It is about me, Simon today picking cherries.
Dear friends please forgive me for not sending you a new article this week. As I wanted to spend the day in my garden and not think about the sad things in this world.

report to you with something quite differentToday I spent the afternoon in my garden of Eden looking at God's amazing fruit.

My wife loves God's flowers. But I prefer God's fruit, because we can't eat flowers, well thats up to you.
But we can eat as much fruit as we like and never get fat.
Simon Brown
Yes the photo above is me you see in our garden at 6 pm UK time, today picking cherries from our tree. What an amazing God we have who makes such lovely tasty cherries from a little seed.

I felt like Adam in the garden of Eden picking and eating the lovely sweet cherries.
Simon Brown.

Sadly as we all know Adam and Eve ended up eating from the forbidden tree and here we are to day, trapped in bondage.

Thank God for Jesus who reversed the course of Adam and conquered Satan and death at the cross. 
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. 
Genesis 3:15
Here is the first ever recorded prophecy of Jesus hitting the snake (Satan) on the head. Meaning Jesus would be born from a woman (Mary) 
As Satan used the woman to bring down the Human race. God would use the woman to bring in the saviour of the world Jesus Christ who would severely  bruise and defeat Satan at the cross.     Jesus on the cross.

Yet again another prophecy of Jesus was fulfilled
Jesus you are the King of Kings. Amen.
May God bless you all and please look out for my next article next week.

Give your life to Jesus.