heroin right to your front door.

Many Americans Oblivious To What High-Risk Drinking Looks Like
 Many Americans are clueless when it comes to what high-risk drinking looks like and may not even realize they're binge drinking, report the experts at Caron Treatment Centers. In fact, according to Caron's new holiday survey, many people accept higher-risk drinking at holiday parties despite observing significant consequences of alcohol consumption such as drunk driving, sexual harassment and violence.      

Full-Text: Do Alcohol and Marijuana Use Decrease the Probability of Condom Use for College Women?  Alcohol and marijuana use are thought to increase sexual risk taking, but event-level studies conflict in their findings and often depend on reports from a limited number of people or on a limited number of sexual events per person. With event-level data from 1,856 sexual intercourse events provided by 297 college women we used multilevel modeling to examine associations between alcohol and marijuana use and condom use as well as interactions involving sexual partner type and alcohol-sexual risk expectancies.    

Children Think Poverty, Substance Abuse, DomesticAbuse Fuel Violence: ChildFund Global Survey
Report by India Education bureau, New Delhi:Children across the world believe that bad behavior, poverty, alcohol, drugs and social conflicts are the key drivers of violence in their countries, reveals a ChildFund global survey released today


Problem Gambling: 
Noteworthy Articles
 and Studies
Cash-strapped states have legalised gambling to boost revenues, but the social costs could outweigh the winnings

Australians tend to be sympathetic towards people with alcohol and other drug addictions who seek help but often view problem gambling as a "moral failing'', according to new research.

Parental Monitoring Lowers Odds of a Gambling Problem
Keeping an eye on your child can lower their odds for gambling by young adulthood, according to research conducted at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health.
Beyond the Casino Floor: Economic Impacts of the Commercial Casino Industry, released by the AGA in 2012, is the largest and most comprehensive study of the total impact of the commercial casino industry in nearly 15 years. The report examines not only the direct economic impact on communities where casinos are located, but the indirect and induced impacts of the industry and its employees nationwide. The study also measures the impact of the nongaming amenities that have become a crucial part of casinos' revenue streams.
Upcoming Trainings and Materials 


 ISAIC Training Calendar
Trainings around the state in the field of Behavioral Health, including national webinars and online train

ISAIC's new page for Professionals includes links to online libraries and databases, open positions in the field, and statewide training calendar.  Check back often for updates and submit open positions and upcoming trainings to be posted! 


Behavioral Health Webinar Series: Prescription Pain Medication Abuse: Not What the Doctor Ordered  Wed, Dec 4, 2013 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST.  

ATTC Webinar - Understanding prescription pain medication abuse.


Substances of Abuse and Treatment Approaches for Synthetics and Club Drugs
December 6, 2013, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm, IBC Office, Ankeny, Iowa 

Martha L. Thompson, PsyD, LPC, CAADC . Bath Salts, Jewelry Cleaner, Plant Food, Smiles, Crocodile; these are not your household cleaning products, happy things or anything on the Animal Plant Channel! The manufacturing and use of synthetic or "legal" drugs is on the rise. This training will provide an understanding of a variety of Synthetics and Club Drugs on the streets today.


Advancing the Strategic Prevention Framework in Iowa -- Contact Training Resources to Register!

4 Locations: December 2 - Moravia, IA, December 4 - Mason City, IA, December 5 - Sioux City, IA, December 9 - Cedar Rapids/Marion, IA.

The training will advance the comprehensive strategic approach to prevention known as the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). Challenges and successes related to the application of SPF will be explored. Lessons learned from the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Project will be described. Participants will also develop a shared vision of SPF in the future of Iowa's communities and counties. 



Did you miss a NCRG Webinar?  You can view archived webinars here.

Interested in getting Certified?  Click to find information about Iowa Problem Gambling Certification  or National Problem Gambling Certification 

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